# spfquery: Command-line tool for performing SPF queries
# (C) 2005-2012 Julian Mehnle <julian@mehnle.net>
# 2004 Wayne Schlitt <wayne@schlitt.net>
# $Id: spfquery 138 2006-01-22 18:00:34Z julian $
=head1 NAME
spfquery - (Mail::SPF) - Checks if a given set of e-mail parameters matches a
domain's SPF policy
=head1 VERSION
=item B<Preferred usage:>
B<spfquery> [B<--versions>|B<-v> B<1>|B<2>|B<1,2>] [B<--scope>|B<-s> B<helo>|B<mfrom>|B<pra>]
B<--identity>|B<--id> I<identity> B<--ip-address>|B<--ip> I<ip-address>
[B<--helo-identity>|B<--helo-id> I<helo-identity>] [I<OPTIONS>]
B<spfquery> [B<--versions>|B<-v> B<1>|B<2>|B<1,2>] [B<--scope>|B<-s> B<helo>|B<mfrom>|B<pra>]
B<--file>|B<-f> I<filename>|B<-> [I<OPTIONS>]
=item B<Legacy usage:>
B<spfquery> B<--helo> I<helo-identity> B<--ip-address>|B<--ip> I<ip-address> [I<OPTIONS>]
B<spfquery> B<--mfrom> I<mfrom-identity> B<--ip-address>|B<--ip> I<ip-address>
[B<--helo> I<helo-identity>] [I<OPTIONS>]
B<spfquery> B<--pra> I<pra-identity> B<--ip-address>|B<--ip> I<ip-address> [I<OPTIONS>]
=item B<Other usage:>
B<spfquery> B<--version>|B<-V>
B<spfquery> B<--help>
B<spfquery> checks if a given set of e-mail parameters (e.g., the SMTP sender's
IP address) matches the responsible domain's Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
policy. For more information on SPF see L<http://www.openspf.org>.
=head2 Preferred Usage
The following usage forms are preferred over the L<legacy forms|/Legacy usage>
used by older B<spfquery> versions:
The B<--identity> form checks if the given I<ip-address> is an authorized SMTP
sender for the given C<helo> hostname, C<mfrom> envelope sender e-mail address,
or C<pra> (so-called purported resonsible address) e-mail address, depending
on the value of the B<--scope> option (which defaults to B<mfrom> if omitted).
The B<--file> form reads "I<ip-address> I<identity> [I<helo-identity>]" tuples
from the file with the specified I<filename>, or from standard input if
I<filename> is B<->, and checks them against the specified scope (B<mfrom> by
Both forms support an optional B<--versions> option, which specifies a
comma-separated list of the SPF version numbers of SPF records that may be
used. B<1> means that C<v=spf1> records should be used. B<2> means that
C<spf2.0> records should be used. Defaults to B<1,2>, i.e., uses any SPF
records that are available. Records of a higher version are preferred.
=head2 Legacy Usage
B<spfquery> versions before 2.500 featured the following usage forms, which are
discouraged but still supported for L<backwards compatibility|/COMPATIBILITY>:
The B<--helo> form checks if the given I<ip-address> is an authorized SMTP
sender for the C<HELO> hostname given as the I<identity> (so-called C<HELO>
The B<--mfrom> form checks if the given I<ip-address> is an authorized SMTP
sender for the envelope sender email-address (or domain) given as the
I<identity> (so-called C<MAIL FROM> check). If a domain is given instead of an
e-mail address, C<postmaster> will be substituted for the localpart.
The B<--pra> form checks if the given I<ip-address> is an authorized SMTP
sender for the PRA (Purported Responsible Address) e-mail address given as the
=head2 Other Usage
The B<--version> form prints version information of spfquery. The B<--help>
form prints usage information for spfquery.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 Standard Options
The preferred and legacy forms optionally take any of the following
=item B<--default-explanation> I<string>
=item B<--def-exp> I<string>
Use the specified I<string> as the default explanation if the authority domain
does not specify an explanation string of its own.
=item B<--hostname> I<hostname>
Use I<hostname> as the host name of the local system instead of auto-detecting
=item B<--keep-comments>
=item B<--no-keep-comments>
Do (not) print any comments found when reading from a file or from standard
=item B<--sanitize> (currently ignored)
=item B<--no-sanitize> (currently ignored)
Do (not) sanitize the output by condensing consecutive white-space into a
single space and replacing non-printable characters with question marks.
