Current File : /home/httpd/html/
* Class used internally by Text_Diff to actually compute the diffs.
* This class is implemented using native PHP code.
* The algorithm used here is mostly lifted from the perl module
* Algorithm::Diff (version 1.06) by Ned Konz, which is available at:
* More ideas are taken from:
* Some ideas (and a bit of code) are taken from analyze.c, of GNU
* diffutils-2.7, which can be found at:
* Some ideas (subdivision by NCHUNKS > 2, and some optimizations) are from
* Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>. The original PHP version of this
* code was written by him, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004-2010 The Horde Project (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* @package Text_Diff
class Text_Diff_Engine_native {
public $xchanged;
public $ychanged;
public $xv;
public $yv;
public $xind;
public $yind;
public $seq;
public $in_seq;
public $lcs;
function diff($from_lines, $to_lines)
array_walk($from_lines, array('Text_Diff', 'trimNewlines'));
array_walk($to_lines, array('Text_Diff', 'trimNewlines'));
$n_from = count($from_lines);
$n_to = count($to_lines);
$this->xchanged = $this->ychanged = array();
$this->xv = $this->yv = array();
$this->xind = $this->yind = array();
// Skip leading common lines.
for ($skip = 0; $skip < $n_from && $skip < $n_to; $skip++) {
if ($from_lines[$skip] !== $to_lines[$skip]) {
$this->xchanged[$skip] = $this->ychanged[$skip] = false;
// Skip trailing common lines.
$xi = $n_from; $yi = $n_to;
for ($endskip = 0; --$xi > $skip && --$yi > $skip; $endskip++) {
if ($from_lines[$xi] !== $to_lines[$yi]) {
$this->xchanged[$xi] = $this->ychanged[$yi] = false;
// Ignore lines which do not exist in both files.
for ($xi = $skip; $xi < $n_from - $endskip; $xi++) {
$xhash[$from_lines[$xi]] = 1;
for ($yi = $skip; $yi < $n_to - $endskip; $yi++) {
$line = $to_lines[$yi];
if (($this->ychanged[$yi] = empty($xhash[$line]))) {
$yhash[$line] = 1;
$this->yv[] = $line;
$this->yind[] = $yi;
for ($xi = $skip; $xi < $n_from - $endskip; $xi++) {
$line = $from_lines[$xi];
if (($this->xchanged[$xi] = empty($yhash[$line]))) {
$this->xv[] = $line;
$this->xind[] = $xi;
// Find the LCS.
$this->_compareseq(0, count($this->xv), 0, count($this->yv));
// Merge edits when possible.
$this->_shiftBoundaries($from_lines, $this->xchanged, $this->ychanged);
$this->_shiftBoundaries($to_lines, $this->ychanged, $this->xchanged);
// Compute the edit operations.
$edits = array();
$xi = $yi = 0;
while ($xi < $n_from || $yi < $n_to) {
assert($yi < $n_to || $this->xchanged[$xi]);
assert($xi < $n_from || $this->ychanged[$yi]);
// Skip matching "snake".
$copy = array();
while ($xi < $n_from && $yi < $n_to
&& !$this->xchanged[$xi] && !$this->ychanged[$yi]) {
$copy[] = $from_lines[$xi++];
if ($copy) {
$edits[] = new Text_Diff_Op_copy($copy);
// Find deletes & adds.
$delete = array();
while ($xi < $n_from && $this->xchanged[$xi]) {
$delete[] = $from_lines[$xi++];
$add = array();
while ($yi < $n_to && $this->ychanged[$yi]) {
$add[] = $to_lines[$yi++];
if ($delete && $add) {
$edits[] = new Text_Diff_Op_change($delete, $add);
} elseif ($delete) {
$edits[] = new Text_Diff_Op_delete($delete);
} elseif ($add) {
$edits[] = new Text_Diff_Op_add($add);
return $edits;
* Divides the Largest Common Subsequence (LCS) of the sequences (XOFF,
* XLIM) and (YOFF, YLIM) into NCHUNKS approximately equally sized
* segments.
