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Rockabillaque Florida 2023 with Miss Rayzen Hell

The moment Simon Cantalon, the producer of Rockabillaque asked to be the official emcee of
Rockabillaque Florida 2023 I was ecstatic! I eagerly yelled “Hell Yeah!” OMG I am going to be the emcee!
Man, look at me grow! Then reality set in. Oh my gosh what did I just commit to? The anticipation has
been building up for months. What will I wear, what will I say, what will everyone think of me? How will I
do my makeup, oh goodness who is going to help me with my hair? Am I stage presence worthy enough!
Shit! I gained 20 lbs this past year! Oh my goodness why did I say yes to emcee Rockabillaque 2023?
Well suck it up Buttercup because you did and now it is time to Rock n Roll! And I did just that! What an
amazing experience this was for me! First call of duty, call Rockabilly Red (Joell Legge) down in Palm Bay,
FL! Why you ask? (if you didn’t I’m pretending you did lol) I am a fanatic for a killer head piece and she
makes ALL of my unique styles! This year she slayed my head piece! From Flamingos, lights, glitter,
orchids, and lavender it was all there! She nailed it! That was done, now what to wear? You would think
I was on top of my wardrobe game considering the gig but let’s face it…I’m a mom of two boys (a
baseball mom at that), a wife, a business owner, 40hr a week job, other previous commitments. I
literally waited 9 days before the show to put my outfits together! Go ahead judge all you want! I work
better under pressure! Thanks to Bella Poque for sponsoring some of my wardrobe this year and Rockin
Bettie for their great styles! Between those two I was set!
How many of you second guess yourself? I like quadruple guess myself! So here we are at 8:30pm on a
week night with Ms Dyna Might and Louie La Breeze literally like days before the show pulling this out
and that out, over nighting this, ordering that! Thank goodness for girlfriends! I am finally set!
I have attended Rockabillque Fl before but this year was the first year for Atomic Splash VIP Pool Party!
There was such much newness to look forward to! We were staying at the beautiful Seminole Casino in
Immokalee, FL (where the show was held). Did you know they have over 1400 slots machines? CHA
CHING lets win BIG while we are here! I had a whole schedule to run by and I was not mad at all by it
because it kept me on my toes! I started the weekend long event in the Zig Zag Lounge for the kick off
party with some of the best ofs like; my incredible supportive husband, Chad right by my side, Dolly Jax,
Tamara Daress, Millie Rose Mitchell, Danielle from Social Pin Magazine, and so many more! I see the big
screen and there it is my name MISS RAYZEN HELL in all caps as the official emcee! Chills are multiplying!
(Now I know how John Travolta felt like) First line of business was to introduce Jane Rose and the
Deadend Boys! What a fun night of meet and greets, networking, great music, cold drinks, and
wonderful friends! The night ended in all smiles and heading to bed by a decent time in order to prep
for the big day!
As soon as I stepped out of the casino to start the day the Florida Sunshine hit me and I was in Heaven! I
was treated like a celebrity! The stress of my hair and makeup was eliminated that Saturday morning by
Saray Barbaosa from L’Artiste Collective. I mean did you see my makeup and hair on show day? It was
impeccable! She took of me all day with muah needs. After I had the look down pat, I had a personal
shoot with Glitter Glam Studios that morning, (which I absolutely adore.) We did a private shoot in the
VIP area, and some surprise pics as well! Can NOT wait to see them! Chad (remember my incredible
husband) and I were then escorted over to the back stage. Call me a goober but it was like on TV! All you
can eat buffet, your own dressing room, all you drink, VIP passes, and just an all-around fun
Being on the stage and introducing such amazing bands like The Swayzees, Jared Petty & The Headliners,
The Shack Shakers (try saying that 3 times real fast- I was scared I was going to say the “sack” shakers

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Could you imagine? I’m laughing now just typing this) There were so many amazing bands! The pinup
contest hosted by Pinup Mami was one for the books! History was made with 32 contestants! Talk about
a tough call for the judges! The car show also hit a record of participants! They had to literally turn cars
away bc they ran out of room. Do you know how big that casino parking is? Vendors were rocking it all
day long. From Florida Ma’am with her infamous Florida inspired tees, Howl tattoo and Piercing who
also hosted the tattoo contest, The Parisian Hostess, Dali & Gala Boutique with her unique and custom
handmade custom pieces and so many more! I finally finished my duties around 10pm that night! Talk
about the blisters! Heels from 8am till 10pm will kick your tail! I was worn the hell out! I ended my night
with a wind don of drinks, friends, and more rockabilly music in the Zig Zag Lounge!
Passing out was an understatement after my day that Saturday! But make no mistake Simon Cantalon
produces such amazing events no matter how tired you are he makes you want to get up and get started
and keep going! This year he decided to add a rockabilly style pool party! He called it the Atomic Splash!
What am atomic event it was! All you can drink, eat, and be hosted by Miss Mille Rose Mitchell. What
more could you ask for? Oh, I know … maybe have your photos taken by the one and only Dolly Jax to
commemorate your trip! The pool party is where you wanna be after all this! It’s a place to kick back,
relax, raise hell and not be judged! Now that is a place for me, Miss Rayzen Hell!
This gig was one for the books for me! Apparently, I did something right, bc I was hired again for next
year already! Mark your calendars for Jan 2024 because it is one you do not want to miss! I hope I did
not bore you too much but raising hell at Rockabillauqe has been one hell of a ride!
Thanks again to Simon Cantalon
As always, raise hell and make memories
-Miss Rayzen Hell

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