Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/languages/plugins/ninja-forms-fr_FR.po
# Translation of Plugins - Ninja Forms – The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You - Stable (latest release) in French (France)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Ninja Forms – The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You - Stable (latest release) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-03-03 17:52:45+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Ninja Forms – The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You - Stable (latest release)\n"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:504
msgid "This request is missing data for method delete_download_file"
msgstr "Cette requête n’a pas toutes les données pour la méthode « delete_download_file »"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:169
msgid "File path of the file to delete"
msgstr "Chemin du fichier à supprimer"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/DeleteBatchFile.php:32
msgid "File could not be deleted"
msgstr "Le fichier n’a as pu être supprimé"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/DeleteBatchFile.php:28
msgid "File was deleted"
msgstr "Le fichier a été supprimé"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/DeleteBatchFile.php:22
msgid "File could not be found for deletion"
msgstr "Le fichier n’a pas été trouvé pour sa suppression"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:80
msgid "Array of Submissions"
msgstr "Tableau d‘entrées"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:60
msgid "Update single Submission"
msgstr "Mettre à jour l’entrée unique"
#: includes/Actions/Save.php:35 includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:24
msgid "Record Submission"
msgstr "Enregistrer l’entrée"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:196
msgid "Form ID of the setting saved"
msgstr "ID de formulaire du réglage enregistré"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:190
msgid "Settings data"
msgstr "Réglages des données"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:184
msgid "Setting name in the submissionsSettings array"
msgstr "Nom du réglage dans le tableau de réglages des entrées"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:61
msgid "This setting is used to see the \"old\" submissions page. If you are experiencing issues with your submissions page, please notify us at %s.%sPlease refresh your settings page after saving this setting before navigating to the submissions page."
msgstr "Ce réglage est utilisé pour afficher l’ancienne page des entrées. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec votre page d’entrées, veuillez nous en informer sur %s.%sVeuillez actualiser votre page de réglages après avoir enregistré ce réglage avant d’aller vers la page des entrées."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:60
msgid "Show Legacy Submissions Page"
msgstr "Afficher la page héritée des entrées"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/CalculationsReact.php:97
msgid " - Parsed"
msgstr " - Analysé"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/CalculationsReact.php:90
msgid " - Raw"
msgstr " - Brut"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:138
msgid "Export submissions based on array of submissions IDs"
msgstr "Exporter les entrées sur la base d’un tableau d’ID d’entrées"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:132
msgid "Export single submission if a JSON encoded submission is passed"
msgstr "Exporter l’entrée individuelle si l’entrée encodée en JSON est passée"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:100
msgid "Extra Handler of Submission"
msgstr "Gestionnaire supplémentaire d’entrée"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:74 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:94
msgid "Update Submission"
msgstr "Mettre à jour l’entrée"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:32
msgid "Form IDs"
msgstr "ID de formulaire"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ExportSubmissions.php:116
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ExportSubmissions.php:172
msgid "Unable to write file."
msgstr "Impossible d’écrire sur un fichier."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ExportSubmissions.php:108
msgid "No Submissions to export."
msgstr "Aucune entrée à exporter."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:27
msgid "reCAPTCHA v2 Secret Key"
msgstr "Clé secrète reCAPTCHA v2"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:14
msgid "reCAPTCHA v2 Site Key"
msgstr "Clé de site reCAPTCHA v2"
#: includes/Actions/Recaptcha.php:366 includes/Actions/Recaptcha.php:375
msgid "Recaptcha validation failed. Please try again later"
msgstr "Échec de validation reCAPTCHA. Veuillez réessayer plus tard"
#: includes/Actions/Recaptcha.php:63
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v3"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:101 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Trigger Email Action"
msgstr "Déclencher une action par e-mail"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:398 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:464
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:526 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:592
msgid "This request is missing data"
msgstr "Cette requête a des données manquantes"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:222
msgid "Email Action Settings"
msgstr "Réglages d’action d’e-mail"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:216 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Submission ID"
msgstr "ID d’entrée"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:126
msgid "strtotime($date) that represents the end date we will retrieve submssions at."
msgstr "strtotime($date) qui représente une date de fin avant laquelle on récupèrera les entrées."
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:120
msgid "strtotime($date) that represents the start date we will retrieve submssions at."
msgstr "strtotime($date) qui représente une date de début à partir de laquelle on récupèrera les entrées."
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:114 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:152
msgid "Array of Form IDs we want to get the submissions from."
msgstr "Un tableau d’ID de formulaires pour lesquels on veut récupérer les entrées."
#: includes/Config/ActionRecaptchaV3Settings.php:18
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). Configure the score threshold for your form submission."
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v3 renvoie un score (1.0 est très probablement une vraie interaction, 0.0 est sûrement un robot). Configurez le seuil de score pour votre formulaire."
#: includes/Config/ActionRecaptchaV3Settings.php:15
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Score"
#: includes/Config/ActionRecaptchaV3Settings.php:14
msgid "Score Threshold"
msgstr "Seuil de score"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:30
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Date/Heure"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:104
msgid "This form is currently undergoing maintenance. Please %sclick here%s to reload the form and try again."
msgstr "Ce formulaire est actuellement en maintenance. Veuillez %scliquez ici%s pour le recharger et réessayer."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:566
msgid "Minute Increment"
msgstr "Incrémentation des minutes"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:556
msgid "24 Hour Input"
msgstr "Format 24 heures"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:549
msgid "Time Settings"
msgstr "Réglages de l’heure"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:537
msgid "Both Date & Time"
msgstr "Les deux"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:533
msgid "Time Only"
msgstr "Heure seulement"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:529
msgid "Date Only"
msgstr "Date seulement"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:524
msgid "Date/Time Mode"
msgstr "Mode date/heure"
#: includes/Fields/Repeater.php:28
msgid "Repeatable Fieldset"
msgstr "Jeu de champ répétable"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:364 includes/Display/Render.php:664
msgid "Add "
msgstr "Ajouter "
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:287
msgid "Repeatable fieldsets"
msgstr "Jeux de champs répétables"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:204
msgid "Drag and drop new fields from the right to create a repeatable set of fields."
msgstr "Glissez et déposez de nouveaux champs depuis la droite pour créer des jeux de champs répétables."
#: services/bootstrap.php:42
msgid "SendWP - Transactional Email"
msgstr "SendWP - E-mails transactionnels"
#: blocks/ninja-forms-blocks.php:19
msgid "Ninja Forms Blocks was unable to load."
msgstr "Les blocs Ninja Forms n’ont pas pu être chargés."
#: blocks/ninja-forms-blocks.php:14
msgid "Autoloader not found for Ninja Forms Blocks - try running <code>composer install</code>"
msgstr "Autoloader introuvable pour les blocs Ninja Forms - Essayez de lancer <code>composer install</code>"
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:202
msgid "Preview token failed validation"
msgstr "Échec de validation du jeton de prévisualisation"
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:174
msgid "Current page of the collection."
msgstr "Page actuelle de la collection."
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:166
msgid "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
msgstr "Nombre maximal d’éléments à retourner dans le jeu de résultats."
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:142 blocks/bootstrap.php:161
msgid "Unique identifier for the object."
msgstr "Identifiant unique de l’objet."
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:22 build/form-block.js:1
msgid "Ninja Form"
msgstr "Ninja Form"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:114
msgid "Don’t See Your Favorite Service Above? We Can Likely Still Help."
msgstr "Vous ne trouvez pas votre service préféré ci-dessus ? Nous pouvons sûrement vous aider."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:110
msgid "Never Miss an Important Submission or Lead Again!"
msgstr "Ne loupez plus un message important ou un prospect !"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:106
msgid "Generate More Leads Than You Ever Thought Possible"
msgstr "Générez plus de prospects que vous ne l’imaginez"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:102
msgid "Let Your Users Do More, and Do More for Your Users"
msgstr "Donnez plus de liberté à vos utilisateurs et aidez-les encore plus"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:98
msgid "Want to Attract More Subscribers to Your Mailing Lists?"
msgstr "Vous souhaitez attirer plus d’abonnés sur vos listes de diffusion ?"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:94
msgid "Accept Payments & Donations Without Breaking the Bank"
msgstr "Acceptez les paiements et les dons sans casser la banque"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:90
msgid "Better Document Sharing will Take Your Business Further"
msgstr "Un meilleur partage des documents développera votre activité"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:86
msgid "You Can Build Smart, Beautiful WordPress Forms!"
msgstr "Vous pouvez construire des formulaires WordPress intelligents et beaux !"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:90
msgid "Integrate with 1000+ More Services"
msgstr "S’intègre avec plus de 1000 services"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:89
msgid "Send SMS Form Notifications"
msgstr "Envoyez des notifications de formulaire par SMS"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:88
msgid "Document & Workflow Management"
msgstr "Gestion des documents et des processus"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:87
msgid "Manage Your Users Better"
msgstr "Gérez mieux vos utilisateurs"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:86
msgid "Connect to Your Email Marketing or CRM Account"
msgstr "Connectez-vous à votre service d’e-mailing ou CRM"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:85
msgid "Accept Payments & Donations"
msgstr "Acceptez les paiements et les dons"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:82
msgid "No Results Found."
msgstr "Aucun résultat."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:25
msgid "For your security, do not post this information in public places, such as the support forums."
msgstr "Pour votre sécurité, ne publiez pas cette information de manière publique tels que les forums de support de"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:21
msgid "This information is vital for addressing your issue in a timely manner."
msgstr "Cette information est vitale pour vous répondre rapidement."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:57
msgid "Accept credit card payments or donations from any form. Single payments, subscriptions, and more!"
msgstr "Acceptez les paiements par carte bancaire et les dons dans vos formulaires. Paiements uniques, abonnements et plus encore !"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:49
msgid "Let users upload files to your site! Restrict file type and size. Upload to server, media library, or cloud service."
msgstr "Permettez à vos utilisateurs de téléverser des fichiers sur votre site ! Créez des restrictions de types de fichier et de taille. Téléversez sur le serveur, la médiathèque ou un service cloud."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:41
msgid "Create multiple page forms with drag-and-drop. You don't need to code to build complex forms!"
msgstr "Créez des formulaires multi-pages en glisser-déposer. Vous n’avez pas besoin de coder pour faire des formulaires complexes !"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:33
msgid "Show & hide fields and pages, selectively send email, & much more! Build professional forms easily."
msgstr "Affichez et masquez des champs et des pages, envoyez des notifications de façon sélective et plus encore ! Construisez des formulaires professionnels rapidement."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:25
msgid "Drag & drop rows and columns, custom backgrounds, borders, & more without writing a single line of code."
msgstr "Utilisez des lignes/colonnes et personnalisez l’apparence de vos formulaires sans écrire de code."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:245
msgid "Additional Templates"
msgstr "Modèles supplémentaires"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:240
msgid "Available Templates"
msgstr "Modèles disponibles"
#: services/bootstrap.php:76
msgid "Invalid nonce."
msgstr "Nonce non valide."
#: includes/Abstracts/Field.php:158
msgid "This field is required."
msgstr "Ce champ est obligatoire."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:236
msgid "Please contact your host to upgrade your site's PHP version. %sRead more about updating your PHP version and WordPress%s."
msgstr "Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur pour mettre à jour la version de PHP. %sEn savoir plus sur la mise à jour de PHP et WordPress%s."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:232
msgid "An update is available for %s, however, you are not able to update at this time."
msgstr "Une mise à jour de %s est disponible, toutefois vous ne pouvez pas la lancer pour le moment."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:203
msgid "Please contact your host to upgrade your site's PHP version."
msgstr "Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur pour mettre à jour votre version de PHP."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:203
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:234
msgid "The new version requires at least PHP %s, and your PHP version is %s."
msgstr "La nouvelle version requiert au moins PHP %s et votre version est %s."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:240
msgid "Your request could not be verified. Please try again."
msgstr "Votre requête n’a pas pu être vérifiée. Veuillez réessayer."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/DeleteAllData.php:15
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Fields.php:23
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Preview.php:19
#: includes/AJAX/REST/RequiredUpdate.php:25
msgid "Access denied. You must have admin privileges to perform this action."
msgstr "Accès refusé. Vous devez avoir un rôle administrateur pour faire cette action."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:28 includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:149
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:168
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:20
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:47
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:65 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:22
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:48 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:71
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:15
msgid "Access denied. You must have admin privileges to view this data."
msgstr "Accès refusé. Vous devez avoir un rôle administrateur pour voir ces données."
#: includes/Libraries/Whip/NF_Php_Version_Whip.php:47
msgid "Please contact your hosting provider to upgrade your PHP version and prevent these issues. You should also make sure that your plugins and theme are tested with and support PHP version 7.2 or higher."
msgstr "Veuillez contacter votre hébergeur pour mettre à jour votre version de PHP et éviter ces problèmes. Vous devriez également vous assurer que vos extensions et thème soient compatibles avec PHP 7.2 ou une version supérieure."
#: includes/Libraries/Whip/NF_Php_Version_Whip.php:45
msgid "We have detected that your website is currently running an older version of PHP than is %srecommended by WordPress%s. This may cause security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and compatibility problems with many modern plugins including Ninja Forms."
msgstr "Nous avons détecté que votre site utilise actuellement une version de PHP inférieure de celle %srecommandée par WordPress%s. Cela pourrait provoquer des failles de sécurité ainsi que des problèmes de performance et de compatibilité avec des extensions modernes telles que Ninja Forms."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:872
msgid "Please wait %s seconds"
msgstr "Veuillez patienter %s secondes"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:376
msgid "* - Represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9) - This allows both numbers and letters to be entered."
msgstr "* - Représente un caractère alphanumérique (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) - Les chiffres et les lettres seront autorisés."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:375
msgid "9 - Represents a numeric character (0-9) - Only allows numbers to be entered."
msgstr "9 - Représente un caractère numérique (0-9) - Seules les chiffres seront autorisés."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:374
msgid "a - Represents an alpha character (A-Z,a-z) - Only allows letters to be entered."
msgstr "a - Représente un caractère alpha (A-Z, a-z) - Seules des lettres seront autorisées."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:15
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:71
msgid "Get a site key for your domain by registering %shere%s"
msgstr "Obtenez une clé de site pour votre domaine en vous inscrivant %sici%s."
