Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/languages/plugins/ninja-forms-nl_NL.po
# Translation of Plugins - Ninja Forms – The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You - Stable (latest release) in Dutch
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Ninja Forms – The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You - Stable (latest release) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-11 12:06:53+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Ninja Forms – The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You - Stable (latest release)\n"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:504
msgid "This request is missing data for method delete_download_file"
msgstr "Deze aanvraag bevat geen gegevens voor de methode delete_download_file"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:169
msgid "File path of the file to delete"
msgstr "Bestandspad van het te verwijderen bestand"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/DeleteBatchFile.php:32
msgid "File could not be deleted"
msgstr "Bestand kon niet worden verwijderd"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/DeleteBatchFile.php:28
msgid "File was deleted"
msgstr "Bestand is verwijderd"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/DeleteBatchFile.php:22
msgid "File could not be found for deletion"
msgstr "Bestand kon niet worden gevonden om te wissen"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:80
msgid "Array of Submissions"
msgstr "Inzendingen array"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:60
msgid "Update single Submission"
msgstr "Update enkelvoudige inzending"
#: includes/Actions/Save.php:35 includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:24
msgid "Record Submission"
msgstr "Inzending opnemen"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:196
msgid "Form ID of the setting saved"
msgstr "Formulier ID van de opgeslagen instelling"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:190
msgid "Settings data"
msgstr "Instellingen gegevens"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:184
msgid "Setting name in the submissionsSettings array"
msgstr "Naam instellen in de array submissionsSettings"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:61
msgid "This setting is used to see the \"old\" submissions page. If you are experiencing issues with your submissions page, please notify us at %s.%sPlease refresh your settings page after saving this setting before navigating to the submissions page."
msgstr "Deze instelling wordt gebruikt om de pagina 'oude' inzendingen te bekijken. Als je problemen ondervindt met je inzendingen pagina, laat het ons dan weten op %s.%sVernieuw je instellingen pagina na het opslaan van deze instelling voordat je naar de inzendingen pagina navigeert."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:60
msgid "Show Legacy Submissions Page"
msgstr "Pagina oude inzendingen weergeven"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/CalculationsReact.php:97
msgid " - Parsed"
msgstr " - Geparsed"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/CalculationsReact.php:90
msgid " - Raw"
msgstr " - Ruw"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:138
msgid "Export submissions based on array of submissions IDs"
msgstr "Inzendingen exporteren op basis van array van inzendingen ID's"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:132
msgid "Export single submission if a JSON encoded submission is passed"
msgstr "Eén inzending exporteren als een JSON gecodeerde inzending wordt doorgegeven"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:100
msgid "Extra Handler of Submission"
msgstr "Extra handler van indiening"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:74 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:94
msgid "Update Submission"
msgstr "Inzending updaten"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:32
msgid "Form IDs"
msgstr "Formulier ID's"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ExportSubmissions.php:116
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ExportSubmissions.php:172
msgid "Unable to write file."
msgstr "Kan bestand niet schrijven."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ExportSubmissions.php:108
msgid "No Submissions to export."
msgstr "Geen inzendingen om te exporteren."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:27
msgid "reCAPTCHA v2 Secret Key"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v2 geheime sleutel"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:14
msgid "reCAPTCHA v2 Site Key"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v2 site sleutel"
#: includes/Actions/Recaptcha.php:366 includes/Actions/Recaptcha.php:375
msgid "Recaptcha validation failed. Please try again later"
msgstr "Validatie van reCAPTCHA is mislukt. Probeer het later opnieuw"
#: includes/Actions/Recaptcha.php:63
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v3"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:101 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Trigger Email Action"
msgstr "E-mailactie activeren"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:398 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:464
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:526 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:592
msgid "This request is missing data"
msgstr "Deze aanvraag mist gegevens"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:222
msgid "Email Action Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen voor e-mailactie"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:216 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Submission ID"
msgstr "Inzending ID"
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:126
msgid "strtotime($date) that represents the end date we will retrieve submssions at."
msgstr "strtotime($date) die de einddatum vertegenwoordigt waarop we inzendingen ophalen."
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:120
msgid "strtotime($date) that represents the start date we will retrieve submssions at."
msgstr "strtotime($date) die de begindatum vertegenwoordigt waarop we inzendingen ophalen."
#: includes/Routes/Submissions.php:114 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:152
msgid "Array of Form IDs we want to get the submissions from."
msgstr "Array van formulier ID's waarvan we de inzendingen willen krijgen."
#: includes/Config/ActionRecaptchaV3Settings.php:18
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). Configure the score threshold for your form submission."
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v3 geeft een score terug (1,0 is zeer waarschijnlijk een goede interactie, 0,0 is zeer waarschijnlijk een bot). Configureer de scoredrempel voor het indienen van je formulier."
#: includes/Config/ActionRecaptchaV3Settings.php:15
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Score"
#: includes/Config/ActionRecaptchaV3Settings.php:14
msgid "Score Threshold"
msgstr "Scoredrempel"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:30
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Datum/tijd"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:104
msgid "This form is currently undergoing maintenance. Please %sclick here%s to reload the form and try again."
msgstr "Dit formulier is momenteel in onderhoud. %sKlik hier%s om het formulier opnieuw te laden en probeer het opnieuw."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:566
msgid "Minute Increment"
msgstr "Minutenverhoging"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:556
msgid "24 Hour Input"
msgstr "24 uurs invoer"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:549
msgid "Time Settings"
msgstr "Tijdsinstellingen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:537
msgid "Both Date & Time"
msgstr "Zowel datum als tijd"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:533
msgid "Time Only"
msgstr "Alleen tijd"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:529
msgid "Date Only"
msgstr "Alleen datum"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:524
msgid "Date/Time Mode"
msgstr "Datum/tijd modus"
#: includes/Fields/Repeater.php:28
msgid "Repeatable Fieldset"
msgstr "Herhaalbare veldset"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:364 includes/Display/Render.php:664
msgid "Add "
msgstr "Toevoegen "
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:287
msgid "Repeatable fieldsets"
msgstr "Herhaalbare veldsets"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:204
msgid "Drag and drop new fields from the right to create a repeatable set of fields."
msgstr "Versleep nieuwe velden naar rechts om een herhaalbare set van velden te maken."
#: services/bootstrap.php:42
msgid "SendWP - Transactional Email"
msgstr "SendWP - Transactionele e-mail"
#: blocks/ninja-forms-blocks.php:19
msgid "Ninja Forms Blocks was unable to load."
msgstr "Ninja Forms Bloks kon niet worden geladen."
#: blocks/ninja-forms-blocks.php:14
msgid "Autoloader not found for Ninja Forms Blocks - try running <code>composer install</code>"
msgstr "Autoloader niet gevonden voor Ninja Forms Bloks - probeer <code>composer install</code> uit te voeren"
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:202
msgid "Preview token failed validation"
msgstr "Voorbeeld token validatie mislukt"
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:174
msgid "Current page of the collection."
msgstr "Huidige pagina van de collectie."
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:166
msgid "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
msgstr "Maximumaantal items dat kan worden geretourneerd in de resultatenset."
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:142 blocks/bootstrap.php:161
msgid "Unique identifier for the object."
msgstr "Unieke ID voor het object."
#: blocks/bootstrap.php:22 build/form-block.js:1
msgid "Ninja Form"
msgstr "Ninja Form"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:114
msgid "Don’t See Your Favorite Service Above? We Can Likely Still Help."
msgstr "Zie je je favoriete dienst hierboven niet? We kunnen waarschijnlijk nog steeds helpen."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:110
msgid "Never Miss an Important Submission or Lead Again!"
msgstr "Mis nooit meer een belangrijke inzending of lead!"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:106
msgid "Generate More Leads Than You Ever Thought Possible"
msgstr "Genereer meer leads dan je ooit voor mogelijk had gehouden"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:102
msgid "Let Your Users Do More, and Do More for Your Users"
msgstr "Laat je gebruikers meer doen en doe meer voor je gebruikers"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:98
msgid "Want to Attract More Subscribers to Your Mailing Lists?"
msgstr "Wil je meer abonnees voor je mailinglijsten aantrekken?"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:94
msgid "Accept Payments & Donations Without Breaking the Bank"
msgstr "Accepteer betalingen & donaties zonder de bank te breken"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:90
msgid "Better Document Sharing will Take Your Business Further"
msgstr "Beter delen van documenten zal je bedrijf verder helpen"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:86
msgid "You Can Build Smart, Beautiful WordPress Forms!"
msgstr "Je kunt slimme, mooie WordPress formulieren maken!"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:90
msgid "Integrate with 1000+ More Services"
msgstr "Integreer met 1000+ meer diensten"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:89
msgid "Send SMS Form Notifications"
msgstr "Stuur SMS formulier berichten"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:88
msgid "Document & Workflow Management"
msgstr "Document & Workflowbeheer"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:87
msgid "Manage Your Users Better"
msgstr "Beheer je gebruikers beter"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:86
msgid "Connect to Your Email Marketing or CRM Account"
msgstr "Maak verbinding met je e-mail marketing of CRM account"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:85
msgid "Accept Payments & Donations"
msgstr "Accepteer betalingen & donaties"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:82
msgid "No Results Found."
msgstr "Geen resultaten gevonden."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:25
msgid "For your security, do not post this information in public places, such as the support forums."
msgstr "Plaats deze informatie voor je veiligheid niet op openbare plaatsen, zoals de ondersteuningsforums van"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:21
msgid "This information is vital for addressing your issue in a timely manner."
msgstr "Deze informatie is van essentieel belang om je probleem tijdig aan te pakken."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:57
msgid "Accept credit card payments or donations from any form. Single payments, subscriptions, and more!"
msgstr "Accepteer creditcardbetalingen of donaties vanuit welke vorm dan ook. Eenmalige betalingen, abonnementen en meer!"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:49
msgid "Let users upload files to your site! Restrict file type and size. Upload to server, media library, or cloud service."
msgstr "Laat gebruikers bestanden uploaden naar je site! Beperk het bestand type en de bestand grootte. Upload naar server, mediabibliotheek of cloud dienst."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:41
msgid "Create multiple page forms with drag-and-drop. You don't need to code to build complex forms!"
msgstr "Maak formulieren met meerdere pagina's met verslepen. Je hoef niet te coderen om complexe formulieren te bouwen!"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:33
msgid "Show & hide fields and pages, selectively send email, & much more! Build professional forms easily."
msgstr "Toon & verberg velden en pagina's, selectief e-mail verzenden, & veel meer! Bouw eenvoudig professionele formulieren."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:25
msgid "Drag & drop rows and columns, custom backgrounds, borders, & more without writing a single line of code."
msgstr "Versleep & rijen en kolommen, aangepaste achtergronden, randen, & meer zonder een enkele regel code te schrijven."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:245
msgid "Additional Templates"
msgstr "Aanvullende templates"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:240
msgid "Available Templates"
msgstr "Beschikbare templates"
#: services/bootstrap.php:76
msgid "Invalid nonce."
msgstr "Ongeldige nonce."
#: includes/Abstracts/Field.php:158
msgid "This field is required."
msgstr "Dit veld is vereist."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:236
msgid "Please contact your host to upgrade your site's PHP version. %sRead more about updating your PHP version and WordPress%s."
msgstr "Neem contact op met je host om de PHP versie van je site te upgraden. %sLees meer over het updaten van je PHP versie en WordPress%s."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:232
msgid "An update is available for %s, however, you are not able to update at this time."
msgstr "Er is een update beschikbaar voor %s, maar je kan op dit moment niet updaten."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:203
msgid "Please contact your host to upgrade your site's PHP version."
msgstr "Neem contact op met je host om de PHP versie van je site te upgraden."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:203
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:234
msgid "The new version requires at least PHP %s, and your PHP version is %s."
msgstr "De nieuwe versie vereist ten minste PHP %s en je PHP versie is %s."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:240
msgid "Your request could not be verified. Please try again."
msgstr "Je aanvraag kan niet worden geverifieerd. Probeer het opnieuw."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/DeleteAllData.php:15
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Fields.php:23
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Preview.php:19
#: includes/AJAX/REST/RequiredUpdate.php:25
msgid "Access denied. You must have admin privileges to perform this action."
msgstr "Toegang geweigerd. Je moet beheerdersrechten hebben om deze actie uit te voeren."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:28 includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:149
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:168
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:20
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:47
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:65 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:22
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:48 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:71
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:15
msgid "Access denied. You must have admin privileges to view this data."
msgstr "Toegang geweigerd. Je moet beheerdersrechten hebben om deze gegevens te bekijken."
#: includes/Libraries/Whip/NF_Php_Version_Whip.php:47
msgid "Please contact your hosting provider to upgrade your PHP version and prevent these issues. You should also make sure that your plugins and theme are tested with and support PHP version 7.2 or higher."
msgstr "Neem contact op met je hostingprovider om je PHP versie te upgraden en deze problemen te voorkomen. Je moet er ook voor zorgen dat je plugins en thema zijn getest met en PHP versie 7.2 of hoger ondersteunen."
