# -*- python-mode -*-
"""Parse /proc/self/mountstats and display it in human readable form
from __future__ import print_function
__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2005, Chuck Lever <cel@netapp.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301 USA
import sys, os, time
from operator import itemgetter, add
import argparse
except ImportError:
print('%s: Failed to import argparse - make sure argparse is installed!'
% sys.argv[0])
Mountstats_version = '0.3'
def difference(x, y):
"""Used for a map() function
return x - y
NfsEventCounters = [
NfsByteCounters = [
XprtUdpCounters = [
XprtTcpCounters = [
XprtRdmaCounters = [
Nfsv3ops = [
# This list should be kept in-sync with the NFSPROC4_CLNT_* enum in
# include/linux/nfs4.h in the kernel.
Nfsv4ops = [
class DeviceData:
"""DeviceData objects provide methods for parsing and displaying
data for a single mount grabbed from /proc/self/mountstats
def __init__(self):
self.__nfs_data = dict()
self.__rpc_data = dict()
self.__rpc_data['ops'] = []
def __parse_nfs_line(self, words):
if words[0] == 'device':
self.__nfs_data['export'] = words[1]
self.__nfs_data['mountpoint'] = words[4]
self.__nfs_data['fstype'] = words[7]
if words[7].find('nfs') != -1 and words[7] != 'nfsd':
self.__nfs_data['statvers'] = words[8]
elif 'nfs' in words or 'nfs4' in words:
self.__nfs_data['export'] = words[0]
self.__nfs_data['mountpoint'] = words[3]
self.__nfs_data['fstype'] = words[6]
if words[6].find('nfs') != -1 and words[6] != 'nfsd':
self.__nfs_data['statvers'] = words[7]
elif words[0] == 'age:':
self.__nfs_data['age'] = int(words[1])
elif words[0] == 'opts:':
self.__nfs_data['mountoptions'] = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',')
elif words[0] == 'caps:':
self.__nfs_data['servercapabilities'] = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',')
elif words[0] == 'nfsv4:':
self.__nfs_data['nfsv4flags'] = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',')
elif words[0] == 'sec:':
keys = ''.join(words[1:]).split(',')
self.__nfs_data['flavor'] = int(keys[0].split('=')[1])
self.__nfs_data['pseudoflavor'] = 0
if self.__nfs_data['flavor'] == 6:
self.__nfs_data['pseudoflavor'] = int(keys[1].split('=')[1])
elif words[0] == 'events:':
i = 1
for key in NfsEventCounters:
self.__nfs_data[key] = int(words[i])
except IndexError as err:
self.__nfs_data[key] = 0
i += 1
elif words[0] == 'bytes:':
i = 1
for key in NfsByteCounters:
self.__nfs_data[key] = int(words[i])
i += 1
def __parse_rpc_line(self, words):
if words[0] == 'RPC':
self.__rpc_data['statsvers'] = float(words[3])
self.__rpc_data['programversion'] = words[5]
elif words[0] == 'xprt:':
self.__rpc_data['protocol'] = words[1]
if words[1] == 'udp':
i = 2
for key in XprtUdpCounters:
if i < len(words):
self.__rpc_data[key] = int(words[i])
i += 1
elif words[1] == 'tcp':
i = 2
for key in XprtTcpCounters:
if i < len(words):
self.__rpc_data[key] = int(words[i])
i += 1
elif words[1] == 'rdma':
i = 2
for key in XprtRdmaCounters:
if i < len(words):
self.__rpc_data[key] = int(words[i])
i += 1
elif words[0] == 'per-op':
self.__rpc_data['per-op'] = words
op = words[0][:-1]
self.__rpc_data['ops'] += [op]
self.__rpc_data[op] = [int(word) for word in words[1:]]
if len(self.__rpc_data[op]) < 9:
self.__rpc_data[op] += [0]
def parse_stats(self, lines):
"""Turn a list of lines from a mount stat file into a
