Current File : /home/httpd/html/
= 0.9.4 =
* Fixed undefined w3tc_button_link
* Fixed support and other form submissions
* Fixed extension enabled key error
* Fixed Test CDN errors
* Fixed trailing slashes in custom wp content path and Minify
* Fixed WP_PLUGIN_DIR not being available when object-cache.php is loaded and W3TC constant not set
* Fixed Minify Auto and restructuring of JS code placement on page
* Fixed remove / replace drop in file on plugins page
* Fixed false positive check for legacy code
* Fixed deprecated wpdb escape
* Fixed Fragment Caching and APC anomalies
* Fixed cached configs causing 500 error on interrupted file writes
* Fixed readfile errors on servers with the functionality disabled
* Fixed false positives for license key verification
* Fixed debug information not printed on cached pages
* Fixed backwards compatibility and flushing and added doing it wrong notification
* Fixed "Prevent caching of objects after settings change"
* Fixed "Use late init" being shown as enabled with Disc:Enhanced
* Fixed missing param in APC cache method declaration
* Fixed user roles property not begin an array
* Fixed adding empty Vary header
* Fixed notice on failed upgrade licencing check
* Fixed Database Cache description text
* Fixed duplicate bb10 agents
* Fixed settings link in Minify Auto notification
* Fixed notice with undefined constant
* Fixed nginx configuration and Referrer, User Groups setting
* Fixed Genesis settings and Suhosin field name limit error
* Fixed Genesis and Fragment Caching (caching categories etc)
* Fixed CDN being enabled when creating NetDNA / MaxCDN pull zone
* Fixed NewRelic related notice in compatibility popup
* Fixed trailing slash issue in filename to url conversion
* Fixed issue with wp in subdirectory and relative minimal manual urls
* Fixed issue with widget styling
* Fixed issue with Purge All button action
* Fixed issue with exporting of settings
* Fixed issue with plugin interferring with preview theme
* Fixed issue with malformed config files
* Added caching of list of posts pages (tags, categories etc) to Genesis extension a long with flush it checkbox
* Added typecasting on expiration time in object cache drop-in
* Added capability check for save options
* Added FeedBurner extension
* Added woff support to Browser Cache
* Added new CloudFlare IPs
* Added support for WordPress defined charset and collate in CDN queue table creation
* Added WordPress SEO by Yoast extension
* Added *.less to CDN theme uploads and MIME
* Added default settings for MaxCDN Pull Zone creation
* Added call to change MaxCDN canonical header setting to match plugin setting
* Added one button default pull zone creation to MaxCDN without refresh
* Added MaxCDN authorization validation
* Added whitelist IPs notification for MaxCDN
* Added support for use of existing zones without refresh
* Added new mime types
* Added support for separate domains for frontend and admin backend
* Added CloudFlare as an extension
* Added nofollow to blogroll links
* Added DEV mode support to PRO version
* Added EDGE MODE functionality
* Improved wrapper functions in plugins.php for plugin / theme authors
* Improved reliability of NetDNA / MaxCDN API calls by using WP HTTP and not cURL
* Improved Fragment Caching debug information
* Improved preview mode, removed query string requirement
* Improved FAQ structure
* Improved empty minify/pgcache cache notification when using CDN
* Improved default settings for MaxCDN zone creation
* Improved CDN queue performance
* Improved blogmap url sanitation
* Improved MaxCDN automatic zone creation process
* Improved license key saving and Pro mode activation on Pro license purchases
* Updated EDGE MODE: Full site mirroring support for MaxCDN
* Updated translations
= 0.9.3 =
* Added support for extensions
* Added support for WordPress SEO image filter and CDN
* Added file exclusions for media query string logic
* Added user agents to user agents groups
* Added CDN FTP path / host test
* Fixed object cache and database cache for localization plugins
* Fixed chinese filenames when using CDN
* Fixed removal of stale cached files
* Fixed missing slashes in inline HTML, JS and CSS files when using CDN
* Fixed auto mode of minify filename length test
* Fixed NetDNA / MaxCDN testing when domain does not match domain zone settings
* Fixed CurlException and NetDNA / MaxCDN
* Fixed pull zone dropdown not showing or showing wrong zone
* Fixed trailing slash and redirect with apache
* Fixed false notification for page cache rules verification
* Fixed duplicate notifications for FTP
* Fixed empty FTP form
* Fixed add-in file validation
* Fixed browser cache headers for proxy cases
* Fixed wrong slash in Minify filepaths on windows based sites
* Fixed settings link in minify test failure and multisite
* Fixed missing param in canonical link generation