#. Author of the plugin
msgid "Saturday Drive"
msgstr "Saturday Drive"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:191
msgid "Add Attachment"
msgstr "Ajouter une pièce jointe"
#: includes/Fields/ListImage.php:32
msgid "Select Image"
msgstr "Image"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:284
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "Options d’image"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:233
msgid "Show Labels"
msgstr "Afficher les libellés"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:221
msgid "Allow Multiple Selections"
msgstr "Autoriser les sélections multiples"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:206
msgid "Number of Columns"
msgstr "Nombre de colonnes"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:196
msgid "List Orientation"
msgstr "Alignement de liste"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:194
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Vertical"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:193
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Horizontal"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:14 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Form ID"
msgstr "ID de formulaire"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:144
msgid "User Username"
msgstr "Identifiant utilisateur"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:900
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Image"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:598
msgid "Confirm Reset"
msgstr "Confirmer la réinitialisation"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:597
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Réinitialiser"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:550
msgid "Please place one label on each line, separated by commas."
msgstr "Veuillez attribuer un libellé pour chaque ligne, séparés par des virgules."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:258
msgid "Failed to insert new form."
msgstr "Échec d’insertion d’un nouveau formulaire."
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:105
msgid "Chinese Yuan"
msgstr "Renminbi"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:179
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activé"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:101
msgid "Russian Ruble"
msgstr "Rouble russe"
#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:33
msgid "Field Meta Cleanup."
msgstr "Nettoyage des métadonnées du champ."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:186
msgid "SQL Version Variable"
msgstr "Variable de version SQL"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:588
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:596
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copier"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:358
msgid "Display Your Form"
msgstr "Afficher votre formulaire"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:214
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:172
msgid "Public Link"
msgstr "Lien public"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:66
msgid "The shortcode you can use to embed this form on a page or post."
msgstr "Le code court que vous pouvez utiliser pour embarquer ce formulaire dans une publication."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:62
msgid "Embed Your Form"
msgstr "Embarquer votre formulaire"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:53
msgid "A public link to access the form."
msgstr "Un lien public pour accéder à votre formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:50
msgid "Link To Your Form"
msgstr "Lien vers votre formulaire"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:44
msgid "If this box is checked, Ninja Forms will create a public link to access the form."
msgstr "Si cette case est cochée, Ninja Forms créera un lien public pour accéder au formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:40
msgid "Allow a public link?"
msgstr "Autoriser un lien public ?"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:54
msgid "Form Builder \"Dev Mode\""
msgstr "« Mode Dev » du constructeur de formulaires"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:45
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
msgstr "Ringgits malaysiens"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:179
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Désactivé"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:179
msgid "Ninja Forms \"Dev Mode\""
msgstr "« Mode Dev » de Ninja Forms "
#: includes/Integrations/sendwp.php:9 includes/Integrations/sendwp.php:67
msgid "Something went wrong. SendWP was not installed correctly."
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue. SendWP n’a pas été installé correctement."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:414
msgid "Some fields might not have been imported properly."
msgstr "Certains champs n’ont pas été importés correctement."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:106
msgid "Failed to read export. Please try again."
msgstr "Échec de lecture de l’export. Veuillez réessayer."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:71
msgid "No export provided."
msgstr "Aucun export fourni."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:178
msgid "Ninja Forms Gatekeeper"
msgstr "Gatekeeper de Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:177
msgid "Ninja Forms DB Version"
msgstr "Version de la base de données Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:22
msgid "Please select a Ninja Forms export. %sMust be in .nff format%s."
msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un export Ninja Forms. %sIl doit être en format .nff%s."
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:6
msgid "Form Imported Successfully. %sView Form%s"
msgstr "Formulaire bien importé. %sVoir le formulaire%s"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:154
msgid "Do Required Updates"
msgstr "Lancer les mises à jour requises"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:142
msgid "When you're ready, just click the \"Do Required Updates\" button below to get started. You'll be able to create and edit forms in no time."
msgstr "Lorsque vous le souhaiterez, cliquer sur le bouton « Lancer les mises à jour requises » ci-dessous pour commencer. Vous pourrez créer et modifier les formulaires peu de temps après."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:139
msgid "It's always a good idea to have an up to date backup of your WordPress site on hand. That's especially true when you run plugin and theme updates. Luckily, there are plenty of good backup plugins available."
msgstr "C’est toujours une bonne idée d’avoir une sauvegarde récente de son site sous la main. C’est d’autant plus vrai pour des mises à jour de thèmes et d’extensions. Heureusement, il existe plein de bonnes extensions pour ça."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:136
msgid "Normally, users will still be able to view and submit forms while these updates take place. If an update needs to modify database information, we'll put the affected form in maintenance mode until we get done with that update."
msgstr "Normalement, vos visiteurs continueront de pouvoir consulter et remplir les formulaires pendant que les mises à jour se font. Si jamais l’une d’entre elles doit modifier la base de données, nous mettrons le formulaire concerné en mode maintenance, le temps qu’elle finisse."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:133
msgid "Ninja Forms needs to run some updates on your installation before you can continue. You'll be able to create and edit forms after the updates listed below have completed."
msgstr "Ninja Forms a besoin de lancer quelques mises à jour sur votre installation avant de continuer. Vous pourrez créer et modifier les formulaires une fois que les mises à jour listées ci-dessous seront terminées."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:130
msgid "Required Updates"
msgstr "Mises à jour nécessaires"
#: includes/Display/Render.php:120
msgid "This form is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later."
msgstr "Ce formulaire est actuellement en maintenance. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:28
msgid "Cleanup Orphan Records"
msgstr "Nettoyer les enregistrements orphelins"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:23
msgid "Update Objects Tables"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les tableaux d’objets"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:18
msgid "Update Fields Tables"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les tableaux des champs"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:13
msgid "Update Forms Tables"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les tableaux de formulaires"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:8
msgid "Update Actions Tables"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les tableaux d’actions"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:134
msgid "Click this button if any of your forms are still in 'Maintenance Mode' after performing any required updates."
msgstr "Cliquez sur ce bouton si certains formulaires sont toujours en mode maintenance après avoir réalisé les mises à jour nécessaires."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:132
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:133
msgid "Remove Maintenance Mode"
msgstr "Retirer le mode maintenance"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:15
msgid "The email address used in this field will be allowed to make data export and delete requests on behalf of their form submission."
msgstr "L’adresse e-mail utilisée dans ce champ sera autorisée à faire des demandes d’export ou de suppression de données suite à l’envoi du formulaire."
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:79
msgid "In order to prevent errors, values may only contain a specific subset of characters ( a-z, 0-9, -, _, @, space ). You can use the option label in your success message(s) or email action(s) by adding the :label attribute to your list field merge tags. For example: {field:key:label}"
msgstr "Afin d’éviter toute erreur, les valeurs ne peuvent contenir que des caractères préalablement définis (a-z, 0-9, -, _, @, espace). Vous pouvez ajouter l’option de libellé dans vos messages de succès ou actions e-mails en ajoutant l’attribut :libellé à vos étiquettes de fusion de liste. Par exemple : {champ:clé:libellé}"
#: ninja-forms.php:1280
msgid "Once per week"
msgstr "Une fois par semaine"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:116
msgid "Downgrade to v2.9.x"
msgstr "Retour en v2.9x"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:192 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:218
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:115
msgid "Downgrade"
msgstr "Rétrograder"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:191 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:217
msgid " to confirm."
msgstr "pour confirmer."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:191 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:217
msgid "Type "
msgstr "Saisissez "
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:190 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:216
msgid "You WILL lose any forms or submissions created on this version of Ninja Forms."
msgstr "Vous PERDREZ tous les formulaires et toutes les entrées créés avec cette version de Ninja Forms."
#: includes/Fields/ListState.php:37
msgid "Select State"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un état"
#: includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:108 includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:127
msgid "Select Country"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un pays"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:97
msgid "Indian Rupee"
msgstr "Roupies indiennes"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:78
msgid "Max Value"
msgstr "Valeur max."
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:77
msgid "Min Value"
msgstr "Valeur min."
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:74
msgid "%sThis will also DELETE all submission data associated with this field.%sYou will not be able to retrieve this data later!%s"
msgstr "%sCela va aussi SUPPRIMER toutes les données d’entrées associées à ce champ.%sVous ne pourrez plus récupérer ces données ensuite !%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:125
msgid "This setting maybe helpful if your WordPress installation is not moving expired submissions to the trash properly."
msgstr "Ce réglage peut être utile si votre installation WordPress ne met pas correctement les entrées expirées à la corbeille."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:124
msgid "Trash Expired Submissions"
msgstr "Mettre à la corbeille les entrées expirées"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:123
msgid "Move To Trash"
msgstr "Déplacer dans la corbeille"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:174
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:194 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:220
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash all expired submissions?"
msgstr "Confirmez-vous la mise à la corbeille de toutes les entrées expirées ?"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:63
msgid "Sets submissions to be trashes after a certain number of days, it affects all existing and new submissions"
msgstr "Fais en sorte de déplacer les entrées vers la corbeille après un certain nombre de jours, cela affecte les entrées existantes comme les nouvelles"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:98
msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Configuration"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:74
msgid "How long in days until subs expire?"
msgstr "Combien de jours jusqu’à l’expiration ?"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:61
msgid "Set Submissions to expire?"
msgstr "Configurer l’expiration des entrées ?"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:96
msgid "Unable to update the service."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour le service."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:95
msgid "%sRedirecting to"
msgstr "%sRedirection vers"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:92
msgid "%sSince you’re using one of our Ninja Forms services, like Ninja Mail or our Add-on Manager, your site is connected to This allows us to send data between your site and For details about what is being shared, you can see our %sPrivacy Policy%s.%s"
msgstr "%sPuisque vous utilisez un de nos services Ninja Forms, comme Ninja Mail ou notre gestionnaire de modules, votre site est connecté à Cela nous permet d’envoyer des données entre votre site et Pour des précisions sur les données partagées, vous pouvez consulter notre %spolitique de confidentialité%s.%s"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:91
msgid "Stay Connected"
msgstr "Rester connecté·e"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:90
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Déconnecter"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:89
msgid "Disconnecting from will disrupt the functionality of all services. To manage your service subscriptions please visit"
msgstr "Le déconnexion de va couper les fonctionnalités de tous les services. Pour gérer vos abonnements aux services, veuillez vous rendre sur"
#: services/bootstrap.php:73 services/bootstrap.php:83
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
msgstr "Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation d’installer des extensions sur ce site."
#: services/bootstrap.php:16
msgid "Add-on Manager (Beta)"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de modules (beta)"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:81
msgid "Processing..."
msgstr "Traitement en cours…"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:80
msgid "Clean up my data"
msgstr "Nettoyer mes données"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:78
msgid "%sOnce we begin this process, it might take several minutes to complete.%sNavigating away from this page before it is finished could lead to unexpected results.%sPlease confirm when you are ready to begin.%s"
msgstr "%sLe processus peut mettre plusieurs minutes à aboutir.%sNaviguer sur une autre page avant qu’il soit terminé peut provoquer des résultats inattendus.%sVeuillez confirmer lorsque vous souhaiterez commencer.%s"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:817
msgid "This option helps with privacy regulation compliance"
msgstr "Cette option vous aide à respecter les lois sur la vie privée"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:814
msgid "This Field Is Personally Identifiable Data"
msgstr "Ce champ contient des données personnelles identifiantes"
#: includes/Config/DashboardMenuItems.php:11
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Services"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:13
msgid "Designated Submitter's Email Address"
msgstr "Adresse e-mail fournie par l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:28
msgid "Anonymize Data"
msgstr "Anonymiser les données"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:185 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:211
msgid "Remove ALL Ninja Forms data and uninstall?"
msgstr "Supprimer TOUTES les données de Ninja Forms et désinstaller ?"
#: ninja-forms.php:593
msgid "If you are using Ninja Forms to collect personal information, you should consult a legal professional for your use case."
msgstr "Si vous utilisez Ninja Forms pour collecter des informations personnelles, vous devriez consulter un juriste pour étudier votre utilisation."