dictionary full of stats, keyed by name
found = False
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 0:
if (not found and words[0] != 'RPC'):
found = True
def is_nfs_mountpoint(self):
"""Return True if this is an NFS or NFSv4 mountpoint,
otherwise return False
if self.__nfs_data['fstype'] == 'nfs':
return True
elif self.__nfs_data['fstype'] == 'nfs4':
return True
return False
def nfs_version(self):
if self.is_nfs_mountpoint():
prog, vers = self.__rpc_data['programversion'].split('/')
return int(vers)
def display_raw_stats(self):
"""Prints out stats in the same format as /proc/self/mountstats
print('device %s mounted on %s with fstype %s %s' % \
(self.__nfs_data['export'], self.__nfs_data['mountpoint'], \
self.__nfs_data['fstype'], self.__nfs_data['statvers']))
print('\topts:\t%s' % ','.join(self.__nfs_data['mountoptions']))
print('\tage:\t%d' % self.__nfs_data['age'])
print('\tcaps:\t%s' % ','.join(self.__nfs_data['servercapabilities']))
print('\tsec:\tflavor=%d,pseudoflavor=%d' % (self.__nfs_data['flavor'], \
print('\tevents:\t%s' % " ".join([str(self.__nfs_data[key]) for key in NfsEventCounters]))
print('\tbytes:\t%s' % " ".join([str(self.__nfs_data[key]) for key in NfsByteCounters]))
print('\tRPC iostats version: %1.1f p/v: %s (nfs)' % (self.__rpc_data['statsvers'], \
if self.__rpc_data['protocol'] == 'udp':
print('\txprt:\tudp %s' % " ".join([str(self.__rpc_data[key]) for key in XprtUdpCounters]))
elif self.__rpc_data['protocol'] == 'tcp':
print('\txprt:\ttcp %s' % " ".join([str(self.__rpc_data[key]) for key in XprtTcpCounters]))
elif self.__rpc_data['protocol'] == 'rdma':
print('\txprt:\trdma %s' % " ".join([str(self.__rpc_data[key]) for key in XprtRdmaCounters]))
raise Exception('Unknown RPC transport protocol %s' % self.__rpc_data['protocol'])
print('\tper-op statistics')
prog, vers = self.__rpc_data['programversion'].split('/')
if vers == '3':
for op in Nfsv3ops:
print('\t%12s: %s' % (op, " ".join(str(x) for x in self.__rpc_data[op])))
elif vers == '4':
for op in Nfsv4ops:
print('\t%12s: %s' % (op, " ".join(str(x) for x in self.__rpc_data[op])))
print('\tnot implemented for version %d' % vers)
def display_stats_header(self):
print('Stats for %s mounted on %s:' % \
(self.__nfs_data['export'], self.__nfs_data['mountpoint']))
def display_nfs_options(self):
"""Pretty-print the NFS options
print(' NFS mount options: %s' % ','.join(self.__nfs_data['mountoptions']))
print(' NFS server capabilities: %s' % ','.join(self.__nfs_data['servercapabilities']))
if 'nfsv4flags' in self.__nfs_data:
print(' NFSv4 capability flags: %s' % ','.join(self.__nfs_data['nfsv4flags']))
if 'pseudoflavor' in self.__nfs_data:
print(' NFS security flavor: %d pseudoflavor: %d' % \
(self.__nfs_data['flavor'], self.__nfs_data['pseudoflavor']))
print(' NFS security flavor: %d' % self.__nfs_data['flavor'])
def display_nfs_events(self):
"""Pretty-print the NFS event counters
print('Cache events:')
print(' data cache invalidated %d times' % self.__nfs_data['datainvalidates'])
print(' attribute cache invalidated %d times' % self.__nfs_data['attrinvalidates'])
print('VFS calls:')
print(' VFS requested %d inode revalidations' % self.__nfs_data['inoderevalidates'])
print(' VFS requested %d dentry revalidations' % self.__nfs_data['dentryrevalidates'])