* Fixed PHP 5.2 compatibility
* Fixed handling of minify in preview mode
* Fixed order of operation issue on install tab for nginx
* Fixed translatable strings handling
* Fixed page cache debug mode issues
* Fixed home URL handling in multisite
* Fixed manual minify mode and path based file source for sub-directory installations
* Fixed path not set in disk enhanced caching
* Fixed page cache rewrite rule detection
* Fixed FTP CDN canonical
* Improved security with esc_* usage
* Improved backend performance with extensive refactoring
= =
* Fixed issue with MaxCDN and authorization key
* Fixed issue with WordPress in subfolder
* Fixed issue with moved/renamed wp-content and plugin folder
* Fixed issue with CDN and Minify Auto in Network with site wide CDN settings
* Fixed issue with late init
* Fixed minor UI issue
* Fixed issue with possible OAuth name conflict
* Fixed issue with CDN and cnames replacement of minify urls
* Fixed issue with HTML debug comments being added to unsupported content
* Improved minify auto filename for single install
* Added minor improvement to NFS optimization with Page Cache
* Added option to disable the Minify Auto filename length test and use a manual value
* Removed unused file
= =
* Added NetDNA / MaxCDN dashboard widget
* Added zone dropdown for NetDNA and MaxCDN CDNs
* Added create pull zone for NetDNA and MaxCDN CDNs
* Added notification(s) if incompatible plugins are detected
* Added "Disable CDN on the following pages" setting
* Added "Disable CDN on SSL pages" setting
* Added late init support for page cache's fragment caching
* Added POT file
* Added translations NL, PL
* Fixed setenvif issue in htaccess rules
* Fixed failed rewrite (404) and not caching feeds in nginx
* Fixed NetDNA / MaxCDN CNAME purging issues and "Test CDN" functionality
* Fixed Azure container handling
* Fixed New Relic verification
* Fixed theme preview
* Fixed wrong path issue with w3tc-wp-loader.php
* Fixed auto mode of Minify and filename lengths
* Fixed purging monthly archives with Varnish
* Fixed insert, delete, update quries purging with database cache
* Fixed HTTP compression when dynamic page fragments are used
* Fixed PHP_STRING and other warnings
* Fixed case sensitive header detection
* Fixed HEAD request handling
* Fixed event scheduling propagation in Multi Site
* Improved CDN custom file paths
* Improved handling of legacy config files
* Improved NetDNA / MaxCDN alias, key, secret string handling (backwards compatible)
* Improved auto mode for minify file naming which was causing unncessary issues
* Improved handling of hardcoded WordPress paths
* Improved the file management functionality (FTP support, file permissions etc)
* Improved disk cache directory usage
* Improved garbage collection of expired cache files for disk enhanced method of page caching
* Improved drop-in verification, only adds required drop-ins
* Improved New Relic error notification handling
* Improved New Relic "app name" settings with Multi Site
* Improved cacheable mime type detection in Page Cache
* Improved ob_callback performance and reduced number of output buffer calls
* Improved minify handling with CDN and Multi Site
* Improved Object Cache purge policy performance
* Improved Database Cache purge policy performance
* Improved handling of request methods other than GET, POST for page caching
* Removed setting of New Relic app name in htaccess; set manually or use the dynamic setting on the "Monitoring" tab
= =
* Fixed saving settings issue with CloudFlare on activation
* Fixed issue with DbCache and Object Cache flushing
* Improved security for CloudFlare API calls
* Improved security for mfunc, now disabled by default and requires security string in order to execute: CVE-2013-2010
* Improved behavior of GET string, used for detecting blogs in disk enhanced page caching mode for multi site to prevent redirect loops and other issues
= =
* Fixed /tmp file creation issue when saving settings
* Fixed auto minify
* Fixed New Relic API key verification
* Fixed uncommon issue with require ObjectCache failing
* Fixed uncommon open_basedir verification issue
* Improved notification handling by modified WordPress FileSystem API implementation
* Added PHP file handling to support cases not covered by default WordPress FileSystem API
= =
* Fixed config file write in more hosting environments
* Fixed legacy config file import on servers with hardened file permissions
* Fixed page cache write cache rules in some environments
* Fixed HiDPI images
* Fixed false positive notifications when permissions are not changed or same
* Fixed minify help
* Improved upgrade notifications
* Improved page cache and minify notifications
= =
* Added support for grouping cache entries for easier flushing
* Added more options for placing minified files on pages. Custom placements using HTML comments.