#: includes/Libraries/Whip/NF_Php_Version_Whip.php:45
msgid "We have detected that your website is currently running an older version of PHP than is %srecommended by WordPress%s. This may cause security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and compatibility problems with many modern plugins including Ninja Forms."
msgstr "We hebben vastgesteld dat je site momenteel een oudere versie van PHP gebruikt dan %saanbevolen door WordPress%s. Dit kan beveiligingsproblemen, prestatieproblemen en compatibiliteitsproblemen veroorzaken met veel moderne plugins, waaronder Ninja Forms."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:872
msgid "Please wait %s seconds"
msgstr "Wacht %s seconden"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:376
msgid "* - Represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9) - This allows both numbers and letters to be entered."
msgstr "* - Vertegenwoordigt een alfanumeriek teken (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) - Hiermee kunnen zowel cijfers als letters worden ingevoerd."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:375
msgid "9 - Represents a numeric character (0-9) - Only allows numbers to be entered."
msgstr "9 - Vertegenwoordigt een numeriek teken (0-9) - Laat alleen cijfers toe."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:374
msgid "a - Represents an alpha character (A-Z,a-z) - Only allows letters to be entered."
msgstr "a - vertegenwoordigt een alfakarakter (A-Z, a-z) - Staat alleen letters toe."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:15
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:71
msgid "Get a site key for your domain by registering %shere%s"
msgstr "Ontvang een sitesleutel voor je domein door %shier%s te registreren"
#. Author of the plugin
msgid "Saturday Drive"
msgstr "Saturday Drive"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:191
msgid "Add Attachment"
msgstr "Bijlage toevoegen"
#: includes/Fields/ListImage.php:32
msgid "Select Image"
msgstr "Selecteer afbeelding"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:284
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "Afbeeldingsopties"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:233
msgid "Show Labels"
msgstr "Toon labels"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:221
msgid "Allow Multiple Selections"
msgstr "Meerdere selecties toestaan"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:206
msgid "Number of Columns"
msgstr "Aantal kolommen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:196
msgid "List Orientation"
msgstr "Lijst oriëntatie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:194
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Verticaal"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:193
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Horizontaal"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:14 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Form ID"
msgstr "Formulier ID"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:144
msgid "User Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:900
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Afbeelding"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:598
msgid "Confirm Reset"
msgstr "Herstel bevestigen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:597
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Herstel"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:550
msgid "Please place one label on each line, separated by commas."
msgstr "Zet elk label op een nieuwe regel, gescheiden door kommas."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:258
msgid "Failed to insert new form."
msgstr "Het invoegen van een nieuw formulier is mislukt."
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:105
msgid "Chinese Yuan"
msgstr "Chinese yuan"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:179
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Ingeschakeld"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:101
msgid "Russian Ruble"
msgstr "Russische roebel"
#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:33
msgid "Field Meta Cleanup."
msgstr "Meta velden opschonen."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:186
msgid "SQL Version Variable"
msgstr "SQL versie variabele"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:588
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:596
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiëren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:358
msgid "Display Your Form"
msgstr "Toon je formulier"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:214
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:172
msgid "Public Link"
msgstr "Publieke Link"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:66
msgid "The shortcode you can use to embed this form on a page or post."
msgstr "De shortcode die je kan gebruiken om dit formulier op een pagina of bericht in te sluiten."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:62
msgid "Embed Your Form"
msgstr "Sluit je formulier In"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:53
msgid "A public link to access the form."
msgstr "Een publiekelijk toegankelijke link om je formulier te bekijken."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:50
msgid "Link To Your Form"
msgstr "Link naar je formulier"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:44
msgid "If this box is checked, Ninja Forms will create a public link to access the form."
msgstr "Als deze box is ingeschakeld, maakt Ninja Forms een openbare link om toegang te krijgen tot het formulier."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:40
msgid "Allow a public link?"
msgstr "Publieke link toestaan?"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:54
msgid "Form Builder \"Dev Mode\""
msgstr "Formulier bouwer \"Dev Mode\""
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:45
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
msgstr "Maleisische ringgit"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:179
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Uitgeschakeld"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:179
msgid "Ninja Forms \"Dev Mode\""
msgstr "Ninja Forms \"Dev Mode\""
#: includes/Integrations/sendwp.php:9 includes/Integrations/sendwp.php:67
msgid "Something went wrong. SendWP was not installed correctly."
msgstr "Er is iets fout gegaan. SendWP is niet correct geïnstalleerd."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:414
msgid "Some fields might not have been imported properly."
msgstr "Sommige velden zijn misschien niet goed geïmporteerd."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:106
msgid "Failed to read export. Please try again."
msgstr "Lezen van de export is mislukt. Probeer het nogmaals."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:71
msgid "No export provided."
msgstr "Geen export opgegeven."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:178
msgid "Ninja Forms Gatekeeper"
msgstr "Ninja Forms Gatekeeper"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:177
msgid "Ninja Forms DB Version"
msgstr "Ninja Forms DB versie"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:22
msgid "Please select a Ninja Forms export. %sMust be in .nff format%s."
msgstr "Selecteer een Ninja Forms export. %sMoet in .nff formaat zijn%s."
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:6
msgid "Form Imported Successfully. %sView Form%s"
msgstr "Formulier succesvol geïmporteerd. %sBekijk formulier%s"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:154
msgid "Do Required Updates"
msgstr "Verplichte updates uitvoeren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:142
msgid "When you're ready, just click the \"Do Required Updates\" button below to get started. You'll be able to create and edit forms in no time."
msgstr "Als je er klaar voor bent, klik dan op de \"Verplichte updates uitvoeren\" knop om te beginnen. Je zal dan in een mum van tijd formulieren kunnen maken en bewerken."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:139
msgid "It's always a good idea to have an up to date backup of your WordPress site on hand. That's especially true when you run plugin and theme updates. Luckily, there are plenty of good backup plugins available."
msgstr "Het is altijd een goed idee om een recente back-up van je WordPress site te hebben. En dat is helemaal waar als je regelmatig plugin en thema updates doet. Gelukkig zijn er genoeg goede back-up plugins beschikbaar."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:136
msgid "Normally, users will still be able to view and submit forms while these updates take place. If an update needs to modify database information, we'll put the affected form in maintenance mode until we get done with that update."
msgstr "Normaal gesproken kunnen gebruikers nog steeds formulieren bekijken en verzenden terwijl deze updates plaatsvinden. Als een update database informatie moet wijzigen, plaatsen we het betreffende formulier in de onderhoudsmodus totdat we klaar zijn met die update."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:133
msgid "Ninja Forms needs to run some updates on your installation before you can continue. You'll be able to create and edit forms after the updates listed below have completed."
msgstr "Ninja Forms moet een aantal updates uitvoeren op je installatie voordat je verder kan gaan. Je kan formulieren toevoegen en bewerken nadat onderstaande updates zijn afgerond."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:130
msgid "Required Updates"
msgstr "Verplichte updates"
#: includes/Display/Render.php:120
msgid "This form is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later."
msgstr "Dit formulier ondergaat momenteel onderhoud. Probeer het later nogmaals."
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:28
msgid "Cleanup Orphan Records"
msgstr "Verwijder wees records"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:23
msgid "Update Objects Tables"
msgstr "Object tabellen updaten"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:18
msgid "Update Fields Tables"
msgstr "Veld tabellen updaten"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:13
msgid "Update Forms Tables"
msgstr "Form tabellen updaten"
#: includes/Config/RequiredUpdates.php:8
msgid "Update Actions Tables"
msgstr "Acties tabellen updaten"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:134
msgid "Click this button if any of your forms are still in 'Maintenance Mode' after performing any required updates."
msgstr "Klik op deze knop als een van je formulieren nog steeds in onderhoudsmodus zit na het uitvoeren van verplichte updates."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:132
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:133
msgid "Remove Maintenance Mode"
msgstr "Verwijder onderhoudsmodus"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:15
msgid "The email address used in this field will be allowed to make data export and delete requests on behalf of their form submission."
msgstr "Het e-mailadres dat in dit veld wordt gebruikt, kan gegevens exporteren en aanvragen namens hun formulier inzending verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:79
msgid "In order to prevent errors, values may only contain a specific subset of characters ( a-z, 0-9, -, _, @, space ). You can use the option label in your success message(s) or email action(s) by adding the :label attribute to your list field merge tags. For example: {field:key:label}"
msgstr "Om fouten te voorkomen, mogen waarden alleen een specifieke subset tekens bevatten (a-z, 0-9, -, _, @, spatie). Je kunt het optie label gebruiken in je succes bericht (en) of e-mail actie (s) door het: label attribuut toe te voegen aan je lijst veld samenvoeg tags. Bijvoorbeeld: {field:key:label}"
#: ninja-forms.php:1280
msgid "Once per week"
msgstr "Eens keer per week"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:116
msgid "Downgrade to v2.9.x"
msgstr "Downgrade naar v2.9.x"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:192 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:218
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:115
msgid "Downgrade"
msgstr "Downgrade"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:191 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:217
msgid " to confirm."
msgstr " Om te bevestigen."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:191 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:217
msgid "Type "
msgstr "Type "
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:190 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:216
msgid "You WILL lose any forms or submissions created on this version of Ninja Forms."
msgstr "Je zult alle formulieren of inzendingen verliezen die op deze versie van Ninja Forms zijn gemaakt."
#: includes/Fields/ListState.php:37
msgid "Select State"
msgstr "Selecteer staat"
#: includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:108 includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:127
msgid "Select Country"
msgstr "Selecteer land"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:97
msgid "Indian Rupee"
msgstr "Indiase roepie"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:78
msgid "Max Value"
msgstr "Maximale waarde"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:77
msgid "Min Value"
msgstr "Minimale waarde"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:74
msgid "%sThis will also DELETE all submission data associated with this field.%sYou will not be able to retrieve this data later!%s"
msgstr "%sHiermee worden ook alle indieningsgegevens die aan dit veld zijn gekoppeld VERWIJDERD.%sJe kunt deze gegevens later niet meer ophalen!%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:125
msgid "This setting maybe helpful if your WordPress installation is not moving expired submissions to the trash properly."
msgstr "Deze instelling kan handig zijn als je WordPress installatie vervallen inzendingen niet naar de prullenbak verplaatst."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:124
msgid "Trash Expired Submissions"
msgstr "Verlopen inzendingen in prullenbak"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:123
msgid "Move To Trash"
msgstr "Verplaats naar prullenbak"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:174
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:194 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:220
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash all expired submissions?"
msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je alle verlopen inzendingen wilt verwijderen?"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:63
msgid "Sets submissions to be trashes after a certain number of days, it affects all existing and new submissions"
msgstr "Stelt in dat inzendingen na een bepaald aantal dagen afvallig zijn, dit heeft invloed op alle bestaande en nieuwe inzendingen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:98
msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Configuratie"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:74
msgid "How long in days until subs expire?"
msgstr "Hoe lang in dagen tot inzendingen aflopen?"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:61
msgid "Set Submissions to expire?"
msgstr "Inzendingen instellen om te verlopen?"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:96
msgid "Unable to update the service."
msgstr "Kan de dienst niet updaten."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:95
msgid "%sRedirecting to"
msgstr "%sOmleiden naar"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:92
msgid "%sSince you’re using one of our Ninja Forms services, like Ninja Mail or our Add-on Manager, your site is connected to This allows us to send data between your site and For details about what is being shared, you can see our %sPrivacy Policy%s.%s"
msgstr "%s Aangezien je een van onze Ninja Forms diensten gebruikt, zoals Ninja Mail of onze add-on Manager, is je site verbonden met Hierdoor kunnen we gegevens verzenden tussen je site en Voor meer informatie over wat er wordt gedeeld, zie ons %sPrivacy beleid %s. %s"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:91
msgid "Stay Connected"
msgstr "Verbonden blijven"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:90
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Loskoppelen"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:89
msgid "Disconnecting from will disrupt the functionality of all services. To manage your service subscriptions please visit"
msgstr "Loskoppelen van zal de functionaliteit van alle diensten verstoren. Ga naar om je dienst abonnementen te beheren"
#: services/bootstrap.php:73 services/bootstrap.php:83
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om plugins op deze site te installeren."
#: services/bootstrap.php:16
msgid "Add-on Manager (Beta)"
msgstr "Add-on manager (beta)"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:81
msgid "Processing..."
msgstr "Bezig met verwerken..."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:80
msgid "Clean up my data"
msgstr "Ruim mijn gegevens op"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:78
msgid "%sOnce we begin this process, it might take several minutes to complete.%sNavigating away from this page before it is finished could lead to unexpected results.%sPlease confirm when you are ready to begin.%s"
msgstr "%sZodra we met dit proces zijn begonnen, kan het enkele minuten duren voordat het is afgerond. %sNavigeren van deze pagina voordat deze is afgerond, kan tot onverwachte resultaten leiden. %sBevestig wanneer je klaar bent om te beginnen. %s"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:817
msgid "This option helps with privacy regulation compliance"
msgstr "Deze optie helpt bij het naleven van de privacyregels"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:814
msgid "This Field Is Personally Identifiable Data"
msgstr "Dit veld betreft persoonlijk identificeerbare gegevens"
#: includes/Config/DashboardMenuItems.php:11
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Diensten"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:13
msgid "Designated Submitter's Email Address"
msgstr "Aangewezen e-mailadres van indiener"
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:28
msgid "Anonymize Data"
msgstr "Gegevens anonimiseren"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:185 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:211
msgid "Remove ALL Ninja Forms data and uninstall?"
msgstr "Verwijder ALLE Ninja Forms gegevens en deïnstalleren?"
#: ninja-forms.php:593
msgid "If you are using Ninja Forms to collect personal information, you should consult a legal professional for your use case."
msgstr "Als je Ninja Forms gebruikt om persoonlijke informatie te verzamelen, dien je een juridische professional te raadplegen voor je gebruiksdoeleinde."
#: ninja-forms.php:592
msgid "Ninja Forms allows you to collect personal information"
msgstr "Ninja Forms staat je toe om persoonlijke informatie verzamelen"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:77
msgid "Thank you for opting in!"
msgstr "Bedankt voor je inschrijving!"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:76
msgid "Keep being awesome!"
msgstr "Goed bezig!"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:75
msgid "Yes, I agree!"
msgstr "Ja, ik ben het ermee eens!"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:74
msgid "Not Now"
msgstr "Niet nu"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:73
msgid "Yes, please send me occasional emails about Ninja Forms."
msgstr "Ja, stuur me af en toe een e-mail over Ninja Forms."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:72
msgid "%sWe would like to collect data about how Ninja Forms is used so that we can improve the experience for everyone. This data will not include ANY submission data or personally identifiable information.%sPlease check out our %sprivacy policy%s for additional clarification.%s"
msgstr "%sWe willen gegevens verzamelen over hoe Ninja Forms wordt gebruikt, zodat we de ervaring voor iedereen kunnen verbeteren. Deze gegevens bevatten GEEN ENKELE inzendingsgegevens of persoonlijk identificeerbare informatie. %s Bekijk ons %sprivacy-beleid %s voor meer uitleg. %s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:75
msgid "Opt-in to allow Ninja Forms to collect anonymous usage statistics from your site, such as PHP version, installed plugins, and other non-personally idetifiable informations."
msgstr "Meld je aan om Ninja Forms toe te staan anonieme gebruiksstatistieken van je site te verzamelen, zoals PHP versie, geïnstalleerde plugins en andere niet-persoonlijk identificeerbare informatie."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:74
msgid "Allow Telemetry"
msgstr "Telemetrie toestaan"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:73
msgid "Opt-out"
msgstr "Uitschrijven"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:73
msgid "Opt-in"
msgstr "Inschrijven"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:68
msgid "Includes action to add users to WordPress' personal data export tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Bevat actie om gebruikers toe te voegen aan het gereedschap voor het exporteren van persoonsgegevens van WordPress, zodat beheerders aan de front-end van de site kunnen voldoen aan de AVG/GDPR en andere privacyregels."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:62
msgid "Includes action to add users to WordPress' personal data delete tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Bevat actie om gebruikers toe te voegen aan het gereedschap voor het verwijderen van persoonsgegevens van WordPress, zodat beheerders aan de voorkant van de site kunnen voldoen aan de AVG/GDPR en andere privacyregels."