* Returns (LCS, PTS). LCS is the length of the LCS. PTS is an array of
* NCHUNKS+1 (X, Y) indexes giving the diving points between sub
* sequences. The first sub-sequence is contained in (X0, X1), (Y0, Y1),
* the second in (X1, X2), (Y1, Y2) and so on. Note that (X0, Y0) ==
* This function assumes that the first lines of the specified portions of
* the two files do not match, and likewise that the last lines do not
* match. The caller must trim matching lines from the beginning and end
* of the portions it is going to specify.
function _diag ($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim, $nchunks)
$flip = false;
if ($xlim - $xoff > $ylim - $yoff) {
/* Things seems faster (I'm not sure I understand why) when the
* shortest sequence is in X. */
$flip = true;
list ($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim)
= array($yoff, $ylim, $xoff, $xlim);
if ($flip) {
for ($i = $ylim - 1; $i >= $yoff; $i--) {
$ymatches[$this->xv[$i]][] = $i;
} else {
for ($i = $ylim - 1; $i >= $yoff; $i--) {
$ymatches[$this->yv[$i]][] = $i;
$this->lcs = 0;
$this->seq[0]= $yoff - 1;
$this->in_seq = array();
$ymids[0] = array();
$numer = $xlim - $xoff + $nchunks - 1;
$x = $xoff;
for ($chunk = 0; $chunk < $nchunks; $chunk++) {
if ($chunk > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->lcs; $i++) {
$ymids[$i][$chunk - 1] = $this->seq[$i];
$x1 = $xoff + (int)(($numer + ($xlim - $xoff) * $chunk) / $nchunks);
for (; $x < $x1; $x++) {
$line = $flip ? $this->yv[$x] : $this->xv[$x];
if (empty($ymatches[$line])) {
$matches = $ymatches[$line];
while ($y = current($matches)) {
if (empty($this->in_seq[$y])) {
$k = $this->_lcsPos($y);
assert($k > 0);
$ymids[$k] = $ymids[$k - 1];
while ($y = current($matches)) {
if ($y > $this->seq[$k - 1]) {
assert($y <= $this->seq[$k]);
/* Optimization: this is a common case: next match is
* just replacing previous match. */
$this->in_seq[$this->seq[$k]] = false;
$this->seq[$k] = $y;
$this->in_seq[$y] = 1;
} elseif (empty($this->in_seq[$y])) {
$k = $this->_lcsPos($y);
assert($k > 0);
$ymids[$k] = $ymids[$k - 1];
$seps[] = $flip ? array($yoff, $xoff) : array($xoff, $yoff);
$ymid = $ymids[$this->lcs];
for ($n = 0; $n < $nchunks - 1; $n++) {
$x1 = $xoff + (int)(($numer + ($xlim - $xoff) * $n) / $nchunks);
$y1 = $ymid[$n] + 1;
$seps[] = $flip ? array($y1, $x1) : array($x1, $y1);
$seps[] = $flip ? array($ylim, $xlim) : array($xlim, $ylim);
return array($this->lcs, $seps);
function _lcsPos($ypos)
$end = $this->lcs;
if ($end == 0 || $ypos > $this->seq[$end]) {
$this->seq[++$this->lcs] = $ypos;
$this->in_seq[$ypos] = 1;
return $this->lcs;
$beg = 1;
while ($beg < $end) {
$mid = (int)(($beg + $end) / 2);
if ($ypos > $this->seq[$mid]) {
$beg = $mid + 1;
} else {
$end = $mid;
assert($ypos != $this->seq[$end]);
$this->in_seq[$this->seq[$end]] = false;
$this->seq[$end] = $ypos;
$this->in_seq[$ypos] = 1;
return $end;
* Finds LCS of two sequences.
* The results are recorded in the vectors $this->{x,y}changed[], by
* storing a 1 in the element for each line that is an insertion or
* deletion (ie. is not in the LCS).
* The subsequence of file 0 is (XOFF, XLIM) and likewise for file 1.
* Note that XLIM, YLIM are exclusive bounds. All line numbers are
* origin-0 and discarded lines are not counted.
