Domain: Server Adress: / sbin /
Current File : //sbin/opendmarc-reports
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, 2017-2018, The Trusted Domain Project.
# All rights reserved.
# Script to generate regular DMARC reports.
### Setup
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
use DBI;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp;
use Net::Domain qw(hostfqdn hostdomain);
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Compress::Zip qw(zip);
use POSIX;
use MIME::Base64;
use Net::SMTP;
use Time::Local;
require DBD::mysql;
require HTTP::Request;
# general
my $progname = basename($0);
my $version = "1.4.2";
my $verbose = 0;
my $helponly = 0;
my $showversion = 0;
my $interval;
my $gen;
my $uri;
my $buf;
my $mailout;
my $boundary;
my $tmpout;
my $repfile;
my $zipfile;
my $zipin;
my $now = time();
my $repstart;
my $repend;
my $domain;
my $domainid;
my $domainset;
my $forcedomain;
my @skipdomains;
my $policy;
my $spolicy;
my $policystr;
my $spolicystr;
my $pct;
my $repuri;
my @repuris;
my $lastsent;
my $aspf;
my $aspfstr;
my $adkim;
my $adkimstr;
my $align_dkim;
my $align_dkimstr;
my $align_spf;
my $align_spfstr;
my $spfresult;
my $dkimresult;
my $disp;
my $spfresultstr;
my $dkimresultstr;
my $dispstr;
my $ipaddr;
my $fromdomain;
my $envdomain;
my $dkimdomain;
my $dkimselector;
my $arc;
my $arcstr;
my $arcpolicy;
my $arcpolicystr;
my $repdest;
my $smtpstatus;
my $smtpfail;
my $doupdate = 1;
my $testmode = 0;
my $keepfiles = 0;
my $use_utc = 0;
my $daybound = 0;
my $report_maxbytes_global = 15728640; # default: 15M, per spec
my $msgid;
my $rowcount;
my $dbi_h;
my $dbi_s;
my $dbi_s2;
my $dbi_a;
my $dbi_hash;
# DB parameters
my $def_dbhost = "localhost";
my $def_dbname = "opendmarc";
my $def_dbuser = "opendmarc";
my $def_dbpasswd = "opendmarc";
my $def_dbport = "3306";
my $def_interval = "86400";
my $dbhost;
my $dbname;
my $dbuser;
my $dbpasswd;
my $dbport;
my $dbscheme = "mysql";
my $repdom = hostdomain();
my $repemail = "postmaster@" . $repdom;
my $smtp_server = '';
my $smtp_port = 25;
my $smtp;
my $answer;
### NO user-serviceable parts beyond this point
sub usage
print STDERR "$progname: usage: $progname [options]\n";
print STDERR "\t--day send yesterday's data\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbhost=host database host [$def_dbhost]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbname=name database name [$def_dbname]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbpasswd=passwd database password [$def_dbpasswd]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbport=port database port [$def_dbport]\n";
print STDERR "\t--dbuser=user database user [$def_dbuser]\n";
print STDERR "\t--domain=name force a report for named domain\n";
print STDERR "\t--help print help and exit\n";
print STDERR "\t--interval=secs report interval [$def_interval]\n";
print STDERR "\t--keepfiles keep xml files (in local directory)\n";
print STDERR "\t -n synonym for --test\n";
print STDERR "\t--nodomain=name omit a report for named domain\n";
print STDERR "\t--noupdate don't record report transmission\n";
print STDERR "\t--report-email reporting contact [$repemail]\n";
print STDERR "\t--report-org reporting organization [$repdom]\n";
print STDERR "\t--smtp-port smtp server port [$smtp_port]\n";
print STDERR "\t--smtp-server smtp server [$smtp_server]\n";
print STDERR "\t--test don't send reports\n";
print STDERR "\t (implies --keepfiles --noupdate)\n";
print STDERR "\t--utc operate in UTC\n";
print STDERR "\t--verbose verbose output\n";
print STDERR "\t (repeat for increased output)\n";
print STDERR "\t--version print version and exit\n";
# set locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
# parse command line arguments
my $opt_retval = &Getopt::Long::GetOptions ('day!' => \$daybound,
'dbhost=s' => \$dbhost,
'dbname=s' => \$dbname,
'dbpasswd=s' => \$dbpasswd,
'dbport=s' => \$dbport,
'dbuser=s' => \$dbuser,
'domain=s' => \$forcedomain,
'help!' => \$helponly,
'interval=i' => \$interval,
'keepfiles' => \$keepfiles,
'n|test' => \$testmode,
'nodomain=s' => \@skipdomains,
'report-email=s' => \$repemail,
'report-org=s' => \$repdom,
'smtp-server=s' => \$smtp_server,
'smtp-port=i' => \$smtp_port,
'update!' => \$doupdate,
'utc!' => \$use_utc,
'verbose+' => \$verbose,
'version!' => \$showversion,
if (!$opt_retval || $helponly)
if ($helponly)
if ($showversion)
print STDOUT "$progname v$version\n";
# apply defaults
if (!defined($dbhost))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_DBHOST'}))
$dbhost = $def_dbhost;
if (!defined($dbname))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_DB'}))
$dbname = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_DB'};
$dbname = $def_dbname;
if (!defined($dbpasswd))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_PASSWORD'}))
$dbpasswd = $def_dbpasswd;
if (!defined($dbport))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_PORT'}))
$dbport = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_PORT'};
$dbport = $def_dbport;
if (!defined($dbuser))
if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_USER'}))
$dbuser = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_USER'};
$dbuser = $def_dbuser;
if (defined($interval) && $daybound)
print STDERR "$progname: WARN: --day overrides --interval\n";
if (!defined($interval) || $daybound)
$interval = $def_interval;
# Test mode requested, don't update last sent and keep xml files
$doupdate = ($testmode == 1) ? 0 : $doupdate;
$keepfiles = ($testmode == 1) ? 1 : $keepfiles;
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: started at " . localtime($now) . "\n";
my $dbi_dsn = "DBI:" . $dbscheme . ":database=" . $dbname .