#: ninja-forms.php:592
msgid "Ninja Forms allows you to collect personal information"
msgstr "Ninja Forms vous permet de collecter des informations personelles"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:77
msgid "Thank you for opting in!"
msgstr "Merci d’avoir accepté !"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:76
msgid "Keep being awesome!"
msgstr "Restez formidable !"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:75
msgid "Yes, I agree!"
msgstr "Oui, j’accepte !"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:74
msgid "Not Now"
msgstr "Pas maintenant"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:73
msgid "Yes, please send me occasional emails about Ninja Forms."
msgstr "Oui, envoyez-mois des e-mails occasionnels au sujet de Ninja Forms."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:72
msgid "%sWe would like to collect data about how Ninja Forms is used so that we can improve the experience for everyone. This data will not include ANY submission data or personally identifiable information.%sPlease check out our %sprivacy policy%s for additional clarification.%s"
msgstr "%sNous voudrions collecter des données sur votre utilisation de Ninja Forms pour améliorer l’expérience du plus grand nombre. Ces données ne contiendront AUCUNE données d’entrées ou personnelles identifiantes.%sVeuillez consulter notre %spolitique de confidentialité%s pour des précisions supplémentaires.%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:75
msgid "Opt-in to allow Ninja Forms to collect anonymous usage statistics from your site, such as PHP version, installed plugins, and other non-personally idetifiable informations."
msgstr "Acceptez pour permettre à Ninja Forms de collecter des statistiques anonymes d’utilisation de votre site, comme la version PHP, les extensions installées et autres informations non identifiantes."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:74
msgid "Allow Telemetry"
msgstr "Autoriser la télémétrie "
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:73
msgid "Opt-out"
msgstr "Refuser"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:73
msgid "Opt-in"
msgstr "Accepter"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:68
msgid "Includes action to add users to WordPress' personal data export tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Inclut l’action d’ajouter les utilisateurs à l’outil d’export des données personnelles de WordPress, permettant aux administrateurs de respecter le RGPD et les autres lois de confidentialité depuis l’interface publique du site."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:62
msgid "Includes action to add users to WordPress' personal data delete tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Inclut l’action d’ajouter les utilisateurs à l’outil de suppression des données personnelles de WordPress, permettant aux administrateurs de respecter le RGPD et les autres lois de confidentialité depuis l’interface publique du site."
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:47
msgid "Form Field"
msgstr "Champ de formulaire"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:39
msgid "Except"
msgstr "Sauf"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:24
msgid "Save None"
msgstr "Ne rien enregistrer"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:23
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "Tout enregistrer"
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:11
msgid "This action adds users to WordPress' personal data export tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Cette action ajoute les utilisateurs à l’outil d’exportation des données personnelles de WordPress, permettant aux administrateurs de respecter le RGPD et les autres lois de confidentialité depuis l’interface publique du site."
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:11
msgid "This action adds users to WordPress' personal data delete tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Cette action ajoute les utilisateurs à l’outil de suppression des données personnelles de WordPress, permettant aux administrateurs de respecter le RGPD et les autres lois de confidentialité depuis l’interface publique du site."
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:10
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:10
msgid "This is a message"
msgstr "Ceci est un message"
#: includes/Admin/UserDataRequests.php:65
msgid "Ninja Forms Submissions Data"
msgstr "Données des entrées de Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Admin/UserDataRequests.php:50
#: includes/Admin/UserDataRequests.php:95
msgid "Ninja Forms Submission Data"
msgstr "Données de l’entrée de Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Actions/ExportDataRequest.php:35
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:67
msgid "Export Data Request"
msgstr "Demande d’export de données"
#: includes/Actions/DeleteDataRequest.php:35
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:61
msgid "Delete Data Request"
msgstr "Demande de suppression de données"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:212
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:11
msgid "Please enter a valid date!"
msgstr "Veuillez saisir une date valide !"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:180
msgid "Allow WordPress users to edit their profiles from the front-end, including custom user meta!"
msgstr "Permettez aux utilisateurs WordPress de modifier leur profil depuis l’interface publique du site, dont les métadonnées utilisateurs personnalisées !"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:179
msgid "Edit User Profile"
msgstr "Modifier le profil utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:164
msgid "Register a WordPress User"
msgstr "Inscrire un utilisateur WordPress"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:163
msgid "Register a User"
msgstr "Inscrire un utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:147
msgid "Allow users to create posts from the front-end using a form, including custom post meta!"
msgstr "Permettez à vos utilisateurs de créer des publications depuis l’interface publique à l’aide d’un formulaire, même avec des métadonnées personnalisées !"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:146
msgid "Create a Post"
msgstr "Créer une publication"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:130
msgid "Collect a payment using PayPal Express. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Collectez un paiement en utilisant PayPal Express. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:129
msgid "PayPal Payment"
msgstr "Paiement PayPal"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:112
msgid "Allow users to upload files with their forms. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Permettez à vos visiteurs d’envoyer des fichiers via les formulaires. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:111
msgid "File Upload"
msgstr "Téléversement de fichier"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:96
msgid "Collect a payment using Stripe. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Collectez un paiement en utilisant Stripe. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:95
msgid "Stripe Payment"
msgstr "Paiement Stripe"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:80
msgid "Add a user to a list in MailChimp. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Ajoutez un utilisateur à une liste MailChimp. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:79
msgid "MailChimp Signup"
msgstr "Inscription MailChimp"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:56
msgid "Allow users to apply for a job. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Permettez à vos utilisateurs de postuler à un poste. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:55
msgid "Job Application"
msgstr "Demande d’emploi"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:50
msgid "Collect information about your users. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Recueillez des informations à propos de vos visiteurs. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:49
msgid "Questionnaire"
msgstr "Questionnaire"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:44
msgid "Collect feedback for an event, blog post, or anything else. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Recueillez des retours pour un évènement, un article ou n’importe quoi d’autre. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:43
msgid "Collect feedback"
msgstr "Recueillir des retours"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:38
msgid "Collect user enquiries with this simple, generic form. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Recueillez les demandes de vos visiteurs avec ce formulaire générique. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:37
msgid "General Enquiry"
msgstr "Demande de renseignements"
#: includes/Libraries/Whip/NF_Php_Version_Whip.php:41
msgid "%sDismiss this for 4 weeks.%s"
msgstr "%sIgnorer pendant 4 semaines.%s"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:71
msgid "Export Submissions"
msgstr "Exporter les entrées"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:69
msgid "Confirm Delete"
msgstr "Confirmer la suppression"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:66
msgid "to confirm"
msgstr "pour confirmer"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:63
msgid "Once deleted, it's fields and submissions cannot be recovered. Proceed with caution."
msgstr "Une fois supprimé, ses champs et entrées ne sont plus récupérables. Faites-le avec prudence."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:62
msgid "You are about to delete the form"
msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer le formulaire"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:38
msgid "Field for the message"
msgstr "Champ du message"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:29
msgid "Field for a URL"
msgstr "Champ pour une URL"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:20
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:20
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:20
msgid "Email address field"
msgstr "Champ de l’adresse e-mail"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:11
msgid "Name field"
msgstr "Champ du nom"
#: includes/Actions/Akismet.php:95
msgid "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later"
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant l’envoi de votre message. Veuillez réessayer plus tard"
#: includes/Actions/Akismet.php:38
msgid "Akismet Anti-Spam"
msgstr "Akismet Anti-Spam"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:34 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "Mettre à la corbeille"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:17
msgid "ALL Ninja Forms data will be removed from the database and the Ninja Forms plug-in will be deactivated. %sAll form and submission data will be unrecoverable.%s"
msgstr "TOUTES les données de Ninja Forms seront retirées de la base de données et l’extension sera désactivée. %sTous les formulaires et toutes les entrées seront perdus.%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:15
msgid "Delete All Data"
msgstr "Effacer toutes les données"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:150
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:158
msgid "Trashed"
msgstr "Mis à la corbeille"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:147
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:156
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Terminé"
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:43
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:48
msgid "Invalid request."
msgstr "Requête non valide."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/DeleteAllData.php:23
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Fields.php:31
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:22
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:30 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:30
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:55 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:78
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:22
#: includes/AJAX/REST/RequiredUpdate.php:33
msgid "Request forbidden."
msgstr "Requête interdite."
#: includes/Display/Preview.php:56 includes/Display/Preview.php:62
msgid "You must provide a valid form ID."
msgstr "Vous devez fournir un ID de formulaire valide."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:91
msgid "Form does not exist."
msgstr "Le formulaire n’existe pas."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:447
msgid "This value will be used as the HTML input \"name\" attribute."
msgstr "Cette valeur sera utilisée comme attribut HTML « name »."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:443
msgid "Custom Name Attribute"
msgstr "Nom d’attribut personnalisé"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:99
msgid "Insert Form"
msgstr "Insérer le formulaire"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:72 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:60
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:88
msgid "Sa"
msgstr "Sa"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:71 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:59
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:87
msgid "Fr"
msgstr "Ve"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:70 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:58
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:86
msgid "Th"
msgstr "Je"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:69 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:57
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:85
msgid "We"
msgstr "Me"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:68 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:56
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:84
msgid "Tu"
msgstr "Ma"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:67 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:55
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:83
msgid "Mo"
msgstr "Lu"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:66 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:54
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:82
msgid "Su"
msgstr "Di"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:63 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:51
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:79
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Sam"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:62 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:50
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:78
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Ven"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:61 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:49
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:77
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Jeu"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:60 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:48
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:76
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "Mer"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:59 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:47
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:75
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Mar"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:58 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:46
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:74
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Lun"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:57 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:45
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:73
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Dim"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:54 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:42
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:70
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samedi"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:53 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:41
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:69
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vendredi"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:52 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:40
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:68
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jeudi"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:51 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:39
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:67
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercredi"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:50 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:38
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:66
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Mardi"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:49 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:37
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:65
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lundi"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:48 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:36
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:64
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Dimanche"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:45 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:33
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:61
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Déc"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:44 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:32
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:60
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:43 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:31
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:59
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:42 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:30
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:58
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sep"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:41 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:29
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:57
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aoû"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:40 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:28
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:56
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Juil"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:39 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:27
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:55
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Juin"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:37 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:25
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:53
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Avr"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:36 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:24
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:52
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:35 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:23
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:51
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fév"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:34 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:22
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:50
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:31 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:19
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:47
msgid "December"
msgstr "Décembre"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:30 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:18
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:46
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembre"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:29 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:17
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:45
msgid "October"
msgstr "Octobre"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:28 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:16
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:44
msgid "September"
msgstr "Septembre"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:27 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:15
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:43
msgid "August"
msgstr "Août"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:26 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:14
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:42
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juillet"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:25 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:13
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:41
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juin"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:24 includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:38
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:12 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:26
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:40 includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:54
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:23 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:11
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:39
msgid "April"
msgstr "Avril"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:22 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:10
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:38
msgid "March"
msgstr "Mars"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:21 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:9
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:37
msgid "February"
msgstr "Février"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:20 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:8
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:36
msgid "January"
msgstr "Janvier"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:18 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:6
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:34
msgid "Next Month"
msgstr "Mois suivant"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:17 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:5
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:33
msgid "Previous Month"
msgstr "Mois précédent"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:177
msgid "Unchecked Value"
msgstr "Valeur non cochée"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:170
msgid "Checked Value"
msgstr "Valeur cochée"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:163
msgid "Checkbox Values"
msgstr "Valeurs des cases à cocher"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:46
msgid "Disable UTF-8 Encoding"
msgstr "Désactiver l’encodage UTF-8"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:53
msgid "Submission Count"
msgstr "Nombre d’entrées"
#: includes/Fields/Confirm.php:41
msgid "Fields do not match."
msgstr "Les champs ne correspondent pas."
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:183
msgid "User Meta"
msgstr "Métadonnées utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:38
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Durée"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:93
msgid "South African Rand"
msgstr "Rands sud-africains"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:56
msgid "Activated Plugins"
msgstr "Extensions activées"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:23
msgid "Submit a Support Request"
msgstr "Envoyer une demande de support"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:22
msgid "Copy System Report"
msgstr "Copier le rapport système"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:19
msgid "Include this information in your support request by pasting in the \"System Status\" portion of the form. (right click, choose \"Paste\" or use Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "Joignez cette information à votre demande de support en collant la partie « Statut système » du formulaire. (clic droit puis « Coller » ou Ctrl+V)"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:18
msgid "Click \"Submit a Support Request\" to be directed to our site."
msgstr "Cliquez sur « Envoyer une demande de support » pour être redirigé·e vers notre site."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:17
msgid "Copy your System Report first with the button below"
msgstr "Copiez d’abord votre rapport système avec le bouton ci-dessous"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:7
msgid "Ninja Forms Email troubleshooting"
msgstr "Dépannage e-mail de Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:111
msgid "License Activation Error"
msgstr "Erreur d’activation de licence"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:45
msgid "Select whether to display a \"I'm not a robot\" field or to detect if the user is a robot in the background."
msgstr "Choisissez entre un champ « Je ne suis pas un robot » ou la détection des robots en arrière-plan."