function _compareseq ($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim)
/* Slide down the bottom initial diagonal. */
while ($xoff < $xlim && $yoff < $ylim
&& $this->xv[$xoff] == $this->yv[$yoff]) {
/* Slide up the top initial diagonal. */
while ($xlim > $xoff && $ylim > $yoff
&& $this->xv[$xlim - 1] == $this->yv[$ylim - 1]) {
if ($xoff == $xlim || $yoff == $ylim) {
$lcs = 0;
} else {
/* This is ad hoc but seems to work well. $nchunks =
* sqrt(min($xlim - $xoff, $ylim - $yoff) / 2.5); $nchunks =
* max(2,min(8,(int)$nchunks)); */
$nchunks = min(7, $xlim - $xoff, $ylim - $yoff) + 1;
list($lcs, $seps)
= $this->_diag($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim, $nchunks);
if ($lcs == 0) {
/* X and Y sequences have no common subsequence: mark all
* changed. */
while ($yoff < $ylim) {
$this->ychanged[$this->yind[$yoff++]] = 1;
while ($xoff < $xlim) {
$this->xchanged[$this->xind[$xoff++]] = 1;
} else {
/* Use the partitions to split this problem into subproblems. */
$pt1 = $seps[0];
while ($pt2 = next($seps)) {
$this->_compareseq ($pt1[0], $pt2[0], $pt1[1], $pt2[1]);
$pt1 = $pt2;
* Adjusts inserts/deletes of identical lines to join changes as much as
* possible.
* We do something when a run of changed lines include a line at one end
* and has an excluded, identical line at the other. We are free to
* choose which identical line is included. `compareseq' usually chooses
* the one at the beginning, but usually it is cleaner to consider the
* following identical line to be the "change".
* This is extracted verbatim from analyze.c (GNU diffutils-2.7).
function _shiftBoundaries($lines, &$changed, $other_changed)
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
assert(count($lines) == count($changed));
$len = count($lines);
$other_len = count($other_changed);
while (1) {
/* Scan forward to find the beginning of another run of
* changes. Also keep track of the corresponding point in the
* other file.
* Throughout this code, $i and $j are adjusted together so that
* the first $i elements of $changed and the first $j elements of
* $other_changed both contain the same number of zeros (unchanged
* lines).
* Furthermore, $j is always kept so that $j == $other_len or
* $other_changed[$j] == false. */
while ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j]) {
while ($i < $len && ! $changed[$i]) {
assert($j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j]);
$i++; $j++;
while ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j]) {
if ($i == $len) {
$start = $i;
/* Find the end of this run of changes. */
while (++$i < $len && $changed[$i]) {
do {
/* Record the length of this run of changes, so that we can
* later determine whether the run has grown. */
$runlength = $i - $start;
/* Move the changed region back, so long as the previous
* unchanged line matches the last changed one. This merges
* with previous changed regions. */
while ($start > 0 && $lines[$start - 1] == $lines[$i - 1]) {
$changed[--$start] = 1;
$changed[--$i] = false;
while ($start > 0 && $changed[$start - 1]) {
assert($j > 0);
while ($other_changed[--$j]) {
assert($j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j]);
/* Set CORRESPONDING to the end of the changed run, at the
* last point where it corresponds to a changed run in the
* other file. CORRESPONDING == LEN means no such point has
* been found. */
$corresponding = $j < $other_len ? $i : $len;
/* Move the changed region forward, so long as the first
* changed line matches the following unchanged one. This
* merges with following changed regions. Do this second, so
* that if there are no merges, the changed region is moved
* forward as far as possible. */
while ($i < $len && $lines[$start] == $lines[$i]) {
$changed[$start++] = false;
$changed[$i++] = 1;
while ($i < $len && $changed[$i]) {
assert($j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j]);
if ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j]) {
$corresponding = $i;
while ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j]) {
} while ($runlength != $i - $start);
/* If possible, move the fully-merged run of changes back to a
* corresponding run in the other file. */
while ($corresponding < $i) {
$changed[--$start] = 1;
$changed[--$i] = 0;
assert($j > 0);
while ($other_changed[--$j]) {
assert($j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j]);
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, Arizona girl born and raised, wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos. By day, I work in interior design specializing in residential remodel but outside of that my hobbies include hiking, paddle boarding and thrift shopping. I LOVE pinup and the pinup community. I volunteer and give back as much as I can. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and thanks for the support 💋
Full Bio
I am Miss Fanny Jayne, an Arizona native whose heart beats with the rhythm of retro glamour. By day, I have the privilege of channeling my creativity through my career of interior design, crafting unique spaces for clients across the valley. As a wife and mother of two, I love spending time with the fam while still pursuing my passion for pinup. My obsession for fashion shines through daily in my unique and eclectic vintage-inspired wardrobe. Beyond work, family and pageants, my hobbies include thrifting, anything outdoors and collecting tattoos. No matter the adventure, I try to live life to the absolute fullest.
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