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:47
msgid "Form Field"
msgstr "Formulierveld"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:39
msgid "Except"
msgstr "Behalve"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:24
msgid "Save None"
msgstr "Niets opslaan"
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:23
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "Alles opslaan"
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:11
msgid "This action adds users to WordPress' personal data export tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Deze actie voegt gebruikers toe aan de tool voor het exporteren van persoonsgegevens van WordPress, zodat beheerders aan de voorkant van de site kunnen voldoen aan de AVG/GDPR en andere privacyregels."
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:11
msgid "This action adds users to WordPress' personal data delete tool, allowing admins to comply with the GDPR and other privacy regulations from the site's front end."
msgstr "Met deze actie worden gebruikers toegevoegd aan de tool voor het verwijderen van persoonlijke gegevens van WordPress, zodat beheerders aan de front-end van de site kunnen voldoen aan de AVG/GDPR en andere privacyregels."
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:10
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:10
msgid "This is a message"
msgstr "Dit is een bericht"
#: includes/Admin/UserDataRequests.php:65
msgid "Ninja Forms Submissions Data"
msgstr "Ninja Forms inzendingsgegevens"
#: includes/Admin/UserDataRequests.php:50
#: includes/Admin/UserDataRequests.php:95
msgid "Ninja Forms Submission Data"
msgstr "Ninja Forms inzendingsgegevens"
#: includes/Actions/ExportDataRequest.php:35
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:67
msgid "Export Data Request"
msgstr "Verzoek voor gegevens export"
#: includes/Actions/DeleteDataRequest.php:35
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:61
msgid "Delete Data Request"
msgstr "Gegevens verwijdering verzoek"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:212
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:11
msgid "Please enter a valid date!"
msgstr "Vul een geldige datum in!"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:180
msgid "Allow WordPress users to edit their profiles from the front-end, including custom user meta!"
msgstr "Sta WordPress gebruikers toe om hun profielen vanaf de front-end te bewerken, inclusief aangepaste gebruikers meta!"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:179
msgid "Edit User Profile"
msgstr "Bewerk gebruikersprofiel"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:164
msgid "Register a WordPress User"
msgstr "Registreer een WordPress gebruiker"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:163
msgid "Register a User"
msgstr "Registreer een gebruiker"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:147
msgid "Allow users to create posts from the front-end using a form, including custom post meta!"
msgstr "Sta gebruikers toe om vanaf de front-end berichten te maken met behulp van een formulier, inclusief aangepaste berichtmeta!"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:146
msgid "Create a Post"
msgstr "Maak een bericht"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:130
msgid "Collect a payment using PayPal Express. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Verzamel een betaling met PayPal Express. Je kan indien nodig velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:129
msgid "PayPal Payment"
msgstr "PayPal betaling"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:112
msgid "Allow users to upload files with their forms. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Sta gebruikers toe om bestanden te uploaden met hun formulieren. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:111
msgid "File Upload"
msgstr "Bestand uploaden"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:96
msgid "Collect a payment using Stripe. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Verwerk een betaling met Stripe. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:95
msgid "Stripe Payment"
msgstr "Stripe betaling"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:80
msgid "Add a user to a list in MailChimp. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Voeg een gebruiker toe aan een lijst in Mailchimp. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:79
msgid "MailChimp Signup"
msgstr "Mailchimp inschrijving"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:56
msgid "Allow users to apply for a job. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Sta gebruikers toe te solliciteren op een baan. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:55
msgid "Job Application"
msgstr "Sollicitatie"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:50
msgid "Collect information about your users. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Verzamel informatie over je gebruikers. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:49
msgid "Questionnaire"
msgstr "Vragenlijst"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:44
msgid "Collect feedback for an event, blog post, or anything else. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Verzamel feedback voor een evenement, blog bericht of iets anders. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:43
msgid "Collect feedback"
msgstr "Verzamel feedback"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:38
msgid "Collect user enquiries with this simple, generic form. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Verzamel gebruikersvragen met dit eenvoudige, generieke formulier. Je kunt naar behoefte velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:37
msgid "General Enquiry"
msgstr "Algemeen onderzoek"
#: includes/Libraries/Whip/NF_Php_Version_Whip.php:41
msgid "%sDismiss this for 4 weeks.%s"
msgstr "%sVerberg dit voor 4 weken.%s"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:71
msgid "Export Submissions"
msgstr "Inzendingen exporteren"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:69
msgid "Confirm Delete"
msgstr "Verwijdering bevestigen"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:66
msgid "to confirm"
msgstr "om te bevestigen"
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:63
msgid "Once deleted, it's fields and submissions cannot be recovered. Proceed with caution."
msgstr "Nadat ze zijn verwijderd, kunnen velden en submissies niet worden hersteld. Ga voorzichtig verder."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:62
msgid "You are about to delete the form"
msgstr "Je staat op het punt het formulier te verwijderen"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:38
msgid "Field for the message"
msgstr "Veld voor het bericht"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:29
msgid "Field for a URL"
msgstr "Veld voor een URL"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:20
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:20
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:20
msgid "Email address field"
msgstr "E-mailadres veld"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:11
msgid "Name field"
msgstr "Naamveld"
#: includes/Actions/Akismet.php:95
msgid "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verzenden van je bericht. Probeer het later opnieuw"
#: includes/Actions/Akismet.php:38
msgid "Akismet Anti-Spam"
msgstr "Akismet Anti-Spam"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:34 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "Verplaats naar prullenbak"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:17
msgid "ALL Ninja Forms data will be removed from the database and the Ninja Forms plug-in will be deactivated. %sAll form and submission data will be unrecoverable.%s"
msgstr "ALLE Ninja Forms gegevens worden uit de database verwijderd en de Ninja Forms plugin wordt gedeactiveerd. %sAlle formulier- en inzendingsgegevens zullen niet kunnen worden hersteld.%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:15
msgid "Delete All Data"
msgstr "Verwijder alle gegevens"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:150
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:158
msgid "Trashed"
msgstr "Verwijderd"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:147
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:156
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Afgerond"
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:43
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:48
msgid "Invalid request."
msgstr "Ongeldige aanvraag."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/DeleteAllData.php:23
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Fields.php:31
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:22
#: includes/AJAX/REST/BatchProcess.php:30 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:30
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:55 includes/AJAX/REST/Forms.php:78
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:22
#: includes/AJAX/REST/RequiredUpdate.php:33
msgid "Request forbidden."
msgstr "Aanvraag verboden."
#: includes/Display/Preview.php:56 includes/Display/Preview.php:62
msgid "You must provide a valid form ID."
msgstr "Je moet een geldig formulier ID opgeven."
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:91
msgid "Form does not exist."
msgstr "Formulier bestaat niet."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:447
msgid "This value will be used as the HTML input \"name\" attribute."
msgstr "Deze waarde wordt gebruikt als het kenmerk 'naam' voor HTML-invoer."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:443
msgid "Custom Name Attribute"
msgstr "Aangepast naam kenmerk"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:99
msgid "Insert Form"
msgstr "Formulier invoegen"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:72 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:60
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:88
msgid "Sa"
msgstr "Za"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:71 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:59
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:87
msgid "Fr"
msgstr "Vr"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:70 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:58
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:86
msgid "Th"
msgstr "Do"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:69 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:57
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:85
msgid "We"
msgstr "Wo"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:68 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:56
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:84
msgid "Tu"
msgstr "Di"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:67 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:55
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:83
msgid "Mo"
msgstr "Ma"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:66 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:54
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:82
msgid "Su"
msgstr "Zo"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:63 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:51
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:79
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Zat"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:62 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:50
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:78
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Vri"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:61 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:49
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:77
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Don"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:60 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:48
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:76
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "Woe"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:59 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:47
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:75
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Din"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:58 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:46
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:74
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Maa"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:57 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:45
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:73
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Zon"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:54 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:42
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:70
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Zaterdag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:53 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:41
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:69
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vrijdag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:52 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:40
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:68
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Donderdag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:51 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:39
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:67
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Woensdag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:50 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:38
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:66
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Dinsdag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:49 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:37
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:65
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Maandag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:48 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:36
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:64
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Zondag"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:45 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:33
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:61
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dec"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:44 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:32
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:60
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:43 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:31
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:59
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Okt"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:42 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:30
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:58
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sep"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:41 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:29
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:57
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aug"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:40 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:28
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:56
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Jul"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:39 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:27
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:55
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Jun"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:37 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:25
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:53
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:36 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:24
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:52
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mrt"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:35 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:23
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:51
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:34 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:22
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:50
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:31 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:19
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:47
msgid "December"
msgstr "December"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:30 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:18
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:46
msgid "November"
msgstr "November"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:29 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:17
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:45
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktober"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:28 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:16
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:44
msgid "September"
msgstr "September"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:27 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:15
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:43
msgid "August"
msgstr "Augustus"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:26 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:14
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:42
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juli"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:25 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:13
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:41
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juni"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:24 includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:38
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:12 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:26
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:40 includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:54
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mei"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:23 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:11
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:39
msgid "April"
msgstr "April"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:22 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:10
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:38
msgid "March"
msgstr "Maart"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:21 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:9
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:37
msgid "February"
msgstr "Februari"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:20 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:8
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:36
msgid "January"
msgstr "Januari"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:18 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:6
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:34
msgid "Next Month"
msgstr "Volgende maand"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:17 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:5
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:33
msgid "Previous Month"
msgstr "Vorige maand"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:177
msgid "Unchecked Value"
msgstr "Niet gecontroleerde waarde"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:170
msgid "Checked Value"
msgstr "Gecontroleerde waarde"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:163
msgid "Checkbox Values"
msgstr "Selectievak Waarden"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:46
msgid "Disable UTF-8 Encoding"
msgstr "UTF-8 codering uitschakelen"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:53
msgid "Submission Count"
msgstr "Aantal inzendingen"
#: includes/Fields/Confirm.php:41
msgid "Fields do not match."
msgstr "Velden komen niet overeen."
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:183
msgid "User Meta"
msgstr "Gebruiker Meta"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:38
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tijd"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:93
msgid "South African Rand"
msgstr "Zuid-Afrikaanse Rand"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:56
msgid "Activated Plugins"
msgstr "Geactiveerde plugins"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:23
msgid "Submit a Support Request"
msgstr "Een ondersteuning aanvraag indienen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:22
msgid "Copy System Report"
msgstr "Kopieer systeemrapport"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:19
msgid "Include this information in your support request by pasting in the \"System Status\" portion of the form. (right click, choose \"Paste\" or use Ctrl+V)"
msgstr "Voeg deze informatie toe aan je ondersteuning verzoek door deze in het \" Systeemstatus\" gedeelte van het formulier te plakken. (klik met de rechtermuis knop, kies \"Plak\" of gebruik Ctrl + V)"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:18
msgid "Click \"Submit a Support Request\" to be directed to our site."
msgstr "Klik op \" Dien een ondersteuning aanvraag in\" om naar onze site te worden geleid."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:17
msgid "Copy your System Report first with the button below"
msgstr "Kopieer eerst je systeemrapport met de onderstaande knop"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:7
msgid "Ninja Forms Email troubleshooting"
msgstr "Ninja Forms E-mail problemen oplossen"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:111
msgid "License Activation Error"
msgstr "Licentie activatie fout"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:45
msgid "Select whether to display a \"I'm not a robot\" field or to detect if the user is a robot in the background."
msgstr "Selecteer of je een veld \"Ik ben geen robot\" wil weergeven of wil detecteren of de gebruiker een robot op de achtergrond is."
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:38
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "Onzichtbaar"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:34
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Zichtbaar"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:31
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Zichtbaarheid"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:160
msgid "None Logged"
msgstr "Geen geregistreerd"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:16
msgid "Possible issue detected. %sLearn More%s"
msgstr "Mogelijk is er een probleem. %sMeer Informatie%s"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:47
msgid "A form with this value has already been submitted."
msgstr "Een formulier met deze waarde bestaat al."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:44
msgid "Unique Field Error Message"
msgstr "Foutmelding uniek veld"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:12
msgid "Unique Field"
msgstr "Uniek veld"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:88
msgid "Enter Amount"
msgstr "Voer het aantal in"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:70
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Selecteer veld"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:52
msgid "Select Calculation"
msgstr "Selecteer berekening"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:43
msgid "Fixed Amount"
msgstr "Vast aantal"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:36
msgid "Get Total From"
msgstr "Totaal ophalen van"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:142
msgid "Not Supported"
msgstr "Niet ondersteund"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:142
msgid "Supported"
msgstr "Ondersteund"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:65
msgid "British Pounds Sterling"
msgstr "Engelse pond sterling"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:359
msgid "Anonymous"
msgstr "Anoniem"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:935
msgid "Decimals"
msgstr "Decimalen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:198
msgid "It's that easy."
msgstr "Het is zo makkelijk."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:234
msgid "Loading Forms"
msgstr "Formulieren laden"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:231
msgid "No Forms"
msgstr "Geen formulieren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:192
msgid "Less"
msgstr "Minder"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:191
msgid "More"
msgstr "Meer"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:186
msgid "Loading Forms..."
msgstr "Formulieren laden..."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:180
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:174
msgid "Search Forms"
msgstr "Zoek formulieren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:10
msgid "Ninja Forms Dashboard"
msgstr "Ninja Forms Dashboard"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:53
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Documentatie"
#: includes/MergeTags/WP.php:13
msgid "WordPress"
msgstr "WordPress"
#: includes/MergeTags/Other.php:13
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Andere"
#: includes/Fields/ListState.php:26
msgid "US States"
msgstr "VS Staten"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:170
msgid "User URL"
msgstr "Gebruiker URL"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:79
msgid "Post Meta"
msgstr "Bericht meta"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:51
msgid "User IP Address"
msgstr "Gebruiker IP-adres"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsFieldsAJAX.php:16
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:74
msgid "Fields Table"
msgstr "Veldentabel"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsFieldsAJAX.php:8
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:67
msgid "All Fields Table"
msgstr "Tabel met alle velden"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:118
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:131
msgid "User Display Name"
msgstr "Gebruiker weergavenaam"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:105
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:118
msgid "User Last Name"
msgstr "Achternaam gebruiker"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:92
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:105
msgid "User First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam gebruiker"
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:26
msgid "Precision"
msgstr "Accuratesse"
#: includes/Config/DashboardMenuItems.php:15
msgid "Apps & Integrations"
msgstr "Apps & integraties"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Dashboard.php:23
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:101
msgid "date"
msgstr "datum"
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:31
msgid "The blank form allows you to create any type of form using our drag & drop builder."
msgstr "Het blanco formulier laat je elk type formulier maken met gebruik van onze drag & drop bouwer."
