Domain: Server Adress: / sbin /
Current File : //sbin/opendmarc-import
# Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, 2018, The Trusted Domain Project. All rights reserved.
# Script to import per-message DMARC data.
### Setup
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
use DBI;
use File::Basename;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX;
use JSON;
require DBD::mysql;
# general
my $progname = basename($0);
my $version = "1.4.2";
my $verbose = 0;
my $helponly = 0;
my $showversion = 0;
# DB parameters
my $def_dbhost = "localhost";
my $def_dbname = "opendmarc";
my $def_dbuser = "opendmarc";
my $def_dbpasswd = "opendmarc";
my $def_dbport = "3306";
my $def_interval = "86400";
my $def_inputfh = *STDIN;
my $dbhost;
my $dbname;
my $dbuser;
my $dbpasswd;
my $dbport;
my $inputfile;
my $inputfh;
my $dbscheme = "mysql";
my $dbi_a;
my $dbi_h;
my $dbi_s;
my $dbi_t;
my $lineno;
my $key;
my $value;
my $data;
my @serialized_data;
my $action;
my $adkim;
my $align_dkim;
my $align_spf;
my $aspf;
my $dkim_align;
my @dkim_data;
my $dkim_domain;
my $dkim_selector;
my $dkim_result;
my $arc;
my $arc_policy;
my @arc_policy_data;
my $envdomain;
my $fdomain;
my $ipaddr;
my $jobid;
my $p;
my $pct;
my $pdomain;
my $policy;
my $received;
my $reporter;
my $repuri;
my $sigcount = 0;
my $sp;
my $spf;
my @rua;
### NO user-serviceable parts beyond this point
sub get_value
my $table;
my $column;
my $id;
my $out;
($table, $column, $id) = @_;
$dbi_t = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT $column FROM $table WHERE id = ?");
if (!$dbi_t->execute($id))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to $column value for ID $id: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
return undef;
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_t->fetchrow_arrayref())
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$out = $dbi_a->[0];
return $out;
sub get_table_id
my $name;
my $table;
my $column;
my $fkey_column;
my $fkey_value;
my $out;
my $query;
my @query_params;
($name, $table, $column, $fkey_column, $fkey_value) = @_;
if ((!defined($name) || $name eq '-') || !defined($table))
return undef;
if (!defined($column) || length($column) == 0)
$column = "name";
@query_params = ($name);
$query = "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE $column = ?";
if (defined($fkey_column) && defined($fkey_value))
$query = $query . " AND $fkey_column = ?";
push(@query_params, $fkey_value);
$dbi_t = $dbi_h->prepare($query);
if (!$dbi_t->execute(@query_params))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to retrieve table ID: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
return undef;
undef $out;
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_t->fetchrow_arrayref())
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$out = $dbi_a->[0];
if (!defined($out))
@query_params = ($name);
$query = "INSERT INTO $table ($column) VALUES(?)";
if (defined($fkey_column) && defined($fkey_value))
$query = "INSERT INTO $table ($column, $fkey_column) VALUES(?, ?)";
push(@query_params, $fkey_value);
$dbi_t = $dbi_h->prepare($query);
if (!$dbi_t->execute(@query_params))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to create table ID: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
return undef;
$dbi_t = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
if (!$dbi_t->execute())
print STDERR "$progname: failed to retrieve created table ID: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
return undef;
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_t->fetchrow_arrayref())
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$out = $dbi_a->[0];
if (!defined($out))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to retrieve created table ID: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
return undef;
return $out;
sub update_db
my $rep_id;
my $from_id;
my $envfrom_id;
my $pdomain_id;
my $ipaddr_id;
my $msg_id;
my $sdomain_id;
my $selector_id;
my $request_id;
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: updating at line $lineno\n";
$rep_id = get_table_id($reporter, "reporters");
$from_id = get_table_id($fdomain, "domains");
$envfrom_id = get_table_id($envdomain, "domains");
$pdomain_id = get_table_id($pdomain, "domains");
$ipaddr_id = get_table_id($ipaddr, "ipaddr", "addr");
$request_id = get_table_id($from_id, "requests", "domain");
if (!defined($rep_id) ||
!defined($from_id) ||
!defined($envfrom_id) ||
!defined($pdomain_id) ||