";host=" . $dbhost . ";port=" . $dbport;
$dbi_h = DBI->connect($dbi_dsn, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, { PrintError => 0 });
if (!defined($dbi_h))
print STDERR "$progname: unable to connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";
if ($verbose >= 2)
print STDERR "$progname: connected to database\n";
if ($use_utc)
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00'");
if (!$dbi_s->execute())
print STDERR "$progname: failed to change to UTC: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
# Select domains on which to report
if ($verbose >= 2)
print STDERR "$progname: selecting target domains\n";
if (defined($forcedomain))
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT name FROM domains WHERE name = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($forcedomain))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to test for database entry: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
elsif ($daybound)
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT FROM requests JOIN domains ON requests.domain = WHERE DATE(lastsent) < DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(?))");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($now))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to collect domain names: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT FROM requests JOIN domains ON requests.domain = WHERE lastsent <= DATE_SUB(FROM_UNIXTIME(?), INTERVAL ? SECOND)");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($now, $interval))
print STDERR "$progname: failed to collect domain names: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$domainset = $dbi_s->fetchall_arrayref([0]);
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: selected " . scalar(@$domainset) . " domain(s)\n";
# For each domain:
# -- extract reporting address
# -- extract messages/signatures to report
# -- generate and send report
# -- update "last sent" timestamp
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server,
'Port' => $smtp_port,
'Hello' => hostfqdn());
if (!defined($smtp))
print STDERR "$progname: open SMTP server $smtp_server:$smtp_port failed\n";
foreach (@$domainset)
$domain = $_->[0];
if (!defined($domain))
if (@skipdomains && grep({$_ eq $domain} @skipdomains) != 0)
if ($verbose >= 2)
print STDERR "$progname: processing $domain\n";
# extract this domain's reporting parameters
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($domain))
print STDERR "$progname: can't get ID for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
undef $domainid;
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref())
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$domainid = $dbi_a->[0];
if (!defined($domainid))
print STDERR "$progname: ID for domain $domain not found\n";
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT repuri, adkim, aspf, policy, spolicy, pct, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastsent) FROM requests WHERE domain = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($domainid))
print STDERR "$progname: can't get reporting URI for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
undef $repuri;
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref())
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$repuri = $dbi_a->[0];
if (defined($dbi_a->[1]))
$adkim = $dbi_a->[1];
if (defined($dbi_a->[2]))
$aspf = $dbi_a->[2];
if (defined($dbi_a->[3]))
$policy = $dbi_a->[3];
if (defined($dbi_a->[4]))
$spolicy = $dbi_a->[4];
if (defined($dbi_a->[5]))
$pct = $dbi_a->[5];
if (defined($dbi_a->[6]))
$lastsent = $dbi_a->[6];
if (!defined($repuri) || ("" eq $repuri))
if ($verbose >= 2)
print STDERR "$progname: no reporting URI for domain $domain; skipping\n";
if ($daybound)
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($now - $interval);
$repstart = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year);
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($now);
$repend = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year);
$repstart = $now - $interval;
$repend = $now;
# construct the temporary file
$repfile = $repdom . "!" . $domain . "!" . $repstart . "!" . $repend . ".xml";
$zipfile = $repdom . "!" . $domain . "!" . $repstart . "!" . $repend . ".zip";
