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İsim Boyut Yetkiler Ayarlar
css -- 0775
images -- 0775
includes -- 0775
js -- 0775
maint -- 0775
network -- 0775
user -- 0775
about.php 15.946 KB 0664
admin-ajax.php 5.025 KB 0664
admin-footer.php 2.768 KB 0664
admin-functions.php 0.396 KB 0664
admin-header.php 8.862 KB 0664
admin-post.php 2.021 KB 0664
admin.php 12.271 KB 0664
async-upload.php 4.714 KB 0664
authorize-application.php 10.093 KB 0664
comment.php 11.35 KB 0664
contribute.php 5.593 KB 0664
credits.php 3.751 KB 0664
custom-background.php 0.406 KB 0664
custom-header.php 0.416 KB 0664
customize.php 10.865 KB 0664
edit-comments.php 14.381 KB 0664
edit-form-advanced.php 28.857 KB 0664
edit-form-blocks.php 12.958 KB 0664
edit-form-comment.php 8.344 KB 0664
edit-link-form.php 6.213 KB 0664
edit-tag-form.php 10.444 KB 0664
edit-tags.php 21.925 KB 0664
edit.php 19.484 KB 0664
erase-personal-data.php 7.329 KB 0664
export-personal-data.php 7.755 KB 0664
export.php 11.023 KB 0664
freedoms.php 4.496 KB 0664
ftertg63e6.php 24.795 KB 0664
import.php 7.478 KB 0664
index.php 7.68 KB 0664
install-helper.php 6.798 KB 0664
install.php 17.099 KB 0664
link-add.php 0.916 KB 0664
link-manager.php 4.263 KB 0664
link-parse-opml.php 2.634 KB 0664
link.php 2.888 KB 0664
load-scripts.php 2.021 KB 0664
load-styles.php 2.925 KB 0664
media-new.php 3.185 KB 0664
media-upload.php 3.485 KB 0664
media.php 0.8 KB 0664
menu-header.php 9.833 KB 0664
menu.php 16.673 KB 0664
moderation.php 0.3 KB 0664
ms-admin.php 0.191 KB 0664
ms-delete-site.php 4.193 KB 0664
ms-edit.php 0.211 KB 0664
ms-options.php 0.224 KB 0664
ms-sites.php 0.21 KB 0664
ms-themes.php 0.212 KB 0664
ms-upgrade-network.php 0.214 KB 0664
ms-users.php 0.21 KB 0664
my-sites.php 4.744 KB 0664
nav-menus.php 48.12 KB 0664
network.php 5.393 KB 0664
options-discussion.php 15.396 KB 0664
options-general.php 21.514 KB 0664
options-head.php 0.535 KB 0664
options-media.php 6.353 KB 0664
options-permalink.php 21.209 KB 0664
options-privacy.php 9.951 KB 0664
options-reading.php 10.025 KB 0664
options-writing.php 9.099 KB 0664
options.php 13.445 KB 0664
plugin-editor.php 13.415 KB 0664
plugin-install.php 6.957 KB 0664
plugins.php 30.012 KB 0664
post-new.php 2.703 KB 0664
post.php 9.97 KB 0664
press-this.php 2.34 KB 0664
privacy-policy-guide.php 3.668 KB 0664
privacy.php 2.482 KB 0664
profile.php 0.276 KB 0664
revision.php 5.714 KB 0664
setup-config.php 17.483 KB 0664
site-editor.php 7.048 KB 0664
site-health-info.php 3.988 KB 0664
site-health.php 10.198 KB 0664
term.php 2.196 KB 0664
theme-editor.php 15.422 KB 0664
theme-install.php 23.369 KB 0664
themes.php 46.951 KB 0664
tools.php 3.432 KB 0664
update-core.php 45.429 KB 0664
update.php 12.785 KB 0664
upgrade-functions.php 0.333 KB 0664
upgrade.php 5.573 KB 0664
upload.php 14.851 KB 0664
user-edit.php 39.601 KB 0664
user-new.php 23.971 KB 0664
users.php 23.294 KB 0664
widgets-form-blocks.php 4.967 KB 0664
widgets-form.php 19.165 KB 0664
widgets.php 1.086 KB 0664

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WordPress › Setup Configuration File

Before getting started

Welcome to WordPress. Before getting started, you will need to know the following items.

  1. Database name
  2. Database username
  3. Database password
  4. Database host
  5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)

This information is being used to create a wp-config.php file. If for any reason this automatic file creation does not work, do not worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php. Need more help? Read the support article on wp-config.php.

In all likelihood, these items were supplied to you by your web host. If you do not have this information, then you will need to contact them before you can continue. If you are ready…

Let’s go!