Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/languages/pt_BR-2b390f85a3048c5b4255fb45960b6514.json
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Tente novamente mais tarde."],"Deletion failed: %s":["A exclus\u00e3o falhou: %s"],"theme\u0004Deleted!":["Exclu\u00eddo!"],"theme\u0004%s installation failed":["A instala\u00e7\u00e3o de %s falhou"],"theme\u0004Network Activate %s":["Ativar %s na rede"],"theme\u0004%s installed!":["%s instalado!"],"theme\u0004Installing %s...":["Instalando %s..."],"theme\u0004Updated!":["Atualizado!"],"Updating... please wait.":["Atualizando... aguarde."],"plugin\u0004Deleted!":["Exclu\u00eddo!"],"Deleting...":["Excluindo..."],"plugin\u0004Install %s now":["Instale %s agora"],"Importer installed successfully. <a href=\"%s\">Run importer<\/a>":["Importador instalado com sucesso. <a href=\"%s\">Rodar importador<\/a>"],"plugin\u0004%s installation failed":["A instala\u00e7\u00e3o de %s falhou"],"Installation failed: %s":["Instala\u00e7\u00e3o falhou: %s"],"Installation completed successfully.":["Instala\u00e7\u00e3o conclu\u00edda."],"plugin\u0004Installed!":["Instalado!"],"plugin\u0004%s installed!":["%s instalado!"],"Installing... please wait.":["Instalando... aguarde."],"plugin\u0004Installing %s...":["Instalando %s..."],"Installing...":["Instalando..."],"plugin\u0004%s update failed.":["Falha na atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o de \"%s\"."],"Update failed: %s":["Falha na atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o: %s"],"Update completed successfully.":["Atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o conclu\u00edda com sucesso."],"plugin\u0004Updated!":["Atualizado!"],"plugin\u0004%s updated!":["%s foi atualizado!"],"Updating...":["Atualizando..."],"plugin\u0004Updating %s...":["Atualizando %s..."],"No plugins found. Try a different search.":["Nenhum plugin encontrado. Tente uma pesquisa diferente."],"Enable auto-updates":["Ativar atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas"],"Disable auto-updates":["Desativar atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas"],"No plugins are currently available.":["Nenhum plugin est\u00e1 dispon\u00edvel no momento."],"Auto-updates disabled":["Atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas desativadas"],"Auto-updates enabled":["Atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es autom\u00e1ticas ativadas"],"theme\u0004Activate":["Ativar"],"plugin\u0004Network Activate %s":["Ativar %s na rede"],"plugin\u0004Activate %s":["Ativar %s"],"Run Importer":["Rodar importador"],"Run %s":["Rodar %s"],"%s update failed.":["%s atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o falhou."],"%s theme successfully updated.":["%s tema atualizado com sucesso."],"%s plugin successfully updated.":["%s plugin atualizado com sucesso."],"plugin\u0004Active":["Ativo"],"Update failed.":["A atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o falhou."],"theme\u0004Installed!":["Instalado!"],"Are you sure you want to delete %s?":["Tem certeza de que deseja excluir %s?"],"Network Enable":["Ativar na Rede"],"Update Now":["Atualizar agora"],"Installation failed.":["Falha na instala\u00e7\u00e3o."],"You do not appear to have any plugins available at this time.":["Parece que voc\u00ea n\u00e3o tem nenhum plugin dispon\u00edvel no momento."],"%s update available":["%s atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o dispon\u00edvel","%s atualiza\u00e7\u00f5es dispon\u00edveis"],"Something went wrong.":["Algo deu errado."],"theme\u0004Activate %s":["Ativar %s"],"Live Preview":["Ver ao vivo"],"An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ocorreu um erro. Recarregue a p\u00e1gina e tente novamente."]}},"comment":{"reference":"wp-admin\/js\/updates.js"}}
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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