Domain: Server Adress: <?php
namespace W3TC;
class ConfigCompiler {
private $_blog_id;
private $_preview;
private $_data;
private $_keys;
* Returns true is key is not modifiable anymore
* Placed here to limit class loading
* @return bool
static public function child_key_sealed( $key, $master_data, $child_data ) {
if ( isset( $master_data['common.force_master'] ) &&
(boolean)$master_data['common.force_master'] )
return true;
// affects rules which are global, not possible to overload
if ( $key == 'pgcache.engine' &&
( $master_data['pgcache.engine'] == 'file_generic' ) )
return true;
if ( in_array( $key, array(
'version' ) ) )
return true;
include W3TC_DIR . '/ConfigKeys.php';
// key which marks overloads is always editable
$overloads_postfix = '.configuration_overloaded';
// extension settings sealing
// e.g. array('newrelic' , '...') is controlled
// by 'newrelic.configuration_overloaded']
$block_key = ( is_array( $key ) ? $key[0] : $key );
if ( isset( $child_data[$block_key] ) &&
isset( $child_data[$block_key . $overloads_postfix] ) &&
(boolean)$child_data[$block_key . $overloads_postfix] )
return false;
if ( !is_array( $key ) ) {
if ( substr( $key, strlen( $key ) - strlen( $overloads_postfix ),
strlen( $overloads_postfix ) ) == $overloads_postfix )
return false;
// default sealing
foreach ( $overloading_keys_scope as $i ) {
$overloading_key = $i['key'];
// check if this key is allowed by overloading-mark key
if ( substr( $key, 0, strlen( $i['prefix'] ) ) == $i['prefix'] ) {
if ( !isset( $child_data[$overloading_key] ) )
return true;
if ( (boolean)$child_data[$overloading_key] )
return false;
return true;
* Reads config from file and returns it's content as array (or null)
* Stored in this class to limit class loading
static private function util_array_from_file_legacy_v2( $filename ) {
if ( file_exists( $filename ) && is_readable( $filename ) ) {
// including file directly instead of read+eval causes constant
// problems with APC, ZendCache, and WSOD in a case of
// broken config file
$content = @file_get_contents( $filename );
$config = @json_decode( $content, true );
if ( is_array( $config ) )
return $config;
return null;
public function __construct( $blog_id, $preview ) {
$this->_blog_id = $blog_id;
$this->_preview = $preview;
include W3TC_DIR . '/ConfigKeys.php';
$this->_keys = $keys;
// move _date to initial state
foreach ( $this->_keys as $key => $value )
$this->_data[$key] = $value['default'];
$this->_data['version'] = W3TC_VERSION;
public function load( $data = null ) {
// apply data from master config
if ( is_null( $data ) ) {
$data = Config::util_array_from_storage( 0, $this->_preview );
if ( is_null( $data ) && $this->_preview ) {
// try to read production data when preview not available
$data = Config::util_array_from_storage( 0, false );
// try to get legacy v2 data
if ( is_null( $data ) ) {
$master_filename = Config::util_config_filename_legacy_v2( 0,
$this->_preview );
$data = self::util_array_from_file_legacy_v2( $master_filename );
if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
$data = $this->upgrade( $data );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
$this->_data[$key] = $value;
if ( $this->is_master() )
// apply child config
$data = Config::util_array_from_storage( $this->_blog_id,
$this->_preview );
if ( is_null( $data ) && $this->_preview ) {
// try to read production data when preview not available
$data = Config::util_array_from_storage( $this->_blog_id,
false );
// try to get legacy v2 data
if ( is_null( $data ) ) {
$child_filename = Config::util_config_filename_legacy_v2(
$this->_blog_id, $this->_preview );
$data = self::util_array_from_file_legacy_v2( $child_filename );
if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
$data = $this->upgrade( $data );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( !ConfigCompiler::child_key_sealed( $key, $this->_data, $data ) )
$this->_data[$key] = $value;
public function apply_data( $data ) {
foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
$this->_data[$key] = $value;
public function get_data() {
return $this->_data;
public function save() {
$data = array(
'version' => $this->_data['version']
if ( $this->is_master() ) {
foreach ( $this->_data as $key => $value )
$data[$key] = $this->_data[$key];
} else {
// write only overwrited keys
$master = new ConfigCompiler( 0, $this->_preview );