#: includes/AJAX/REST/NewFormTemplates.php:30
msgid "Blank Form"
msgstr "Blanco Formulier"
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Controller.php:55
msgid "Endpoint does not exist."
msgstr "Eindpunt bestaat niet."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:276
msgid "Looks Good!"
msgstr "Ziet er goed uit!"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:276
msgid "upgrade_compelte_notice"
msgstr "upgrade_compelte_notice"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:275
msgid "Something is wrong..."
msgstr "Er is iets mis..."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:273
msgid "Your forms were upgraded. Take a look around and make sure everything looks right."
msgstr "Je formulieren zijn geüpgraded. Kijk even rond en controleer dat alles er goed uitziet."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:272
msgid "How do I look?"
msgstr "Hoe zie ik er uit?"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:124
msgid "The form has reached its submission limit."
msgstr "Het formulier heeft de inzend limiet bereikt."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1123
msgid "Use Inline Quantity"
msgstr "Inline hoeveelheid gebruiken"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:76
msgid "Please be aware that there is an issue with Contact Form 7 that breaks reCAPTCHA in other plugins.%sIf you need to use reCAPTCHA on any of your Ninja Forms, you will need to disable Contact Form 7."
msgstr "Houd er rekening mee dat er een probleem is met Contact Form 7 dat reCAPTCHA in andere plugins verbreekt. %sAls je reCAPTCHA op een van je Ninja formulieren moet gebruiken, moet je Contact Form 7 uitschakelen."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:75
msgid "Contact Form 7 is currently activated."
msgstr "Contact Form 7 is geactiveerd."
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:76
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Gemaakt"
#: includes/Actions/Custom.php:35
msgid "WP Hook"
msgstr "WP hook"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:535
msgid "Label, Value, Calc Value"
msgstr "Label, Waarde, Calculatiewaarde"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:532
msgid "Please use the following format"
msgstr "Gebruik het volgende format"
#: includes/Actions/Email.php:183
msgid "Your email action \"%s\" has an invalid value for the \"%s\" setting. Please check this setting and try again."
msgstr "Je e-mail actie \"%s\" heeft een ongeldige waarde voor de \"%s\" instelling. Controleer deze instelling en probeer het nogmaals."
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:40
msgid "Really Delete This Form? This will remove all fields and submission data. Recovery is not possible."
msgstr "Dit formulier echt verwijderen? Dit zal alle velden en gegevens van inzendingen verwijderen. Herstellen is niet mogelijk."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:227
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s or %5$supdate now%6$s."
msgstr "Er is een nieuwe versie van %1$s beschikbaar. %2$sBekijk versie %3$s details%4$s of %5$supdate nu%6$s."
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:219
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s."
msgstr "Er is een nieuwe versie van %1$s beschikbaar. %2$sBekijk versie %3$s details%4$s."
#: ninja-forms.php:1276
msgid "Once per month"
msgstr "Eens per maand"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:55
msgid "Y.m.d"
msgstr "J.m.d"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:52
msgid "d.m.Y"
msgstr "d.m.J"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:49
msgid "m.d.Y"
msgstr "m.d.J"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:144
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:196
msgid "Site Title"
msgstr "Sitetitel"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:66
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:66
msgid "Post Author Email"
msgstr "E-mailadres van bericht auteur"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:53
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:53
msgid "Post Author"
msgstr "Bericht auteur"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:199
msgid "Custom Labels"
msgstr "Aangepaste labels"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:690
msgid "End Year"
msgstr "Einde jaar"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:684
msgid "Start Year"
msgstr "Begin jaar"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:677
msgid "Year Range"
msgstr "Jaarbereik"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:633
msgid "YYYY.MM.DD"
msgstr "YYYY.MM.DD"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:621
msgid "MM.DD.YYYY"
msgstr "MM.DD.YYYY"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:609
msgid "DD.MM.YYYY"
msgstr "DD.MM.YYYY"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:564
#: includes/AJAX/REST/Controller.php:99
msgid "The server encountered an error during processing."
msgstr "De server heeft een fout aangetroffen tijdens de verwerking."
#: includes/Libraries/BackgroundProcessing/classes/wp-background-process.php:425
msgid "Every %d Minutes"
msgstr "Alle %d minuten"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:117
msgid "Please export any forms or submissions you do not want to be lost during this process."
msgstr "Exporteer formulieren of inzendingen die je niet verloren wilt laten gaan tijdens dit proces."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:117
msgid "IMPORTANT: All 3.0 data will be removed."
msgstr "Belangrijk: alle 3.0 gegevens zullen worden verwijderd."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:273
msgid "Plugin Default"
msgstr "Plugin standaard"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:89
msgid "U.S. Dollars"
msgstr "Amerikaanse dollars"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:85
msgid "Thai Baht"
msgstr "Thaise Baht"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:81
msgid "Taiwan New Dollars"
msgstr "Taiwanese nieuwe dollars"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:77
msgid "Swiss Franc"
msgstr "Zwitserse frank"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:73
msgid "Swedish Krona"
msgstr "Zweedse kroon"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:69
msgid "Singapore Dollars"
msgstr "Singaporese dollar"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:61
msgid "Polish Zloty"
msgstr "Poolse zloty"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:57
msgid "Philippine Pesos"
msgstr "Filippijnse peso's"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:53
msgid "New Zealand Dollars"
msgstr "Nieuw Zeelandse dollar"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:49
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
msgstr "Noorse kroon"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:41
msgid "Mexican Pesos"
msgstr "Mexicaanse pesos"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:37
msgid "Japanese Yen"
msgstr "Japanse yen"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:33
msgid "Israeli New Sheqels"
msgstr "Israëlische nieuwe sikkels"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:29
msgid "Hungarian Forints"
msgstr "Hongaarse forint"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:25
msgid "Hong Kong Dollars"
msgstr "Hong Kong dollars"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:21
msgid "Euros"
msgstr "Euro"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:17
msgid "Danish Krone"
msgstr "Deense kroon"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:13
msgid "Czech Koruna"
msgstr "Tsjechische kroon"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:9
msgid "Canadian Dollars"
msgstr "Canadese dollars"
#: includes/Config/Currency.php:5
msgid "Australian Dollars"
msgstr "Australische dollars"
#: ninja-forms.php:1087
msgid "%1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Ninja Forms version %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s is <strong>verouderd</strong> sinds Ninja Forms versie %2$s."
#: ninja-forms.php:1083
msgid "%1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Ninja Forms version %2$s! Use %3$s instead."
msgstr "%1$s is <strong>verouderd</strong> sinds Ninja Forms versie %2$s. Gebruik %3$s in plaats daarvan."
#: includes/Fields/Unknown.php:66 includes/Fields/Unknown.php:75
#: includes/Fields/Unknown.php:84
msgid "Field type \"%s\" not found."
msgstr "Veldtype \"%s\" niet gevonden."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:87
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:94 includes/Fields/Unknown.php:28
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Onbekend"
#: includes/Actions/SuccessMessage.php:66
msgid "Shortcodes should return and not echo, see: %s"
msgstr "Shortcodes zouden moeten terugkeren en niet echoën, zie: %s"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:345
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Ongedaan maken"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:32
msgid "Allow user to register for your next event this easy to complete form. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Laat je gebruiker zich registreren voor je volgende evenement met dit eenvoudige formulier. Je kunt ook velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:31
msgid "Event Registration"
msgstr "Registratie voor evenementen"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:26
msgid "Manage quote requests from your website easily with this template. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Beheer offerte verzoeken vanaf je site eenvoudig met dit template. Je kunt velden naar wens toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:19
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr "Neem contact op"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:11
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Beschikbaar"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:83
msgid "Invalid Form Upload."
msgstr "Ongeldige formulier geüpload."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:82
msgid "There uploaded file is not a valid format."
msgstr "Het geüploade bestand is geen geldig format."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:272
msgid "Form Template Import Error."
msgstr "Fout bij importeren formulier template."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:97
msgid "DEBUG: Switch to 3.0.x"
msgstr "FOUTOPSPORING: overschakelen naar 3.0.x"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:93
msgid "DEBUG: Switch to 2.9.x"
msgstr "FOUTOPSPORING: overschakelen naar 2.9.x"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:83
msgid "Ninja Forms Dev"
msgstr "Ninja Forms ontwikkeling"
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:8
msgid "Preview Changes"
msgstr "Voorbeeld van wijzigingen weergeven"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:13
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:5
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:6
msgid "Form Fields"
msgstr "Formuliervelden"
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:4
msgid "Editing field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
#: includes/Templates/admin-notice-form-import.html.php:4
msgid "View"
msgstr "Bekijk"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-submission-example.php:1
msgid "Submission Data"
msgstr "Ingediende gegevens"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:27
msgid "Submitted by: "
msgstr "Ingediend door: "
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:23
msgid "Submitted on: "
msgstr "Ingediend op: "
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:19
msgid "Updated on: "
msgstr "Geüpdatet op: "
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:9
msgid "Our Scope of Support"
msgstr "De reikwijdte van onze ondersteuning"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:8
msgid "What to try before contacting support"
msgstr "Hulpmiddelen voordat je contact opneemt met ondersteuning"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:4
msgid "Before requesting help from our support team please review:"
msgstr "Lees het volgende voordat je onze ondersteuning om hulp vraagt:"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:975
msgid " Open in new window"
msgstr " Openen in nieuw venster"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:484
msgid "Not Yet"
msgstr "Nog niet"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:476
msgid "Almost there..."
msgstr "Bijna klaar..."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:462
msgid " Undo All"
msgstr " Alles ongedaan maken"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:462
msgid "Undo All"
msgstr "Alles ongedaan maken"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:449
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:455
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:464
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:470
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Klaar"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:293
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-toggle-drawer.html.php:2
msgid "Half screen"
msgstr "Half scherm"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:293
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-toggle-drawer.html.php:2
msgid "Full screen"
msgstr "Volledig scherm"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:292
msgid "Toggle Drawer"
msgstr "Toggle lade"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:247
msgid "Delete (^ + D + click)"
msgstr "Verwijderen (^ + D + klik)"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:246
msgid "Duplicate (^ + C + click)"
msgstr "Kopiëren (^ + C + klik)"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:212
msgid "Get started by adding your first form field. Just click the plus and select the actions you want. It's that easy."
msgstr "Begin door je eerste formulierveld toe te voegen. Klik op het plusteken en kies de acties die je wilt. Meer niet."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:211
msgid "Add form actions"
msgstr "Acties voor formulier toevoegen"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:25
msgid "Quote Request"
msgstr "Offerteaanvraag"
#: includes/Config/NewFormTemplates.php:20
msgid "Allow your users to contact you with this simple contact form. You can add and remove fields as needed."
msgstr "Laat je gebruikers contact met je opnemen via dit eenvoudige contactformulier. Je kunt ook velden toevoegen en verwijderen."
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:18
msgid "Contact Form"
msgstr "Contactformulier"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:198
msgid "Get started by adding your first form field."
msgstr "Begin door je eerste formulierveld toe te voegen."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:197
msgid "Add form fields"
msgstr "Formuliervelden toevoegen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:169
msgid "View Changes"
msgstr "Wijzigingen bekijken"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:157
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Laden"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:153
msgid "PUBLISH"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:153
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:280
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:486
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:3
msgid "Publish"
msgstr "Publiceren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:149
msgid "Expand Menu"
msgstr "Menu uitvouwen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:125
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:127
msgid "Add new action"
msgstr "Een nieuwe actie toevoegen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:118
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:120
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:17
msgid "Add new field"
msgstr "Een nieuw veld toevoegen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:70
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:98
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:126
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:154
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:182
msgid "Mult-Select"
msgstr "Meerkeuze"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:55
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:83
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:111
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:139
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:167
msgid "Basic Fields"
msgstr "Basisvelden"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:35
msgid "Class Name"
msgstr "Klasse naam"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:31
msgid "Hide Label"
msgstr "Label verbergen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:30
msgid "Right of Field"
msgstr "Rechts van veld"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:29
msgid "Left of Field"
msgstr "Links van veld"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:28
msgid "Below Field"
msgstr "Onder veld"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:27
msgid "Above Field"
msgstr "Boven veld"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:21
msgid "Label Name"
msgstr "Labelnaam"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:17
msgid "Editing Field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:7
msgid " installed. The current version is "
msgstr " geïnstalleerd. De huidige versie is "
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:7
msgid " requires an update. You have version "
msgstr " vereist een update. Je hebt versie "
#: includes/Fields/PasswordConfirm.php:26
msgid "password"
msgstr "wachtwoord"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:56
msgid "l, F d Y"
msgstr "l, F d Y"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:54
msgid "Y/m/d"
msgstr "d-m-Y"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:53
msgid "Y-m-d"
msgstr "Y-m-d"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:48
msgid "m-d-Y"
msgstr "m-d-Y"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:51
msgid "d-m-Y"
msgstr "d-m-Y"
#: includes/Display/Shortcodes.php:44
msgid "Ninja Forms shortcode used without specifying a form."
msgstr "Er is een Ninja Forms shortcode gebruikt zonder een formulier te specificeren."