Enabled by default.
=item B<--debug> (currently ignored)
Print out debug information.
=head2 Black Magic Options
Several options that were supported by earlier versions of B<spfquery> are
considered black magic (i.e. potentially dangerous for the innocent user) and
are thus disabled by default. If the L<B<Mail::SPF::BlackMagic>> Perl module
is installed, they may be enabled by specifying B<--enable-black-magic>.
=item B<--max-dns-interactive-terms> I<n>
Evaluate a maximum of I<n> DNS-interactive mechanisms and modifiers per SPF
check. Defaults to B<10>. Do I<not> override the default unless you know what
you are doing!
=item B<--max-name-lookups-per-term> I<n>
Perform a maximum of I<n> DNS name look-ups per mechanism or modifier.
Defaults to B<10>. Do I<not> override the default unless you know what you are
=item B<--authorize-mxes-for> I<email-address>|I<domain>B<,>...
Consider all the MXes of the comma-separated list of I<email-address>es and
I<domain>s as inherently authorized.
=item B<--tfwl>
Perform C<trusted-forwarder.org> accreditation checking.
=item B<--guess> I<spf-terms>
Use I<spf-terms> as a default record if no SPF record is found.
=item B<--local> I<spf-terms>
Process I<spf-terms> as local policy before resorting to a default result
(the implicit or explicit C<all> mechanism at the end of the domain's SPF
record). For example, this could be used for white-listing one's secondary
MXes: C<mx:mydomain.example.org>.
=item B<--override> I<domain>B<=>I<spf-record>
=item B<--fallback> I<domain>B<=>I<spf-record>
Set overrides and fallbacks. Each option can be specified multiple times. For
--override example.org='v=spf1 -all'
--override '*.example.net'='v=spf1 a mx -all'
--fallback example.com='v=spf1 -all'
=over 12
=item B<pass>
The specified IP address is an authorized SMTP sender for the identity.
=item B<fail>
The specified IP address is not an authorized SMTP sender for the identity.
=item B<softfail>
The specified IP address is not an authorized SMTP sender for the identity,
however the authority domain is still testing out its SPF policy.
=item B<neutral>
The identity's authority domain makes no assertion about the status of the IP
=item B<permerror>
A permanent error occurred while evaluating the authority domain's policy
(e.g., a syntax error in the SPF record). Manual intervention is required
from the authority domain.
=item B<temperror>
A temporary error occurred while evaluating the authority domain's policy
(e.g., a DNS error). Try again later.
=item B<none>
There is no applicable SPF policy for the identity domain.
Result | Exit code
pass | 0
fail | 1
softfail | 2
neutral | 3
permerror | 4
temperror | 5
none | 6
spfquery --scope mfrom --id user@example.com --ip
spfquery --file test_data
echo " user@example.com helohost.example.com" | spfquery -f -
B<spfquery> has undergone the following interface changes compared to earlier
=item B<2.500>
=item *
A new preferred usage style for performing individual SPF checks has been
introduced. The new style accepts a unified B<--identity> option and an
optional B<--scope> option that specifies the type (scope) of the identity. In
contrast, the legacy usage style requires a separate usage form for every
supported scope. See L</Preferred usage> and L</Legacy usage> for details.
=item *
The former C<unknown> and C<error> result codes have been renamed to C<permerror>
and C<temperror>, respectively, in order to comply with RFC 4408 terminology.
=item *
SPF checks with an empty identity are no longer supported. In the case of an
empty C<MAIL FROM> SMTP transaction parameter, perform a check with the C<helo>
scope directly.
=item *
The B<--debug> and B<--(no-)sanitize> options are currently ignored by this
version of B<spfquery>. They will again be supported in the future.
=item *
Several features that were supported by earlier versions of B<spfquery> are
considered black magic and thus are now disabled by default. See L</Black
Magic Options>.
