; Copyright 2020 New Relic Corporation. All rights reserved.
; SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
; This file contains the various settings for the New Relic PHP agent. There
; are many options, all of which are described in detail at the following URL:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/php-agent/configuration/php-agent-configuration
; If you use a full path to the extension you insulate yourself from the
; extension directory changing if you change PHP installations or versions.
; If you do not use an absolute path then the file must be installed in the
; active configuration's extension directory.
extension = "newrelic.so"
; Setting: newrelic.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enable or disable the agent. Please note that you cannot globally
; disable the agent and then selectively enable it on a per-directory
; basis. If you disable the agent in the global INI file then the
; agent will not initialize at all. However, you can selectively
; disable the agent on a per-directory basis.
;newrelic.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.license
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the New Relic license key to use. This can vary from directory
; to directory if you are running a multi-tenant system. By special
; dispensation if you upgraded from a previous version of the agent
; where the license key was set in the daemon, the installation and
; upgrade script will have preserved your license key from the file
; /etc/newrelic/newrelic.cfg, but ONLY if you installed via rpm/yum
; or dpkg. The key is saved in /etc/newrelic/upgrade_please.key
; and the agent will look for that file if you do not specify a valid
; license here.
; It is *STRONGLY* recommended that you set the license key in your
; INI file(s) and do not rely on the key file being present. Also
; please note that even if you are not letting the agent start the
; daemon and are still using newrelic.cfg (see below) the license
; keyword in that file is no longer obeyed. Instead the agent will
; use the preserved value of that license from the key file.
; Once you have updated your INI files to contain the license we
; urge you to remove /etc/newrelic/upgrade_please.key in order to
; eliminate the potential for confusion about exactly where the key
; is coming from.
newrelic.license = "f8f55b63cb79f4b0c0e33e9c110cc207FFFFNRAL"
; Setting: newrelic.logfile
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the name of the file to send log messages to.
newrelic.logfile = "/var/log/newrelic/php_agent.log"
; Setting: newrelic.loglevel
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: "info"
; Info : Sets the level of detail to include in the log file. You should
; rarely need to change this from the default, and usually only under
; the guidance of technical support.
; Must be one of the following values:
; always, error, warning, info, verbose, debug, verbosedebug
;newrelic.loglevel = "info"
; Setting: newrelic.high_security
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: false
; Info : Enables high security for all applications. When high security is
; enabled, the following behavior will take effect:
; * Raw SQL strings will never be gathered, regardless of the value of
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.record_sql.
; * Request parameters will never be captured, regardless of the
; newrelic.attributes configuration settings.
; * The following API functions will have no effect, and will return
; false:
; newrelic_add_custom_parameter
; newrelic_set_user_attributes
; newrelic_record_custom_event
; IMPORTANT: If you change this setting, you must also change the RPM
; UI security setting. If the two settings do not match, then no data
; will be collected.
; IMPORTANT: This setting is not compatible with
; newrelic.security_policies_token. Only one may be set. If both are
; set an error will be thrown and the agent will not connect.
;newrelic.high_security = false
; Setting: newrelic.appname
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: "PHP Application"
; Info : Sets the name of the application that metrics will be reported into.
; This can in fact be a list of up to 3 application names, each of
; which must be separated by a semi-colon. The first name in any such
; list is considered the 'primary' application name and must be unique
; for each account / license key.
newrelic.appname = "PHP Application"
; Setting: newrelic.process_host.display_name
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets a custom display name for your application server in the New
; Relic UI. Servers are normally identified by host and port number.
; This setting allows you to give your hosts more recognizable names.
;newrelic.process_host.display_name = ""
; Beginning with version 3.0 of the agent, the daemon can be automatically
; started by the agent. There is no need to start the daemon before starting
; Apache or PHP-FPM. All of the newrelic.daemon.* settings are options that
; control the behavior of the daemon. These settings are converted into the
; appropriate command line options when the agent starts the daemon. This is
; now the preferred method of starting the daemon. There are still usage cases
; (such as using a single daemon for serving multiple Apache instances) where
; you may want to start the daemon via it's init script, but for most users,
; this is the best place to configure and start the daemon.
; The agent will only launch the daemon if one isn't already running. Also
; note that the agent will NOT stop the daemon once it has started. If you
; want control over exactly when the daemon starts and stops you can still
; achieve that by creating a daemon configuration file (located by default at
; /etc/newrelic/newrelic.cfg) and running the chkconfig or equivalent command.
; Please see the newrelic.cfg template file for details. That template file
; is located at /usr/lib/newrelic-php5/scripts/newrelic.cfg.template.
; Also please note that the options here and in newrelic.cfg are identical,
; except that in this file they are preceded with "newrelic.daemon.".
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.logfile
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the name of the file to send daemon log messages to.
newrelic.daemon.logfile = "/var/log/newrelic/newrelic-daemon.log"
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.loglevel
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: "info"
; Info : Sets the level of detail to include in the daemon log. You should
; rarely need to change this from the default, and usually only under
; the guidance of technical support.
; Must be one of the following values:
; always, error, warning, info, healthcheck, debug
; The values verbose and verbosedebug are deprecated aliases for debug.
;newrelic.daemon.loglevel = "info"
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.address (alias: newrelic.daemon.port)
; Type : string or integer
; Scope : system
; Default: "@newrelic" on Linux, "/tmp/.newrelic.sock" otherwise
; Info : Sets how the agent and daemon communicate. How this is set can impact
; performance.