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:603
#: includes/Database/Models/Form.php:667
msgid "Save Form"
msgstr "Sla formulier op"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1158
msgid "Calculations are returned with the AJAX response ( response -> data -> calcs"
msgstr "Berekeningen worden terug verzonden met de Ajax reactie (reactie -> gegevens -> berekeningen"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1140
msgid "My Second Calculation"
msgstr "Mijn tweede berekening"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1136
msgid "My First Calculation"
msgstr "Mijn eerste berekening"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1132
msgid "Form with Calculations"
msgstr "Formulier met berekeningen"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1121
msgid "of Product B for $"
msgstr "van product B voor $"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1120
msgid "of Product A and "
msgstr "van product A en "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1074
msgid "Quantity for Product B"
msgstr "Aantal voor product B"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1062
msgid "Product B"
msgstr "Product B"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1047
msgid "Quantity for Product A"
msgstr "Aantal voor product A"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1035
msgid "Product A"
msgstr "Product A"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1025
msgid "Product Form (Multiple Products)"
msgstr "Productformulier (meerdere producten)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1017
msgid " product(s) for "
msgstr " product(en) voor "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:964
msgid "Product Form (Inline Quantity)"
msgstr "Productformulier (inline aantal)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:956
msgid "product(s) for "
msgstr "product(en) voor "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:955 includes/Database/MockData.php:1016
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1119
msgid "You purchased "
msgstr "Je aankoop: "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:943 includes/Database/MockData.php:1004
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1107 includes/Database/MockData.php:1150
msgid "Purchase"
msgstr "Kopen"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:888
msgid "Product Form (with Quantity Field)"
msgstr "Productformulier (met veld voor aantal)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:876
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Abonneren"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:867
msgid "Enter your email address"
msgstr "Je e-mailadres invoeren"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:863
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "E-mailadres"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:851
msgid "Email Subscription Form"
msgstr "Inschrijvingsformulier e-mails"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:835
msgid "Field #"
msgstr "Veldnummer"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:822
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:495
msgid " Fields"
msgstr " Velden"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:822
msgid "Long Form - "
msgstr "Lang formulier - "
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:805
msgid "processing"
msgstr "verwerken"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:776
msgid "answer"
msgstr "antwoord"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:774
msgid "Anti-Spam Question (Answer = answer)"
msgstr "Antispamvraag (antwoord = antwoord)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:764
msgid "These are various special fields."
msgstr "Er zijn diverse speciale velden."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:755
msgid "Credit Card Zip Code"
msgstr "Postcode creditcard"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:745
msgid "Credit Card CVV"
msgstr "Beveiligingscode creditcard"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:708
msgid "Product (seperate quantity)"
msgstr "Product (afzonderlijk aantal)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:701
msgid "Product (quanitity included)"
msgstr "Product (aantal inbegrepen)"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:697
msgid "These are all the fields in the Pricing section."
msgstr "Dit zijn alle velden in het gedeelte Prijzen."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:688
msgid "Zip Code"
msgstr "Postcode"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:649
msgid "These are all the fields in the User Information section."
msgstr "Dit zijn alle velden in het gedeelte Gebruikersgegevens."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:501
msgid "Bathroom Sink"
msgstr "Gootsteen badkamer"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:404 includes/Database/MockData.php:432
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:553 includes/Database/MockData.php:581
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:609
msgid "Option Three"
msgstr "Optie drie"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:397 includes/Database/MockData.php:425
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:546 includes/Database/MockData.php:574
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:602
msgid "Option Two"
msgstr "Optie twee"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:390 includes/Database/MockData.php:418
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:539 includes/Database/MockData.php:567
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:595
msgid "Option One"
msgstr "Optie één"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:387 includes/Database/MockData.php:536
msgid "Select List"
msgstr "Lijst selecteren"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:343
msgid "Kitchen Sink"
msgstr "Aanrecht"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:315
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Verzenden"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:301
msgid "Snail Mail"
msgstr "Normale post"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:283
msgid "Best Contact Method?"
msgstr "Beste contactmethode?"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:276
msgid "Agree?"
msgstr "Mee eens?"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:269
msgid "What Can We Help You With?"
msgstr "Waarmee kunnen we je helpen?"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:229
msgid "This is another test."
msgstr "Dit is een nog een test."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:228
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:227 includes/Database/MockData.php:231
msgid "John Doe"
msgstr "John Doe"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:218
msgid "This is a test"
msgstr "Dit is een test"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:217
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:216 includes/Database/MockData.php:220
msgid "Foo Bar"
msgstr "Foo Bar"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:206 includes/Database/MockData.php:332
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:490 includes/Database/MockData.php:810
msgid "Mock Save Action"
msgstr "Mock opslaan actie"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:194
msgid "Hello, Ninja Forms!"
msgstr "Hallo, Ninja Forms!"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:193
msgid "This is an email action."
msgstr "Dit is een e-mailactie."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:190
msgid "Mock Email Action"
msgstr "Mock e-mail actie"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:178
msgid "Thank you {field:name} for filling out my form!"
msgstr "Bedankt {field:name} voor het invullen van mijn formulier!"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:176
msgid "Mock Success Message Action"
msgstr "Mock succes bericht actie"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:42
msgid "Blank Forms"
msgstr "Lege formulieren"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:28
msgid "Baz"
msgstr "Baz"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:21
msgid "Bar"
msgstr "Bar"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:14
msgid "Foo"
msgstr "Foo"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:24
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:23
msgid "File Upload in Progress."
msgstr "Bestand wordt geüpload."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:254
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:22
msgid "Honeypot Error"
msgstr "Honeypot fout"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:242
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:19
msgid "Please correct errors before submitting this form."
msgstr "Corrigeer de fouten voordat je dit formulier indient."
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:17
msgid "Insert Media"
msgstr "Media invoegen"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:16
msgid "Insert Link"
msgstr "Koppeling invoegen"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:236
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:15
msgid "Please increment by "
msgstr "Toenemen met "
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:230
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:14
msgid "Number Max Error"
msgstr "Fout met maximumaantal"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:224
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:13
msgid "Number Min Error"
msgstr "Fout met minimumaantal"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:218
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:12
msgid "These fields must match!"
msgstr "Deze velden moeten overeenkomen!"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:206
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:10
msgid "Please enter a valid email address!"
msgstr "Voer een geldig e-mailadres in!"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:10 includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:20
msgid "If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty."
msgstr "Als je een persoon bent die dit veld ziet, laat je het leeg."
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:9
msgid "Open in new window"
msgstr "Openen in nieuw venster"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:8
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:384
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Toevoegen"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:7
msgid "Quantity:"
msgstr "Hoeveelheid:"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:6
msgid "Price:"
msgstr "Prijs:"
#: includes/Fields/Date.php:47 includes/Fields/Date.php:50
msgid "m/d/Y"
msgstr "m/d/Y"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:51
msgid "Ninja Forms Submission"
msgstr "Ninja Forms indiening"
#: includes/Config/ActionSuccessMessageSettings.php:16
#: includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:9
msgid "Your form has been successfully submitted."
msgstr "Je formulier is verzonden."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:637
msgid "Friday, November 18, 2019"
msgstr "Vrijdag, 18 november 2019"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:629
msgid "YYYY/MM/DD"
msgstr "YYYY/MM/DD"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:625
msgid "YYYY-MM-DD"
msgstr "DD-MM-YYYY"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:617
msgid "MM-DD-YYYY"
msgstr "MM-DD-YYYY"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:613
msgid "MM/DD/YYYY"
msgstr "MM/DD/YYYY"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:605
msgid "DD-MM-YYYY"
msgstr "DD-MM-YYYY"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:601
msgid "DD/MM/YYYY"
msgstr "DD/MM/YYYY"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:253
msgid "three"
msgstr "drie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:253 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1192
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:141
msgid "Three"
msgstr "Drie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:252
msgid "two"
msgstr "twee"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:252 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1191
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:134
msgid "Two"
msgstr "Twee"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:251
msgid "one"
msgstr "één"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:251 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1190
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:127
msgid "One"
msgstr "Eén"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/MockData.php:34
msgid "View Forms"
msgstr "Formulieren bekijken"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/MockData.php:33
msgid "Migrations and Mock Data complete. "
msgstr "Migratie en test gegevens afgerond. "
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:238 includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:254
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:273
msgid "Go get a life, script kiddies"
msgstr "Je poging is mislukt"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:182
msgid "Date Created"
msgstr "Aanmaakdatum"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:27
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:54
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/SavedFields.php:72
msgid "Field Not Found"
msgstr "Veld niet gevonden"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Form.php:35
msgid "Form Not Found"
msgstr "Formulier niet gevonden"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:40
msgid "Sub Sequence"
msgstr "Subsequentie"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/DownloadAllSubmissions.php:48
msgid "Invalid form id"
msgstr "Ongeldige formulier-id"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:877
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:999 includes/Database/Models/Form.php:936
#: includes/Fields/Confirm.php:26
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Bevestigen"
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:110
msgid "No taxonomy selected."
msgstr "Geen taxonomie geselecteerd."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:87
msgid "Opinionated Styles"
msgstr "Opinionated stijlen"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:104
msgid "Default Label Position"
msgstr "Standaard label positie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1293
msgid "Add New Terms"
msgstr "Nieuwe termen toevoegen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:499
msgid "Container"
msgstr "Container"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:116
msgid "Preview does not exist."
msgstr "Voorbeeld bestaat niet."
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:27 lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:43
msgid "Permission Denied"
msgstr "Toestemming geweigerd"
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:26 lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:42
msgid "You do not have permission."
msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming."
#: lib/NF_AddonChecker.php:43
msgid "%s was deactivated."
msgstr "%s is gedeactiveerd."
#: lib/NF_AddonChecker.php:42
msgid "Oops! That addon is not yet compatible with Ninja Forms THREE. %sLearn More%s."
msgstr "Helaas! De add-on is nog niet compatibel met Ninja Forms THREE. %sMeer informatie%s."
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:95
msgid "No available terms for this taxonomy. %sAdd a term%s"
msgstr "Er zijn geen termen beschikbaar voor deze taxonomie. %sEen term toevoegen%s"
#: includes/Fields/Note.php:45
msgid "Note text can be edited in the note field's advanced settings below."
msgstr "Opmerking tekst kan worden bewerkt in de geavanceerde instellingen van het opmerkingenveld."
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:119
msgid "Available Terms"
msgstr "Beschikbare termen"
#: includes/Fields/Terms.php:31
msgid "Terms List"
msgstr "Termenlijst"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1275
msgid "Taxonomy"
msgstr "Taxonomie"
#: includes/Fields/hr.php:28
msgid "Divider"
msgstr "Scheiding"
#: includes/Fields/Textbox.php:34
msgid "Single Line Text"
msgstr "Enkele regeltekst"
#: includes/Fields/Textarea.php:26
msgid "Paragraph Text"
msgstr "Alineatekst"
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:34
msgid "Single Checkbox"
msgstr "Enkel selectievakje"
#: ninja-forms.php:939
msgid "Notice: JavaScript is required for this content."
msgstr "Bericht: JavaScript is vereist voor deze inhoud."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:257
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Acties"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:189 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:215
msgid "Are you sure you want to downgrade?"
msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je wilt downgraden?"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:100
msgid "title"
msgstr "titel"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:54
msgid "Contact Me"
msgstr "Neem contact met me op"
#: includes/Fields/Zip.php:25
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Postcode"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:730 includes/Database/MockData.php:934
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:995 includes/Database/MockData.php:1098
#: includes/Fields/Total.php:28
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totaal"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:57
msgid "Incorrect Answer"
msgstr "Onjuist antwoord"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:28
msgid "Question Position"
msgstr "Vraagpositie"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:27
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Vraag"
#: includes/Fields/Shipping.php:41
msgid "Advanced Shipping"
msgstr "Geavanceerde verzending"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:61
msgid "Please complete the recaptcha"
msgstr "Vul de nieuwe captcha in"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:26
msgid "Recaptcha"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:715 includes/Database/MockData.php:910
#: includes/Fields/Quantity.php:30
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Aantal"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:287 includes/Database/MockData.php:668
#: includes/Fields/Phone.php:24
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefoon"
#: includes/Fields/PasswordConfirm.php:24
msgid "Password Confirm"
msgstr "Wachtwoord bevestigen"
#: includes/Fields/Note.php:47
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Notitie"
#: includes/Fields/ListSelect.php:26
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Selecteer"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:415 includes/Database/MockData.php:564
#: includes/Fields/ListRadio.php:24
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:73
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:101
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:129
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:157
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:185
msgid "Radio List"
msgstr "Lijst met keuzerondjes"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:592 includes/Fields/ListCheckbox.php:26
msgid "Checkbox List"
msgstr "Lijst met selectievakjes"
#: includes/Admin/Processes/ImportForm.php:901
#: includes/Database/Models/Form.php:960 includes/Fields/CreditCardZip.php:23
msgid "Credit Card Zip"
msgstr "Postcode creditcard"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:740 includes/Fields/CreditCardNumber.php:25
msgid "Credit Card Number"
msgstr "Creditcardnummer"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:735 includes/Fields/CreditCardFullName.php:25
msgid "Credit Card Full Name"
msgstr "Volledige naam creditcard"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:750
#: includes/Fields/CreditCardExpiration.php:26
msgid "Credit Card Expiration"
msgstr "Verloopdatum creditcard"
#: includes/Fields/CreditCardCVC.php:25
msgid "Credit Card CVC"
msgstr "Creditcard CVC"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:678 includes/Fields/City.php:25
msgid "City"
msgstr "Plaats"
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:156 includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:181
msgid "unchecked"
msgstr "uitgeschakeld"
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:155 includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:179
msgid "checked"
msgstr "ingeschakeld"
#: includes/Fields/Button.php:26
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:79
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:107
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:135
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:163
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:191
msgid "Button"
msgstr "Knop"
#: includes/Fields/Address2.php:23
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "Adres 2"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:673 includes/Fields/Address.php:25
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
#: includes/Display/Shortcodes.php:37
msgid "Notice: Ninja Forms shortcode used without specifying a form."
msgstr "Bericht: Ninja Forms shortcode gebruikt zonder een formulier op te geven."