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:38
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "Invisible"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:34
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Visible"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:31
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilité"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:160
msgid "None Logged"
msgstr "Aucun enregistré"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:16
msgid "Possible issue detected. %sLearn More%s"
msgstr "Erreur possible détectée. %sEn savoir plus%s"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:47
msgid "A form with this value has already been submitted."
msgstr "Un formulaire avec cette valeur a déjà été envoyé."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:44
msgid "Unique Field Error Message"
msgstr "Message d’erreur de champ unique"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:12
msgid "Unique Field"
msgstr "Champ unique"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:88
msgid "Enter Amount"
msgstr "Saisissez un montant"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:70
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Sélectionnez le champ"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:52
msgid "Select Calculation"
msgstr "Sélectionnez le calcul"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:43
msgid "Fixed Amount"
msgstr "Montant fixe"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:36
msgid "Get Total From"
msgstr "Obtenir le total de"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:142
msgid "Not Supported"
msgstr "Non pris en charge"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:142
msgid "Supported"
msgstr "Pris en charge"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:65
msgid "British Pounds Sterling"
msgstr "Livres sterling britanniques"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:359
msgid "Anonymous"
msgstr "Anonyme"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:935
msgid "Decimals"
msgstr "Décimales"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:198
msgid "It's that easy."
msgstr "C’est aussi facile que cela."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:234
msgid "Loading Forms"
msgstr "Chargement des formulaires"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:231
msgid "No Forms"
msgstr "Aucun formulaire"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:192
msgid "Less"
msgstr "Moins"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:191
msgid "More"
msgstr "Plus"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:186
msgid "Loading Forms..."
msgstr "Chargement des formulaires…"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:180
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:174
msgid "Search Forms"
msgstr "Rechercher parmi les formulaires"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:10
msgid "Ninja Forms Dashboard"
msgstr "Tableau de bord Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:53
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Docs"
#: includes/MergeTags/WP.php:13
msgid "WordPress"
msgstr "WordPress"
#: includes/MergeTags/Other.php:13
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
#: includes/Fields/ListState.php:26
msgid "US States"
msgstr "États-Unis"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:170
msgid "User URL"
msgstr "URL de l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:79
msgid "Post Meta"
msgstr "Métadonnées de la publication"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:51
msgid "User IP Address"
msgstr "Adresse IP de l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsFieldsAJAX.php:16
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:74
msgid "Fields Table"
msgstr "Tableau des champs"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsFieldsAJAX.php:8
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:67
msgid "All Fields Table"
msgstr "Tableau de tous les champs"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:118
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:131
msgid "User Display Name"
msgstr "Nom affiché de l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:105
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:118
msgid "User Last Name"
msgstr "Nom de l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:92
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:105
msgid "User First Name"
msgstr "Prénom de l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:26
msgid "Precision"
msgstr "Précision"
#: includes/Config/DashboardMenuItems.php:15
msgid "Apps & Integrations"
msgstr "Apps & intégrations"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Dashboard.php:23
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Tableau de bord"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:101
msgid "date"
msgstr "date"
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:31
msgid "The blank form allows you to create any type of form using our drag & drop builder."
msgstr "Le formulaire vierge vous permet de créer n’importe quel type de formulaire avec notre constructeur en glisser-déposer."
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:30
msgid "Blank Form"
msgstr "Formulaire vierge"
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Controller.php:55
msgid "Endpoint does not exist."
msgstr "Le point de terminaison n’existe pas."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:276
msgid "Looks Good!"
msgstr "Parfait !"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:276
msgid "upgrade_compelte_notice"
msgstr "upgrade_compelte_notice"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:275
msgid "Something is wrong..."
msgstr "Quelque chose cloche…"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:273
msgid "Your forms were upgraded. Take a look around and make sure everything looks right."
msgstr "Vos formulaires ont été mis à niveau. Faites un tour et assurez-vous que tout est bon."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:272
msgid "How do I look?"
msgstr "À quoi je ressemble ?"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:124
msgid "The form has reached its submission limit."
msgstr "Le formulaire a atteint sa limite d’entrées."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1123
msgid "Use Inline Quantity"
msgstr "Utilisez une quantité en ligne"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:76
msgid "Please be aware that there is an issue with Contact Form 7 that breaks reCAPTCHA in other plugins.%sIf you need to use reCAPTCHA on any of your Ninja Forms, you will need to disable Contact Form 7."
msgstr "Sachez qu’il y a un problème avec Contact Form 7 qui casse reCAPTCHA sur les autres extensions. %sSi vous souhaitez l’utiliser sur vos formulaires Ninja Forms, désactivez Contact Form 7."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:75
msgid "Contact Form 7 is currently activated."
msgstr "Contact Form 7 est actuellement activé."
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:76
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Créé"
#: includes/Actions/Custom.php:35
msgid "WP Hook"
msgstr "Crochet WP"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:535
msgid "Label, Value, Calc Value"
msgstr "Libellé, Valeur, Valeur de calcul"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:532
msgid "Please use the following format"
msgstr "Veuillez utiliser le format suivant"
#: includes/Actions/Email.php:183
msgid "Your email action \"%s\" has an invalid value for the \"%s\" setting. Please check this setting and try again."
msgstr "Votre action e-mail « %s » a une valeur non-valide pour le réglage « %s ». Veuillez vérifier ce réglage et réessayer."
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:40
msgid "Really Delete This Form? This will remove all fields and submission data. Recovery is not possible."
msgstr "Confirmez-vous la suppression du formulaire ? Cela supprimera tous les champs et les entrées. Leur récupération sera impossible."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:227
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s or %5$supdate now%6$s."
msgstr "Une nouvelle version de %1$s est disponible. %2$sConsultez les détails de la version %3$s%4$s ou %5$smettez à jour%6$s."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:219
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s."
msgstr "Une nouvelle version de %1$s est disponible. %2$sConsultez les détails de la version %3$s%4$s."
#: ninja-forms.php:1276
msgid "Once per month"
msgstr "Une fois par mois"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:55
msgid "Y.m.d"
msgstr "A.m.j"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:52
msgid "d.m.Y"
msgstr "j.m.A"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:49
msgid "m.d.Y"
msgstr "m.j.A"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:144
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:196
msgid "Site Title"
msgstr "Titre du site"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:66
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:66
msgid "Post Author Email"
msgstr "E-mail de l’auteur de la publication"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:53
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:53
msgid "Post Author"
msgstr "Auteur de la publication"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:199
msgid "Custom Labels"
msgstr "Libellés personnalisés"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:690
msgid "End Year"
msgstr "Année de fin"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:684
msgid "Start Year"
msgstr "Année de début"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:677
msgid "Year Range"
msgstr "Période d’années"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:633
msgid "YYYY.MM.DD"
msgstr "AAAA.MM.JJ"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:621
msgid "MM.DD.YYYY"
msgstr "MM.JJ.AAAA"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:609
msgid "DD.MM.YYYY"
msgstr "JJ.MM.AAAA"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:564
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Controller.php:99
msgid "The server encountered an error during processing."
msgstr "Le serveur a rencontré une erreur pendant le traitement."
#: includes/Libraries/BackgroundProcessing/classes/wp-background-process.php:425
msgid "Every %d Minutes"
msgstr "Toutes les %d minutes"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:117
msgid "Please export any forms or submissions you do not want to be lost during this process."
msgstr "Veuillez exporter tous les formulaires et toutes les entrées que vous ne souhaiteriez pas perdre pendant le processus."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:117
msgid "IMPORTANT: All 3.0 data will be removed."
msgstr "IMPORTANT : toutes les données de la version 3.0 seront supprimées."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:273
msgid "Plugin Default"
msgstr "Valeurs par défaut de l’extension"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:89
msgid "U.S. Dollars"
msgstr "Dollars US"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:85
msgid "Thai Baht"
msgstr "Baht thaïlandais"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:81
msgid "Taiwan New Dollars"
msgstr "Nouveaux dollars de Taiwan"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:77
msgid "Swiss Franc"
msgstr "Francs suisses"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:73
msgid "Swedish Krona"
msgstr "Couronnes suédoises"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:69
msgid "Singapore Dollars"
msgstr "Dollars de Singapour"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:61
msgid "Polish Zloty"
msgstr "Zloty polonais"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:57
msgid "Philippine Pesos"
msgstr "Pesos philippins"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:53
msgid "New Zealand Dollars"
msgstr "Dollars Néo-zélandais"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:49
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
msgstr "Couronnes norvégiennes"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:41
msgid "Mexican Pesos"
msgstr "Pesos mexicains"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:37
msgid "Japanese Yen"
msgstr "Yen japonais"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:33
msgid "Israeli New Sheqels"
msgstr "Nouveaux shekels israéliens"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:29
msgid "Hungarian Forints"
msgstr "Forints hongrois"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:25
msgid "Hong Kong Dollars"
msgstr "Dollars de Hong Kong"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:21
msgid "Euros"
msgstr "Euros"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:17
msgid "Danish Krone"
msgstr "Couronnes danoises"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:13
msgid "Czech Koruna"
msgstr "Couronnes tchèques"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:9
msgid "Canadian Dollars"
msgstr "Dollars canadiens"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:5
msgid "Australian Dollars"
msgstr "Dollars australiens"
#: ninja-forms.php:1087
msgid "%1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Ninja Forms version %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s est <strong>obsolète</strong> depuis Ninja Forms version %2$s."
#: ninja-forms.php:1083
msgid "%1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Ninja Forms version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
msgstr "%1$s est <strong>obsolète</strong> depuis Ninja Forms version %2$s ! Veuillez plutôt utiliser %3$s."
#: includes/Fields/Unknown.php:66 includes/Fields/Unknown.php:75
#: includes/Fields/Unknown.php:84
msgid "Field type \"%s\" not found."
msgstr "Type de champ « %s » introuvable."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:87
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:94 includes/Fields/Unknown.php:28
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Inconnu"
#: includes/Actions/SuccessMessage.php:66
msgid "Shortcodes should return and not echo, see: %s"
msgstr "Les codes courts doivent faire un « return » et non un « echo », consultez : %s"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:345
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:32
msgid "Allow user to register for your next event this easy to complete form. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Permettez à vos utilisateurs de s’inscrire facilement à votre prochain évènement. Vous pouvez ajouter et retirer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:31
msgid "Event Registration"
msgstr "Inscription à un évènement"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:26
msgid "Manage quote requests from your website easily with this template. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Gérez les demandes de devis depuis votre site facilement avec ce modèle. Vous pouvez ajouter et retirer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:19
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr "Contactez-nous"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:11
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Disponible"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:83
msgid "Invalid Form Upload."
msgstr "Téléversement de formulaire non valide."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:82
msgid "There uploaded file is not a valid format."
msgstr "Le fichier téléversé n’utilise pas un format valide."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:272
msgid "Form Template Import Error."
msgstr "Erreur d’import de modèle de formulaire."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:97
msgid "DEBUG: Switch to 3.0.x"
msgstr "DÉBOGUER : Passer à 3.0.x"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:93
msgid "DEBUG: Switch to 2.9.x"
msgstr "DÉBOGUER : Passer à 2.9.x"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:83
msgid "Ninja Forms Dev"
msgstr "Ninja Forms Dev"
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:8
msgid "Preview Changes"
msgstr "Prévisualiser les modifications"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:13
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:5
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:6
msgid "Form Fields"
msgstr "Champs du formulaire"
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:4
msgid "Editing field"
msgstr "Champ d’édition"
#: includes/Templates/admin-notice-form-import.html.php:4
msgid "View"
msgstr "Voir"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-submission-example.php:1
msgid "Submission Data"
msgstr "Données de l’entrée"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:27
msgid "Submitted by: "
msgstr "Envoyé par : "
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:23
msgid "Submitted on: "
msgstr "Envoyé le : "
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:19
msgid "Updated on: "
msgstr "Mis à jour le : "
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:9
msgid "Our Scope of Support"
msgstr "Étendue de notre support"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:8
msgid "What to try before contacting support"
msgstr "Quoi essayer avant de contacter le support"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:4
msgid "Before requesting help from our support team please review:"
msgstr "Avant de demander de l’aide au support technique, veuillez consulter :"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:975
msgid " Open in new window"
msgstr " Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:484
msgid "Not Yet"
msgstr "Pas encore"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:476
msgid "Almost there..."
msgstr "Vous y êtes presque…"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:462
msgid " Undo All"
msgstr " Tout annuler"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:462
msgid "Undo All"
msgstr "Tout annuler"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:449
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:455
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:464
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:470
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Terminé"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:293
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-toggle-drawer.html.php:2
msgid "Half screen"
msgstr "Demi-écran"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:293
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-toggle-drawer.html.php:2
msgid "Full screen"
msgstr "Plein écran"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:292
msgid "Toggle Drawer"
msgstr "Espace de travail"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:247
msgid "Delete (^ + D + click)"
msgstr "Supprimer (^ + D + clic)"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:246
msgid "Duplicate (^ + C + click)"
msgstr "Dupliquer (^ + C + clic)"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:212
msgid "Get started by adding your first form field. Just click the plus and select the actions you want. It's that easy."
msgstr "Commencez par ajouter votre premier champ de formulaire. Cliquez sur le signe + et sélectionnez les actions que vous voulez. Rien de plus simple."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:211
msgid "Add form actions"
msgstr "Ajouter des actions de formulaire"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:25
msgid "Quote Request"
msgstr "Demande de devis"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:20
msgid "Allow your users to contact you with this simple contact form. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Aidez vos utilisateurs à vous contacter avec ce formulaire de contact simple. Vous pouvez ajouter et supprimer des champs si nécessaire."