* Added CSS inclusion for auto / manual minify. If present its used: <!-- W3TC-include-css -->
* Added JS inclusion for minify auto mode. If present its used: <!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->,
* Added JS inclusion for minify manual mode. If present they are used when selecting correspong location in placement dropdown: <!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->, <!-- W3TC-include-js-body-start -->, <!-- W3TC-include-js-body-end -->
* Added new minification inclusion options, async, defer, extsrc and asyncsrc
* Added flushing sitemaps
* Added flushing custom pages
* Added flush the current blog when flushing in MultiSite
* Added flushing home page and/or post page if static
* Added flushing older pages (page/2, page/3) on purge requests
* Added flushing a limited amount of pagenumbers
* Added purging caches for deleted blogs in WordPress MultiSite
* Added uninstall process to the plugin for easier cleanup
* Added upgrade support that cleans up and removes old cache folders
* Added message when disk enhanced page caching is not working properly
* Added custom wp-content name and locations
* Added CDN feature "Dont use CDN for specific roles"
* Added "Purge from cache" link on edit post/page pages
* Added permalink suffixes (.html, .htm etc)
* Added uploading blogs.dir files when using MultiSite and CDN
* Added notification about IAM when using Amazon services (SNS, CloudFront, S3 etc)
* Added 'Don't minify JS files' 'Don't minify CSS files' options for minify
* Added Access-Control-Allow-Origin support for CDNs
* Added hooks clean_post_cache and menu changes
* Added caching JSON mime-type. Other mime-types can be added using array filter 'w3tc_is_cacheable_content_type'
* Added automatic reloading of config files when APC apc.stat is disabled
* Added request reload of APC file over HTTP
* Added priming of post on publish
* Added single config file (by default) when using WordPress MultiSite
* Added switch_to_blog() support
* Added wp_cache_decr, wp_cache_incr support
* Added wp_cache_switch_to_blog support
* Added fragment caching functionality that extends the transient caching methods in WordPress core
* Added network activation and network policy management
* Added control for comment cookie lifetime
* Added Go Daddy SUBDOMAIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT directive support
* Added JSON to mod_deflate configuration
* Added JavaScript mime-type variations to mod_deflate configuration
* Added WP-CLI support for purging cache, purging pull CDNs, reloading APC files, clearing APC, deleting pgcache files, and updating browser query string
* Added .htc mime type
* Added Rackspace CloudFiles container location selection
* Added rejected terms in database cache, to allow for deeper database caching capability
* Added Akamai CDN origin pull support
* Added system cache purge when apc.stat is disabled
* Added origin rel canonical support for CDNs
* Added AT&T origin pull CDN
* Added full-page mirroring and purging for origin pull CDNs
* Added compatibility mode improve disk enhanced page caching performance ~20% for users that don't care about interoperability
* Added nginx example files
* Added varnish example files
* Added basic application monitoring support using New Relic
* Added application monitoring widget using New Relic
* Added plugin dashboard page to display widgets etc
* Added purge from cache link to admin bar dropdown while browser posts/pages on front-end
* Added purge CDN completely link to admin bar dropdown
* Added CDN SSL checkbox "Disable CDN on SSL page"
* Added pull CDN support to MultiSite
* Fixed caching of the "Front Page" and added an option for the same
* Fixed Util_Environment::url_format function was not included error
* Fixed security vulnerability with file cache: disk basic page caching, database or object caching to disk. CVEs: CVE-2012-6077, CVE-2012-6078, CVE-2012-6079