; On Linux, the default is to use the abstract socket "@newrelic". An
; abstract socket can be created by prefixing the socket name with '@'.
; On MacOS and FreeBSD, the default is to use a UNIX-domain socket
; located at "/tmp/.newrelic.sock". If you want to use UNIX domain
; sockets then this value must begin with a '/'.
; If you set this to an integer value in the range 1-65535, then this
; will instruct the agent to use a normal TCP socket on the port
; specified. This may be easier to use if you are using a chroot
; environment.
; To connect to a daemon that is running on a different host, set this
; value to '<host>:<port>', where '<host>' denotes either a host name
; or an IP address and '<port>' denotes a valid port number. IPv6 is
; supported.
; In order to use a TCP socket with a port in the range 1-1023,
; the daemon must be started by the super-user. This is a fundamental
; OS limitation and not one imposed by the daemon itself.
;newrelic.daemon.address = "/tmp/.newrelic.sock"
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_bundle
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the location of a file containing CA certificates in PEM
; format. When set, the certificates in this file will be used to
; authenticate the New Relic collector servers. If
; newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_path is also set (see below), the
; certificates in this file will be searched first, followed by the
; certificates contained in the newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_path
; directory.
;newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_bundle = ""
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_path
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the location of a directory containing trusted CA certificates
; in PEM format. When set, the certificates in this directory will be
; used to authenticate the New Relic collector servers. If
; newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_bundle is also set (see above), it will be
; searched first followed by the certificates contained in
; newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_path.
;newrelic.daemon.ssl_ca_path = ""
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.proxy
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the host and user credentials to use as an egress proxy. This
; is only used if your site requires a proxy in order to access
; external servers on the internet, in this case the New Relic data
; collection servers. This is expressed in one of the following forms:
; hostname
; hostname:port
; user@hostname
; user@hostname:port
; user:password@hostname
; user:password@hostname:port
;newrelic.daemon.proxy = ""
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.pidfile
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: OS dependent
; Info : Sets the name of the file to store the running daemon's process ID
; (PID) in. This file is used by the daemon startup and shutdown
; script to determine whether or not the daemon is already running.
;newrelic.daemon.pidfile = ""
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.location
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: /usr/bin/newrelic-daemon
; Info : Sets the name of the daemon executable to launch.
; Please note that on OpenSolaris where /usr is frequently a read-only
; file system, the default daemon location is
; /opt/newrelic/bin/newrelic-daemon.
;newrelic.daemon.location = "/usr/bin/newrelic-daemon"
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.collector_host
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the host name of the New Relic data collector host to use.
; Please note that this is NOT any form of local host. It refers to
; the New Relic provided host. There is very little reason to ever
; change this from the default except in certain very special
; circumstances, and then only on instruction from a New Relic sales
; person or support staff member.
;newrelic.daemon.collector_host = ""
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.dont_launch
; Type : integer (0, 1, 2 or 3)
; Scope : system
; Default: 0
; Info : If you prefer to have the daemon launched externally before the
; agent starts up, set this variable to non-zero. The value you
; choose determines exactly when the agent is allowed to start the
; daemon:
; 0 - agent can start the daemon any time it needs to
; 1 - non-CLI (i.e Apache / php-fpm) agents can start the daemon
; 2 - only CLI agents can start the daemon
; 3 - the agent will never start the daemon
;newrelic.daemon.dont_launch = 0
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_aws
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enable detection of whether the system is running on AWS. This will
; create a small amount of network traffic on daemon startup.
;newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_aws = true
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_azure
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enable detection of whether the system is running on Azure. This will
; create a small amount of network traffic on daemon startup.
;newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_azure = true
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_gcp
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enable detection of whether the system is running on Google Cloud
; Platform. This will create a small amount of network traffic on
; daemon startup.
;newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_gcp = true
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_pcf
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enable detection of whether the system is running on Pivotal Cloud
; Foundry.
;newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_pcf = true
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_docker
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enable detection of a system running on Docker. This will be used
; to support future features.
;newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_docker = true
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_kubernetes
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enable detection of whether the system is running in a Kubernetes
; cluster.
;newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_kubernetes = true
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.app_timeout
; Type : time specification string ("5m", "1h20m", etc)
; Scope : system
; Default: 10m
; Info : Sets the elapsed time after which an application will be considered
; inactive. Inactive applications do not count against the maximum
; limit of 250 applications. Allowed units are "ns", "us", "ms", "s",
; "m", and "h".
; A value of 0 is interpreted as "no timeout". New applications with
; this setting count toward the 250 application limit. In addition, with
; a 0-value setting, the agent's daemon process cannot release a small
; amount of memory per application back to the operating system.
; We do not recommend using a 0-value setting except under the guidance
; of technical support; instead, for occasional background transactions,
; we suggest using a value of twice the interval (so, for an hourly
; background job, set the timeout to 2 hours).
;newrelic.daemon.app_timeout = 10m
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.app_connect_timeout
; Type : time specification string ("1s", "5m", etc)
; Scope : system
; Default: 0
; Info : Sets the maximum time the agent should wait for the daemon
; connecting an application. A value of 0 causes the agent to only
; make one attempt at connecting to the daemon. Allowed units are
; "ns", "us", "ms", "s", "m", and "h".