#: includes/Display/Render.php:153 includes/Display/Render.php:466
msgid "No Fields Found."
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden."
#: includes/Display/Preview.php:49
msgid "You must be logged in to preview a form."
msgstr "Je moet zijn aangemeld als je een voorbeeld van een formulier wilt weergeven."
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/AppendAForm.php:11
msgid "Append a Ninja Form"
msgstr "Een Ninja Forms toevoegen"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:201
msgid "smtp_port"
msgstr "smtp_port"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:199
msgid "Host Name"
msgstr "Hostnaam"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:198
msgid "Server IP Address"
msgstr "IP-adres van server"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:110
msgid "Save Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen opslaan"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Licenses.php:46
msgid "Add-On Licenses"
msgstr "Add-on licenties"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:459
msgid "File Upload Error"
msgstr "Fout bij uploaden bestand"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:454
msgid "Unknown upload error."
msgstr "Onbekende upload fout."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:451
msgid "File upload stopped by extension."
msgstr "Het uploaden van het bestand is gestopt door de uitbreiding."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:448
msgid "Failed to write file to disk."
msgstr "Het naar de schijf schrijven van het bestand is mislukt."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:445
msgid "Missing a temporary folder."
msgstr "Een tijdelijke map ontbreekt."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:442
msgid "No file was uploaded."
msgstr "Er is geen bestand geüpload."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:439
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."
msgstr "Het geüploade bestand is slechts gedeeltelijk geüpload."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:436
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form."
msgstr "Het bestand dat is geüpload, overschrijdt de MAX_FILE_SIZE richtlijn die is gespecificeerd in het HTML formulier."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:433
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini."
msgstr "Het geüploade bestand overschrijdt de upload_max_filesize waarde die in php.ini is opgegeven."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:206
msgid "Export Forms"
msgstr "Formulieren exporteren"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:199
msgid "Import Forms"
msgstr "Formulieren importeren"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:309
msgid "Submission Info"
msgstr "Verzendingsinformatie"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:72
msgid "Form Submissions"
msgstr "Formulierverzendingen"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:71
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Inzending"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:68
msgid "Not found in Trash"
msgstr "Niet gevonden in prullenbak"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:66
msgid "Search Item"
msgstr "Zoek item"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:65
msgid "View Item"
msgstr "Bekijk item"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:64
msgid "Update Item"
msgstr "Item updaten"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:63
msgid "Edit Item"
msgstr "Bewerk item"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:62
msgid "New Item"
msgstr "Nieuw item"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:60
msgid "Add New Item"
msgstr "Nieuw item toevoegen"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:59
msgid "All Items"
msgstr "Alle items"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:58
msgid "Parent Item:"
msgstr "Hoofditem:"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:55
msgctxt "Post Type Singular Name"
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Inzending"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:54
msgctxt "Post Type General Name"
msgid "Submissions"
msgstr "Inzendingen"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:27
msgid "No forms found."
msgstr "Geen formulieren gevonden."
#: includes/Templates/admin-wp-die.html.php:7
msgid "Show More"
msgstr "Toon meer"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-import.html.php:17
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-import.html.php:20
msgid "Import Fields"
msgstr "Velden importeren"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:18 includes/Database/MockData.php:242
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:3
msgid "Get Help"
msgstr "Ontvang hulp"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-subs-filter.html.php:2
msgid "- Select a form"
msgstr "- Een formulier selecteren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings.html.php:25
msgid "Fix it."
msgstr "Repareren."
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings-licenses.html.php:29
msgid "De-activate"
msgstr "Deactiveren"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Dashboard.php:21
msgid "Form Builder"
msgstr "Formulierbouwer"
#: includes/MergeTags/System.php:13
msgid "System"
msgstr "Systeem"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:202
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:12
msgid "Query String"
msgstr "Query string"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:315
msgid "Auto-Total Fields"
msgstr "Velden met automatisch totaal"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:312
msgid "Operations and Fields (Advanced)"
msgstr "Bewerkingen en velden (geavanceerd)"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:309
msgid "Equation (Advanced)"
msgstr "Vergelijking (geavanceerd)"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/FormEndpoints.php:69
#: includes/Database/Models/Form.php:283
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopiëren"
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:36
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administratie"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:15 includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:30
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Verbetering"
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:14
msgid "Rich Text Editor (RTE)"
msgstr "Rich Text editor (RTE)"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:44
msgid "reCAPTCHA Theme"
msgstr "Thema voor nieuwe captcha"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:98
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:42
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Donker"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:94
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:41
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Eenvoudig"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:12
msgid "reCaptcha Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen voor nieuwe captcha"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:117
msgid "Downgrade to the most recent 2.9.x release."
msgstr "Downgrade naar de meest recente 2.9.x release."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:102
msgid "Use default Ninja Forms styling conventions."
msgstr "Gebruik standaard Ninja Forms-stijlconventies."
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:371 includes/Database/MockData.php:658
#: includes/Fields/LastName.php:25
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Achternaam"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:366 includes/Database/MockData.php:653
#: includes/Fields/FirstName.php:25
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:79
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:92
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Gebruiker ID"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:196
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP-adres"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:40
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:40
msgid "Post URL"
msgstr "Bericht URL"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:27
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:27
msgid "Post Title"
msgstr "Berichttitel"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:14
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:14 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Post ID"
msgstr "Bericht ID"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsFieldsAJAX.php:30
msgid "All Fields"
msgstr "Alle velden"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/Calculations.php:14
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/CalculationsReact.php:55
#: includes/Config/FormSettingsTypes.php:17 includes/MergeTags/Calcs.php:15
msgid "Calculations"
msgstr "Berekeningen"
#: includes/Config/FormSettingsTypes.php:7
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Toon instellingen"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:108
msgid "Does NOT apply to form preview."
msgstr "NIET van toepassing op het formuliervoorbeeld."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:104
msgid "Submission Limit"
msgstr "Inzend limiet"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:71
msgid "Does apply to form preview."
msgstr "Van toepassing op het formuliervoorbeeld."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:55
msgid "Logged In"
msgstr "Ingelogd"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:189
msgid "We have noticed that you do not have a submit button on your form. We can add one for you automatically."
msgstr "We hebben gemerkt dat je formulier geen verzendknop heeft. We kunnen deze automatisch voor je toevoegen."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:185
msgid "Add Submit Button"
msgstr "De knop Verzenden toevoegen"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:175
msgid "Programmatic name that can be used to reference this form."
msgstr "Een programmatische naam die kan worden gebruikt om naar dit formulier te verwijzen."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:171
msgid "Form Key"
msgstr "Formulier sleutel"
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:22
msgid "Equation"
msgstr "Vergelijking"
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:18
msgid "Variable Name"
msgstr "Variabelenaam"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:62 includes/Database/MockData.php:763
msgid "Miscellaneous Fields"
msgstr "Diverse velden"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:50
msgid "Layout Fields"
msgstr "Lay-out velden"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:696
msgid "Pricing Fields"
msgstr "Prijsvelden"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:38 includes/Database/MockData.php:648
msgid "User Information Fields"
msgstr "Velden met gebruikersinformatie"
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:26
msgid "Common Fields"
msgstr "Algemene velden"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1311
msgid "Used for marking a field for processing."
msgstr "Dit wordt gebruikt voor het markeren van een veld voor verwerking."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1307
msgid "This is a user's state."
msgstr "Dit is de status van een gebruiker."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1259
msgid "A case sensitive answer to help prevent spam submissions of your form."
msgstr "Een hoofdlettergevoelig antwoord voor het voorkomen van spamverzendingen via je formulier."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1255
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Antwoord"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1238
msgid "- Select a Product"
msgstr "- Een product selecteren"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1232 includes/Database/MockData.php:898
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:974 includes/Fields/Product.php:32
msgid "Product"
msgstr "Product"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1223
msgid "Cost Type"
msgstr "Kostentype"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1219
msgid "Cost Dropdown"
msgstr "Kosten dropdown"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1215
msgid "Single Cost"
msgstr "Enkele kostenpost"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1186
msgid "Cost Options"
msgstr "Kostenopties"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1170
msgid "Cost"
msgstr "Kosten"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1155
msgid "User Entry"
msgstr "Gebruikersinvoer"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1151
msgid "Multi Product - Choose One"
msgstr "Meerdere producten - Eén kiezen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1147
msgid "Multi Product - Choose Many"
msgstr "Meerdere producten - Meerdere kiezen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1143
msgid "Multi Product - Dropdown"
msgstr "Meerdere producten - Dropdown"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1139
msgid "Single Product (default)"
msgstr "Eén product (standaard)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1134
msgid "Product Type"
msgstr "Product type"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1127
msgid "Allows users to choose more than one of this product."
msgstr "Hiermee stel je gebruikers in staat om meer dan een exemplaar van het product te kiezen."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1110
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Prijs"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1097
msgid "- Select a Variable"
msgstr "- Een variabele selecteren"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1091
msgid "Display This Calculation Variable"
msgstr "Deze berekeningsvariabele weergeven"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1080
msgid "This number will be used in calculations if the box is unchecked."
msgstr "Dit getal wordt gebruikt in berekeningen als het vakje is uitgeschakeld."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1077
msgid "Unchecked Calculation Value"
msgstr "Niet-geselecteerde berekeningswaarde"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1071
msgid "This number will be used in calculations if the box is checked."
msgstr "Dit getal wordt gebruikt in berekeningen als het vakje is ingeschakeld."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1068
msgid "Checked Calculation Value"
msgstr "Geselecteerde berekeningswaarde"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1053
msgid "Processing Label"
msgstr "Verwerkingslabel"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1017
msgid "Allows rich text input."
msgstr "Maakt rijke tekst invoer mogelijk."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:902
msgid ""
"Use this as a registration password field. If this box is check, both\n"
" password and re-password textboxes will be output"
msgstr ""
"Gebruik dit als een registratie wachtwoord veld. Als dit selectievakje is ingeschakeld, worden\n"
" de tekst boxen voor het wachtwoorden en het opnieuw invoeren van het wachtwoord als resultaat gegeven"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:885
msgid "Number of seconds for the countdown"
msgstr "Aantal seconden voor het aftellen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:807
msgid "This column in the submissions table will sort by number."
msgstr "Deze kolom in de tabel met verzendingen wordt gesorteerd op getallen."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:803
msgid "Sort as Numeric"
msgstr "Numeriek sorteren"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:779
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:754
msgid "Shown to users as a hover."
msgstr "Weergegeven aan gebruikers als hoveren."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:742
msgid "Label used when viewing and exporting submissions."
msgstr "Een label dat wordt gebruikt bij het weergeven en exporteren van verzendingen."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:728
msgid "Creates a unique key to identify and target your field for custom development."
msgstr "Hiermee maak je een unieke code voor het identificeren en bereiken van het veld voor aangepaste ontwikkeling."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:724
msgid "Field Key"
msgstr "Veld sleutel"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:710
msgid "Number of seconds for timed submit."
msgstr "Aantal seconden voor getimed verzenden."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:658
msgid "Default To Current Date"
msgstr "Standaard instellen op huidige datum"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:513
msgid "Adds an extra class to your field element."
msgstr "Hiermee voeg je een extra klasse toe aan je veld element."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:508
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:155
msgid "Element"
msgstr "Element"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:503
msgid "Adds an extra class to your field wrapper."
msgstr "Hiermee voeg je een extra klasse toe aan je veld wrapper."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:147
msgid "Wrapper"
msgstr "Wrapper"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:491
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:139
msgid "Custom Class Names"
msgstr "Aangepaste klasse namen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:462
msgid "Enter text you would like displayed in the field before a user enters any data."
msgstr "Voer tekst in die je in het veld wilt weergeven voordat een gebruiker eventuele gegevens invoert."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:418 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:420
msgid "Character(s) left"
msgstr "Teken(s) resterend"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:417
msgid "Text to Appear After Counter"
msgstr "Tekst die wordt weergegeven na de teller"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:407
msgid "Word(s)"
msgstr "Woord(en)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:403
msgid "Character(s)"
msgstr "Teken(s)"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:387
msgid "Limit Input to this Number"
msgstr "Invoer beperken tot dit aantal"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:365
msgid "Custom Mask"
msgstr "Aangepast masker"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:340
msgid "US Phone"
msgstr "Amerikaans telefoonnummer"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:336
msgid "none"
msgstr "geen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:333
msgid "Restricts the kind of input your users can put into this field."
msgstr "Hiermee beperk je het type invoer dat gebruikers voor dit veld kunnen gebruiken."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:266 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:303
msgid "Calc Value"
msgstr "Berekende waarde"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:246
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opties"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:124
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Stap"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:116
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:109
msgid "Min"
msgstr "Min"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:101
msgid "Number Options"
msgstr "Aantal opties"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:91
msgid "Ensure that this field is completed before allowing the form to be submitted."
msgstr "Zorg ervoor dat dit veld is ingevuld voordat je toestaat om het formulier te verzenden."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:87
msgid "Required Field"
msgstr "Verplicht veld"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:76
msgid "Select the position of your label relative to the field element itself."
msgstr "Selecteer de positie van je label ten opzichte van het veldelement zelf."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:69 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1159
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:125
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:376 includes/Database/MockData.php:633
#: includes/Fields/Hidden.php:38
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Verborgen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:49
msgid "Form Default"
msgstr "Standaardwaarden formulier"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:36
msgid "Enter the label of the form field. This is how users will identify individual fields."
msgstr "Voer het label van het formulierveld in. Hiermee kunnen gebruikers afzonderlijke velden identificeren."