* Fixed issue with concurrent writes to single config file
* Fixed Preview mode and deploy button
* Fixed varnish purging (See varnish config example file in ini folder)
* Fixed false positive notification on Page Cache: Disc Enhanced
* Fixed broken images for feedburner in dashboard on HTTPS sites
* Fixed minify ID generation causing notices
* Fixed false positive on minification related to group configuration among other
* Fixed default wp-content path and CDN uploads when WordPress is installed in directory
* Fixed pages not flushing when making changes in WordPress Admin
* Fixed mod_filter being used on unsupported Apache versions
* Fixed WordPress upgrade issue caused by W3TC remaining active
* Fixed minify path when using WordPress MultiSite and blogs in sub-directories
* Fixed user interface for "Dont cache specific roles"
* Fixed CDN and minify to file for storage
* Fixed feed_link filters interferring with feed purging
* Fixed false positive with minify rewrite test and WordPress MultiSite sub-directory mode
* Fixed WordPress Multisite in sub-directory mode and minify paths
* Fixed caching posts page when using static home page
* Fixed object cache not being initialised before getting options
* Fixed locating document root for minify in certain environments
* Fixed saving settings if permalinks are turned off
* Fixed "Install" page displaying rules that is not required
* Fixed minify cache being empty while page is cached so no minified files are generated, minified files auto generation no longer depend on pages not being cached
* Fixed unnecessary flushing with SSL, user agents and referrer not being activated
* Fixed "Purge from Page Cache" not purging varnish or CDN when enabled
* Fixed CSS minification and relative paths in external files
* Fixed login / logout and compatibility with BuddyPress
* Fixed flushing same posts many times if status is trashed or restored
* Fixed handling of .html fancy permalinks with nginx
* Fixed handling of missing xcache opcode cache
* Fixed Amazon S3 allowing LIST permissions to everyone
* Fixed handling of .xml mime type
* Fixed numerous object cache compatibility issues
* Fixed memcached port support issue
* Fixed HTTP_HOST not defined warning issue
* Fixed xdebug not configured halt issue
* Fixed minified files not being mirrored by push CDNs
* Fixed uploading to CDNs multiple times even if force overwrite is disabled
* Improved CloudFlare support: purging, dev mode, minification options, automatic IP range updates, rocket loader feature, security levels
* Improved support for the Bad Behavior plugin
* Improved object cache and MultiSite compatibility
* Improved flushing behavior with better post and pages detection. To change behavior hook into filter 'w3tc_flushable_post'
* Improved XML user interface when using Page Cache Disc: Enhanced
* Improved minify filename path generation
* Improved minify custom placement usage
* Improved PHP 5 compatibility by removing deprecated functionality
* Improved WordPress 3.4 and 3.5 compatibility by removing deprecated functions usage
* Improved plugin by removing unnecessary ob_starts
* Improved minify usage by returning old minify files while generating new
* Improved update procedure by removing need to manually deactivate and reactivate plugin
* Improved CDN paths and URL generation using both single and multisite installs
* Improved Admin Bar menu with more flushing actions
* Improved minify auto by adding support for downloading and combining external files
* Improved descriptions for various "Do not cache ..." textareas
* Improved header settings so plugin header settings override WordPress default header where appropriate
* Improved debug logging by adding a debug folder constant: W3TC_DEBUG_DIR
* Improved support for WPTouch plugin
* Improved custom post type support and flushing