; With this timeout set, the agent will not immediately drop a
; transaction when the daemon hasn't connected to the backend yet, but
; rather grant the daemon time to establish the connection.
; If setting a timeout, the recommended value is 10s. It is
; recommended to only set this timeout when instrumenting long-lived
; background tasks, as in case of connection problems the agent will
; block for the given timeout at every transaction start.
;newrelic.daemon.app_connect_timeout = 0
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.start_timeout
; Type : time specification string ("1s", "5m", etc)
; Scope : system
; Default: 0
; Info : Sets the maximum time the agent should wait for the daemon
; to start after a daemon launch was triggered. A value of 0 causes
; the agent to not wait. Allowed units are "ns", "us", "ms", "s", "m"
; and "h".
; The specified timeout value will be passed to the daemon via the
; --wait-for-port flag. This causes daemon startup to block until a
; socket is acquired or until the timeout has elapsed.
; If setting a timeout, the recommended value is 2s to 5s. It is
; recommended to only set this timeout when instrumenting long-lived
; background tasks, as in case of daemon start problems the agent will
; block for the given timeout at every transaction start.
;newrelic.daemon.start_timeout = 0
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enable the New Relic error collector. This will record the 20 most
; severe errors per harvest cycle. It is rare to want to disable this.
; Please also note that your New Relic subscription level may force
; this to be disabled regardless of any value you set for it.
;newrelic.error_collector.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.ignore_user_exception_handler
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : If enabled, the New Relic error collector will ignore any exceptions
; that are handled by an exception handler installed with
; set_exception_handler().
; If an exception handler has not been installed, this setting will
; have no effect, as PHP will turn the uncaught exception into a fatal
; error and it will be handled accordingly by the New Relic error
; collector.
;newrelic.error_collector.ignore_user_exception_handler = false
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.ignore_exceptions
; Type: string
; Scope: per-directory
; Default: none
; Info: A comma separated list of exception classes that the agent should
; ignore. When an unhandled exception occurs, the agent will perform
; the equivalent of `$exception instanceof Class` for each of the
; classes listed. If any of those checks returns true, the agent
; will not record an error.
; Please note that this setting only applies to uncaught exceptions.
; Exceptions recorded using the newrelic_notice_error API are not
; subject to filtering.
;newrelic.error_collector.ignore_exceptions = ""
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.ignore_errors
; Type: int or a bitwise expression of PHP-defined error constants
; Scope: per-directory
; Default: none
; Info: Sets the error levels that the agent should ignore.
; The value for this setting uses similar syntax to the error syntax
; for the PHP error reporting. For example, to configure the PHP Agent
; to ignore E_WARNING and E_ERROR level errors, use:
; newrelic.error_collector.ignore_errors = E_WARNING | E_ERROR
; or
; newrelic.error_collector.ignore_errors = 3
; The list of constants are available at:
; https://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php
; Please note that this setting does not apply to errors recorded
; using the newrelic_notice_error API.
;newrelic.error_collector.ignore_errors = 0
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.record_database_errors
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Currently only supported for MySQL database functions. If enabled,
; this will cause errors returned by various MySQL functions to be
; treated as if they were PHP errors, and thus subject to error
; collection. This is only obeyed if the error collector is enabled
; above and the account subscription level permits error trapping.
;newrelic.error_collector.record_database_errors = false
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.prioritize_api_errors
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : If the error collector is enabled and you use the New Relic API to
; notice an error, if this is set to true then assign the highest
; priority to such errors.
;newrelic.error_collector.prioritize_api_errors = false
; Setting: newrelic.browser_monitoring.auto_instrument
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables automatic real user monitoring ("auto-RUM").
; When enabled will cause the agent to insert a header and a footer
; in HTML output that will time the actual end-user experience.
;newrelic.browser_monitoring.auto_instrument = true
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables the transaction tracer. When enabled this will
; produce a detailed call graph for any transaction that exceeds a
; certain threshold (see next entry). Only one transaction trace per
; application per harvest cycle is stored and it is always the slowest
; transaction during that cycle. Transaction traces are extremely
; useful when diagnosing problem spots in your application. Please
; note that TT's may be disabled by your account subscription level
; regardless of what you set here.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.threshold
; Type : string with a time specification or the word "apdex_f"
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: "apdex_f"
; Info : Specifies the threshold above which a transaction becomes a
; candidate for the transaction tracer. This can either be an absolute
; time value like "200ms" or "1s250ms" or "1h30m" or "750us" or the
; word "apdex_f". This last value, "apdex_f", means "4 times apdex_t".
; Thus the threshold changes according to your apdex_t setting. This
; is the default.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.threshold = "apdex_f"
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.detail
; Type : integer in the range 0-1
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 1
; Info : Sets the level of detail in a transaction trace. Setting this to 0
; will only show the relatively few PHP functions that New Relic has
; deemed to be "interesting", as well as any custom functions you set
; (see below). A setting of 1 will trace and time all user functions.
; In earlier releases of the agent this was known as "top100".