#: includes/Config/Example.php:25
msgid "Help Text Here"
msgstr "Helptekst hier"
#: includes/Config/Example.php:21
msgid "Label Here"
msgstr "Label hier"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:28
#: includes/Config/ActionRedirectSettings.php:13
msgid "URL"
msgstr "Webadres"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:180
msgid "Attach CSV"
msgstr "CSV bijvoegen"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:50
msgid "Subject Text or seach for a field"
msgstr "Onderwerptekst of zoekopdracht voor een veld"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:20
msgid "Email address or search for a field"
msgstr "E-mailadres of zoekopdracht voor een veld"
#: includes/Config/ActionCustomSettings.php:13
msgid "Hook Tag"
msgstr "Hook Tag"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:14
msgid "Payment Gateways"
msgstr "Betaal gateways"
#: includes/Actions/CollectPayment.php:46
msgid "Collect Payment"
msgstr "Betaling innen"
#: includes/Abstracts/UserInfo.php:37
msgid "User Meta (if logged in)"
msgstr "Gebruiker meta (indien aangemeld)"
#: includes/Abstracts/SubmissionMetabox.php:21
msgid "Submission Metabox"
msgstr "Inzending metabox"
#: includes/Abstracts/Metabox.php:25
msgid "Metabox"
msgstr "Metabox"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:51
msgid "refresh"
msgstr "vernieuwen"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:51
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Lijsten"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:43
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Meerdere"
#: includes/Abstracts/FieldOptIn.php:39
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Enige"
#: includes/Abstracts/ActionNewsletter.php:158
msgid "Interest Groups"
msgstr "Belangengroepen"
#: includes/Abstracts/ActionNewsletter.php:150
msgid "List Field Mapping"
msgstr "Lijst veld mapping"
#: includes/AJAX/Controllers/Submission.php:585
msgid "An unexpected error occurred."
msgstr "Een onverwachte fout is opgetreden."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:729 includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:27
#: includes/MergeTags/Fields.php:14
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Velden"
#. Description of the plugin
msgid "Ninja Forms is a webform builder with unparalleled ease of use and features."
msgstr "Met Ninja Forms kun je webformulieren bouwen met ongekend gebruiksgemak en ongekende mogelijkheden."
#. Plugin Name of the plugin
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:59 includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:5
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:9 ninja-forms.php:579
msgid "Ninja Forms"
msgstr "Ninja Forms"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:260
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:26
msgid "Fields marked with an %s*%s are required"
msgstr "Velden die gemarkeerd zijn met een %s*%s zijn vereiste velden"
#: includes/Widget.php:82
msgid "Display Title"
msgstr "Toon titel"
#: includes/Fields/Email.php:37
msgid "Please enter a valid email address."
msgstr "Geef een geldig e-mailadres op."
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:348
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:274
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:41
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Valuta"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:943
msgid "Disable Input"
msgstr "UItschakelen invoer?"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1035
msgid "Disable Rich Text Editor on Mobile"
msgstr "Schakel Rich Tekst (RTF) Editor uit voor Mobiel"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1023
msgid "Show Media Upload Button"
msgstr "Toon Media Upload Knop"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1013
msgid "Show Rich Text Editor"
msgstr "Toon Rich Tekst editor"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:382 includes/Database/MockData.php:526
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:61
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:89
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:117
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:145
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:173
msgid "Textarea"
msgstr "Tekstveld"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:165 includes/Database/MockData.php:483
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:802 includes/Fields/Submit.php:26
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Verzend"
#: includes/Fields/Spam.php:24
msgid "Anti-Spam"
msgstr "Anti-spam"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:75
msgid "Captcha mismatch. Please enter the correct value in captcha field"
msgstr "CAPTCHA komt niet overeen. Voer de juiste waarde in in het CAPTCHA veld"
#: includes/Fields/Recaptcha.php:73
msgid "Please make sure you have entered your Site & Secret keys correctly"
msgstr "Zorg ervoor dat je je site & geheim sleutels correct hebt ingevoerd"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:918
msgid "Number of stars"
msgstr "Aantal sterren"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:768 includes/Fields/StarRating.php:30
msgid "Star Rating"
msgstr "Ster beoordeling"
#: includes/Fields/PasswordConfirm.php:82
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk"
#: includes/Fields/Password.php:22
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:625 includes/Fields/Number.php:28
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nummer"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:246
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:547
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:562
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importeer"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:830
msgid "Multi-Select Box Size"
msgstr "Multi-select box grootte"
#: includes/Fields/ListMultiSelect.php:26
msgid "Multi-Select"
msgstr "Multi-selectie"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:67
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:95
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:123
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:151
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:179
msgid "Dropdown"
msgstr "Dropdown"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:152
msgid "List"
msgstr "Lijst"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:76
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:104
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:132
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:160
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:188
msgid "Hidden Field"
msgstr "Verborgen veld"
#: includes/Fields/CreditCard.php:26
msgid "Credit Card"
msgstr "Credit Card"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:970
msgid "Custom first option"
msgstr "Gebruik een aangepaste eerste optie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:957
msgid "Use a custom first option"
msgstr "Gebruik een aangepaste eerste optie"
#: includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:22
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Land"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:251
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabwe"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:250
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:249
msgid "Yugoslavia"
msgstr "Joegoslavië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:248
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Yemen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:247
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Westelijke Sahara"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:246
msgid "Wallis And Futuna Islands"
msgstr "Wallis en Futuna"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:245
msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
msgstr "Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:244
msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
msgstr "Maagdeneilanden (Britse)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:243
msgid "Viet Nam"
msgstr "Vietnam"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:242
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:241
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:240
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:239
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguay"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:238
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "Kleine afgelegen eilanden van de Verenigde Staten"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:237
msgid "United States"
msgstr "Verenigde Staten"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:236
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Verenigd Koninkrijk"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:235
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Verenigde Arabische Emiraten"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:234
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Oekraïne"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:233
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Oeganda"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:232
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:231
msgid "Turks And Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Turks- en Caicoseilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:230
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmenistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:229
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turkije"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:228
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunesië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:227
msgid "Trinidad And Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad en Tobago"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:226
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:225
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:224
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:223
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Thailand"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:222
msgid "Tanzania, United Republic Of"
msgstr "Tanzania, Verenigde Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:221
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tadzjikistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:220
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:219
msgid "Syrian Arab Republic"
msgstr "Syrische Arabische Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:218
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Zwitserland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:217
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Zweden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:216
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Swaziland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:215
msgid "Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "Spitsbergen en Jan Mayen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:214
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Suriname"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:213
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Soedan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:212
msgid "St. Pierre And Miquelon"
msgstr "Saint-Pierre en Miquelon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:211
msgid "St. Helena"
msgstr "Sint-Helena"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:210
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Sri Lanka"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:209
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Spanje"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:208
msgid "South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Zuid-Georgia en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:207
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Zuid Afrika"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:206
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:205
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Solomon Eilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:204
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Slovenië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:203
msgid "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)"
msgstr "Slowakije (Slowaakse republiek)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:202
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapore"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:201
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leone"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:200
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seychellen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:199
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Servië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:198
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegal"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:197
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saoedi Arabië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:196
msgid "Sao Tome And Principe"
msgstr "Sao Tome en Principe"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:195
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:194
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:193
msgid "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines"
msgstr "Saint Vincent en de Grenadines"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:192
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Saint Lucia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:191
msgid "Saint Kitts And Nevis"
msgstr "Saint Kitts en Nevis"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:190
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Ruwanda"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:189
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr "Rusland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:188
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Roemenië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:187
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "Réunion"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:186
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Qatar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:185
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rico"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:184
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:183
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Polen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:182
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitcairneilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:181
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Filippijnen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:180
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:179
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguay"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:178
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papoea Nieuw Guinea"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:177
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:176
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palau"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:175
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:174
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Oman"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:173
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Noorwegen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:172
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Noordelijke Marianen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:171
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Norfolk Eiland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:170
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:169
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigeria"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:168
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:167
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nicaragua"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:166
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Nieuw Zeeland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:165
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Nieuw Caledonië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:164
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Nederlandse Antillen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:163
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Nederland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:162
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepal"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:161
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:160
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:159
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Myanmar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:158
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mozambique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:157
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Marokko"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:156
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:155
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Montenegro"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:154
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:153
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monaco"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:152
msgid "Moldova, Republic Of"
msgstr "Moldavië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:151
msgid "Micronesia, Federated States Of"
msgstr "Micronesië, Federale Staten van"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:150
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexico"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:149
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Mayotte"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:148
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Mauritius"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:147
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauritanië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:146
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinique"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:145
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Marshall Eilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:144
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:143
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:142
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Malediven"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:141
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Maleisië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:140
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:139
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagascar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:138
msgid "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic Of"
msgstr "Macedonië, Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:137
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Macau"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:136
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Luxemburg"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:135
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Litouwen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:134
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Lichtenstein"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:133
msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"
msgstr "Libië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:132
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:131
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotho"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:130
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Libanon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:129
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Letland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:128
msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
msgstr "Lao Democratische Volksrepubliek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:127
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kirgizië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:126
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Koeweit"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:125
msgid "Korea, Republic Of"
msgstr "Korea, Republic Of"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:124
msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of"
msgstr "Korea, Democratische Volksrepubliek van"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:123
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:122
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:121
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazachstan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:120
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:119
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:118
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaica"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:117
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:116
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israel"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:115
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Ierland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:114
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Irak"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:113
msgid "Iran (Islamic Republic Of)"
msgstr "Iran (Islamitische Republiek)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:112
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonisië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:111
msgid "India"
msgstr "India"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:110
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "IJsland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:109
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Hongarije"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:108
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Hong Kong"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:107
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:106
msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)"
msgstr "Heilige Stoel (Vaticaanstad)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:105
msgid "Heard And Mc Donald Islands"
msgstr "Heard en McDonaldeilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:104
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:103
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyana"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:102
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Guinea-Bissau"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:101
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Guinea"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:100
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:99
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:98
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Guadeloupe"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:97
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Grenada"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:96
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Groenland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:95
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Griekenland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:94
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltar"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:93
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:92
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Duitsland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:91
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:90
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:89
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabon"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:88
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Franse Zuidelijke Gebieden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:87
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Frans-Polynesië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:86
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Frankrijk Guiana"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:85
msgid "France, Metropolitan"
msgstr "Frankrijk, Metropolitan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:84
msgid "France"
msgstr "Frankrijk"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:83
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:82
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fiji"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:81
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Faeröer"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:80
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgstr "Falkland eilanden (Malvinas)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:79
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Ethiopië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:78
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:77
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrea"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:76
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Equatorial Guinea"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:75
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "El Salvador"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:74
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egypte"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:73
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ecuador"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:72
msgid "Timor-Leste (East Timor)"
msgstr "Oost-Timor (East Timor)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:71
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominicaanse Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:70
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominica"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:69
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Djibouti"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:68
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Denemarken"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:67
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Tsjechische Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:66
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Cyprus"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:65
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Cuba"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:64
msgid "Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)"
msgstr "Kroatië (Lokale naam: Hrvatska)"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:63
msgid "Cote D'Ivoire"
msgstr "Ivoorkust"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:62
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Costa Rica"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:61
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Cook eilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:60
msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The"
msgstr "Congo, de Democratische Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:59
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "Congo"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:58
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Comoren"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:57
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Colombia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:56
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Cocoseilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:55
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Christmas Eiland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:54
msgid "China"
msgstr "China"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:53
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Chili"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:52
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Chad"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:51
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:50
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Kaaimaneilanden"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:49
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Kaapverdië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:48
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Canada"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:47
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Kamaroen"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:46
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Cambodja"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:45
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:44
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:43
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgarije"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:42
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Brunei Darussalam"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:41
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:40
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brazilië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:39
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Bouvet eiland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:38
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:37
msgid "Bosnia And Herzegowina"
msgstr "Bosnië en Herzegowina"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:36
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivia"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:35
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhutan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:34
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermuda"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:33
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:32
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:31
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "België"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:30
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Wit-Rusland"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:29
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbedos"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:28
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladesh"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:27
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrein"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:26
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamas"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:25
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Azerbaijan"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:24
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Oostenrijk"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:23
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:22
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:21
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Armenië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:20
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentinië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:19
msgid "Antigua And Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua en Barbuda"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:18
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antarctica"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:17
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:16
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:15
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorra"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:14
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Amerikaans-Samoa"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:13
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Algerije"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:12
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albanië"
#: includes/Config/CountryList.php:11
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghanistan"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:147 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:171
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:85 includes/Fields/Repeater.php:184
msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Geselecteerd"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:143 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:178
#: includes/Fields/Checkbox.php:87 includes/Fields/Repeater.php:185
msgid "Unchecked"
msgstr "Gedeselecteerd"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:443 includes/Database/MockData.php:531
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:64
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:92
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:120
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:148
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:176
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr "Selectievak"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:140 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:473
#: includes/Fields/ListCountry.php:30
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Standaard Waarde"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:32 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:257
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:295 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:854
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:870 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1196
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Label"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:356 includes/Database/MockData.php:361
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:521
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:48
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:49
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:50
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:51
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:52
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:58
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:86
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:114
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:142
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:170
msgid "Textbox"
msgstr "Tekstveld"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:41
msgid "Calculation"
msgstr "Berekening"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:248
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:21
msgid "This is a required field."
msgstr "Dit is een vereist veld."
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:40
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:59
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:77
msgid "- Select One"
msgstr "- Selecteer één"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/class-extension-updater.php:90
msgid "Could not activate license. Please verify your license key"
msgstr "Activering van licentie niet gelukt. Controleer je licentiesleutel"
#: includes/Widget.php:14
msgid "Ninja Forms Widget"
msgstr "Ninja Forms Widget"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:14
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:6
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:7
msgid "Emails & Actions"
msgstr "E-mails & acties"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:6
msgid "Ninja Forms Documentation"
msgstr "Ninja Forms documentatie"
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:131
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:157
msgid "User Email"
msgstr "Gebruiker e-mail"
#: includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:16
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:170
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:222
msgid "Admin Email"
msgstr "Beheerder e-mail"
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:135
msgid "The process has started, please be patient. This could take several minutes. You will be automatically redirected when the process is finished."
msgstr "Het proces is begonnen, wees geduldig. Dit kan enige minuten duren. Je zult automatisch door verzonden worden, wanneer het proces is beëindigd."
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:110
msgid "No Action Specified..."
msgstr "Geen actie opgegeven..."
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:105
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Laden..."