print(' VFS called nfs_readdir() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsreaddir'])
print(' VFS called nfs_lookup() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfslookup'])
print(' VFS called nfs_permission() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfspermission'])
print(' VFS called nfs_file_open() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsopen'])
print(' VFS called nfs_file_flush() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsflush'])
print(' VFS called nfs_lock() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfslock'])
print(' VFS called nfs_fsync() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsfsync'])
print(' VFS called nfs_file_release() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsrelease'])
print('VM calls:')
print(' VFS called nfs_readpage() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsreadpage'])
print(' VFS called nfs_readpages() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfsreadpages'])
print(' VFS called nfs_writepage() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfswritepage'])
print(' VFS called nfs_writepages() %d times' % self.__nfs_data['vfswritepages'])
print('Generic NFS counters:')
print(' File size changing operations:')
print(' truncating SETATTRs: %d extending WRITEs: %d' % \
(self.__nfs_data['setattrtrunc'], self.__nfs_data['extendwrite']))
print(' %d silly renames' % self.__nfs_data['sillyrenames'])
print(' short reads: %d short writes: %d' % \
(self.__nfs_data['shortreads'], self.__nfs_data['shortwrites']))
print(' NFSERR_DELAYs from server: %d' % self.__nfs_data['delay'])
print(' pNFS READs: %d' % self.__nfs_data['pnfsreads'])
print(' pNFS WRITEs: %d' % self.__nfs_data['pnfswrites'])
def display_nfs_bytes(self):
"""Pretty-print the NFS event counters
print('NFS byte counts:')
print(' applications read %d bytes via read(2)' % self.__nfs_data['normalreadbytes'])
print(' applications wrote %d bytes via write(2)' % self.__nfs_data['normalwritebytes'])
print(' applications read %d bytes via O_DIRECT read(2)' % self.__nfs_data['directreadbytes'])
print(' applications wrote %d bytes via O_DIRECT write(2)' % self.__nfs_data['directwritebytes'])
print(' client read %d bytes via NFS READ' % self.__nfs_data['serverreadbytes'])
print(' client wrote %d bytes via NFS WRITE' % self.__nfs_data['serverwritebytes'])
def display_rpc_generic_stats(self):
"""Pretty-print the generic RPC stats
sends = self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']
print('RPC statistics:')
print(' %d RPC requests sent, %d RPC replies received (%d XIDs not found)' % \
(sends, self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'], self.__rpc_data['badxids']))
if sends != 0:
print(' average backlog queue length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['backlogutil']) / sends))
def display_rpc_op_stats(self):
"""Pretty-print the per-op stats
sends = self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']
allstats = []
for op in self.__rpc_data['ops']:
allstats.append([op] + self.__rpc_data[op])
for stats in sorted(allstats, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True):
count = stats[1]
if count != 0:
print('%s:' % stats[0])
print('\t%d ops (%d%%)' % \
(count, ((count * 100) / sends)), end=' ')
retrans = stats[2] - count
if retrans != 0:
print('\t%d retrans (%d%%)' % (retrans, ((retrans * 100) / count)), end=' ')
