#!/usr/bin/perl -T -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use re 'taint';
my $PREFIX = '/usr'; # substituted at 'make' time
my $DEF_RULES_DIR = '/usr/share/spamassassin'; # substituted at 'make' time
my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = '/etc/mail/spamassassin'; # substituted at 'make' time
my $LOCAL_STATE_DIR = '/var/lib/spamassassin'; # substituted at 'make' time
use lib '/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl'; # substituted at 'make' time
use Errno qw(EBADF);
use File::Spec;
use Config;
BEGIN { # see comments in "spamassassin.raw" for doco
my @bin = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
my $bin = ($bin[0] ? File::Spec->catpath(@bin[0..1], '') : $bin[1])
|| File::Spec->curdir;
if (-e $bin.'/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm'
|| !-e '/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm' )
my $searchrelative;
if ($searchrelative && $bin eq '../' && -e '../blib/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm')
unshift ( @INC, '../blib/lib' );
} else {
foreach ( qw(lib ../lib/site_perl
../lib/spamassassin ../share/spamassassin/lib))
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $bin, split ( '/', $_ ) );
if ( -f File::Spec->catfile( $dir, "Mail", "SpamAssassin.pm" ) )
{ unshift ( @INC, $dir ); last; }
sub usage {
die "
usage: sa-awl [--clean] [--min n] [dbfile]
use Fcntl;
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(locale_h setsid sigprocmask _exit);
our ( $opt_clean, $opt_min, $opt_help );
'clean' => \$opt_clean,
'min:i' => \$opt_min,
'help' => \$opt_help
) or usage();
$opt_help and usage();
$opt_min ||= 2;
BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File); }
use AnyDBM_File ;
my $db;
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
$db = $ENV{HOME}."/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist";
} else {
$db = $ARGV[0];
my %h;
if ($opt_clean) {
tie %h, "AnyDBM_File",$db, O_RDWR,0600
or die "Cannot open r/w file $db: $!\n";
} else {
tie %h, "AnyDBM_File",$db, O_RDONLY,0600
or die "Cannot open file $db: $!\n";
if (!$opt_clean) { # just pretend to be cleaning
while (my($key, $count) = each %h) {
next if $key =~ /totscore$/;
my $totscore = $h{"$key|totscore"};
next unless defined($totscore);
printf("%8.1f %15s -- %s\n",
$totscore/$count, sprintf("(%.1f/%d)",$totscore,$count), $key);
} else { # really do the cleaning
for (;;) {
my @delete_keys;
my $more;
while (my($key, $count) = each %h) {
next if $key =~ /totscore$/;
my $totscore = $h{"$key|totscore"};
next unless defined($totscore);
next if $count >= $opt_min;
printf("cleaning: %8.1f %15s -- %s\n",
$totscore/$count, sprintf("(%.1f/%d)",$totscore,$count), $key);
# according to perlfunc man page:
# If you add or delete a hash's elements while iterating over it,
# entries may be skipped or duplicated -- so don't do that.
# Exception: It is always safe to delete the item most recently
# returned by each(),
delete $h{$key}; # this is safe
push(@delete_keys, "$key|totscore"); # this should be postponed
# see Bug 6793 - reduce sa-awl memory usage
if (@delete_keys >= 10000) { $more = 1; last } # avoid worst case
delete $h{$_} for @delete_keys;
last if !$more;
untie %h;
=head1 NAME
sa-awl - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db
B<sa-awl> [--clean] [--min n] [dbfile]
Check or clean a SpamAssassin auto-whitelist (AWL) database file.
The name of the file is specified after any options, as C<dbfile>.
The default is C<$HOME/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item --clean
Clean out infrequently-used AWL entries. The C<--min> switch can be
used to select the threshold at which entries are kept or deleted.
=item --min n
Select the threshold at which entries are kept or deleted when C<--clean> is
used. The default is C<2>, so entries that have only been seen once are
=head1 OUTPUT
The output looks like this:
For example:
0.0 (0.0/7) -- dawson@example.com|ip=208.192
21.8 (43.7/2) -- mcdaniel_2s2000@example.com|ip=200.106
C<AVG> is the average score; C<TOTSCORE> is the total score of all mails seen
so far; C<COUNT> is the number of messages seen from that sender; C<EMAIL> is
the sender's email address, and C<IPBASE> is the B<AWL base IP address>.
B<AWL base IP address> is a way to identify the sender's IP address they
frequently send from, in an approximate way, but remaining hard for spammers to
spoof. The algorithm is as follows:
- take the last Received header that contains a public IP address -- namely
one which is not in private, unrouted IP space.
- chop off the last two octets, assuming that the user may be in an ISP's
dynamic address pool.
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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