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:18
msgid "Contact Form"
msgstr "Formulaire de contact"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:198
msgid "Get started by adding your first form field."
msgstr "Commencez par ajouter votre premier champ de formulaire."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:197
msgid "Add form fields"
msgstr "Ajouter des champs de formulaire"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:169
msgid "View Changes"
msgstr "Afficher les modifications"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:157
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Chargement"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:153
msgid "PUBLISH"
msgstr "PUBLIER"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:153
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:280
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:486
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:3
msgid "Publish"
msgstr "Publier"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:149
msgid "Expand Menu"
msgstr "Ouvrir le menu"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:125
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:127
msgid "Add new action"
msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle action"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:118
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:120
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:17
msgid "Add new field"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau champ"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:70
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:98
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:126
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:154
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:182
msgid "Mult-Select"
msgstr "Sélection multiple"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:55
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:83
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:111
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:139
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:167
msgid "Basic Fields"
msgstr "Champs de base"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:35
msgid "Class Name"
msgstr "Nom de classe"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:31
msgid "Hide Label"
msgstr "Masquer le libellé"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:30
msgid "Right of Field"
msgstr "À droite du champ"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:29
msgid "Left of Field"
msgstr "À gauche du champ"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:28
msgid "Below Field"
msgstr "Au-dessous du champ"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:27
msgid "Above Field"
msgstr "Au-dessus du champ"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:21
msgid "Label Name"
msgstr "Nom du libellé"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:17
msgid "Editing Field"
msgstr "Modification du champ"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:7
msgid " installed. The current version is "
msgstr " est installée. Version actuelle : "
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:7
msgid " requires an update. You have version "
msgstr " doit être mis à jour. La version "
#: includes/Fields/PasswordConfirm.php:26
msgid "password"
msgstr "mot de passe"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:56
msgid "l, F d Y"
msgstr "l, F d Y"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:54
msgid "Y/m/d"
msgstr "A/m/j"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:53
msgid "Y-m-d"
msgstr "A-m-j"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:48
msgid "m-d-Y"
msgstr "m-j-A"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:51
msgid "d-m-Y"
msgstr "j-m-A"
#: includes/Display/Shortcodes.php:44
msgid "Ninja Forms shortcode used without specifying a form."
msgstr "Ce code court Ninja Forms a été utilisé sans formulaire sélectionné."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:603
#: includes/Database/Models/Form.php:667
msgid "Save Form"
msgstr "Enregistrer le formulaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1158
msgid "Calculations are returned with the AJAX response ( response -> data -> calcs"
msgstr "Les calculs sont traités avec nue réponse AJAX (réponse -> données -> calculs"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1140
msgid "My Second Calculation"
msgstr "Mon deuxième calcul"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1136
msgid "My First Calculation"
msgstr "Mon premier calcul"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1132
msgid "Form with Calculations"
msgstr "Formulaire avec calculs"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1121
msgid "of Product B for $"
msgstr "du produit B pour $"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1120
msgid "of Product A and "
msgstr "du produit A et "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1074
msgid "Quantity for Product B"
msgstr "Quantité de produit B"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1062
msgid "Product B"
msgstr "Produit B"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1047
msgid "Quantity for Product A"
msgstr "Quantité de produit A"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1035
msgid "Product A"
msgstr "Produit A"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1025
msgid "Product Form (Multiple Products)"
msgstr "Formulaire produit (Plusieurs produits)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1017
msgid " product(s) for "
msgstr " produit(s) pour "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:964
msgid "Product Form (Inline Quantity)"
msgstr "Formulaire produit (Quantité en ligne)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:956
msgid "product(s) for "
msgstr "produit(s) pour "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:955 includes/Database/MockData.php:1016
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1119
msgid "You purchased "
msgstr "Vous avez acheté "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:943 includes/Database/MockData.php:1004
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1107 includes/Database/MockData.php:1150
msgid "Purchase"
msgstr "Acheter"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:888
msgid "Product Form (with Quantity Field)"
msgstr "Formulaire produit (avec champ de quantité)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:876
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "S’abonner"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:867
msgid "Enter your email address"
msgstr "Saisissez votre adresse de messagerie"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:863
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Adresse e-mail"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:851
msgid "Email Subscription Form"
msgstr "Formulaire d’abonnement"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:835
msgid "Field #"
msgstr "# de champ"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:822
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:495
msgid " Fields"
msgstr " Champs"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:822
msgid "Long Form - "
msgstr "Long formulaire - "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:805
msgid "processing"
msgstr "traitement en cours"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:776
msgid "answer"
msgstr "réponse"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:774
msgid "Anti-Spam Question (Answer = answer)"
msgstr "Question anti-spam (Réponse = réponse)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:764
msgid "These are various special fields."
msgstr "Ce sont divers champs spéciaux."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:755
msgid "Credit Card Zip Code"
msgstr "Code postal de carte bancaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:745
msgid "Credit Card CVV"
msgstr "Cryptogramme visuel de carte bancaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:708
msgid "Product (seperate quantity)"
msgstr "Produit (quantité séparée)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:701
msgid "Product (quanitity included)"
msgstr "Produit (quantité incluse)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:697
msgid "These are all the fields in the Pricing section."
msgstr "Tous ces champs se rapportent à la section « Prix »."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:688
msgid "Zip Code"
msgstr "Code postal"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:649
msgid "These are all the fields in the User Information section."
msgstr "Tous ces champs se rapportent à la section « Infos de l’utilisateur »."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:501
msgid "Bathroom Sink"
msgstr "Lavabo"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:404 includes/Database/MockData.php:432
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:553 includes/Database/MockData.php:581
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:609
msgid "Option Three"
msgstr "Option 3"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:397 includes/Database/MockData.php:425
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:546 includes/Database/MockData.php:574
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:602
msgid "Option Two"
msgstr "Option 2"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:390 includes/Database/MockData.php:418
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:539 includes/Database/MockData.php:567
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:595
msgid "Option One"
msgstr "Option 1"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:387 includes/Database/MockData.php:536
msgid "Select List"
msgstr "Sélectionnez la liste"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:343
msgid "Kitchen Sink"
msgstr "Évier de cuisine"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:315
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Envoyer"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:301
msgid "Snail Mail"
msgstr "Courrier postal"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:283
msgid "Best Contact Method?"
msgstr "Votre meilleure méthode de contact ?"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:276
msgid "Agree?"
msgstr "D’accord ?"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:269
msgid "What Can We Help You With?"
msgstr "Comment pouvons-nous vous aider ?"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:229
msgid "This is another test."
msgstr "C’est un autre test."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:228
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:227 includes/Database/MockData.php:231
msgid "John Doe"
msgstr "John Doe"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:218
msgid "This is a test"
msgstr "C’est un test"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:217
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:216 includes/Database/MockData.php:220
msgid "Foo Bar"
msgstr "Foo Bar"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:206 includes/Database/MockData.php:332
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:490 includes/Database/MockData.php:810
msgid "Mock Save Action"
msgstr "Action d’enregistrement fictif"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:194
msgid "Hello, Ninja Forms!"
msgstr "Bonjour, Ninja Forms !"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:193
msgid "This is an email action."
msgstr "C’est une action d’e-mail."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:190
msgid "Mock Email Action"
msgstr "Action d’e-mail fictif"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:178
msgid "Thank you {field:name} for filling out my form!"
msgstr "Merci {field:name} d’avoir rempli mon formulaire !"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:176
msgid "Mock Success Message Action"
msgstr "Action de message de réussite fictif"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:42
msgid "Blank Forms"
msgstr "Formulaires vierges"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:28
msgid "Baz"
msgstr "Baz"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:21
msgid "Bar"
msgstr "Bar"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:14
msgid "Foo"
msgstr "Foo"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:24
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:23
msgid "File Upload in Progress."
msgstr "Téléversement du fichier en cours."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:254
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:22
msgid "Honeypot Error"
msgstr "Erreur Honeypot"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:242
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:19
msgid "Please correct errors before submitting this form."
msgstr "Veuillez corriger les erreurs avant d’envoyer ce formulaire."
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:17
msgid "Insert Media"
msgstr "Insérer un média"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:16
msgid "Insert Link"
msgstr "Insérer un lien"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:236
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:15
msgid "Please increment by "
msgstr "Veuillez incrémenter par "
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:230
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:14
msgid "Number Max Error"
msgstr "Erreur de nombre max."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:224
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:13
msgid "Number Min Error"
msgstr "Erreur de nombre min."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:218
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:12
msgid "These fields must match!"
msgstr "Ces champs doivent correspondre !"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:206
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:10
msgid "Please enter a valid email address!"
msgstr "Veuillez saisir une adresse de messagerie valide. Ex :"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:10 includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:20
msgid "If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty."
msgstr "Si vous êtes un être humain et que vous voyez ce champ, veuillez le laisser vide."
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:9
msgid "Open in new window"
msgstr "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:8
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:384
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:7
msgid "Quantity:"
msgstr "Quantité :"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:6
msgid "Price:"
msgstr "Prix :"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:47 includes/Fields/Date.php:50
msgid "m/d/Y"
msgstr "d/m/Y"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:51
msgid "Ninja Forms Submission"
msgstr "Entrées de Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Config/ActionSuccessMessageSettings.php:16
#: includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:9
msgid "Your form has been successfully submitted."
msgstr "Votre message a bien été envoyé."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:637
msgid "Friday, November 18, 2019"
msgstr "Vendredi 18 novembre 2019"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:629
msgid "YYYY/MM/DD"
msgstr "AAAA/MM/JJ"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:625
msgid "YYYY-MM-DD"
msgstr "AAAA-MM-JJ"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:617
msgid "MM-DD-YYYY"
msgstr "MM-JJ-AAAA"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:613
msgid "MM/DD/YYYY"
msgstr "JJ/MM/AAAA"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:605
msgid "DD-MM-YYYY"
msgstr "JJ-MM-AAAA"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:601
msgid "DD/MM/YYYY"
msgstr "JJ/MM/AAAA"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:253
msgid "three"
msgstr "trois"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:253 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1192
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:141
msgid "Three"
msgstr "Trois"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:252
msgid "two"
msgstr "deux"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:252 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1191
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:134
msgid "Two"
msgstr "Deux"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:251
msgid "one"
msgstr "un"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:251 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1190
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:127
msgid "One"
msgstr "Un"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/MockData.php:34
msgid "View Forms"
msgstr "Afficher les formulaires"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/MockData.php:33
msgid "Migrations and Mock Data complete. "
msgstr "Migrations et données fictives terminées. "
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:238 includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:254
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:273
msgid "Go get a life, script kiddies"
msgstr "Vous avez pas mieux à faire, voyous ?"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:182
msgid "Date Created"
msgstr "Date de création"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:27
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:54
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:72
msgid "Field Not Found"
msgstr "Champ introuvable"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:35
msgid "Form Not Found"
msgstr "Formulaire introuvable."
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:40
msgid "Sub Sequence"
msgstr "Sous-séquence"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/DownloadAllSubmissions.php:48
msgid "Invalid form id"
msgstr "ID de formulaire non valide"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:877
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:999 includes/Database/Models/Form.php:936
#: includes/Fields/Confirm.php:26
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:110
msgid "No taxonomy selected."
msgstr "Aucune taxonomie sélectionnée."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:87
msgid "Opinionated Styles"
msgstr "Styles arbitraires"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:104
msgid "Default Label Position"
msgstr "Position du libellé par défaut"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1293
msgid "Add New Terms"
msgstr "Ajouter de nouveaux termes"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:499
msgid "Container"
msgstr "Conteneur"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:116
msgid "Preview does not exist."
msgstr "L’aperçu n’existe pas."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:27 lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:43
msgid "Permission Denied"
msgstr "Permission refusée"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:26 lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:42
msgid "You do not have permission."
msgstr "Vous n’avez pas les droits suffisants."
#: lib/NF_AddonChecker.php:43
msgid "%s was deactivated."
msgstr "%s a été désactivé."
#: lib/NF_AddonChecker.php:42
msgid "Oops! That addon is not yet compatible with Ninja Forms THREE. %sLearn More%s."
msgstr "Oups ! Ce module n’est pas encore compatible avec Ninja Forms v3. %sEn savoir plus%s."
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:95
msgid "No available terms for this taxonomy. %sAdd a term%s"
msgstr "Aucun terme disponible pour cette taxonomie. %sAjouter un terme%s"
#: includes/Fields/Note.php:45
msgid "Note text can be edited in the note field's advanced settings below."
msgstr "Le texte de la remarque peut être modifié dans les réglages avancés du champ ci-dessous."
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:119
msgid "Available Terms"
msgstr "Termes disponibles"
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:31
msgid "Terms List"
msgstr "Liste des termes"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1275
msgid "Taxonomy"
msgstr "Taxonomie"
#: includes/Fields/hr.php:28
msgid "Divider"
msgstr "Séparateur"
#: includes/Fields/Textbox.php:34
msgid "Single Line Text"
msgstr "Ligne de texte"
#: includes/Fields/Textarea.php:26
msgid "Paragraph Text"
msgstr "Paragraphe"
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:34
msgid "Single Checkbox"
msgstr "Case à cocher"
#: ninja-forms.php:939
msgid "Notice: JavaScript is required for this content."
msgstr "Remarque : JavaScript est requis pour ce contenu."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:257
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Actions"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:189 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:215
msgid "Are you sure you want to downgrade?"
msgstr "Confirmez-vous le retour en arrière ?"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:100
msgid "title"
msgstr "titre"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:54
msgid "Contact Me"
msgstr "Me contacter"
#: includes/Fields/Zip.php:25
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Code postal"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:730 includes/Database/MockData.php:934
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:995 includes/Database/MockData.php:1098
#: includes/Fields/Total.php:28
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:57
msgid "Incorrect Answer"
msgstr "Réponse incorrecte"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:28
msgid "Question Position"
msgstr "Position de la question"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:27
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Question"
#: includes/Fields/Shipping.php:41
msgid "Advanced Shipping"
msgstr "Livraison avancée"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:61
msgid "Please complete the recaptcha"
msgstr "Veuillez compléter le reCAPTCHA"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:26
msgid "Recaptcha"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:715 includes/Database/MockData.php:910
#: includes/Fields/Quantity.php:30
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Quantité"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:287 includes/Database/MockData.php:668
#: includes/Fields/Phone.php:24
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Tél."