print('\t%d major timeouts' % stats[3], end='')
if len(stats) >= 10 and stats[9] != 0:
print('\t%d errors (%d%%)' % (stats[9], ((stats[9] * 100) / count)))
print('\tavg bytes sent per op: %d\tavg bytes received per op: %d' % \
(stats[4] / count, stats[5] / count))
print('\tbacklog wait: %f' % (float(stats[6]) / count), end=' ')
print('\tRTT: %f' % (float(stats[7]) / count), end=' ')
print('\ttotal execute time: %f (milliseconds)' % \
(float(stats[8]) / count))
def client_rpc_stats(self):
"""Tally high-level rpc stats for the nfsstat command
sends = 0
trans = 0
authrefrsh = 0
for op in self.__rpc_data['ops']:
sends += self.__rpc_data[op][0]
trans += self.__rpc_data[op][1]
retrans = trans - sends
# authrefresh stats don't actually get captured in
# /proc/self/mountstats, so we fudge it here
authrefrsh = sends
return (sends, retrans, authrefrsh)
def display_nfsstat_stats(self):
"""Pretty-print nfsstat-style stats
sends = 0
for op in self.__rpc_data['ops']:
sends += self.__rpc_data[op][0]
if sends == 0:
vers = self.nfs_version()
print('Client nfs v%d' % vers)
info = []
for op in self.__rpc_data['ops']:
print('%-13s' % str.lower(op)[:12], end='')
count = self.__rpc_data[op][0]
pct = (count * 100) / sends
info.append((count, pct))
if (self.__rpc_data['ops'].index(op) + 1) % 6 == 0:
for (count, pct) in info:
print('%-8u%3u%% ' % (count, pct), end='')
info = []
if len(info) > 0:
for (count, pct) in info:
print('%-8u%3u%% ' % (count, pct), end='')
def compare_iostats(self, old_stats):
"""Return the difference between two sets of stats
if old_stats.__nfs_data['age'] > self.__nfs_data['age']:
return self
result = DeviceData()
protocol = self.__rpc_data['protocol']
# copy self into result
for key, value in self.__nfs_data.items():
result.__nfs_data[key] = value
for key, value in self.__rpc_data.items():
result.__rpc_data[key] = value
# compute the difference of each item in the list
# note the copy loop above does not copy the lists, just
# the reference to them. so we build new lists here
# for the result object.
for op in result.__rpc_data['ops']:
result.__rpc_data[op] = list(map(difference, self.__rpc_data[op], old_stats.__rpc_data[op]))
# update the remaining keys
if protocol == 'udp':
for key in XprtUdpCounters:
result.__rpc_data[key] -= old_stats.__rpc_data[key]
elif protocol == 'tcp':
for key in XprtTcpCounters:
result.__rpc_data[key] -= old_stats.__rpc_data[key]
elif protocol == 'rdma':
for key in XprtRdmaCounters:
result.__rpc_data[key] -= old_stats.__rpc_data[key]
result.__nfs_data['age'] -= old_stats.__nfs_data['age']
for key in NfsEventCounters:
result.__nfs_data[key] -= old_stats.__nfs_data[key]
for key in NfsByteCounters:
result.__nfs_data[key] -= old_stats.__nfs_data[key]
return result
def setup_accumulator(self, ops):
"""Initialize a DeviceData instance to tally stats for all mountpoints
with the same major version. This is for the nfsstat command.
if ops == Nfsv3ops:
self.__rpc_data['programversion'] = '100003/3'
self.__nfs_data['fstype'] = 'nfs'
elif ops == Nfsv4ops:
self.__rpc_data['programversion'] = '100003/4'
self.__nfs_data['fstype'] = 'nfs4'
self.__rpc_data['ops'] = ops
for op in ops:
self.__rpc_data[op] = [0 for i in range(9)]
def accumulate_iostats(self, new_stats):
"""Accumulate counters from all RPC op buckets in new_stats. This is
for the nfsstat command.