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.detail = 1
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.slow_sql
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables the "slow SQL" tracer. When enabled, this will
; record the top 10 slowest SQL calls along with a stack trace of
; where the call occurred in your code.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.slow_sql = true
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.stack_trace_threshold
; Type : time specification string ("500ms", "1s750ms" etc)
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 500ms
; Info : Sets the threshold above which the New Relic agent will record a
; stack trace for a transaction trace.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.stack_trace_threshold = 500
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.explain_enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables requesting "explain plans" from MySQL databases
; accessed via MySQLi or PDO_MySQL for slow SQL calls. The threshold
; for requesting explain plans is defined below.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.explain_enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.explain_threshold
; Type : time specification string ("750ms", "1s 500ms" etc)
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 500ms
; Info : Used by the slow SQL tracer to set the threshold above which an SQL
; statement is considered "slow", and to set the threshold above which
; the transaction tracer will request an "explain plan" from the data-
; base for slow SQL. This latter feature may not be active yet, please
; refer to the agent release notes to see when it becomes available.
; Only relevant if explain_enabled above is set to true.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.explain_threshold = 500
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.record_sql
; Type : "off", "raw" or "obfuscated"
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: "obfuscated"
; Info : Sets how SQL statements are recorded (if at all). If this is set to
; "raw" then no attempt is made at obfuscating SQL statements.
; Setting this to "raw" has considerable security implications as it
; can expose sensitive and private customer data.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.record_sql = "obfuscated"
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.custom
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the name(s) of additional functions you want to instrument and
; appear in transaction traces. This is only meaningful if you have
; set newrelic.transaction_tracer.detail to 0. This can be a comma-
; separated list of function or class method names.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.custom = ""
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.internal_functions_enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: false
; Info : Enables or disables support for tracing internal functions (that is,
; functions written in C and provided either via the PHP standard
; library or PECL extensions). When enabled, internal functions will
; appear in transaction traces like functions written in PHP.
; Note that enabling this option may result in transactions being up to
; 5% slower. Enabling this option is only recommended when specifically
; debugging performance issues where an internal function is suspected
; to be slow.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.internal_functions_enabled = false
; Setting: newrelic.framework
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: empty (auto-detect framework)
; Info : Disables automatic framework detection, telling the agent to
; attempt to name transactions according to the specified framework.
; Specifying "no_framework" will disable framework-related transaction
; naming entirely. Please let us know at support.newrelic.com if you
; encounter a failure with framework autodetection.
; Must be one of the following values:
; cakephp, codeigniter, drupal, drupal8, joomla, kohana, laravel,
; magento, magento2, mediawiki, slim, symfony2, symfony4,
; wordpress, yii, yii2, zend, zend2, no_framework
; Note that "drupal" covers only Drupal 6 and 7 and "symfony2"
; now only supports Symfony 3.x.
;newrelic.framework = ""
; Setting: newrelic.webtransaction.name.remove_trailing_path
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Used to aid naming transactions correctly when an unsupported
; framework is being used. This option will cause anything after the
; script name to be stripped from a URL. For example, setting this
; would cause the "/xyz/zy" to be stripped from a URL such as
; "/path/to/foo.php/xyz/zy".
;newrelic.webtransaction.name.remove_trailing_path = false
; Setting: newrelic.webtransaction.name.functions
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Unless a specific framework such as Drupal or Wordpress has been
; detected, transactions are named according to the first script
; encountered, such as login.php. However, if you use a dispatcher
; file such as index.php this produces less useful data. If you use
; a dispatcher to redirect to actions such as "login", "show", "edit"
; etc, you can set this to the top level functions for those actions,
; and the function names specified here will be used to name the
; transaction.
;newrelic.webtransaction.name.functions = ""
; Setting: newrelic.webtransaction.name.files
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Same as newrelic.webtransaction.name.functions above but using file
; names instead of function names. Accepts standard POSIX regular
; expressions.
;newrelic.webtransaction.name.files = ""
; Setting: newrelic.daemon.auditlog
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the name of a file to record all uncompressed, un-encoded
; content that is sent from your machine to the New Relic servers.
; This includes the full URL for each command along with the payload
; delivered with the command. This allows you to satisfy yourself
; that the agent is not sending any sensitive data to our servers.
; This file must be a different file the the newrelic.daemon.logfile
; setting above. If you set it to the same name,
; then audit logging will be silently ignored.
;newrelic.daemon.auditlog = "/var/log/newrelic/audit.log"
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_events.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Collect and report transaction analytics event data. Event data
; allows the New Relic UI to show additional information such as
; histograms. This setting was formerly called
; newrelic.analytics_events.enabled.
;newrelic.transaction_events.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.attributes.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enable or disable the collection of attributes generated by the
; agent or generated by the user though newrelic_add_custom_parameter.
; This setting will take precedence over all other attribute
; configuration settings. For more information, please refer to:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/manage-apm-agents/agent-metrics/agent-attributes
;newrelic.attributes.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.enabled
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled
; newrelic.error_collector.attributes.enabled
; newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled
; newrelic.span_events.attributes.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true, except for browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled
; Info : Control which destinations receive attributes.
; These configuration settings will override the .include and .exclude
; settings below. For more information, please refer to:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/manage-apm-agents/agent-metrics/agent-attributes
; These settings were formerly called:
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.capture_attributes
; newrelic.error_collector.capture_attributes
; newrelic.analytics_events.capture_attributes
; newrelic.browser_monitoring.capture_attributes
;newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.enabled = true
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled = true
;newrelic.error_collector.attributes.enabled = true
;newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled = false
;newrelic.span_events.attributes.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.attributes.include
; newrelic.attributes.exclude
; newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.include
; newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.exclude
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.include
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude
; newrelic.error_collector.attributes.include
; newrelic.error_collector.attributes.exclude
; newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.include
; newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.exclude
; newrelic.span_events.attributes.include
; newrelic.span_events.attributes.exclude
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Each attribute has a default set of destinations. For example, the
; 'request_uri' attribute's default destinations are errors and
; transaction traces. The 'httpResponseCode' attribute's default
; destinations are errors, transaction traces, and transaction events.
