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I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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