=item *
Several option names have been deprecated. This is a list of them and their
preferred synonyms:
Deprecated options | Preferred options
--sender, -s | --mfrom
--ipv4, -i | --ip-address, --ip
--name | --hostname
--max-lookup-count, | --max-dns-interactive-terms
--max-lookup |
--rcpt-to, -r | --authorize-mxes-for
--trusted | --tfwl
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mail::SPF>, L<spfd(8)>
=head1 AUTHORS
This version of B<spfquery> is a complete rewrite by Julian Mehnle
<julian@mehnle.net>, based on an earlier version written by Meng Weng Wong
<mengwong+spf@pobox.com> and Wayne Schlitt <wayne@schlitt.net>.
our $VERSION = '2.501';
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::File;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_compat no_ignore_case);
use Error ':try';
use Mail::SPF;
use constant TRUE => (0 == 0);
use constant FALSE => not TRUE;
use constant exit_codes_by_result_code => {
pass => 0,
fail => 1,
softfail => 2,
neutral => 3,
permerror => 4,
temperror => 5,
none => 6
# Helper Functions
sub usage {
Preferred Usage:
spfquery [--versions|-v 1|2|1,2] [--scope|-s helo|mfrom|pra]
--identity|--id <identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address>
[--helo-identity|--helo-id <helo-identity>] [OPTIONS]
spfquery [--versions|-v 1|2|1,2] [--scope|-s helo|mfrom|pra]
--file|-f <filename>|- [OPTIONS]
Legacy Usage:
spfquery --helo <helo-identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address> [OPTIONS]
spfquery --mfrom <mfrom-identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address>
[--helo <helo-identity>] [OPTIONS]
spfquery --pra <pra-identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address> [OPTIONS]
Other Usage:
spfquery --version|-V
See `spfquery --help` for more information.
sub help {
Preferred Usage:
spfquery [--versions|-v 1|2|1,2] [--scope|-s helo|mfrom|pra]
--identity|--id <identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address>
[--helo-identity|--helo-id <helo-identity>] [OPTIONS]
spfquery [--versions|-v 1|2|1,2] [--scope|-s helo|mfrom|pra]
--file|-f <filename>|- [OPTIONS]
Legacy Usage:
spfquery --helo <helo-identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address> [OPTIONS]
spfquery --mfrom <mfrom-identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address>
[--helo <helo-identity>] [OPTIONS]
spfquery --pra <pra-identity> --ip-address|--ip <ip-address> [OPTIONS]
Other Usage:
spfquery --version|-V
spfquery performs SPF checks based on the command-line arguments or data given
in a file or on standard input.
Only the preferred and other usage forms are explained here. See the
spfquery(1) man-page for an explanation of the legacy usage forms.
The "--identity" form checks if the given <ip-address> is an authorized SMTP
sender for the given "helo" hostname, "mfrom" envelope sender e-mail address,
or "pra" (purported resonsible address) e-mail address, depending on the value
of the "--scope" option (which defaults to "mfrom" if omitted).
The "--file" form reads "<ip-address> <identity> [<helo-identity>]" tuples from
the file with the specified <filename>, or from standard input if <filename> is
"-", and checks them against the specified scope ("mfrom" by default).
The "--version" form prints version information of spfquery.
Valid OPTIONS (and their defaults) are:
--default-explanation <string>
Default explanation string to use (sensible default).
--hostname <hostname>
The name of the system doing the SPF checking (local
system's configured hostname).
--keep-comments Print comments found when reading from a file.
--no-sanitize Do not clean up invalid characters in output.
--debug Output debugging information.
Black-magic OPTIONS are:
--max-dns-interactive-terms <n>
Maximum number of DNS-interactive mechanisms and
modifiers (10).
--max-name-lookups-per-term <n>
Maximum number of DNS name look-ups per mechanism or
modifier (10).
--authorize-mxes-for <email-address>|<domain>,...
A comma-separated list of e-mail addresses and domains
whose MXes will be considered inherently authorized.
--tfwl Check trusted-forwarder.org white-list.
--guess <spf-terms> Default checks if no SPF record is found.
--local <spf-terms> Local policy to process before default result.
--override <domain>=<spf-record>
--fallback <domain>=<spf-record>
Set override and fallback SPF records for domains.
spfquery --scope mfrom --id user@example.com --ip
spfquery --file test_data
echo " user@example.com helohost.example.com" | spfquery -f -
sub deprecated_option {
my ($old_option, $new_option, $options) = @_;
return FALSE if not exists($options->{$old_option});
"Warning: '$old_option' option is deprecated" .
($new_option ? "; use '$new_option' instead" : '') .