for op in new_stats.__rpc_data['ops']:
self.__rpc_data[op] = list(map(add, self.__rpc_data[op], new_stats.__rpc_data[op]))
except KeyError:
def __print_rpc_op_stats(self, op, sample_time):
"""Print generic stats for one RPC op
if op not in self.__rpc_data:
rpc_stats = self.__rpc_data[op]
ops = float(rpc_stats[0])
retrans = float(rpc_stats[1] - rpc_stats[0])
kilobytes = float(rpc_stats[3] + rpc_stats[4]) / 1024
queued_for = float(rpc_stats[5])
rtt = float(rpc_stats[6])
exe = float(rpc_stats[7])
if len(rpc_stats) >= 9:
errs = int(rpc_stats[8])
# prevent floating point exceptions
if ops != 0:
kb_per_op = kilobytes / ops
retrans_percent = (retrans * 100) / ops
rtt_per_op = rtt / ops
exe_per_op = exe / ops
queued_for_per_op = queued_for / ops
if len(rpc_stats) >= 9:
errs_percent = (errs * 100) / ops
kb_per_op = 0.0
retrans_percent = 0.0
rtt_per_op = 0.0
exe_per_op = 0.0
queued_for_per_op = 0.0
errs_percent = 0.0
op += ':'
print(format(op.lower(), '<16s'), end='')
print(format('ops/s', '>8s'), end='')
print(format('kB/s', '>16s'), end='')
print(format('kB/op', '>16s'), end='')
print(format('retrans', '>16s'), end='')
print(format('avg RTT (ms)', '>16s'), end='')
print(format('avg exe (ms)', '>16s'), end='')
print(format('avg queue (ms)', '>16s'), end='')
if len(rpc_stats) >= 9:
print(format('errors', '>16s'), end='')
print(format((ops / sample_time), '>24.3f'), end='')
print(format((kilobytes / sample_time), '>16.3f'), end='')
print(format(kb_per_op, '>16.3f'), end='')
retransmits = '{0:>10.0f} ({1:>3.1f}%)'.format(retrans, retrans_percent).strip()
print(format(retransmits, '>16'), end='')
print(format(rtt_per_op, '>16.3f'), end='')
print(format(exe_per_op, '>16.3f'), end='')
print(format(queued_for_per_op, '>16.3f'), end='')
if len(rpc_stats) >= 9:
errors = '{0:>10.0f} ({1:>3.1f}%)'.format(errs, errs_percent).strip()
print(format(errors, '>16'), end='')
def display_iostats(self, sample_time):
"""Display NFS and RPC stats in an iostat-like way
sends = float(self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'])
if sample_time == 0:
sample_time = float(self.__nfs_data['age'])
# sample_time could still be zero if the export was just mounted.
# Set it to 1 to avoid divide by zero errors in this case since we'll
# likely still have relevant mount statistics to show.
if sample_time == 0:
sample_time = 1;
if sends != 0:
backlog = (float(self.__rpc_data['backlogutil']) / sends) / sample_time
backlog = 0.0
print('%s mounted on %s:' % \
(self.__nfs_data['export'], self.__nfs_data['mountpoint']))
print(format('ops/s', '>16') + format('rpc bklog', '>16'))
print(format((sends / sample_time), '>16.3f'), end='')
print(format(backlog, '>16.3f'))
self.__print_rpc_op_stats('READ', sample_time)
self.__print_rpc_op_stats('WRITE', sample_time)
def display_xprt_stats(self):
"""Pretty-print the xprt statistics
if self.__rpc_data['protocol'] == 'udp':
print('\tTransport protocol: udp')
print('\tSource port: %d' % self.__rpc_data['port'])
print('\tBind count: %d' % self.__rpc_data['bind_count'])
print('\tRPC requests: %d' % self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'])
print('\tRPC replies: %d' % self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'])
print('\tXIDs not found: %d' % self.__rpc_data['badxids'])
print('\tMax slots: %d' % self.__rpc_data['maxslots'])
if self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] != 0:
print('\tAvg backlog length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['backlogutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
print('\tAvg send queue length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['sendutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
print('\tAvg pending queue length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['pendutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