; These configuration options allow complete control over the
; destinations of attributes.
; To include the attribute whose key is 'alpha' in errors, the
; configuration is:
; newrelic.error_collector.include = alpha
; To exclude the attribute whose key is 'alpha' from errors, the
; configuration is:
; newrelic.error_collector.exclude = alpha
; The newrelic.attributes.exclude and newrelic.attributes.include
; settings affect all destinations.
; To exclude the attributes 'beta' and 'gamma' from all destinations,
; the configuration is:
; newrelic.attributes.exclude = beta,gamma
; If one of the values in the comma separated list ends in a '*',
; it will match any suffix. For example, to exclude any attributes
; which begin with 'psi', the configuration is:
; newrelic.attributes.exclude = psi*
; For more information, please refer to:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/manage-apm-agents/agent-metrics/agent-attributes
;newrelic.attributes.include = ""
;newrelic.attributes.exclude = ""
;newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.include = ""
;newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.exclude = ""
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.include = ""
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude = ""
;newrelic.error_collector.attributes.include = ""
;newrelic.error_collector.attributes.exclude = ""
;newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.include = ""
;newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.exclude = ""
;newrelic.span_events.attributes.include = ""
;newrelic.span_events.attributes.exclude = ""
; Setting: newrelic.feature_flag
; Type : string
; Scope : system
; Default: none
; Info : Enables new and experimental features within the PHP agent. These
; flags are used to selectively enable features that are intended to be
; enabled by default in later versions of the PHP agent.
;newrelic.feature_flag = ""
; Setting: newrelic.custom_insights_events.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables the API function newrelic_record_custom_event.
;newrelic.custom_insights_events.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.custom_events.max_samples_stored
; Type : integer
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 30000
; Info : The default Custom Events reservoir limit in the agent is
; 30000 events per minute and the maximum allowed value
; is 100000 events per minute.
;newrelic.custom_events.max_samples_stored = 30000
; Setting: newrelic.labels
; Type : string (Use quotes)
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Sets the label names and values to associate with the application.
; The list is a semi-colon delimited list of colon-separated name and
; value pairs.
; There are a maximum of 64 label name/value pairs allowed.
; The maximum length of the name and value is 255 characters each.
; Leading or trailing whitespace in the name or value will be trimmed.
; UTF-8 characters are allowed.
; E.g., "Server:One;Data Center:Primary"
;newrelic.labels = ""
; Setting: newrelic.synthetics.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables support for Synthetics transactions.
; For more information, please see:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/synthetics/new-relic-synthetics/getting-started/new-relic-synthetics
;newrelic.synthetics.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.cross_application_tracer.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Enables or disables support for Cross Application Tracing, aka "CAT".
; NOTE: As of April 2022 CAT has been deprecated and will be removed at a future date.
;newrelic.cross_application_tracer.enabled = false
; Setting: newrelic.distributed_tracing_enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Distributed tracing lets you see the path that a request takes
; through your distributed system. See this guide for more information:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/distributed-tracing/concepts/introduction-distributed-tracing
; When distributed tracing is enabled it changes the behavior of some
; New Relic features. See this guide for details:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/transition-guide-distributed-tracing
;newrelic.distributed_tracing_enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.distributed_tracing_exclude_newrelic_header
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Set this to true to exclude the New Relic distributed tracing header
; that is attached to outbound requests, and to instead only rely on
; W3C Trace Context Headers for distributed tracing. If this is false
; then both types of headers are attached to outbound requests.
; The New Relic distributed tracing header allows interoperability
; with older agents that do not support W3C Trace Context headers.
; Agent versions that support W3C Trace Context headers will
; prioritize them over New Relic headers for distributed tracing.
;newrelic.distributed_tracing_exclude_newrelic_header = false
; Setting: newrelic.span_events_enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables the creation of span events. This requires
; Distributed Tracing to be enabled.
;newrelic.span_events_enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.span_events.max_samples_stored
; Type : unsigned integer
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 2000
; Info : The maximum number of span events added to the span event reservoir
; per transaction. A value of 0 will use the agent default. The max
; setting is 10000.
; !IMPORTANT: If you have Code Level Metrics enabled & long absolute
; pathnames to your PHP files/functions, you may exceed the max message
; size limit set by the Daemon if your max_samples_stored setting is
; too high. To fix this, you can either:
; a) enable infinite tracing (newrelic.infinite_tracing.trace_observer.host)
; b) set newrelic.code_level_metrics.enabled=false, disabling it
; entirely
; c) lower the value for newrelic.span_events.max_samples_stored
;newrelic.span_events.max_samples_stored = 0
; Setting: newrelic.infinite_tracing.trace_observer.host
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default:
; Info : Configures the Trace Observer used for Infinite Tracing. If empty,
; Infinite Tracing support will be disabled. This requires Distributed
; Tracing and span events to be enabled.