$options->{$new_option} = delete($options->{$old_option});
return TRUE;
sub unsupported_option {
my ($option_name, $options) = @_;
return FALSE if not exists($options->{$option_name});
STDERR->print("Error: '$option_name' option is no longer supported.\n");
return TRUE;
sub black_magic_option {
my ($option_name, $options) = @_;
return FALSE if not exists($options->{$option_name});
STDERR->print("Error: '$option_name' option is black magic! Do not use it!\n");
return TRUE;
# Command-line Option Handling
my $options = {};
my $getopt_result = GetOptions(
's=s', # Special handling for ambiguous 's' option (formerly a synonym
# for 'sender', now preferredly a synonym for 'scope').
# Legacy/shortcut options:
'debug!', # TODO Implement!
'sanitize!', # TODO Implement!
# Black Magic options:
# TODO implement!
'tfwl!', # TODO Implement!
'guess=s', # TODO Implement!
'local=s', # TODO Implement!
'override=s%', # TODO Implement!
'fallback=s%', # TODO Implement!
# Meta actions:
# Deprecated options:
'sender=s', # Now 'scope'/'identity' or 'mfrom'
'ipv4=s', # Now 'ip-address'
'i=s', # Now 'ip-address'
'name=s', # Now 'hostname'
'max-lookup=i', # Now 'max-dns-interactive-terms'
'rcpt-to=s', # Now 'authorize-mxes-for'
'r=s', # Now 'authorize-mxes-for'
'trusted!' # Now 'tfwl'
if (not $getopt_result) {
if ($options->{help}) {
if ($options->{version}) {
print("spfquery version $VERSION (using Mail::SPF)\n");
deprecated_option('sender', 'mfrom', $options);
deprecated_option('ipv4', 'ip-address', $options);
deprecated_option('i', 'ip-address', $options);
deprecated_option('name', 'hostname', $options);
deprecated_option('max-lookup-count', 'max-dns-interactive-terms', $options);
deprecated_option('max-lookup', 'max-dns-interactive-terms', $options);
deprecated_option('rcpt-to', 'authorize-mxes-for', $options);
deprecated_option('r', 'authorize-mxes-for', $options);
deprecated_option('trusted', 'tfwl', $options);
if ($options->{'enable-black-magic'}) {
if (not defined(eval('require Mail::SPF::BlackMagic'))) {
STDERR->print("Error: Cannot enable black magic. Unable to load Mail::SPF::BlackMagic.\n");
# else: Black magic enabled!
elsif (
black_magic_option('max-dns-interactive-terms', $options) or
black_magic_option('max-name-lookups-per-term', $options) or
black_magic_option('rcpt-to', $options) or
black_magic_option('trusted', $options) or
black_magic_option('guess', $options) or
black_magic_option('local', $options) or
black_magic_option('override', $options) or
black_magic_option('fallback', $options)
) {
my @versions = split(',', $options->{versions} || '');
my $scope = $options->{scope};
my $identity = $options->{identity};
my $ip_address = $options->{'ip-address'};
my $helo_identity = $options->{'helo-identity'};
# Heuristic for distinguishing between 's(cope)' and 's(ender)':
if (defined(my $s = $options->{s})) {
if (
not defined($scope) and # No explicit 'scope' option has been specified, and
$s !~ /[@.]/ # 's' option contains neither an '@' nor a dot,
# so it cannot be an e-mail address or a domain.
) {
# Thus it must be meant as the 'scope' option:
$scope = $s;
else {
# Else, it must be meant as the deprecated 'sender' option:
$options->{mfrom} = $s;
# Heuristic for when explicit 'scope'/'s(cope)' option is absent:
if (not defined($scope)) {
if (defined($identity) or defined($options->{file})) {
# Identity has been specified, or input will be read from file:
# apply the 'scope' option default:
$scope = 'mfrom';
elsif (defined($options->{helo})) {
$scope = 'helo';
$identity = $options->{helo};
elsif (defined($options->{mfrom})) {
$scope = 'mfrom';
$identity = $options->{mfrom};
$helo_identity ||= $options->{helo};
elsif (defined($options->{pra})) {
$scope = 'pra';
$identity = $options->{pra};
my $default_explanation = $options->{'default-explanation'};
my $hostname = $options->{hostname};
if (
not defined($scope) or
not (defined($identity) xor defined($options->{file}))
) {
if (defined($identity) and $identity eq '') {
STDERR->print("Error: Empty identities are not supported. See spfquery(1).\n");
# Process the SPF Request(s)
try {
my $spf_server = Mail::SPF::Server->new(
=> $default_explanation,
hostname => $hostname,
# debug => $options->{debug},
# sanitize => $options->{sanitize},
# Black Magic:
exists($options->{'max-dns-interactive-terms'}) ?