elif self.__rpc_data['protocol'] == 'tcp':
print('\tTransport protocol: tcp')
print('\tSource port: %d' % self.__rpc_data['port'])
print('\tBind count: %d' % self.__rpc_data['bind_count'])
print('\tConnect count: %d' % self.__rpc_data['connect_count'])
print('\tConnect time: %d seconds' % self.__rpc_data['connect_time'])
print('\tIdle time: %d seconds' % self.__rpc_data['idle_time'])
print('\tRPC requests: %d' % self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'])
print('\tRPC replies: %d' % self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'])
print('\tXIDs not found: %d' % self.__rpc_data['badxids'])
print('\tMax slots: %d' % self.__rpc_data['maxslots'])
if self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] != 0:
print('\tAvg backlog length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['backlogutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
print('\tAvg send queue length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['sendutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
print('\tAvg pending queue length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['pendutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
elif self.__rpc_data['protocol'] == 'rdma':
print('\tTransport protocol: rdma')
print('\tConnect count: %d' % self.__rpc_data['connect_count'])
print('\tConnect time: %d seconds' % self.__rpc_data['connect_time'])
print('\tIdle time: %d seconds' % self.__rpc_data['idle_time'])
sends = self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']
print('\tRPC requests: %d' % self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'])
print('\tRPC replies: %d' % self.__rpc_data['rpcreceives'])
print('\tXIDs not found: %d' % self.__rpc_data['badxids'])
if self.__rpc_data['rpcsends'] != 0:
print('\tAvg backlog length: %d' % \
(float(self.__rpc_data['backlogutil']) / self.__rpc_data['rpcsends']))
print('\tRead segments: %d' % self.__rpc_data['read_segments'])
print('\tWrite segments: %d' % self.__rpc_data['write_segments'])
print('\tReply segments: %d' % self.__rpc_data['reply_segments'])
print('\tRegistered: %d bytes' % self.__rpc_data['total_rdma_req'])
print('\tRDMA received: %d bytes' % self.__rpc_data['total_rdma_rep'])
print('\tTotal pull-up: %d bytes' % self.__rpc_data['pullup'])
print('\tTotal fix-up: %d bytes' % self.__rpc_data['fixup'])
print('\tHardway allocations: %d bytes' % self.__rpc_data['hardway'])
print('\tFailed marshals: %d' % self.__rpc_data['failed_marshal'])
print('\tBad replies: %d' % self.__rpc_data['bad_reply'])
""" Counters not present in all kernels """
if 'nomsg_calls' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tRDMA_NOMSG calls: %d' % self.__rpc_data['nomsg_calls'])
if 'allocated_mrs' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tAllocated MRs: %d' % self.__rpc_data['allocated_mrs'])
if 'recovered_mrs' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tRecovered MRs: %d' % self.__rpc_data['recovered_mrs'])
if 'orphaned_mrs' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tOrphaned MRs: %d' % self.__rpc_data['orphaned_mrs'])
if 'local_invalidates' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tLocal Invalidates needed: %d' % self.__rpc_data['local_invalidates'])
if 'empty_sendctx_q' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tEmpty sendctx queue count: %d' % self.__rpc_data['empty_sendctx_q'])
if 'reply_waits_for_send' in self.__rpc_data:
print('\tReplies that waited for Send completion: %d' % self.__rpc_data['reply_waits_for_send'])
raise Exception('Unknown RPC transport protocol %s' % self.__rpc_data['protocol'])
def parse_stats_file(f):
"""pop the contents of a mountstats file into a dictionary,
keyed by mount point. each value object is a list of the
lines in the mountstats file corresponding to the mount
point named in the key.
