The Pinup Database

Sammi Farra

Sammi has been a lover of pin-up kulture from a young age. She attended many car shows with her family, and won her first hoola hoop contest at age 5. She also won the first beauty pageant she ever entered at age 7.

Her step-grandfather introduced her to Marilyn Monroe with his collection of dolls, movies, and life-size prop. After seeing the movie Some Like It Hot, Sammi fell in love with Marilyn! Then in her teenage years Sammi found Bettie Page and her love for pin-up grew even further!

Sammi has always been very photogenic and started modeling in 2003. She has continued to expand her love of being in front of the camera and vintage style to her artwork today.

Sammi also loves serving the community as a dental professional and certified personal trainer.

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