(max_dns_interactive_terms => $options->{'max-dns-interactive-terms'} || undef)
: ()
exists($options->{'max-name-lookups-per-term'}) ?
(max_name_lookups_per_term => $options->{'max-name-lookups-per-term'} || undef)
: ()
# rcpt_to => $options->{'rcpt-to'},
# trusted => $options->{trusted},
# guess => $options->{guess},
# local => $options->{local},
# override => $options->{override},
# fallback => $options->{fallback},
my $exit_code;
if (not defined($options->{file})) {
# Single request:
my $result_code = do_process(
versions => @versions ? [@versions] : undef,
scope => $scope,
identity => $identity,
ip_address => $ip_address,
helo_identity => $helo_identity
$exit_code = exit_codes_by_result_code->{$result_code};
else {
# File request:
my $file = $options->{file} eq '-' ? \*STDIN : IO::File->new($options->{file})
or die("Could not open: $options->{file}\n");
while (<$file>) {
next if /^$/;
if (/^#/) {
print("$_\n") if $options->{'keep-comments'};
($ip_address, $identity, $helo_identity) = split;
my $result_code = do_process(
versions => @versions ? [@versions] : undef,
scope => $scope,
identity => $identity,
ip_address => $ip_address,
helo_identity => $helo_identity
$exit_code ||= exit_codes_by_result_code->{$result_code};
catch Mail::SPF::Exception with {
my ($e) = @_;
STDERR->printf("Error: %s.\n", $e->text);
# Helper Function
sub do_process {
my ($spf_server, %request_options) = @_;
my $request = Mail::SPF::Request->new(%request_options);
my $result = $spf_server->process($request);
$result->can('authority_explanation') ?
: $result->local_explanation
return $result->code;
Em is a novice freelance model based in Vancouver, BC. She adores pin-up aestethic and loves anything 40s and 50s inspired.
Full Bio
Hello my lovely darlings! I'm Em, a novice freelance model based out of Vancouver in the beautiful province of British Columbia, Canada. I absolutely love Pin-Up style: the over-the-top expressions, the dresses, the vintage lingerie, the make-up, the curls. I adore it all! I am especially over the moon about anything 40s and 50s inspired - think tea length swing dresses, circle skirts, and polkadots! I also enjoy me a good wiggle dress, of course!
I would love to get to shoot more pin-up looks! If you're interested in working together, please let me know a little bit about yourself 🙂
Published PNW Redheaded Pin Up. An officially sweatered member of the Capital City Dolls. Active in promoting Equality, Equity, Body Positivity, Inclusivity, Mental Health, Community Outreach, and Vintage Style Not Vintage Values.
Over 40 and fabulous! Lover of all things vintage, retro, and mid century. Music is definitely a life force. Dreams don’t have an expiration date, so chase them!
I began my photographic love in 1975. I was first published in high school and didn't save the negatives or the prints as I thought it was something that happened to everyone. i
A lover of all things glam. About a year and a half ago I was introduced to this incredible world through my hair and makeup craft. With over 12 years in the beauty industry, I’ve worked with multiple designers, celebrities, and my work has been published both internationally and domestic, In addition I have a bridal team in multiple cities. My story with Pinup started when I partnered with Glitter Glam Studios for a session and we quickly became her official hair and makeup team. It’s been an incredible journey, with multiple magazine spreads and cover, fulfilling a dream to become a model. Fully immersed, I now have a Retro hair and makeup team with goals to keep expanding and become the go to glam at all pinup events, we have had the honor to work with published pinups and our work can be seen in Retro Lovely, Modern Day PinUp, Bombshell, Holidays, NYLON, and so much more.
After 10 years of doing hair and make up on the pinup scene, Lucky dove in victory rolls first into competing. Ms. Lucky is the vivacious recruiter for the Oklahoma Battlin’ Betties Platoon. Lucky is a true bombshell both on and off the stage. When she's not shaping and molding young minds, she's indulging in her love for tacos and savoring her precious days off. She loathes working and doing dishes! Lucky is a two time national pageant title holder and has a flair for the dramatic and a heart full of passion
Hey doll! My name is Lucious Lady Libra. I’m originally from New York but am now living in sunny Orlando! I have a passion for all things old Hollywood and classic glamour. I love tattoos and astrology and am very excited to be starting this pinup adventure!