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:72
msgid "Ninja Forms - Processing"
msgstr "Ninja Forms -Verwerking"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1056 lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:11
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Bezig met verwerken"
#: lib/StepProcessing/menu.php:11
msgid "Ninja Forms Processing"
msgstr "Ninja Forms verwerking"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Forms.php:354
msgid "Edit Form"
msgstr "Bewerk Formulier"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:124
msgid "version"
msgstr "versie"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:124
msgid "by"
msgstr "door"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:121
msgid "Visit plugin homepage"
msgstr "Bezoek plugin homepage"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:51
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Plugins"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:202
msgid "Default Timezone"
msgstr "Standaard tijdzone"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:200
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:197
msgid "SUHOSIN Installed"
msgstr "SUHOSIN geïnstalleerd"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:196
msgid "PHP Max Input Vars"
msgstr "PHP max input vars"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:195
msgid "PHP Time Limit"
msgstr "PHP tijdslimiet"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:194
msgid "Max Input Nesting Level"
msgstr "Max input nesting level"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:193
msgid "PHP Post Max Size"
msgstr "PHP max bericht grootte"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:192
msgid "WP Max Upload Size"
msgstr "WP max upload grootte"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:67
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:597
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standaard"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:191
msgid "WP Language"
msgstr "WP taal"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:190
msgid "WP Debug Mode"
msgstr "WP debug modus"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:189
msgid "WP Memory Limit"
msgstr "WP geheugenlimiet"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:187
msgid "PHP Locale"
msgstr "PHP Landinstelling"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:185
msgid "MySQL Version"
msgstr "MySQL versie"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:183
msgid "PHP Version"
msgstr "PHP versie"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:182
msgid "Web Server Info"
msgstr "Web server info"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:43
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:60
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:80 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:242
#: src/components/triggerEmailActionComponent.js:271
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:41
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:58
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:78 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:240
#: src/components/triggerEmailActionComponent.js:269
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:181
msgid "WP Multisite Enabled"
msgstr "WP Multisite ingeschakeld"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:180
msgid "WP Version"
msgstr "WP versie"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:176
msgid "Ninja Forms Version"
msgstr "Ninja Forms versie"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:175
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:157
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsWP.php:209
msgid "Site URL"
msgstr "Site URL"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/SystemStatus.php:174
msgid "Home URL"
msgstr "Home URL"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-system-status.html.php:38
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Omgeving"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings-licenses.html.php:3
msgid "To activate licenses for Ninja Forms extensions you must first %sinstall and activate%s the chosen extension. License settings will then appear below."
msgstr "Om licenties voor uitbreidingen op Ninja Forms te activeren moet je eerst de gekozen uitbreiding %sinstalleren en activeren%s. Licentieinstellingen worden daarna hieronder weergegeven."
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:97
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Licenties"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:29
msgid "This setting will COMPLETELY remove anything Ninja Forms related upon plugin deletion. This includes SUBMISSIONS and FORMS. It cannot be undone."
msgstr "Deze instelling zorgt ervoor dat bij het verwijderen van de plugin alles dat met Ninja Forms te maken heeft, VOLLEDIG wordt verwijderd. Hieronder vallen ook FORMULIEREN en INZENDINGEN. Dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:42
msgid "Never see an admin notice on the dashboard from Ninja Forms. Uncheck to see them again."
msgstr "Toon nooit beheermeldingen van Ninja Forms op het dashboard. Verwijder het vinkje om ze weer te zien."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:41
msgid "Disable Admin Notices"
msgstr "Beheermeldingen uitschakelen"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:16
msgid "Remove ALL Ninja Forms data upon uninstall?"
msgstr "Verwijder alle Ninja Forms gegevens tijdens deïnstalleren?"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:58
msgid "Language used by reCAPTCHA. To get the code for your language click %shere%s"
msgstr "Taal gebruikt door reCAPTCHA. %sCode voor je taal ophalen%s"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:57
msgid "reCAPTCHA Language"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA taal"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:83
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3 Secret Key"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v3 geheime sleutel"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsReCaptcha.php:70
msgid "reCAPTCHA v3 Site Key"
msgstr "reCAPTCHA v3 sitesleutel"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:28
msgid "Tries to follow the %sPHP date() function%s specifications, but not every format is supported."
msgstr "Probeert de %sPHP date() function%s specificaties te volgen, maar niet elk format wordt ondersteund."
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:27
msgid "Date Format"
msgstr "Datumnotatie"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGeneral.php:14
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versie"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:7
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Algemene instellingen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-notice-form-import.html.php:3
msgid "Form Imported Successfully."
msgstr "Formulier succesvol geïmporteerd."
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:70
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:61
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:64
msgid "Export Form"
msgstr "Formulieren exporteren"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:26
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:29
msgid "Import Form"
msgstr "Importeer formulier"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-export.html.php:24
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-export.html.php:27
msgid "Export Fields"
msgstr "Exporteer velden"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:223
msgid "Export Favorite Fields"
msgstr "Exporteer Favorieten Velden"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:18
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-import.html.php:9
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-import.html.php:14
msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Selecteer een bestand"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:216
msgid "Import Favorite Fields"
msgstr "Importeer favorieten velden"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:72
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:78
#: lib/NF_VersionSwitcher.php:274
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Meer leren"
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:12
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:68
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Geïnstaleerd"
#: includes/Config/ActionSettings.php:27
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:64
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actief"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-addons.html.php:56
msgid "Documentation coming soon."
msgstr "Documentatie volgt binnenkort."
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:121
msgid "Limit Reached Message"
msgstr "Limiet bereikt bericht"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:92
msgid "Limit Submissions"
msgstr "Beperk inzendingen"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:81
msgid "Not Logged-In Message"
msgstr "Niet ingelogd bericht"
#: includes/Config/FormRestrictionSettings.php:67
msgid "Require user to be logged in to view form?"
msgstr "Vereis gebruiker om ingelogd te zijn om dit formulier te zien?"
#: includes/Config/FormSettingsTypes.php:12
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:19
msgid "Restrictions"
msgstr "Beperkingen"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:94
msgid "If this box is checked, Ninja Forms will hide the form after it has been successfully submitted."
msgstr "Als dit vakje is aangevinkt, zal Ninja Formulieren het formulier verbergen nadat het is verzonden."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:90
msgid "Hide successfully completed form?"
msgstr "Verberg succesvol afgeronde formulier?"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:80
msgid "If this box is checked, Ninja Forms will clear the form values after it has been successfully submitted."
msgstr "Als dit vakje is aangevinkt, zal Ninja Formulieren het formulier te wissen nadat deze is verzonden."
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:76
msgid "Clear successfully completed form?"
msgstr "Maak succesvol afgeronde formulier leeg?"
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:26
msgid "Display Form Title"
msgstr "Venster Formulier Titel"
#: includes/Config/SettingsGroups.php:24
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Weergave"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:27
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:216
msgid "View Submissions"
msgstr "Bekijk Inzendingen"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:75
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:181
msgid "Shortcode"
msgstr "Shortcode"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:74
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:12
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsForm.php:27
msgid "Form Title"
msgstr "Formuliertitel"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:148
#: includes/Config/FieldTypeSections.php:13
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:22
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-favorite-fields-export.html.php:9
msgid "Favorite Fields"
msgstr "Favorieten Velden"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:330
msgid "Input Mask"
msgstr "Invoer masker"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:15
msgid "Get Some Help"
msgstr "Hulp krijgen"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:14
msgid "Check out our documentation"
msgstr "Bekijk onze documentatie"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:13
msgid "Thank you for using Ninja Forms! We hope that you've found everything you need, but if you have any questions:"
msgstr "Bedankt voor het gebruiken van Ninja Forms! We hopen dat je alles hebt gevonden wat je nodig hebt, maar als je nog vragen hebt:"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:12
msgid "How's It Going?"
msgstr "Hoe gaat het?"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:23
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:205
msgid "Preview Form"
msgstr "Formulier voorvertonen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:352
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Aangepast"
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:724 includes/Database/MockData.php:925
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:986 includes/Database/MockData.php:1089
#: includes/Fields/Shipping.php:30
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Verzenden"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:738
msgid "Admin Label"
msgstr "Beheerder label"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:458
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Plaatshouder"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings.html.php:33
msgid "Edit Menu Item"
msgstr "Bewerk menu-item"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:46
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:25
msgid "Label Position"
msgstr "Labelpositie"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:65
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:121
msgid "Right of Element"
msgstr "Rechts van het veld"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:57
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:113
msgid "Below Element"
msgstr "Beneden van het veld"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:53
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:109
msgid "Above Element"
msgstr "Boven van het veld"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:61
#: includes/Config/FormDisplaySettings.php:117
msgid "Left of Element"
msgstr "Links van het veld"
#: includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php:32
msgid "of"
msgstr "van"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:752
msgid "Help Text"
msgstr "Helptekst"
#: includes/Admin/Metaboxes/AppendAForm.php:62
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsAdvanced.php:90 includes/Widget.php:89
msgid "None"
msgstr "Geen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:931
msgid "Disable Browser Autocomplete"
msgstr "Uitschakelen browser automatisch vervolledigen"
#: includes/Display/Preview.php:41
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:9
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Voorbeeld"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Addons.php:34
msgid "Add-Ons"
msgstr "Add-ons"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:85 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:96
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:990
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings.html.php:3
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:7
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-menu-drawer.html.php:8
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:47
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-import-export.html.php:3
msgid "Import / Export"
msgstr "Importeren / Exporteren"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:21 includes/Config/DashboardMenuItems.php:7
msgid "Forms"
msgstr "Formulieren"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:465
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"
#: includes/Integrations/EDD/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:465
msgid "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"
msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om updates van plugins te installeren"
#: includes/Database/Models/Submission.php:398
#: includes/Exports/SubmissionCsvExport.php:257
msgid "Date Submitted"
msgstr "Datum ingediend"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-info.html.php:35 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Update"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:20
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:147 includes/MergeTags/Form.php:19
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formulier"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:262 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:299
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1201
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-fields.html.php:8
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Waarde"
#: includes/Config/ActionCollectPaymentSettings.php:42
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-forms.html.php:7
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-sub-fields.html.php:7
#: build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Veld"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:300
msgid "User Submitted Values"
msgstr "Door de gebruiker ingevoerde waarden"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/DownloadAllSubmissions.php:163
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:394 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Download All Submissions"
msgstr "Download alle inzendingen"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-subs-filter.html.php:29
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Einddatum"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-subs-filter.html.php:27
msgid "Begin Date"
msgstr "Startdatum"
#: includes/Templates/admin-metabox-import-export-forms-export.html.php:9
msgid "Select a form"
msgstr "Selecteer een formulier"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:175
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:195 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:221
#: build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Prullenbak"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:142
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:376
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:377 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:225
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporteren"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:192
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:204
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:344
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsDeprecated.php:183
#: includes/Config/MergeTagsOther.php:25 includes/Database/MockData.php:620
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:160
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:183
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:56 includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:57
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Submissions.php:641 includes/Routes/Submissions.php:46
#: build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Submissions"
msgstr "Inzendingen"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:480
msgid "No Submissions Found"
msgstr "Geen inzendingen gevonden"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:478 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Please select a form to view submissions"
msgstr "Selecteer een formulier om de inzendingen te bekijken"
#: includes/Config/ActionSettings.php:13
msgid "Action Name"
msgstr "Actienaam"
#: includes/Admin/CPT/Submission.php:61 includes/Admin/Menus/AddNew.php:33
#: includes/Config/ActionSaveSettings.php:40
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:246 includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:284
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:1186
#: includes/Config/FormCalculationSettings.php:12
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:164
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Nieuwe toevoegen"
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:981 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:65
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:256
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:10
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:66 includes/Database/MockData.php:255
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:255
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:19
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:204
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:3
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-drawer-buttons.html.php:3
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliceer"
#: includes/Admin/AllFormsTable.php:222 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:151
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:75 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:67
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:15
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:217
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:2
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-drawer-buttons.html.php:2 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijder"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-all-forms-column-title.html.php:10
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:203
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:245
#: includes/Templates/ui-item-controls.html.php:4 build/submissions.js:1
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bewerk"
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-settings-licenses.html.php:27
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activeren"
#: includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:37
#: includes/Config/ActionSuccessMessageSettings.php:13
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:105
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Bericht"
#: includes/Actions/SuccessMessage.php:35
#: includes/Config/FormActionDefaults.php:7 includes/Database/MockData.php:953
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1014 includes/Database/MockData.php:1117
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:1156
msgid "Success Message"
msgstr "Succesbericht"
#: includes/Actions/Redirect.php:35
msgid "Redirect"
msgstr "Omleiden"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:166
msgid "Bcc"
msgstr "Bcc"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:152
msgid "Cc"
msgstr "Cc"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:34
msgid "Reply To"
msgstr "Reageren op"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:136
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "Platte tekst"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:135 includes/Fields/HTML.php:41
#: includes/Fields/Note.php:33
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:139
#: includes/Config/FieldSettings.php:592
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"
#: includes/Config/PluginSettingsGroups.php:17
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:64
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:82
msgid "Email Message"
msgstr "E-mailbericht"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:49
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:19
msgid "To"
msgstr "Naar"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:122
msgid "One email address or field"
msgstr "Eén e-mailadres of veld"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:121
msgid "From Address"
msgstr "Adres afzender"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:107
msgid "Name or fields"
msgstr "Naam of velden"
#: includes/Config/ActionEmailSettings.php:106
msgid "From Name"
msgstr "Van naam"
#: includes/Actions/Email.php:35 includes/Config/ActionAkismetSettings.php:19
#: includes/Config/ActionDeleteDataRequestSettings.php:19
#: includes/Config/ActionExportDataRequestSettings.php:19
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:81 includes/Database/MockData.php:262
#: includes/Database/MockData.php:294 includes/Database/MockData.php:663
#: includes/Fields/Email.php:28
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"
#: includes/Config/AdminNotices.php:16
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Negeren"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:79
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Invoegen"
#: includes/Admin/Menus/ImportExport.php:176
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:193 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:196
#: includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:219 includes/Admin/Menus/Settings.php:222
#: includes/Config/i18nBuilder.php:76 includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:68
#: includes/Config/i18nDashboard.php:79
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-dashboard.html.php:165
#: includes/Templates/admin-menu-new-form.html.php:599
#: includes/Templates/ui-nf-header.html.php:12 build/submissions.js:1
#: src/components/displayBulkExport.js:232
#: src/components/triggerEmailActionComponent.js:259
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:111
msgid "Select a form or type to search"
msgstr "Kies een formulier of type om te zoeken"
#: includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php:48
msgid "Add Form"
msgstr "Formulier toevoegen"
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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