* Improved cache key format and handling
* Improved minify support on Windows
* Improved purging functionality for CDN providers
* Improved compatibility wp-fb-autoconnect plugin
* Improved support of WordPress installed when in a sub-directory
* Improved support of non-default WordPress folder setups
* Improved use of HTTP API and FileSystem API in WordPress. HTTP API usage improves minify and CDN functionality. FileSystem API integration improves activation, deactivation and configuration changes
* Improved execution time across all caching engines
* Improved cache miss performance for page caching
* Improved notification handling
* Improved cache priming algorithm
* Improved minify error reporting
* Improved varnish purging capability
* Improved memory caching logic and purging speed
* Improved support for auto minify in more hosting environments
* Improved support for use of sockets in memcached
* Improved handling of old settings upon update
* Improved detection of document root on additional hosting providers
* Improved handling of eTags
* Improved browser cache policy options
* Improved bug submission form implementation
* Improved NetDNA / MaxCDN support by using their new API
* Disabled minify if CloudFlare is active
* Removed PHP 4 support
* Removed cookie used for user agent groups unless the feature is used
* Removed cookie used for referrer unless the feature is used
* Removed duplicate inclusion of JSON library
= =
* Fixed security issue that can occur if using database caching to disk. If using database caching to disk with a web server with directory listing or web accessible wp-content/w3tc/dbcache/* directories. This patch works for all hosting environments / types where PHP is properly configured, i.e. .htaccess modifications (or other web server configuration changes) are *not* necessary to ensure proper security. Empty the database cache after performing the update if you use database caching to disk.
= =
* Added support for Microsoft SQL Server
* Added API support for MediaTemple ProCDN (EdgeCast)
* Added set_time_limit to self test
* Fixed LiteSpeed web server support issues
* Fixed native hostname 301 redirect
* Fixed redundant object origin push export
* Fixed WSOD (white screen of death) caused by minify in some hosting configurations
* Fixed text encoding in feeds
* Fixed incorrect mime-type in feeds (which caused feedburner anomalies)
* Fixed array to string notices
* Fixed expires header support for AWS
* Fixed minification of font-family
* Fixed object cache write issue in WP Admin
* Improved (reduced) memory utilization by up to 70%
* Improved disk enhanced page caching performance
* Improved object caching performance
* Improved activation reliability
* Improved reliability of minify auto mode
* Improved security (added nonces, no directory indexing, prevent direct file access)
* Improved compatibility with network based file systems
= =
* Added additional CloudFlare IP ranges
* Fixed html tidy encoding
* Fixed NetDNA / MaxCDN purging
* Improved handling of markers in .htaccess files - easier upgrades
* Improved cache busting logic
* Improved numerous notifications and user interface behaviors
* Improved AWS S3 and Cloudfront reliability
* Improved reliability of minify auto mode
= =
* Fixed minify directives, e.g.: "File param is missing," causing minify caching to fail
* Fixed document root detection for IIS server
* Fixed HTTP compression when using CloudFlare
* Fixed HTML validation with JavaScript embed tags
* Fixed fancy permalinks, sites with or without trailing slashes can now cache pages using disk enhanced
* Fixed appending WP_CACHE define into wp-config.php for some users
* Fixed path to JSON.php
* Fixed listing of buckets error with AWS S3
* Improved compatibility with WordPress SEO by Yoast, 404 error exception list sitemap value changed to: sitemap(_index|[0-9]+)?\.xml(\.gz)?