foreach ( $this->_data as $key => $value ) {
if ( !ConfigCompiler::child_key_sealed( $key, $master->_data,
$this->_data ) )
$data[$key] = $this->_data[$key];
ConfigUtil::save_item( $this->_blog_id, $this->_preview, $data );
* Returns true if we edit master config
* @return boolean
private function is_master() {
return $this->_blog_id <= 0;
* Apply new default values when version changes
private function upgrade( $file_data ) {
if ( !isset( $file_data['version'] ) )
$file_data['version'] = '0.0.0';
if ( !function_exists( 'bb2_start' ) ) {
$file_data['pgcache.bad_behavior_path'] = '';
} else {
if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php' ) ) {
$bb_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php';
} elseif ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/Bad-Behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php' ) ) {
$bb_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/Bad-Behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php';
} else {
$bb_file = false;
if ( $bb_file ) {
$file_data['pgcache.bad_behavior_path'] = $bb_file;
// changes in 0.9.7
if ( isset( $file_data['cdnfsd.enabled'] ) &&
$file_data['cdnfsd.enabled'] == '1' &&
empty( $file_data['cdnfsd.engine'] ) ) {
$file_data['cdnfsd.enabled'] = '0';
// changes in 0.9.6
if ( !isset( $file_data['cdn.cors_header'] ) ) {
$file_data['cdn.cors_header'] = true;
if ( isset( $file_data['cdn.engine'] ) && $file_data['cdn.engine'] == 'netdna' ) {
$file_data['cdn.engine'] = 'maxcdn';
$file_data['cdn.maxcdn.authorization_key'] = $file_data['cdn.netdna.authorization_key'];
$file_data['cdn.maxcdn.domain'] = $file_data['cdn.netdna.domain'];
$file_data['cdn.maxcdn.ssl'] = $file_data['cdn.netdna.ssl'];
$file_data['cdn.maxcdn.zone_id'] = $file_data['cdn.netdna.zone_id'];
// changes in 0.9.5
if ( !isset( $file_data['extensions.active_frontend'] ) ||
!is_array( $file_data['extensions.active_frontend'] ) )
$file_data['extensions.active_frontend'] = array();
if ( version_compare( $file_data['version'], '0.9.5', '<' ) ) {
// dont show minify tips if already enabled
if ( isset( $file_data['minify.enabled'] ) &&
$file_data['minify.enabled'] == 'true' &&
function_exists( 'get_option' ) ) {
$cs = Dispatcher::config_state();
$cs->set( 'minify.hide_minify_help', true );
$file_data['pgcache.mirrors.enabled'] = true;
// map regions in rackspace
if ( isset( $file_data['cdn.rscf.location'] ) ) {
if ( $file_data['cdn.rscf.location'] == 'uk' )
$file_data['cdn.rscf.location'] = 'LON';
if ( $file_data['cdn.rscf.location'] == 'us' )
$file_data['cdn.rscf.location'] = 'ORD';
// change filenames
$active = array();
if ( isset( $file_data[''] ) &&
is_array( $file_data[''] ) ) {
if ( isset( $file_data['']['cloudflare'] ) )
$active['cloudflare'] = 'w3-total-cache/Extension_CloudFlare_Plugin.php';
if ( isset( $file_data['']['feedburner'] ) )
$active['feedburner'] = 'w3-total-cache/Extension_FeedBurner_Plugin.php';
if ( isset( $file_data['']['genesis.theme'] ) )
$active['genesis.theme'] = 'w3-total-cache/Extension_Genesis_Plugin.php';
if ( isset( $file_data['']['wordpress-seo'] ) )
$active['wordpress-seo'] = 'w3-total-cache/Extension_WordPressSeo_Plugin.php';
$file_data[''] = $active;
$active_frontend = array();
foreach ( $active as $key => $value )
$active_frontend[$key] = '*';
$file_data['extensions.active_frontend'] = $active_frontend;
// keep those active by default
$file_data['']['newrelic'] =
$file_data['']['fragmentcache'] =
// newrelic settings - migrate to extension
if ( isset( $file_data['newrelic.enabled'] ) &&
$file_data['newrelic.enabled'] ) {
// make new relic extension enabled
if ( !isset( $file_data['extensions.active_frontend']['newrelic'] ) )
$file_data['extensions.active_frontend']['newrelic'] ='*';
if ( !isset( $file_data['newrelic'] ) ||
!is_array( $file_data['newrelic'] ) )
$file_data['newrelic'] = array(
'monitoring_type' => 'apm'
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.api_key',
'newrelic', 'api_key' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.appname',
'newrelic', 'apm.application_name' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.accept.logged_roles',
'newrelic', 'accept.logged_roles' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.accept.roles',
'newrelic', 'accept.roles' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.use_php_function',