ms_dict = dict()
key = ''
for line in f.readlines():
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 0:
if words[0] == 'device':
key = words[4]
new = [ line.strip() ]
elif 'nfs' in words or 'nfs4' in words:
key = words[3]
new = [ line.strip() ]
new += [ line.strip() ]
ms_dict[key] = new
return ms_dict
def print_mountstats(stats, nfs_only, rpc_only, raw, xprt_only):
if nfs_only:
elif rpc_only:
elif raw:
elif xprt_only:
def mountstats_command(args):
"""Mountstats command
mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.infile)
mountpoints = [os.path.normpath(mp) for mp in args.mountpoints]
# make certain devices contains only NFS mount points
if len(mountpoints) > 0:
check = []
for device in mountpoints:
stats = DeviceData()
if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint():
check += [device]
except KeyError:
mountpoints = check
for device, descr in mountstats.items():
stats = DeviceData()
if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint():
mountpoints += [device]
if len(mountpoints) == 0:
print('No NFS mount points were found')
return 1
if args.since:
old_mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.since)
for mp in mountpoints:
stats = DeviceData()
if not args.since:
print_mountstats(stats, args.nfs_only, args.rpc_only, args.raw, args.xprt_only)
elif args.since and mp not in old_mountstats:
print_mountstats(stats, args.nfs_only, args.rpc_only, args.raw, args.xprt_only)
old_stats = DeviceData()
diff_stats = stats.compare_iostats(old_stats)
print_mountstats(diff_stats, args.nfs_only, args.rpc_only, args.raw, args.xprt_only)
if args.since:
return 0
def nfsstat_command(args):
"""nfsstat-like command for NFS mount points
mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.infile)
mountpoints = [os.path.normpath(mp) for mp in args.mountpoints]
v3stats = DeviceData()
v4stats = DeviceData()
# ensure stats get printed if neither v3 nor v4 was specified
if args.show_v3 or args.show_v4:
show_both = False
show_both = True
# make certain devices contains only NFS mount points
if len(mountpoints) > 0:
check = []
for device in mountpoints:
stats = DeviceData()
if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint():
check += [device]
except KeyError:
mountpoints = check
for device, descr in mountstats.items():
stats = DeviceData()
if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint():
mountpoints += [device]
if len(mountpoints) == 0:
print('No NFS mount points were found')
return 1
if args.since:
old_mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.since)
for mp in mountpoints:
stats = DeviceData()
vers = stats.nfs_version()
if not args.since:
acc_stats = stats
elif args.since and mp not in old_mountstats:
acc_stats = stats
old_stats = DeviceData()
acc_stats = stats.compare_iostats(old_stats)
if vers == 3 and (show_both or args.show_v3):
elif vers == 4 and (show_both or args.show_v4):
sends, retrans, authrefrsh = map(add, v3stats.client_rpc_stats(), v4stats.client_rpc_stats())
print('Client rpc stats:')
print('calls retrans authrefrsh')
print('%-11u%-11u%-11u' % (sends, retrans, authrefrsh))
if show_both or args.show_v3:
if show_both or args.show_v4:
if args.since:
return 0
def print_iostat_summary(old, new, devices, time):
for device in devices:
stats = DeviceData()
if not old or device not in old:
if ("fstype autofs" not in str(old[device])) and ("fstype autofs" not in str(new[device])):
old_stats = DeviceData()
diff_stats = stats.compare_iostats(old_stats)
def iostat_command(args):
"""iostat-like command for NFS mount points
mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.infile)
devices = [os.path.normpath(mp) for mp in args.mountpoints]
if args.since:
old_mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.since)
old_mountstats = None
# make certain devices contains only NFS mount points
if len(devices) > 0:
check = []
for device in devices:
stats = DeviceData()
if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint():
check += [device]
except KeyError:
devices = check
for device, descr in mountstats.items():
stats = DeviceData()
if stats.is_nfs_mountpoint():
devices += [device]
if len(devices) == 0:
print('No NFS mount points were found')
return 1
sample_time = 0
if args.interval is None:
print_iostat_summary(old_mountstats, mountstats, devices, sample_time)
if args.count is not None:
count = args.count
while count != 0:
print_iostat_summary(old_mountstats, mountstats, devices, sample_time)
old_mountstats = mountstats
sample_time = args.interval
mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.infile)
count -= 1
while True:
print_iostat_summary(old_mountstats, mountstats, devices, sample_time)
old_mountstats = mountstats
sample_time = args.interval
mountstats = parse_stats_file(args.infile)
if args.since:
return 0
class ICMAction(argparse.Action):
"""Custom action to deal with interval, count, and mountpoints.