= =
* Fixed existing installation upgrades: set minify to manual mode by default
* Fixed unsuccessful transfer queue button
* Fixed background in lightbox
* Fixed handling of local http requests being blocked on some hosts
* Disabled CDN for minify files when auto mode is selected and the CDN method is origin push
= 0.9.2 =
* Added support for nginx web server
* Added support for CloudFlare
* Added origin pull support for Amazon Cloudfront
* Added Microsoft Azure Storage support for CDN
* Added WinCache opcode cache support
* Added additional minifier engines for HTML, CSS and JS including: HTMLtidy, CSStidy, Closure Compiler, YUI Compressor
* Added Google Page Speed integration
* Added support for @import processing
* Added controls for page cache purging policy
* Added auto mode for minify (not compatible with CDN)
* Added support for set cookie domain setting
* Added reliability improvements for Amazon Web Services
* Added referrer group management for uniquely caching these cases
* Added Amazon S3 bucket location selection control
* Added support CNAMEs confguration support for Amazon Cloudfront
* Added purge tool
* Added support of custom wp-config.php location
* Added cache busting support
* Improved object caching performance when no plugins are active
* Improved non-blocking JS embedding implementation
* Improved reliability of CDN export operations
* Improved implementation of headers for all cache engines
* Improved minify help (recommendations) tool
* Improved handling of .htaccess directive changes
* Improved support of IIS web server
* Improved varnish support
* Fixed bugs with API changes with Rackspace Cloudfiles
* Fixed bugs with origin push content delivery network methods
* Fixed HTML encoding
* Fixed emptying cache for various cache keys
* Fixed rejected CDN file support
* Fixed HTTPS mode in WP Admin
* Fixed relative document root for disk enhanced page cache
* Fixed trailing slash for disk enhanced page cache
* Fixed minify template group settings being lost upon upgrade
* Fixed division by zero error
* Fixed object cache clones
* Moved browser cache rules to site root instead of document root
= =
* Improved error messages with AWS S3 CDN
* Added SSL support for CDN
* Added control for CDN queue upload interval
* Added option for 404 file exceptions list in browser cache
* Added exception for NextGen Gallery flash image rotator to CDN settings
* Fixed external file imports
* Fixed document root detection for CDN
* Fixed minify file search
* Fixed bugs with AWS CloudFront distribution creation and saving
* Fixed Rackspace Cloud Files API
= =
* Improved media library import compatibility
* Improved various notifications
* Changed expires implementation to last accessed instead of last modified
* Resolved Apache 1.3 compatibility issue
* Fixed issues with document root detection on some servers
* Fixed an issue with minification of script tags with HTML comments inside
* Fixed minify gzip compression
* Fixed cache-control headers
* Fixed empty fatal error notification on network activation
* Fixed minify when https is active
* Fixed fatal error upon activation when uploads path does not exist
= =
* Added an additional notification to help users identify incomplete installations upon activation
* Reverted previous Cloud Files workaround
* Fixed preview mode buttons
* Fixed duplicate entries appearing when using minify help tool more than once
* Fixed browser cache rules generation for media files
= 0.9.1 =
* Improved Rackspace Cloud Files implementation
* Improved frequently asked questions implementation to support incomplete PHP distributions
* Fixed 500 Internal Server Error when upgrading with Disk enhanced mode enabled
* Fixed notification issues with preview mode
* Fixed an issue with fatal errors with minify and memcache(d) caching engine
= 0.9 =
* Added preview feature so all cache settings can be reviewed prior to deployment
* Added minify configuration wizard (help button on minify tab)
* Added "never cache the following pages" to database and object cache
* Added minify option to JavaScript embed after <body>
* Added minify error notifications
* Added drag and drop dependency resolution for minify CSS / JavaScript groups
* Added object caching
* Added option to automatically page cache prime (preload) with or without XML sitemap
* Added support for multiple CNAMEs to CDN
* Added support for minifcation of any respective theme installed a single site
* Added support for page caching of multiple themes for various user agent groups
* Added support for theme switching / redirection based on groups of user agents
* Added compatibility with WP Super Cache fragment caching method (disk basic mode only)
* Added HTTP compression and headers for AWS S3
* Added ignored comment stems field, with Google AdSense default value to HTML minify