; Setting: newrelic.infinite_tracing.trace_observer.port
; Type : integer
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 443
; Info : Configures the port used to communicate with the Infinite Tracing
; Trace Observer. This setting is ignored if
; newrelic.infinite_tracing.trace_observer.host is empty. This setting
; will not usually need to be changed.
; Setting: newrelic.infinite_tracing.span_events.queue_size
; Type : integer (1000 or higher)
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 100000
; Info : Sets the number of span events that can be queued for transmission
; to the Infinite Tracing Trace Observer.
; The agent internally manages span events for Infinite Tracing in
; span batches. Those span batches can hold a maximum of 1000 spans.
; Therefore, the span events queue size cannot be lower than 1000, as
; otherwise not even a single span batch can be queued. If a queue
; size lower than 1000 is specified, the mininum size of 1000 is used.
; Setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.gather_input_queries
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables support for tracing Doctrine DQL with Slow SQL queries.
; This requires Slow SQLs to be enabled.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.gather_input_queries = true
; Setting: newrelic.error_collector.capture_events
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables capturing error events, which are displayed as
; Error Analytics in the UI.
;newrelic.error_collector.capture_events = true
; Setting: newrelic.guzzle.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables support for the Guzzle library.
;newrelic.guzzle.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.phpunit_events.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Collect and report PHPUnit (https://phpunit.de/) data as custom
; Insights events. Test suite summary data are sent as "TestSuite"
; events, while individual test cases are sent as "Test" events.
; Depending on your events retention policy, enabling this setting may
; impact your billing statement.
; Please note that exception messages are collected and sent with
; events. Additionally, if you use PHPUnit's --disallow-test-output
; flag, any offending output from a risky test will also be included.
;newrelic.phpunit_events.enabled = false
; Setting: newrelic.datastore_tracer.instance_reporting.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables capturing datastore instance information,
; specifically host and port_path_or_id. This information is sent as a
; metric and as attributes on transaction traces and slow SQL traces.
;newrelic.datastore_tracer.instance_reporting.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.datastore_tracer.database_name_reporting.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Enables or disables capturing information about database names. This
; information is sent as an attribute on transaction traces and slow
; SQL traces.
;newrelic.datastore_tracer.database_name_reporting.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.security_policies_token
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : Enables or disables security policies. If security policies are
; enabled on your account, you should paste the security policies token
; from the New Relic APM UI here.
; IMPORTANT: This setting is not compatible with newrelic.high_security.
; Only one may be set. If both are set an error will be thrown and the
; agent will not connect.
;newrelic.security_policies_token = ""
; Setting: newrelic.preload_framework_library_detection
; Type : boolean
; Scope : system
; Default: true
; Info : Enables detection of frameworks and libraries from opcache.
; This only happens when preloading is enabled (when `opcache.preload`
; is set).
;newrelic.preload_framework_library_detection = true
; setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.max_segments_web
; type : integer in the range 0 - 2^31-1
; scope : per-directory
; default: 0
; info : Specifies the maximum number of segments the PHP agent shall
; record, once that maximum is reached sampling will occur.
; The PHP agent reports transaction traces and distributed traces as a
; collection of segments.
; Each segment represents a method or a function call in a transaction
; trace. The default value for this configuration is 0, indicating that
; the PHP agent shall capture all segments during a transaction. At the
; end of a transaction, it assembles the highest priority segments to
; report in a transaction trace.
; For long-running PHP processes with hundreds of thousands or millions
; of function calls, setting this to a value greater than 1 prevents the
; PHP agent from exhausting system memory when recording segments.
; Segment size can vary based upon the length of the corresponding
; method's name, the length of its class name, and the number of
; subsequent calls made by the method. That said, a conservative estimate
; is 400 bytes per segment. To limit the PHP agent to 40 mb for segment
; capture, set this value to 100000. If this value is set lower than
; 2000, it further limits the total number of segments reported for
; transaction traces.
; This configuration setting is only for PHP web processes; it will not
; effect PHP CLI processes. To set a limit for CLI processes use
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.max_segments_cli.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.max_segments_web = 0
; setting: newrelic.transaction_tracer.max_segments_cli
; type : integer in the range 0 - 2^31-1
; scope : per-directory
; default: 100000
; info : Specifies the maximum number of segments the PHP agent shall
; record, once that maximum is reached sampling will occur.
; The PHP agent reports a transaction trace as a collection of segments.
; each segment represents a method or a function call in a transaction
; trace. The default value for this configuration is 100000. When a value
; of less than 1 is set, it will indicate that the PHP agent shall capture
; all segments during a transaction. At the end of a transaction, the agent
; assembles the highest priority segments to report in a transaction trace.
; For long-running PHP processes with hundreds of thousands or millions
; of function calls, setting this to a value greater than 1 prevents the
; PHP agent from exhausting system memory when recording segments.
; Segment size can vary based upon the length of the corresponding
; method's name, the length of its class name, and the number of
; subsequent calls made by the method. That said, a conservative estimate
; is 400 bytes per segment. To limit the PHP agent to 40 mb for segment
; capture, set this value to 100000. If this value is set lower than 2000,
; it further limits the total number of segments reported for transaction
; traces.
; This configuration setting is only for PHP CLI processes; it will not
; effect PHP web processes. To set a limit for web processes use
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.max_segments_web.
;newrelic.transaction_tracer.max_segments_cli = 100000
; Setting: newrelic.capture_params
; Info : This setting has been deprecated.