'newrelic', 'use_php_function' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.cache_time',
'newrelic', 'cache_time' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.enable_xmit',
'newrelic', 'enable_xmit' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'newrelic.include_rum',
'newrelic', 'include_rum' );
// extensions - kept in separate key now
$this->_set_if_exists_extension( $file_data, 'cloudflare' );
$this->_set_if_exists_extension( $file_data, 'genesis.theme' );
$this->_set_if_exists_extension( $file_data, 'feedburner' );
// fragmentcache to extension
if ( isset( $file_data['fragmentcache.enabled'] ) &&
$file_data['fragmentcache.enabled'] ) {
// make new relic extension enabled
if ( !isset( $file_data['extensions.active_frontend']['fragmentcache'] ) )
$file_data['extensions.active_frontend']['fragmentcache'] = '*';
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.debug',
'fragmentcache', 'debug' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.engine',
'fragmentcache', 'engine' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.file.gc',
'fragmentcache', 'file.gc' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.file.locking',
'fragmentcache', 'file.locking' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.memcached.servers',
'fragmentcache', 'memcached.servers' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.memcached.persistent',
'fragmentcache', 'memcached.persistent' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.memcached.aws_autodiscovery',
'fragmentcache', 'memcached.aws_autodiscovery' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.memcached.username',
'fragmentcache', 'memcached.username' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.memcached.password',
'fragmentcache', 'memcached.password' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.redis.persistent',
'fragmentcache', 'redis.persistent' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.redis.servers',
'fragmentcache', 'redis.servers' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.redis.password',
'fragmentcache', 'redis.password' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.redis.dbid',
'fragmentcache', 'redis.dbid' );
$this->_set_if_exists( $file_data, 'fragmentcache.lifetime',
'fragmentcache', 'lifetime' );
// new options, separated old one. implemented in
if ( isset( $file_data['browsercache.cssjs.replace'] ) &&
!isset( $file_data['browsercache.cssjs.querystring'] ) ) {
$file_data['browsercache.cssjs.querystring'] = $file_data['browsercache.cssjs.replace'];
if ( isset( $file_data['browsercache.other.replace'] ) &&
!isset( $file_data['browsercache.other.querystring'] ) ) {
$file_data['browsercache.other.querystring'] = $file_data['browsercache.other.replace'];
// changes in
if ( version_compare( $file_data['version'], '', '<' ) ) {
if ( !isset( $file_data['']['swarmify'] ) ) {
$file_data['']['swarmify'] = 'w3-total-cache/Extension_Swarmify_Plugin.php';
// changes in
if ( isset( $file_data['cdn.engine'] ) ) {
if ( $file_data['cdn.engine'] == 'maxcdn_fsd' ) {
$file_data['cdnfsd.engine'] = 'maxcdn';
$file_data['cdnfsd.enabled'] = $file_data['cdn.enabled'];
if ( isset( $file_data['cdn.maxcdn_fsd.api_key'] ) ) {
$file_data['cdnfsd.maxcdn.api_key'] =
$file_data['cdnfsd.maxcdn.zone_id'] =
$file_data['cdnfsd.maxcdn.zone_domain'] =
if ( $file_data['cdn.engine'] == 'cloudfront_fsd' ) {
$file_data['cdnfsd.engine'] = 'cloudfront';
$file_data['cdnfsd.enabled'] = $file_data['cdn.enabled'];
if ( isset( $file_data['cdn.cloudfront_fsd.access_key'] ) ) {
$file_data['cdnfsd.cloudfront.access_key'] =
$file_data['cdnfsd.cloudfront.distribution_domain'] =
$file_data['cdnfsd.cloudfront.secret_key'] =
$file_data['cdnfsd.cloudfront.distribution_id'] =
$file_data['version'] = W3TC_VERSION;
return $file_data;
private function _set_if_exists_extension( &$a, $extension ) {
if ( isset( $a['extensions.settings'] ) &&
isset( $a['extensions.settings'][$extension] ) ) {
$a[$extension] = $a['extensions.settings'][$extension];
unset( $a['extensions.settings'][$extension] );
private function _set_if_exists( &$a, $old_key, $new_key0, $new_key1 ) {
if ( isset( $a[$old_key] ) ) {
$a[$new_key0][$new_key1] = $a[$old_key];
unset( $a[$old_key] );
Miss Fanny Jayne - The Pinup Database
Pin Up Group Name La'Rouge Rebelz PC
Short Bio I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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