!defined($ipaddr_id) ||
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare(q{
INSERT INTO messages(
date, jobid, reporter, policy, disp, ip, env_domain, from_domain,
policy_domain, spf, align_spf, align_dkim, sigcount, arc, arc_policy
FROM_UNIXTIME(?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
if (!$dbi_s->execute(
$received, $jobid, $rep_id, $policy, $action, $ipaddr_id, $envfrom_id, $from_id,
$pdomain_id, $spf, $align_spf, $align_dkim, $sigcount, $arc, $arc_policy
print STDERR "$progname: failed to insert message: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
undef $msg_id;
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
if (!$dbi_s->execute())
print STDERR "$progname: failed to retrieve message ID: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref())
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$msg_id = $dbi_a->[0];
if (!defined($msg_id))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to retrieve message ID: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("INSERT INTO signatures (message, domain, selector, pass, error) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
foreach my $dd (0 .. $#dkim_data)
my $sdomain;
my $sdomain_id;
my $selector;
my $selector_id;
my $pass;
my $error;
$sdomain = $dkim_data[$dd][0];
$selector = $dkim_data[$dd][1];
$pass = $dkim_data[$dd][2];
$error = $dkim_data[$dd][3];
$sdomain_id = get_table_id($sdomain, "domains");
if (!defined($sdomain_id))
# fetch selector_id or insert into table
$selector_id = get_table_id($selector, "selectors", "", "domain", $sdomain_id) || 0;
if (!$dbi_s->execute($msg_id, $sdomain_id, $selector_id, $pass, $error))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to insert DKIM data: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("INSERT INTO arcauthresults (message, instance, arc_client_addr) VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
foreach my $aar (0 .. $#arc_policy_data)
my $instance;
my $arc_client_addr;
$instance = $arc_policy_data[$aar]{'i'};
$arc_client_addr = $arc_policy_data[$aar]{'ip'} || '';
if (!$dbi_s->execute($msg_id, $instance, $arc_client_addr))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to insert ARC-Authentication-Results data: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("INSERT INTO arcseals (message, domain, selector, instance) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)");
foreach my $as (0 .. $#arc_policy_data)
my $sdomain;
my $sdomain_id;
my $selector;
my $selector_id;
my $instance;
$instance = $arc_policy_data[$as]{'i'};
$sdomain = $arc_policy_data[$as]{'d'};
$selector = $arc_policy_data[$as]{'s'};
$sdomain_id = get_table_id($sdomain, "domains");
if (!defined($sdomain_id))
# fetch selector_id or insert into table
$selector_id = get_table_id($selector, "selectors", "", "domain", $sdomain_id) || 0;
if (!$dbi_s->execute($msg_id, $sdomain_id, $selector_id, $instance))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to insert ARC-Seals data: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
if (get_value("requests", "locked", $request_id) != 1)
if (scalar @rua > 0)
$repuri = join(",", @rua);
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("UPDATE requests SET repuri = ? WHERE id = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($repuri, $request_id))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to update reporting URI for $fdomain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("UPDATE requests SET repuri = '' WHERE id = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($request_id))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to update reporting URI for $fdomain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("UPDATE requests SET adkim = ?, aspf = ?, policy = ?, spolicy = ?, pct = ? WHERE id = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($adkim, $aspf, $p, $sp, $pct, $request_id))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to update policy data for $fdomain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
sub usage
print STDERR "$progname: usage: $progname [options]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbhost=host database host [$def_dbhost]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbname=name database name [$def_dbname]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbpasswd=passwd database password [$def_dbpasswd]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbport=port database port [$def_dbport]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbuser=user database user [$def_dbuser]\n";