#: includes/Fields/PasswordConfirm.php:24
msgid "Password Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer le mot de passe"
#: includes/Fields/Note.php:47
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Note"
#: includes/Fields/ListSelect.php:26
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Liste déroulante"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:415 includes/Database/MockData.php:564
#: includes/Fields/ListRadio.php:24
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:73
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:101
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:129
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:157
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:185
msgid "Radio List"
msgstr "Boutons radio"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:592 includes/Fields/ListCheckbox.php:26
msgid "Checkbox List"
msgstr "Cases à cocher"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:901
#: includes/Database/Models/Form.php:960 includes/Fields/CreditCardZip.php:23
msgid "Credit Card Zip"
msgstr "Code postal de carte bancaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:740 includes/Fields/CreditCardNumber.php:25
msgid "Credit Card Number"
msgstr "Numéro de la carte bancaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:735 includes/Fields/CreditCardFullName.php:25
msgid "Credit Card Full Name"
msgstr "Nom complet du titulaire de carte bancaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:750
#: includes/Fields/CreditCardExpiration.php:26
msgid "Credit Card Expiration"
msgstr "Date d’expiration de carte bancaire"
#: includes/Fields/CreditCardCVC.php:25
msgid "Credit Card CVC"
msgstr "Cryptogramme visuel de carte bancaire"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:678 includes/Fields/City.php:25
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ville"
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:156 includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:181
msgid "unchecked"
msgstr "non coché"
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:155 includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:179
msgid "checked"
msgstr "coché"
#: includes/Fields/Button.php:26
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:79
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:107
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:135
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:163
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:191
msgid "Button"
msgstr "Bouton"
#: includes/Fields/Address2.php:23
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "Adresse 2"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:673 includes/Fields/Address.php:25
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: includes/Display/Shortcodes.php:37
msgid "Notice: Ninja Forms shortcode used without specifying a form."
msgstr "Remarque : code court Ninja Forms utilisé sans formulaire sélectionné."
#: includes/Display/Render.php:153 includes/Display/Render.php:466
msgid "No Fields Found."
msgstr "Aucun champ trouvé."
#: includes/Display/Preview.php:49
msgid "You must be logged in to preview a form."
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour prévisualiser un formulaire."
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/AppendAForm.php:11
msgid "Append a Ninja Form"
msgstr "Attacher un Ninja Form"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:201
msgid "smtp_port"
msgstr "smtp_port"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:199
msgid "Host Name"
msgstr "Nom de l’hôte"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:198
msgid "Server IP Address"
msgstr "Adresse IP du serveur"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:110
msgid "Save Settings"
msgstr "Enregistrer les réglages"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Licenses.php:46
msgid "Add-On Licenses"
msgstr "Licences des modules"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:459
msgid "File Upload Error"
msgstr "Erreur de téléversement de fichier"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:454
msgid "Unknown upload error."
msgstr "Erreur inconnue de téléversement."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:451
msgid "File upload stopped by extension."
msgstr "Le téléversement de fichier a été arrêté par l’extension."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:448
msgid "Failed to write file to disk."
msgstr "Le fichier n’a pas pu être écrit sur le disque."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:445
msgid "Missing a temporary folder."
msgstr "Il manque un dossier temporaire."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:442
msgid "No file was uploaded."
msgstr "Aucun fichier n’a été téléversé."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:439
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."
msgstr "Le fichier téléversé n’a été que partiellement envoyé."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:436
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form."
msgstr "La taille du fichier téléversé est supérieure à la directive MAX_FILE_SIZE qui a été spécifiée dans le formulaire HTML."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:433
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini."
msgstr "La taille du fichier téléversé est supérieure à la directive upload_max_filesize du fichier php.ini."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:206
msgid "Export Forms"
msgstr "Exporter des formulaires"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:199
msgid "Import Forms"
msgstr "Importer des formulaires"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:309
msgid "Submission Info"
msgstr "Information de l’entrée"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:72
msgid "Form Submissions"
msgstr "Entrées des formulaires"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:71
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Entrée"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:68
msgid "Not found in Trash"
msgstr "Aucun élément dans la corbeille"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:66
msgid "Search Item"
msgstr "Rechercher un élément"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:65
msgid "View Item"
msgstr "Voir l’élément"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:64
msgid "Update Item"
msgstr "Mettre à jour l’élément"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:63
msgid "Edit Item"
msgstr "Modifier l’élément"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:62
msgid "New Item"
msgstr "Nouvel élément"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:60
msgid "Add New Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un élément"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:59
msgid "All Items"
msgstr "Tous les éléments"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:58
msgid "Parent Item:"
msgstr "Élément parent :"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:55
msgctxt "Post Type Singular Name"
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Entrée"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:54
msgctxt "Post Type General Name"
msgid "Submissions"
msgstr "Entrées"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:27
msgid "No forms found."
msgstr "Aucun formulaire n’a été trouvé."
#: includes/Templates/admin-wp-die.html.php:7
msgid "Show More"
msgstr "Afficher plus"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-import.html.php:17
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-import.html.php:20
msgid "Import Fields"
msgstr "Importer les champs"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:18 includes/Database/MockData.php:242
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:3
msgid "Get Help"
msgstr "Obtenir de l’aide"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-subs-filter.html.php:2
msgid "- Select a form"
msgstr "- Sélectionnez un formulaire "
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings.html.php:25
msgid "Fix it."
msgstr "Réparer."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings-licenses.html.php:29
msgid "De-activate"
msgstr "Désactiver"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Dashboard.php:21
msgid "Form Builder"
msgstr "Constructeur de formulaire"
#: includes/MergeTags/System.php:13
msgid "System"
msgstr "Système"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:202
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:12
msgid "Query String"
msgstr "Chaîne de requête"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:315
msgid "Auto-Total Fields"
msgstr "Champs de total automatique"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:312
msgid "Operations and Fields (Advanced)"
msgstr "Opérations et champs (avancé)"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:309
msgid "Equation (Advanced)"
msgstr "Équation (avancé)"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/FormEndpoints.php:69
#: includes/Database/Models/Form.php:283
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copier"
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:15 includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:30
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avancé"
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:14
msgid "Rich Text Editor (RTE)"
msgstr "Éditeur de texte enrichi"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:44
msgid "reCAPTCHA Theme"
msgstr "Thème reCAPTCHA"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:98
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:42
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Sombre"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:94
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:41
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Clair"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:12
msgid "reCaptcha Settings"
msgstr "Réglages reCAPTCHA"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:117
msgid "Downgrade to the most recent 2.9.x release."
msgstr "Revenir à la version 2.9.x la plus récente."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:102
msgid "Use default Ninja Forms styling conventions."
msgstr "Utiliser les conventions de style par défaut de Ninja Forms."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:371 includes/Database/MockData.php:658
#: includes/Fields/LastName.php:25
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:366 includes/Database/MockData.php:653
#: includes/Fields/FirstName.php:25
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Prénom"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:79
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:92
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "ID utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:196
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "Adresse IP"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:40
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:40
msgid "Post URL"
msgstr "URL de la publication"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:27
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:27
msgid "Post Title"
msgstr "Titre de publication"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:14
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:14 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Post ID"
msgstr "ID de publication"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsFieldsAJAX.php:30
msgid "All Fields"
msgstr "Tous les champs"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/Calculations.php:14
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/CalculationsReact.php:55
#: includes/Config/FormSettingsTypes.php:17 includes/MergeTags/Calcs.php:15
msgid "Calculations"
msgstr "Calculs"
#: includes/Config/FormSettingsTypes.php:7
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Réglages d’affichage"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:108
msgid "Does NOT apply to form preview."
msgstr "Ne s’applique PAS à la prévisualisation du formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:104
msgid "Submission Limit"
msgstr "Limite d’envoi"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:71
msgid "Does apply to form preview."
msgstr "S’applique à la prévisualisation du formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:55
msgid "Logged In"
msgstr "Connecté·e"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:189
msgid "We have noticed that you do not have a submit button on your form. We can add one for you automatically."
msgstr "Nous avons remarqué que votre formulaire ne comportait pas de bouton d’envoi. Nous pouvons en ajouter un automatiquement."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:185
msgid "Add Submit Button"
msgstr "Ajouter le bouton d’envoi"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:175
msgid "Programmatic name that can be used to reference this form."
msgstr "Nom programmatique qui peut être utilisé pour faire référence à ce formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:171
msgid "Form Key"
msgstr "Clé de formulaire"
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:22
msgid "Equation"
msgstr "Équation"
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:18
msgid "Variable Name"
msgstr "Nom de la variable"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:62 includes/Database/MockData.php:763
msgid "Miscellaneous Fields"
msgstr "Champs divers"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:50
msgid "Layout Fields"
msgstr "Champs de mise en page"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:696
msgid "Pricing Fields"
msgstr "Champs de prix"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:38 includes/Database/MockData.php:648
msgid "User Information Fields"
msgstr "Champs d’infos utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:26
msgid "Common Fields"
msgstr "Champs communs"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1311
msgid "Used for marking a field for processing."
msgstr "Utilisé pour marqué un champ comme en cours de traitement."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1307
msgid "This is a user's state."
msgstr "Il s’agit de l’état de l’utilisateur."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1259
msgid "A case sensitive answer to help prevent spam submissions of your form."
msgstr "Une réponse sensible à la casse pour protéger votre formulaire du spam."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1255
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Réponse"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1238
msgid "- Select a Product"
msgstr "- Sélectionnez un produit"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1232 includes/Database/MockData.php:898
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:974 includes/Fields/Product.php:32
msgid "Product"
msgstr "Produit"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1223
msgid "Cost Type"
msgstr "Type de coût"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1219
msgid "Cost Dropdown"
msgstr "Liste déroulante de coûts"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1215
msgid "Single Cost"
msgstr "Coût unique"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1186
msgid "Cost Options"
msgstr "Options de coût"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1170
msgid "Cost"
msgstr "Coût"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1155
msgid "User Entry"
msgstr "Saisie utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1151
msgid "Multi Product - Choose One"
msgstr "Produits multiples - En choisir un seul"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1147
msgid "Multi Product - Choose Many"
msgstr "Produits multiples - En sélectionner plusieurs"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1143
msgid "Multi Product - Dropdown"
msgstr "Produits multiples - Liste déroulante"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1139
msgid "Single Product (default)"
msgstr "Produit unique (par défaut)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1134
msgid "Product Type"
msgstr "Type de produit"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1127
msgid "Allows users to choose more than one of this product."
msgstr "Permet aux utilisateurs de choisir plus d’un produit."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1110
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Prix"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1097
msgid "- Select a Variable"
msgstr "- Sélectionnez une variable"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1091
msgid "Display This Calculation Variable"
msgstr "Afficher cette variable de calcul"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1080
msgid "This number will be used in calculations if the box is unchecked."
msgstr "Ce nombre sera utilisé dans les calculs si la case est décochée."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1077
msgid "Unchecked Calculation Value"
msgstr "Valeur de calcul (non coché)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1071
msgid "This number will be used in calculations if the box is checked."
msgstr "Ce nombre sera utilisé dans les calculs si la case est cochée."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1068
msgid "Checked Calculation Value"
msgstr "Valeur de calcul (si coché)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1053
msgid "Processing Label"
msgstr "Libellé du traitement en cours"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1017
msgid "Allows rich text input."
msgstr "Autorise la saisie de texte enrichi."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:902
msgid ""
"Use this as a registration password field. If this box is check, both\n"
" password and re-password textboxes will be output"
msgstr ""
"Utilisez ce champ pour définir un mot de passe lors d’une inscription. Si cette case est cochée,\n"
" les champs de mot de passe et de vérification afficheront leur contenu"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:885
msgid "Number of seconds for the countdown"
msgstr "Nombre de secondes du compte à rebours"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:807
msgid "This column in the submissions table will sort by number."
msgstr "Cette colonne du tableau des entrées sera triée numériquement."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:803
msgid "Sort as Numeric"
msgstr "Trier en mode numérique"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:779
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:754
msgid "Shown to users as a hover."
msgstr "S’affiche au survol pour les utilisateurs."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:742
msgid "Label used when viewing and exporting submissions."
msgstr "Libellé utilisé pour l’affichage et l’export des entrées."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:728
msgid "Creates a unique key to identify and target your field for custom development."
msgstr "Crée une clé unique pour identifier et cibler votre champ (pour du développement personnalisé)."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:724
msgid "Field Key"
msgstr "Clé du champ"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:710
msgid "Number of seconds for timed submit."
msgstr "Nombre de secondes pour les envois temporisés."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:658
msgid "Default To Current Date"
msgstr "Par défaut, la date d’aujourd’hui"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:513
msgid "Adds an extra class to your field element."
msgstr "Ajoute une classe supplémentaire à votre élément de champ."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:508
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:155
msgid "Element"
msgstr "Élément"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:503
msgid "Adds an extra class to your field wrapper."
msgstr "Ajoute une classe supplémentaire à votre conteneur de champ."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:147
msgid "Wrapper"
msgstr "Conteneur"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:491
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:139
msgid "Custom Class Names"
msgstr "Noms de classse personnalisées"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:462
msgid "Enter text you would like displayed in the field before a user enters any data."
msgstr "Saisissez le texte qui sera affiché dans le champ avant que l’utilisateur ne saisisse quoi que ce soit."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:418 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:420
msgid "Character(s) left"
msgstr "Caractère(s) restant(s)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:417
msgid "Text to Appear After Counter"
msgstr "Texte qui doit apparaître après le compteur"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:407
msgid "Word(s)"
msgstr "Mot(s)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:403
msgid "Character(s)"
msgstr "Caractère(s)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:387
msgid "Limit Input to this Number"
msgstr "Limiter la saisie à cette valeur"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:365
msgid "Custom Mask"
msgstr "Masque personnalisé"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:340
msgid "US Phone"
msgstr "Tél. USA"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:336
msgid "none"
msgstr "aucun"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:333
msgid "Restricts the kind of input your users can put into this field."
msgstr "Restreint le type de valeur que les utilisateurs peuvent saisir dans ce champ."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:266 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:303
msgid "Calc Value"
msgstr "Valeur de calcul"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:246
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:124
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Pas"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:116
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:109
msgid "Min"
msgstr "Min"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:101
msgid "Number Options"
msgstr "Options numériques"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:91
msgid "Ensure that this field is completed before allowing the form to be submitted."
msgstr "Assurez-vous que ce champ soit rempli avant d’autoriser la validation du formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:87
msgid "Required Field"
msgstr "Champ obligatoire"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:76
msgid "Select the position of your label relative to the field element itself."
msgstr "Sélectionnez la position du libellé par rapport au champ."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:69 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1159
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:125
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:376 includes/Database/MockData.php:633
#: includes/Fields/Hidden.php:38
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Caché"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:49
msgid "Form Default"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut du formulaire"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:36
msgid "Enter the label of the form field. This is how users will identify individual fields."
msgstr "Saisissez le libellé de ce champ. C’est ainsi que les utilisateurs pourront les différencier."