* Added support for varnish purging
* Added Rackspace Cloud Files support
* Added native NetDNA / MaxCDN integration
* Added option to cache 404 pages
* Added changed files auto-upload to CDN
* Added option to handle 404 errors for static objects directly with the web server
* Added support for gravity forms to database cache default settings
* Added changed file auto-upload to CDN
* Database connection errors now return internal server (500) error response and are thus not cached
* Incomplete plugin installation / removal no longer generates public errors
* Unterminated string errors no longer display publicly
* Support tab improvements
* Install tab improvements
* Resolved conflicts with disk enhanced .htaccess directives insertion
* Improved compatibility with all mobile plugins
* Improved AWS reliability
* Improved browser caching support and management
* Improved directory management for disk caching methods for increased performance
* Improved handling of missing minify files
* Improved Media Library import
* Improved Multi Site support
* Improved SSL interoperability
= =
* Added support for Bad Behavior plugin
* Added support for eAccelerator and XCache opcode caches
* Added support for rewriting href attribute of anchors for images that use the CDN
* Added deflate http compression support to minify
* Added setting of file modification time after FTP upload
* Added check of file modification time and file size before FTP upload
* Added check of file hash before uploading to Amazon S3
* Added option to force replacement of uploaded attachments on CDN
* Added option to toggle feed minification
* Added combine only option for CSS minification to overcome invalid CSS files
* Added configuration file import / export
* Database caching now disabled by default to improve compatibility with some shared hosting environments
* Default page caching method now disk enhanced
* Improved HTTP Compression interoperability
* Improved compatibility with Multi Site Manager
* Improved apache compatibility
* Improved .htaccess directives
* Improved header management for posts / pages
* Improved notifications
* Improved minify handling of external files
* Improved minify memory limit to avoid blank pages when document size is large
* Improved minify reliability by reducing comment removal options
* Improved Media Library Import versatility
* Improved reliability of plugin activation in WordPress MU
* Improved security handling for some operations
* Improved reliability of handling file names containing spaces in CDN functionality
* Improved non-blocking embedding reliability
* Improved memcached detection by supporting only PECL memcache
* Fixed disk enhanced method of page cache in WordPress MU
* Fixed false match of page cache files in disk enhanced method of page cache
* Fixed cron anomalies caused by caching of wp_options table
* Fixed missing trailing slash issue when using disk enhanced page caching
* Fixed auto-embed bug CSS and JS when already manually embedded
= =
* Added option to CDN Settings to skip specified directories
* Added option to allow for full control of HTTP compression options for page cache (some WordPress installations have issues with deflate)
* Added sql_calc_found_rows to default auto reject SQL list
* Added more notification cases identified and configured
* Added new mobile user agents for Japanese market
* Page cache performance improvements for disk enhanced mode
* Improved FAQ and option descriptions
* Improved apache directives for minify headers
* Improved handling of redirects
* Improved name space to avoid issues with other plugins
* Improved handling of incomplete installations, caching runs with default options if custom settings file does not exist
* Fixed anomalies with memcached-client.php in some environments
* Fixed another interface bug with management of minify files
* Fixed minor bug with table column length for some MySQL versions
* Fixed minify bug with CRLF
* Fixed minify bug with handling of zlib compression enabled
* Fixed handling of pages with CDN Media Library import
= 0.8.5 =
* Added "enhanced" disk caching mode for page cache, a 160% performance improvement over basic mode
* Added disk caching as an option for Database Cache
* Added CDN support for Amazon S3 and CloudFront
* Added mobile user agent rejection and redirect fields to page cache for handling mobile user agents
* Added Submit Bug Report tab
* Added support for detection of custom templates for minify groups
* Added separate controls expiration time field for minify and page cache settings
* Added PHP4 Support Notification to handle fatal errors on activation
* Improved database caching by 45%
* Improved handling of cache-control HTML headers
* Improved handing of 3rd Party CSS file minification