print STDERR "\t--input=file input file [STDIN]\n";
print STDERR "\t--help print help and exit\n";
print STDERR "\t--verbose verbose output\n";
print STDERR "\t--version print version and exit\n";
# parse command line arguments
my $opt_retval = &Getopt::Long::GetOptions ('dbhost=s' => \$dbhost,
'dbname=s' => \$dbname,
'dbpasswd=s' => \$dbpasswd,
'dbport=s' => \$dbport,
'dbuser=s' => \$dbuser,
'input=s' => \$inputfile,
'help!' => \$helponly,
'verbose!' => \$verbose,
'version!' => \$showversion,
if (!$opt_retval || $helponly)
if ($helponly)
if ($showversion)
print STDOUT "$progname v$version\n";
# apply defaults
if (!defined($dbhost))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_DBHOST'}))
$dbhost = $def_dbhost;
if (!defined($dbname))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_DB'}))
$dbname = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_DB'};
$dbname = $def_dbname;
if (!defined($dbpasswd))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_PASSWORD'}))
$dbpasswd = $def_dbpasswd;
if (!defined($dbport))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_PORT'}))
$dbport = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_PORT'};
$dbport = $def_dbport;
if (!defined($dbuser))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_USER'}))
$dbuser = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_USER'};
$dbuser = $def_dbuser;
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: started at " . localtime() . "\n";
if (!defined($inputfile))
$inputfh = $def_inputfh;
open($inputfh, "<", $inputfile) or die "$progname: unable to open $inputfile: $!\n";
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: opened file $inputfile\n"
if (!flock($inputfh, LOCK_SH))
print STDERR "$progname: warning: unable to establish read lock\n";
my $dbi_dsn = "DBI:" . $dbscheme . ":database=" . $dbname .
";host=" . $dbhost . ";port=" . $dbport;
$dbi_h = DBI->connect($dbi_dsn, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, { PrintError => 0 });
if (!defined($dbi_h))
print STDERR "$progname: unable to connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: connected to database\n";
# Read history file from stdin.
$lineno = 0;
while (<$inputfh>)
($key, $value, $data) = split / /, $_, 3;
# skip lines that start with a space
if (!defined($key))
if (defined($data) && length($data) > 0)
if ($data =~ /^json:/)
@serialized_data = split /:/, $data, 2;
($dkim_selector, $dkim_result) = split / /, $data
switch ($key)
case "action" {
$action = $value;
case "adkim" {
$adkim = $value;
case "align_dkim" {
$align_dkim = $value;
case "align_spf" {
$align_spf = $value;
case "arc" {
$arc = $value;
case "arc_policy" {
$arc_policy = $value;
# parse json data
if (scalar (@serialized_data) == 2)
@arc_policy_data = @{ decode_json($serialized_data[1]) };
@arc_policy_data = [];
case "aspf" {
$aspf = $value;
case "dkim" {
my @dkim_entry;
push(@dkim_entry, $value);
push(@dkim_entry, $dkim_selector);
push(@dkim_entry, $dkim_result);
if ($dkim_result eq "4" ||
$dkim_result eq "5")
push(@dkim_entry, 1);
push(@dkim_entry, 0);
push(@dkim_data, [ @dkim_entry ]);
case "from" {
$fdomain = $value;
case "job" {
if (defined($jobid))
undef $action;
undef $adkim;
undef $align_dkim;
undef $align_spf;
undef $arc;
undef $arc_policy;
undef $aspf;
undef @serialized_data;
undef @dkim_data;
undef @arc_policy_data;
undef $envdomain;
undef $fdomain;
undef $ipaddr;
undef $jobid;
undef $p;
undef $pct;
undef $pdomain;
undef $policy;
undef $received;
undef $reporter;
undef @rua;
$sigcount = 0;
undef $sp;
undef $spf;
$jobid = $value;
case "ipaddr" {
$ipaddr = $value;
case "mfrom" {
$envdomain = $value;
case "p" {
$p = $value;
case "pct" {
$pct = $value;
case "pdomain" {
$pdomain = $value;
case "policy" {
$policy = $value;
case "received" {
$received = $value;
case "reporter" {
$reporter = $value;
case "rua" {
if ($value ne "-")
push(@rua, $value);
case "sp" {
$sp = $value;
case "spf" {
$spf = $value;
else {
print STDERR "$progname: unknown key '$key' at line $lineno\n";
if (defined($jobid))
if (defined($inputfile))
# all done!
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: terminating at " . localtime() . "\n";
Miss Fanny Jayne - The Pinup Database
Pin Up Group Name La'Rouge Rebelz PC
Short Bio I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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