; It was formerly used to capture request parameters.
; It has been replaced by the attribute configuration settings.
; To replicate this setting with the new settings, one would use:
; newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.include = request.parameters.*
; newrelic.error_collector.attributes.include = request.parameters.*
; Please refer to the attribute configuration options for more
; information.
; Setting: newrelic.ignored_params
; Info : This setting has been deprecated.
; It was formerly used to filter request parameters.
; It has been replaced by the attribute configuration settings.
; If you would like to exclude the request parameter 'alpha', use:
; newrelic.attributes.exclude = request.parameters.alpha
; Please refer to the attribute configuration options for more
; information.
; Setting: newrelic.framework.drupal.modules
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Indicates if Drupal modules, hooks and views are to be instrumented.
;newrelic.framework.drupal.modules = true
; Setting: newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Indicates if WordPress hooks are to be instrumented.
;newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks = true
; Setting: newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks.options
; Type : string (all_callbacks, plugin_callbacks, threshold)
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: plugin_callbacks
; Info : Sets the options how WordPress hooks are instrumented.
; New Relic agent can provide different levels of insights into WordPress hooks.
; By default, only plugin/theme callbacks are instrumented ("plugin_callbacks").
; At the cost of increased agent's overhead it is possible to extend the
; instrumentation to all hook callbacks functions ("all_callbacks"). Third option
; is to monitor hooks without instrumenting callbacks ("threshold"). This option
; does not give insights about plugins/themes.
;newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks.options = "plugin_callbacks"
; Setting: newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks.threshold
; Type : time specification string ("500ms", "1s750ms" etc)
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 1ms
; Info : Sets the threshold above which the New Relic agent will record a
; wordpress hooks. Used when newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks.options
; is set to "threshold".
;newrelic.framework.wordpress.hooks.threshold = 1ms
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : An overall configuration for enabling/disabling all application
; logging features. If this is disabled, all sub-features are disabled;
; if it is enabled, the individual sub-feature configurations
; take effect.
;newrelic.application_logging.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Toggles whether the agent gathers log records for sending to New Relic.
;newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.max_samples_stored
; Type : integer
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: 10000
; Info : Number of log records to send per minute to New Relic. Controls the
; overall memory consumption when using log forwarding.
;newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.max_samples_stored = 10000
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.log_level
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: "WARNING"
; Info : Sets the minimum log level to be collected when log forwarding
; is enabled.
; Based on
; https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-3/#5-psrlogloglevel
; https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5424
; Valid settings (ordered highest to lowest):
; "INFO"
;newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.log_level = "WARNING"
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.local_decorating.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Toggles whether the agent adds linking metadata to
; log records.
; NOTE: Enabling log forwarding and decoration could lead to
; duplicate log message being sent to New Relic.
;newrelic.application_logging.local_decorating.enabled = false
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.metrics.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Toggles whether the agent gathers the Logging/lines and
; Logging/lines/{SEVERITY} Logging Metrics used in the Logs chart
; on the APM Summary page.
;newrelic.application_logging.metrics.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: false
; Info : Control if context data associated with log messages is
; converted to log event attributes which are forwarded to New Relic.
;newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.enabled = false
; Setting: newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.include
; newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.exclude
; Type : string
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: none
; Info : This configuration options allow complete control over the
; context data array keys which are converted to log event attributes.
; To include context data whose key is 'alpha', the configuration is:
; newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.include = alpha
; To exclude context data whose key is 'alpha', the configuration is:
; newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.exclude = alpha
; The newrelic.attributes.exclude and newrelic.attributes.include
; settings affect the conversion of custom data as well.
; To exclude the attributes 'beta' and 'gamma' from all destinations,
; including log events, the configuration is:
; newrelic.attributes.exclude = beta,gamma
; If one of the values in the comma separated list ends in a '*',
; it will match any suffix. For example, to exclude any attribute
; which begin with 'psi', the configuration is:
; newrelic.attributes.exclude = psi*
; For more information, please refer to:
; https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/manage-apm-agents/agent-metrics/agent-attributes
;newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.include = ""
;newrelic.application_logging.forwarding.context_data.exclude = ""
; Setting: newrelic.code_level_metrics.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Toggles whether the agent provides function name, function
; filepath, function namespace, and function lineno as
; attributes on reported spans
; !IMPORTANT: If you have Code Level Metrics enabled & long absolute
; pathnames to your PHP files/functions, you may exceed the max message
; size limit set by the Daemon if your max_samples_stored setting is
; too high. To fix this, you can either:
; a) enable infinite tracing (newrelic.infinite_tracing.trace_observer.host)
; b) set newrelic.code_level_metrics.enabled=false, disabling it
; entirely
; c) lower the value for newrelic.span_events.max_samples_stored
;newrelic.code_level_metrics.enabled = true
; Setting: newrelic.vulnerability_management.package_detection.enabled
; Type : boolean
; Scope : per-directory
; Default: true
; Info : Toggles whether the agent provides package detection information
; for vulnerability management.
;newrelic.vulnerability_management.package_detection.enabled = true
I am a small town Minnesota single mom of two great kids who are my life. I began modeling 3 years ago for a photographer ho saw something in me I never did. Ice told me I should do one shoot with him and let that be the guide. I reluctantly agreed, and scheduled our date. I was sacred to death when he told me we would be doing a remake of the publicity stills of the 1956 movie Bus Stop, staring Marilyn Monroe. How in the world could I halfway resemble or pull off an icon the likes of Marylin Monroe in my first step in front of camera? Well, 2 hours later we had a nice set of images and I've been hooked ever since. We've done some really cool things and are looking hard at the future ahead to expand and get me out there a little more.