#: includes/Config/Example.php:25
msgid "Help Text Here"
msgstr "Définissez un texte d’aide"
#: includes/Config/Example.php:21
msgid "Label Here"
msgstr "Donnez un libellé"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:28
#: includes/Config/ActionRedirectSettings.php:13
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:180
msgid "Attach CSV"
msgstr "Joindre un fichier CSV"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:50
msgid "Subject Text or seach for a field"
msgstr "Texte du sujet ou recherchez un champ"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:20
msgid "Email address or search for a field"
msgstr "Adresse e-mail ou recherchez un champ"
#: includes/Config/ActionCustomSettings.php:13
msgid "Hook Tag"
msgstr "Point d’accroche (hook)"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:14
msgid "Payment Gateways"
msgstr "Services de paiement"
#: includes/Actions/CollectPayment.php:46
msgid "Collect Payment"
msgstr "Collecter les paiements"
#: includes/Abstracts/UserInfo.php:37
msgid "User Meta (if logged in)"
msgstr "Métadonnées de l’utilisateur (si connecté)"
#: includes/Abstracts/SubmissionMetabox.php:21
msgid "Submission Metabox"
msgstr "Boîte méta de l’entrée"
#: includes/Abstracts/Metabox.php:25
msgid "Metabox"
msgstr "Boîte méta"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:51
msgid "refresh"
msgstr "actualiser"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:51
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Listes"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:43
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Multiple"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:39
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Simple"
#: includes/Abstracts/ActionNewsletter.php:158
msgid "Interest Groups"
msgstr "Groupes d’intérêts"
#: includes/Abstracts/ActionNewsletter.php:150
msgid "List Field Mapping"
msgstr "Correspondance du champ de liste"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:585
msgid "An unexpected error occurred."
msgstr "Une erreur inattendue s’est produite."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:729 includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:27
#: includes/MergeTags/Fields.php:14
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Champs"
#. Description of the plugin
msgid "Ninja Forms is a webform builder with unparalleled ease of use and features."
msgstr "Ninja Forms est un constructeur de formulaires avec une facilité et des fonctionnalités incomparables."
#. Plugin Name of the plugin
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:59 includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:5
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:9 ninja-forms.php:579
msgid "Ninja Forms"
msgstr "Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:260
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:26
msgid "Fields marked with an %s*%s are required"
msgstr "Les champs marqués d’un %s*%s sont obligatoires"
#: includes/Widget.php:82
msgid "Display Title"
msgstr "Afficher le titre"
#: includes/Fields/Email.php:37
msgid "Please enter a valid email address."
msgstr "Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail valide."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:348
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:274
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:41
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Devise"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:943
msgid "Disable Input"
msgstr "Désactiver la saisie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1035
msgid "Disable Rich Text Editor on Mobile"
msgstr "Désactiver l’éditeur de texte avancé sur mobile"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1023
msgid "Show Media Upload Button"
msgstr "Afficher le bouton de téléversement de médias"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1013
msgid "Show Rich Text Editor"
msgstr "Afficher l’éditeur de texte avancé"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:382 includes/Database/MockData.php:526
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:61
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:89
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:117
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:145
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:173
msgid "Textarea"
msgstr "Zone de texte"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:165 includes/Database/MockData.php:483
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:802 includes/Fields/Submit.php:26
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Envoyer"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:24
msgid "Anti-Spam"
msgstr "Anti-Spam"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:75
msgid "Captcha mismatch. Please enter the correct value in captcha field"
msgstr "Le CAPTCHA n’est pas le bon. Veuillez saisir la valeur correcte dans le champ CAPTCHA."
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:73
msgid "Please make sure you have entered your Site & Secret keys correctly"
msgstr "Vérifiez que vous avez saisie les bonnes valeurs de clé de site et de clé secrète"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:918
msgid "Number of stars"
msgstr "Nombre d’étoiles"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:768 includes/Fields/StarRating.php:30
msgid "Star Rating"
msgstr "Évaluation par étoiles"
#: includes/Fields/PasswordConfirm.php:82
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
#: includes/Fields/Password.php:22
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:625 includes/Fields/Number.php:28
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nombre"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:246
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:547
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:562
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:830
msgid "Multi-Select Box Size"
msgstr "Taille de la sélection multiple"
#: includes/Fields/ListMultiSelect.php:26
msgid "Multi-Select"
msgstr "Sélection multiple"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:67
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:95
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:123
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:151
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:179
msgid "Dropdown"
msgstr "Menu déroulant"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:152
msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:76
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:104
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:132
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:160
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:188
msgid "Hidden Field"
msgstr "Champ caché"
#: includes/Fields/CreditCard.php:26
msgid "Credit Card"
msgstr "Carte de crédit"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:970
msgid "Custom first option"
msgstr "Première option personnalisée"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:957
msgid "Use a custom first option"
msgstr "Utiliser une première option personnalisée"
#: includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:22
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Pays"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:251
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabwe"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:250
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:249
msgid "Yugoslavia"
msgstr "Yougoslavie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:248
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Yemen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:247
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Sahara occidental"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:246
msgid "Wallis And Futuna Islands"
msgstr "Wallis et Futuna"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:245
msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
msgstr "Îles Vierges (U.S.)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:244
msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
msgstr "Îles Vierges (britanniques)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:243
msgid "Viet Nam"
msgstr "Vietnam"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:242
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:241
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:240
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:239
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguay"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:238
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "Îles Mineures éloignées des États-Unis"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:237
msgid "United States"
msgstr "États-Unis"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:236
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Royaume Uni"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:235
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Émirats Arabes Unis"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:234
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukraine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:233
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Ouganda "
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:232
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:231
msgid "Turks And Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Îles Turques et Caïques"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:230
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkménistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:229
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turquie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:228
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunisie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:227
msgid "Trinidad And Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad et Tobago"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:226
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:225
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:224
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:223
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Thailande"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:222
msgid "Tanzania, United Republic Of"
msgstr "République Unie de Tanzanie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:221
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tadjikistan "
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:220
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:219
msgid "Syrian Arab Republic"
msgstr "République arabe syrienne"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:218
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Suisse"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:217
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Suède"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:216
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Swaziland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:215
msgid "Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "Îles Svalbard et Jan Mayen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:214
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Suriname"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:213
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Soudan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:212
msgid "St. Pierre And Miquelon"
msgstr "St-Pierre et Miquelon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:211
msgid "St. Helena"
msgstr "Sainte-Hélène"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:210
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Sri Lanka"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:209
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Espagne"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:208
msgid "South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Géorgie du Sud et Îles Sandwich du Sud"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:207
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Afrique du Sud"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:206
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:205
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Îles Salomon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:204
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Slovénie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:203
msgid "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)"
msgstr "Slovaquie (République Slovaque)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:202
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapour"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:201
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leone"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:200
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seychelles"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:199
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Serbie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:198
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Sénégal"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:197
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Arabie Saoudite"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:196
msgid "Sao Tome And Principe"
msgstr "Sao Tomé et Principe"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:195
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:194
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:193
msgid "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines"
msgstr "Saint-Vincent et Les Grenadines"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:192
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Sainte-Lucie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:191
msgid "Saint Kitts And Nevis"
msgstr "Saint Christophe et Nevis"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:190
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Rwanda"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:189
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr "Fédération de Russie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:188
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Roumanie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:187
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "La Réunion"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:186
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Qatar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:185
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rico"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:184
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:183
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Pologne"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:182
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitcairn"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:181
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Philippines"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:180
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Pérou"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:179
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguay"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:178
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:177
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:176
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palaos"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:175
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:174
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Oman"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:173
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norvège"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:172
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Northern Mariana Islands"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:171
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Île Norfolk"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:170
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:169
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigeria"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:168
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:167
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nicaragua"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:166
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Nouvelle-Zélande"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:165
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Nouvelle-Calédonie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:164
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Antilles Néerlandaises"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:163
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Pays-Bas"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:162
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Népal"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:161
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:160
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:159
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Myanmar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:158
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mozambique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:157
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Maroc"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:156
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:155
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Montenegro"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:154
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:153
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monaco"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:152
msgid "Moldova, Republic Of"
msgstr "République de Moldavie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:151
msgid "Micronesia, Federated States Of"
msgstr "Micronésie, États Fédérés de"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:150
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:149
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Mayotte"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:148
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Maurice"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:147
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauritanie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:146
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:145
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Îles Marshall"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:144
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malte"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:143
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:142
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Maldives"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:141
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malaisie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:140
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:139
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagascar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:138
msgid "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic Of"
msgstr "Macedoine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:137
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Macao"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:136
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Luxembourg"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:135
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Lituanie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:134
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Liechtenstein"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:133
msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"
msgstr "Libye"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:132
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:131
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotho"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:130
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Liban"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:129
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Lettonie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:128
msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
msgstr "République Démocratique Populaire Lao"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:127
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kirghizistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:126
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Koweït"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:125
msgid "Korea, Republic Of"
msgstr "République de Corée"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:124
msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of"
msgstr "République populaire démocratique de Corée"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:123
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:122
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenya"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:121
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazakhstan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:120
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordanie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:119
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:118
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaïque"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:117
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:116
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israël"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:115
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Irlande"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:114
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Iraq"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:113
msgid "Iran (Islamic Republic Of)"
msgstr "République islamique d’Iran"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:112
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonésie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:111
msgid "India"
msgstr "Inde"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:110
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Islande"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:109
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Hongrie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:108
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Hong Kong"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:107
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:106
msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)"
msgstr "Cité du Vatican"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:105
msgid "Heard And Mc Donald Islands"
msgstr "Îles McDonald et Heard"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:104
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:103
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyane"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:102
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Guinée-Bissau"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:101
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Guinée"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:100
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:99
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:98
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Guadeloupe"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:97
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Grenade"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:96
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Groenland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:95
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Grèce"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:94
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:93
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:92
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Allemagne"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:91
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Géorgie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:90
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:89
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:88
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Terres Australes Françaises"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:87
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Polynésie Française"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:86
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Guyane Française"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:85
msgid "France, Metropolitan"
msgstr "France métropolitaine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:84
msgid "France"
msgstr "France"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:83
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finlande"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:82
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fiji"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:81
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Îles Féroé"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:80
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgstr "Îles Falkland (Maldives)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:79
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Éthiopie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:78
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estonie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:77
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Erythrée"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:76
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Guinée équatoriale"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:75
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "Salvador"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:74
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Égypte"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:73
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Équateur"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:72
msgid "Timor-Leste (East Timor)"
msgstr "Timor oriental"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:71
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "République Dominicaine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:70
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:69
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Djibouti"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:68
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Danemark"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:67
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "République Tchèque"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:66
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Chypre"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:65
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Cuba"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:64
msgid "Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)"
msgstr "Croatie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:63
msgid "Cote D'Ivoire"
msgstr "Côte d’Ivoire"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:62
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Costa Rica"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:61
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Îles Cook"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:60
msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The"
msgstr "République Démocratique du Congo"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:59
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "Congo"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:58
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Comores"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:57
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Colombie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:56
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Îles Cocos"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:55
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Île Christmas"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:54
msgid "China"
msgstr "Chine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:53
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Chili"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:52
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Tchad"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:51
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "République Centrafricaine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:50
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Îles Caïmans"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:49
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Cap Vert"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:48
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Canada"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:47
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Cameroun"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:46
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Cambodge"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:45
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:44
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:43
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgarie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:42
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Brunei Darussalam"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:41
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Territoire britannique de l’océan Indien"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:40
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brésil"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:39
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Île Bouvet"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:38
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:37
msgid "Bosnia And Herzegowina"
msgstr "Bosnie-Herzégovine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:36
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:35
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhoutan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:34
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermudes"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:33
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:32
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:31
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:30
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Biélorussie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:29
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbades"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:28
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bengladesh"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:27
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrain"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:26
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamas"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:25
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Azerbaijan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:24
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Autriche"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:23
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:22
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:21
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Arménie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:20
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentine"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:19
msgid "Antigua And Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua-et-Barbuda"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:18
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antarctique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:17
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:16
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:15
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorre"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:14
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "American Samoa"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:13
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Algérie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:12
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albanie"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:11
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghanistan"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:147 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:171
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:85 includes/Fields/Repeater.php:184
msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Coché"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:143 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:178
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:87 includes/Fields/Repeater.php:185
msgid "Unchecked"
msgstr "Décoché"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:443 includes/Database/MockData.php:531
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:64
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:92
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:120
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:148
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:176
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr "Case à cocher"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:140 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:473
#: includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:30
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:32 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:257
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:295 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:854
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:870 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1196
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Libellé"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:356 includes/Database/MockData.php:361
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:521
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:48
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:49
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:50
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:51
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:52
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:58
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:86
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:114
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:142
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:170
msgid "Textbox"
msgstr "Champ de texte"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:41
msgid "Calculation"
msgstr "Calcul"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:248
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:21
msgid "This is a required field."
msgstr "Ce champ est obligatoire."