* Improved media library import reliability
* Improved handling of `DOCUMENT_ROOT` on some servers
* Improved garbage collection routine
* Improved handling of `<pre>` and `<textarea>` minification
* Improved handling of regular expressions in custom file list in CDN settings
* Improved handling of media library attachments in RSS feeds
* Improved handing of subdomains for CDN settings
* Improved various notifications and error messages
* Improved optional .htaccess directives
* Fixed JS minifcation saving group settings
* Fixed false positives for duplicate CSS or JS in minify settings
* Fixed bug causing settings to be lost on upgrade
* Fixed attachment URI when CDN mode enabled
* Fixed small bug with FTP upload when CDN Method is Mirror (Origin Pull)
* Fixed the URI for wlwmanfiest.xml when CDN enabled
* Fixed handling of HTTPS objects according to options
* Fixed emptying disk cache under various obscure permutations
* Fixed handling of obscure open_basedir restrictions
* Fixed various bugs with emptying cache under various obscure permutations
* Fixed installations deeper than document root
= 0.8 =
* Added disk as method for page caching
* Added support for mirror (origin pull) content delivery networks
* Added options to specify minify group policies per template
* Added options for toggling inline CSS and JS minification to improve minify reliability
* Added option to update Media Library attachment hostnames (when migrating domains etc)
* Added "Empty Cache" buttons to respective tabs
* Added additional file download fallback methods for minify
* Improved cookie handling
* Improved header handling
* Improved reliability of Media Library import
* "Don't cache pages for logged in users" is now the default page cache setting
* Fixed minify bug with RSS feeds
* Fixed minify bug with rewriting of url() URI in CSS
* Addressed more page cache invalidity cases
* Addressed rare occurrence of PHP fatal errors when saving post or comments
* Addressed CSS bug on wp-login.php
* Addressed rare MySQL error when uploading attachments to Media Library
* Modified plugin file/directory structure
* Confirmed compatibility with varnish and squid
= =
* Added warning dialog to minify tab about removal of query strings locally hosted object URIs
* Added empty (memcached) cache button to each tab
* Improved reliability of memcache flush
* Minified files now (optionally) upload automatically according to update interval (expiry time)
* Changed directory of minify working files to wp-content/w3tc-cache/
* Fixed parsing memcached server strings
* Fixed minify sometimes not creating files as it should
* Addressed WordPress network activation/deactivation issues
* Provided memcache.ini directives updated to improve network throughput
= =
* Added memcached test button for convenience
* Added option to concatenate any script to header or footer with non-blocking options for scripts that cannot be minified (e.g. obfuscated scripts)
* Added options to concatenate JS files only in header or footer (for use with obfuscated scripts)
* Improved notification handling
* Improved compatibility with suPHP
* Improved reliability of Media Library Export
* Fixed database cache that caused comment counts to become out of date
* Fixed minor issue with URI with CDN functionality enabled
* Removed unnecessary minify options
* Minification error dialogs now disabled when JS or CSS minify settings disabled
* Normalized line endings with /n as per minify author's direction
* Resolved bug in the minify library preventing proper permission notification messages
= 0.7.5 =
* Added handling for magic_quotes set to on
* Fixed issue with auto-download/upgrade and additional error checking
* Fixed bug preventing minify working properly if either CSS or JS minification was disabled
* Improved handling of inline comments and JavaScript in HTML documents
* Improved handing of @import CSS embedding
* Addressed privilege control issue
* Resolved warnings thrown in various versions of WordPress
* Memcached engine logic modified to better support clustering and multiple memcached instances
* Eliminated false negatives in a number of gzip / deflate compression analysis tools
* Total plugin file size reduced
= 0.7 =
* Added minify support for URIs starting with /
* WordPress network mode support bug fixes
* Minor CDN uploader fixes
* Minor error message improvements
= 0.6 =
* Added "Debug Mode" listing all settings and queries with statistics
* Improved error message notifications
* Improved cache stability for large objects
* FAQ and installation instructions corrections/adjustments
* Support for multiple wordpress installations added
* Resolved bug in minification of feeds
= 0.5 =
* Initial release
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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