My pinup journey started at the age of 13 when I started collecting vintage decor and clothing- it has since spiraled into doing pinup shoots, meeting and developing friendships with other gorgeous pinups and being published in a pinup blog and magazine. Looking forward to the future and to see where other opportunities will take me!
Full Bio
I started getting into collecting vintage when I was a young kid, my mom would always take me into antique stores and this seemed to be what fueled it all. Eventually I started dressing and collecting vintage clothing and home decor. My apartment is now a great mix of MCM. I’ve done several pinup photoshoots and am looking to doing more in the future. I have been featured in a online pinup blog as well as being published in an state content creators magazine. Looking forward to the future and all the adventures it brings going forward.
Meet Belle Starr, your favorite tattooed 💉, curvy 💃 nurse turning heads and stealing hearts 💘 across Northwest Florida. A professional nurse 👩⚕️ during the week and a sultry pinup queen 👑 on the weekends, she’s the ultimate blend of classy ✨ and sassy 🔥—a vintage vixen with a modern twist.
Full Bio
Meet Belle Starr, your favorite tattooed 💉, curvy 💃 nurse turning heads and stealing hearts 💘 across Northwest Florida. A professional nurse 👩⚕️ during the week and a sultry pinup queen 👑 on the weekends, she’s the ultimate blend of classy ✨ and sassy 🔥—a vintage vixen with a modern twist.
She serves as the secretary for Pinups and Pumps Florida Chapter 💄 and is the official correspondent for PinupDatabase.com 🖋️. Belle Starr is dedicated to empowering women 👠, spotlighting the pinup community, and keeping the spirit of pinup history alive 📸. When she’s not hostessing 🎤 or interviewing at events 🌟, she’s a fierce advocate for the Ostel Place Foundation 🐴🐶🌿, a charity that helps people heal through horses, puppies, and the beauty of nature.
Whether she’s inspiring women 💋, enticing men 🕶️, or stealing the show as an event hostess 🎉, Belle Starr proves that beauty 💎, brains 🧠, and curves 🔥 never go out of style. Follow her journey for a dose of entertainment 🎭, empowerment 💪, and unforgettable vibes 🌟.
I'm a Pin Up model, classic car lover and Patriot. Been in Pin Up since 2014.
Full Bio
BoomBoom Bettie has been in the pinup world since 2014. She has participated in pageants in person and online since 2019. She loves the title of Favorite Pearl that she received. She is the founder of a Pin Up club called Black Sheep Pin Up Social Club in Arizona. She loves being a part of the pin up world and the sisterhood it creates. She loves to attend local car shows and Pin Up events.
𝑰 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 my own pics, 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒚, 𝒖𝒔𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒔. 𝑪𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆.
Jill of All, Owner of 5.
@currentteevents philanthropic tshirts
@shopcadesigns jewelry
@ciaraandruby dog models
@openmybar bar consulting
@calishamrock art/photography
My awesome journey began in California, followed by 25 wonderful years in Colorado. In 2019 I made the best choice of my life—moving to Florida, where I’ve truly found my home. The pin up community has been amazing, as I have always been drawn to the vibrant world of rockabilly style, classic cars, and music. Known for being kind, generous, and full of adventure, I cherish my experiences and connecting with new people. As a proud member of "Pinups and Pumps," I deeply appreciate the camaraderie with my sisters. Together, we give back through charity events, creating lasting bonds and memories.
Rating (average)
St. Augustine
Pin Up Group Membership
Pinups and Pumps Florida
Published in the Following Publications
Dream Beauty, Dream Pinup, Wonderland, Social Pin, Smitten Kitten, Dollface Digest, Crowns & Chrome, Drive In and many more
Clarice entered the pinup scene officially in 2019. Her first photoshoot was a tribute to the queen herself, Bettie Page. Dawning the same iconic bangs and hair darker than the devil's soul, she was a tattooed dead ringer. That photoshoot was featured in Retro Lovely's Bettie Page issue in 2019.
6 years later Clarice is a style of her own, finding herself more and more every day. She's a mental health advocate, constantly trying to educate about mental illness to help end the stigma. In March of this year she'll be celebrating 3 years free from alcohol. Supporting sobriety amongst her community is also a passion. Clarice is also Autistic, and tries to educate on hidden disabilities. Not only is she a pinup, she's a mommy first. Having 3 biological children, 3 "step"children, and her youngest being adopted, who's also autistic.
She enjoys creating art through painting, drawing, photography, and floral hair pieces.
Find her at the car shows, especially if there are rat rods and lowriders involved. Lowriders have been a part of her heart since high school. From being in a friend's hopper getting Taco Bell past her curfew, or cruising the beach with the systems bumping.
The name Clarice Von Darling is a tribute to The Silence of the Lambs. In her sister's memory.
62 year old trans woman who is now retired and living life to the fullest. Many past careers including dairy farmer firefighter/emt truck driver school bus driver church sexton cemetery sexton Public works director juice company truck driver and over the road truck driver. Two grown adult children ages 36 and 33 Two grand children ages 14 and 4 Local church member