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:40
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:59
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:77
msgid "- Select One"
msgstr "- Sélectionnez une valeur"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:90
msgid "Could not activate license. Please verify your license key"
msgstr "Impossible d’activer la licence. Veuillez vérifier votre clé"
#: includes/Widget.php:14
msgid "Ninja Forms Widget"
msgstr "Widget Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:14
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:6
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:7
msgid "Emails & Actions"
msgstr "E-mails et actions"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:6
msgid "Ninja Forms Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:131
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:157
msgid "User Email"
msgstr "E-mail de l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:16
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:170
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:222
msgid "Admin Email"
msgstr "E-mail de l’administrateur/administratrice"
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:135
msgid "The process has started, please be patient. This could take several minutes. You will be automatically redirected when the process is finished."
msgstr "Le processus a commencé, veuillez patienter (cette opération peut prendre plusieurs minutes). Lorsque le processus sera terminé, vous serez automatiquement redirigé·e."
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:110
msgid "No Action Specified..."
msgstr "Aucune action spécifiée…"
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:105
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement…"
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:72
msgid "Ninja Forms - Processing"
msgstr "Ninja Forms - Traitement en cours"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1056 lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:11
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "En cours de traitement"
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:11
msgid "Ninja Forms Processing"
msgstr "Traitement Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:354
msgid "Edit Form"
msgstr "Modifier le formulaire"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:124
msgid "version"
msgstr "version"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:124
msgid "by"
msgstr "par"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:121
msgid "Visit plugin homepage"
msgstr "Visiter la page de l’extension"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:51
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Extensions"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:202
msgid "Default Timezone"
msgstr "Fuseau horaire par défaut"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:200
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:197
msgid "SUHOSIN Installed"
msgstr "SUHOSIN installé"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:196
msgid "PHP Max Input Vars"
msgstr "PHP Max Input Vars"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:195
msgid "PHP Time Limit"
msgstr "Limite d’exécution de PHP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:194
msgid "Max Input Nesting Level"
msgstr "Nombre max d’entrées imbriquées"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:193
msgid "PHP Post Max Size"
msgstr "Taille maximale d’envoi de PHP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:192
msgid "WP Max Upload Size"
msgstr "Taille de téléversement max de WP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:67
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:597
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Par défaut"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:191
msgid "WP Language"
msgstr "Langue de WP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:190
msgid "WP Debug Mode"
msgstr "Mode débogage de WP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:189
msgid "WP Memory Limit"
msgstr "Limite de mémoire de WP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:187
msgid "PHP Locale"
msgstr "PHP Locale"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:185
msgid "MySQL Version"
msgstr "Version de MySQL"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:183
msgid "PHP Version"
msgstr "Version de PHP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:182
msgid "Web Server Info"
msgstr "Infos Serveur Web"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:43
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:60
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:80 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:242
#: src/components/triggerEmailActionComponent.js:271
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:41
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:58
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:78 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:240
#: src/components/triggerEmailActionComponent.js:269
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:181
msgid "WP Multisite Enabled"
msgstr "WP multisite activé"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:180
msgid "WP Version"
msgstr "Version de WP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:176
msgid "Ninja Forms Version"
msgstr "Version de Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:175
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:157
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:209
msgid "Site URL"
msgstr "URL du site"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:174
msgid "Home URL"
msgstr "URL de la page d’accueil"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:38
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Environnement"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings-licenses.html.php:3
msgid "To activate licenses for Ninja Forms extensions you must first %sinstall and activate%s the chosen extension. License settings will then appear below."
msgstr "Pour activer les licences associées aux extensions Ninja Forms, vous devez d’abord %sinstaller et activer%s l’extension choisie. Les réglages de licence apparaîtront ensuite ci-dessous."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:97
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Licences"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:29
msgid "This setting will COMPLETELY remove anything Ninja Forms related upon plugin deletion. This includes SUBMISSIONS and FORMS. It cannot be undone."
msgstr "Ce réglage supprimera définitivement tout ce qui concerne Ninja Forms lors de la suppression de l’extension. Notamment les ENTRÉES et les FORMULAIRES. L’opération est irréversible."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:42
msgid "Never see an admin notice on the dashboard from Ninja Forms. Uncheck to see them again."
msgstr "Pour ne plus jamais voir une notification sur le tableau de bord de la part de Ninja Forms. Décochez la case pour les ré-afficher."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:41
msgid "Disable Admin Notices"
msgstr "Désactiver les notifications aux administrateurs"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:16
msgid "Remove ALL Ninja Forms data upon uninstall?"
msgstr "Supprimer toutes les données de Ninja Forms lors de la désinstallation ?"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:58
msgid "Language used by reCAPTCHA. To get the code for your language click %shere%s"
msgstr "Langue utilisée dans l’interface reCAPTCHA. Pour déterminer le code associé à votre langue, cliquez %sici%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:57
msgid "reCAPTCHA Language"
msgstr "Langue de reCAPTCHA"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:83
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3 Secret Key"
msgstr "Clé secrète reCAPTCHA v3"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:70
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3 Site Key"
msgstr "Clé de site reCAPTCHA v3"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:28
msgid "Tries to follow the %sPHP date() function%s specifications, but not every format is supported."
msgstr "Essaie de suivre les spécifications de la fonction %sPHP date()%s, mais certains formats ne sont pas pris en charge."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:27
msgid "Date Format"
msgstr "Format de date"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:14
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:7
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Réglages généraux"
#: includes/Templates/admin-notice-form-import.html.php:3
msgid "Form Imported Successfully."
msgstr "Formulaire bien importé."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:70
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:61
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:64
msgid "Export Form"
msgstr "Exporter le formulaire"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:26
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:29
msgid "Import Form"
msgstr "Importer le formulaire"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-export.html.php:24
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-export.html.php:27
msgid "Export Fields"
msgstr "Exporter les champs"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:223
msgid "Export Favorite Fields"
msgstr "Exporter les champs favoris"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:18
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-import.html.php:9
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:14
msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:216
msgid "Import Favorite Fields"
msgstr "Importer les champs favoris"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:72
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:78
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:274
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "En savoir plus"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:12
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:68
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Installé"
#: includes/Config/ActionSettings.php:27
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:64
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actif"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:56
msgid "Documentation coming soon."
msgstr "Documentation bientôt disponible."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:121
msgid "Limit Reached Message"
msgstr "Message lorsque la limite est atteinte"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:92
msgid "Limit Submissions"
msgstr "Limiter les entrées"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:81
msgid "Not Logged-In Message"
msgstr "Message pour les utilisateurs non connectés"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:67
msgid "Require user to be logged in to view form?"
msgstr "Obliger les utilisateurs à être connectés pour voir le formulaire ?"
#: includes/Config/FormSettingsTypes.php:12
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:19
msgid "Restrictions"
msgstr "Restrictions"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:94
msgid "If this box is checked, Ninja Forms will hide the form after it has been successfully submitted."
msgstr "Si cette case est cochée, Ninja Forms masquera le formulaire après son envoi."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:90
msgid "Hide successfully completed form?"
msgstr "Masquer le formulaire après envoi ?"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:80
msgid "If this box is checked, Ninja Forms will clear the form values after it has been successfully submitted."
msgstr "Si cette case est cochée, Ninja Forms effacera les valeurs des champs après l’envoi du formulaire."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:76
msgid "Clear successfully completed form?"
msgstr "Effacer les champs après envoi ?"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:26
msgid "Display Form Title"
msgstr "Afficher le titre du formulaire"
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:24
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:27
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:216
msgid "View Submissions"
msgstr "Voir les entrées"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:75
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:181
msgid "Shortcode"
msgstr "Code court"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:74
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:12
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:27
msgid "Form Title"
msgstr "Titre du Formulaire"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:148
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:13
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:22
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-export.html.php:9
msgid "Favorite Fields"
msgstr "Champs favoris"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:330
msgid "Input Mask"
msgstr "Masque de saisie"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:15
msgid "Get Some Help"
msgstr "Demandez de l’aide"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:14
msgid "Check out our documentation"
msgstr "Consultez notre documentation"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:13
msgid "Thank you for using Ninja Forms! We hope that you've found everything you need, but if you have any questions:"
msgstr "Merci d’utiliser Ninja Forms ! Nous espérons que vous avez trouvé tout ce dont vous avez besoin, mais si vous avez des questions :"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:12
msgid "How's It Going?"
msgstr "Comment allez-vous ?"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:23
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:205
msgid "Preview Form"
msgstr "Prévisualiser"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:352
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Personnalisé"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:724 includes/Database/MockData.php:925
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:986 includes/Database/MockData.php:1089
#: includes/Fields/Shipping.php:30
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Livraison"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:738
msgid "Admin Label"
msgstr "Libellé administrateur"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:458
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Texte indicatif"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings.html.php:33
msgid "Edit Menu Item"
msgstr "Modifier l’élément de menu"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:46
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:25
msgid "Label Position"
msgstr "Position du libellé"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:65
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:121
msgid "Right of Element"
msgstr "À droite de l’élément"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:57
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:113
msgid "Below Element"
msgstr "Au-dessous de l’élément"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:53
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:109
msgid "Above Element"
msgstr "Au-dessus de l’élément"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:61
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:117
msgid "Left of Element"
msgstr "À gauche de l’élément"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:32
msgid "of"
msgstr "sur"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:752
msgid "Help Text"
msgstr "Texte d’aide"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/AppendAForm.php:62
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:90 includes/Widget.php:89
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:931
msgid "Disable Browser Autocomplete"
msgstr "Désactiver l’autocomplétion du navigateur"
#: includes/Display/Preview.php:41
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:9
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Prévisualiser"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:34
msgid "Add-Ons"
msgstr "Modules"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:85 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:96
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:990
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings.html.php:3
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:7
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:8
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Réglages"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:47
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-import-export.html.php:3
msgid "Import / Export"
msgstr "Importer/Exporter"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:21 includes/Config/DashboardMenuItems.php:7
msgid "Forms"
msgstr "Formulaires"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:465
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur "
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:465
msgid "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"
msgstr "Vous n’avez pas les droits suffisants pour installer les mises à jour de l’extension."
#: includes/Database/Models/Submission.php:398
#: includes/Exports/SubmissionCsvExport.php:257
msgid "Date Submitted"
msgstr "Date d’envoi"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:35 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mise à jour"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:20
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:147 includes/MergeTags/Form.php:19
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formulaire"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:262 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:299
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1201
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-fields.html.php:8
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valeur"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:42
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:7
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-fields.html.php:7
#: build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Champ"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:300
msgid "User Submitted Values"
msgstr "Valeurs envoyées par l’utilisateur"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/DownloadAllSubmissions.php:163
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:394 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Download All Submissions"
msgstr "Télécharger toutes les entrées"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-subs-filter.html.php:29
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Date de fin"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-subs-filter.html.php:27
msgid "Begin Date"
msgstr "Date de début"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:9
msgid "Select a form"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un formulaire"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:175
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:195 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:221
#: build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:142
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:376
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:377 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:225
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporter"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:192
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:204
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:344
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:183
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:25 includes/Database/MockData.php:620
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:160
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:183
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:56 includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:57
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:641 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:46
#: build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Submissions"
msgstr "Entrées"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:480
msgid "No Submissions Found"
msgstr "Aucune entrée n’a été trouvée."
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:478 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Please select a form to view submissions"
msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un formulaire pour afficher les entrées"
#: includes/Config/ActionSettings.php:13
msgid "Action Name"
msgstr "Nom de l’action"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:61 includes/Admin/Menus/AddNew.php:33
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:40
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:246 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:284
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1186
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:12
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:164
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:981 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:65
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:256
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:10
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:66 includes/Database/MockData.php:255
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:255
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:19
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:204
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:3
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-drawer-buttons.html.php:3
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:222 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:151
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:75 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:67
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:15
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:217
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:2
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-drawer-buttons.html.php:2 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:10
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:203
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:245
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:4 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings-licenses.html.php:27
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activé"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:37
#: includes/Config/ActionSuccessMessageSettings.php:13
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:105
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"
#: includes/Actions/SuccessMessage.php:35
#: includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:7 includes/Database/MockData.php:953
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1014 includes/Database/MockData.php:1117
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1156
msgid "Success Message"
msgstr "Message de succès"
#: includes/Actions/Redirect.php:35
msgid "Redirect"
msgstr "Redirection"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:166
msgid "Bcc"
msgstr "Cci"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:152
msgid "Cc"
msgstr "Cc"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:34
msgid "Reply To"
msgstr "Répondre à"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:136
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "Texte brut"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:135 includes/Fields/HTML.php:41
#: includes/Fields/Note.php:33
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:139
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:592
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:17
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Réglages avancés"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:64
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:82
msgid "Email Message"
msgstr "Message de l’e-mail"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:49
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Sujet"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:19
msgid "To"
msgstr "Destinataire"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:122
msgid "One email address or field"
msgstr "Une adresse e-mail ou un champ"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:121
msgid "From Address"
msgstr "E-mail de l’expéditeur"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:107
msgid "Name or fields"
msgstr "Nom ou champs"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:106
msgid "From Name"
msgstr "Nom de l’expéditeur"
#: includes/Actions/Email.php:35 includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:19
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:19
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:19
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:81 includes/Database/MockData.php:262
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:294 includes/Database/MockData.php:663
#: includes/Fields/Email.php:28
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:16
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Ignorer"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:79
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Insérer"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:176
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:193 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:196
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:219 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:222
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:76 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:68
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:79
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:165
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:599
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:12 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:232
#: src/components/triggerEmailActionComponent.js:259
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:111
msgid "Select a form or type to search"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un formulaire ou commencez à écrire"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:48
msgid "Add Form"
msgstr "Ajouter un formulaire"
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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