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
if namespace.mountpoints is None:
namespace.mountpoints = []
if values is None:
elif (type(values) == type([])):
for value in values:
self._handle_one(namespace, value)
self._handle_one(namespace, values)
def _handle_one(self, namespace, value):
intval = int(value)
if namespace.infile.name != '/proc/self/mountstats':
raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, "not allowed with argument -f/--file or -S/--since")
self._handle_int(namespace, intval)
except ValueError:
def _handle_int(self, namespace, value):
if namespace.interval is None:
namespace.interval = value
elif namespace.count is None:
namespace.count = value
raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, "too many integer arguments")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog='For specific sub-command help, '
'run \'mountstats SUB-COMMAND -h|--help\'')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help')
common_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
common_parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version',
version='mountstats ' + Mountstats_version)
common_parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', default=open('/proc/self/mountstats', 'r'),
type=argparse.FileType('r'), dest='infile',
help='Read stats from %(dest)s instead of /proc/self/mountstats')
common_parser.add_argument('-S', '--since', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
help='Show difference between current stats and those in SINCEFILE')
mountstats_parser = subparsers.add_parser('mountstats',
help='Display a combination of per-op RPC statistics, NFS event counts, and NFS byte counts. '
'This is the default sub-command if no sub-command is given.')
group = mountstats_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-n', '--nfs', action='store_true', dest='nfs_only',
help='Display only the NFS statistics')
group.add_argument('-r', '--rpc', action='store_true', dest='rpc_only',
help='Display only the RPC statistics')
group.add_argument('-R', '--raw', action='store_true',
help='Display only the raw statistics')
group.add_argument('-x', '--xprt', action='store_true', dest='xprt_only',
help='Display only the xprt statistics')
# The mountpoints argument cannot be moved into the common_parser because
# it will screw up the parsing of the iostat arguments (interval and count)
mountstats_parser.add_argument('mountpoints', nargs='*', metavar='mountpoint',
help='Display statistics for this mountpoint. More than one may be specified. '
'If absent, statistics for all NFS mountpoints will be generated.')
nfsstat_parser = subparsers.add_parser('nfsstat',
help='Display nfsstat-like statistics.')
nfsstat_parser.add_argument('-3', action='store_true', dest='show_v3',
help='Show NFS version 3 statistics')
nfsstat_parser.add_argument('-4', action='store_true', dest='show_v4',
help='Show NFS version 4 statistics')
# The mountpoints argument cannot be moved into the common_parser because
# it will screw up the parsing of the iostat arguments (interval and count)
nfsstat_parser.add_argument('mountpoints', nargs='*', metavar='mountpoint',
help='Display statistics for this mountpoint. More than one may be specified. '
'If absent, statistics for all NFS mountpoints will be generated.')
iostat_parser = subparsers.add_parser('iostat',
help='Display iostat-like statistics.')
iostat_parser.add_argument('interval', nargs='?', action=ICMAction,
help='Number of seconds between reports. If absent, only one report will '
'be generated.')
iostat_parser.add_argument('count', nargs='?', action=ICMAction,
help='Number of reports generated at <interval> seconds apart. If absent, '
'reports will be generated continuously.')
# The mountpoints argument cannot be moved into the common_parser because
# it will screw up the parsing of the iostat arguments (interval and count)
iostat_parser.add_argument('mountpoints', nargs='*', action=ICMAction, metavar='mountpoint',
help='Display statsistics for this mountpoint. More than one may be specified. '
'If absent, statistics for all NFS mountpoints will be generated.')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args.func(args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run the mounstats sub-command if no sub-command (or the help flag)
# is given. If the argparse module ever gets support for optional
# (default) sub-commands, then this can be changed.
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
sys.argv.insert(1, 'mountstats')
elif sys.argv[1] not in ['-h', '--help', 'mountstats', 'iostat', 'nfsstat']:
sys.argv.insert(1, 'mountstats')
res = main()
except (KeyboardInterrupt, RuntimeError):
except IOError:
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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