if (!open($tmpout, ">", $repfile))
print STDERR "$progname: can't create report file for domain $domain\n";
switch ($adkim)
case ord("r") { $adkimstr = "r"; }
case ord("s") { $adkimstr = "s"; }
else { $adkimstr = "unknown"; }
switch ($aspf)
case ord("r") { $aspfstr = "r"; }
case ord("s") { $aspfstr = "s"; }
else { $aspfstr = "unknown"; }
switch ($policy)
case ord("n") { $policystr = "none"; }
case ord("q") { $policystr = "quarantine"; }
case ord("r") { $policystr = "reject"; }
else { $policystr = "unknown"; }
switch ($spolicy)
case 0 { $spolicystr = $policystr; }
case ord("n") { $spolicystr = "none"; }
case ord("q") { $spolicystr = "quarantine"; }
case ord("r") { $spolicystr = "reject"; }
else { $spolicystr = "unknown"; }
print $tmpout "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n";
print $tmpout "<feedback>\n";
print $tmpout " <report_metadata>\n";
print $tmpout " <org_name>$repdom</org_name>\n";
print $tmpout " <email>$repemail</email>\n";
print $tmpout " <report_id>$domain:$now</report_id>\n";
print $tmpout " <date_range>\n";
print $tmpout " <begin>$repstart</begin>\n";
print $tmpout " <end>$repend</end>\n";
print $tmpout " </date_range>\n";
print $tmpout " </report_metadata>\n";
print $tmpout " <policy_published>\n";
print $tmpout " <domain>$domain</domain>\n";
print $tmpout " <adkim>$adkimstr</adkim>\n";
print $tmpout " <aspf>$aspfstr</aspf>\n";
print $tmpout " <p>$policystr</p>\n";
print $tmpout " <sp>$spolicystr</sp>\n";
print $tmpout " <pct>$pct</pct>\n";
print $tmpout " </policy_published>\n";
if ($daybound)
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare(q{
SELECT, ipaddr.addr, messages.disp,,,
messages.spf, messages.align_spf, messages.align_dkim,
messages.arc, messages.arc_policy
FROM messages
JOIN ipaddr ON messages.ip =
JOIN domains d1 ON messages.from_domain =
JOIN domains d2 ON messages.env_domain =
WHERE messages.from_domain = ?
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare(q{
SELECT, ipaddr.addr, messages.disp,,,
messages.spf, messages.align_spf, messages.align_dkim,
messages.arc, messages.arc_policy
FROM messages
JOIN ipaddr ON messages.ip =
JOIN domains d1 ON messages.from_domain =
JOIN domains d2 ON messages.env_domain =
WHERE messages.from_domain = ?
if (!$dbi_s->execute($domainid, $repstart, $repend))
print STDERR "$progname: can't extract report for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
$rowcount = 0;
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref())
undef $msgid;
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$msgid = $dbi_a->[0];
if (defined($dbi_a->[1]))
$ipaddr = $dbi_a->[1];
if (defined($dbi_a->[2]))
$disp = $dbi_a->[2];
if (defined($dbi_a->[3]))
$fromdomain = $dbi_a->[3];
if (defined($dbi_a->[4]))
$envdomain = $dbi_a->[4];
if (defined($dbi_a->[5]))
$spfresult = $dbi_a->[5];
if (defined($dbi_a->[6]))
$align_spf = $dbi_a->[6];
if (defined($dbi_a->[7]))
$align_dkim = $dbi_a->[7];
if (defined($dbi_a->[8]))
$arc = $dbi_a->[8];
if (defined($dbi_a->[9]))
$arcpolicy = $dbi_a->[9];
if (!defined($msgid))
switch ($disp)
case 0 { $dispstr = "reject"; }
case 1 { $dispstr = "reject"; }
case 2 { $dispstr = "none"; }
case 4 { $dispstr = "quarantine"; }
else { $dispstr = "unknown"; }
switch ($spfresult)
case 0 { $spfresultstr = "pass"; }
case 2 { $spfresultstr = "softfail"; }
case 3 { $spfresultstr = "neutral"; }
case 4 { $spfresultstr = "temperror"; }
case 5 { $spfresultstr = "permerror"; }
case 6 { $spfresultstr = "none"; }
case 7 { $spfresultstr = "fail"; }
case 8 { $spfresultstr = "policy"; }
case 9 { $spfresultstr = "nxdomain"; }
case 10 { $spfresultstr = "signed"; }
case 12 { $spfresultstr = "discard"; }
else { $spfresultstr = "unknown"; }
switch ($align_dkim)
case 4 { $align_dkimstr = "pass"; }
case 5 { $align_dkimstr = "fail"; }
else { $align_dkimstr = "unknown"; }
switch ($align_spf)
case 4 { $align_spfstr = "pass"; }
case 5 { $align_spfstr = "fail"; }
else { $align_spfstr = "unknown"; }
switch ($arc)
case 1 { $arcstr = "pass"; }
else { $arcstr = "fail"; }
switch ($arcpolicy)
case 0 { $arcpolicystr = "pass"; }
else { $arcpolicystr = "fail"; }
# retrieve arc_policy seals, join arcauthresults.arc_client_addr (smtp.client_ip)
$dbi_s2 = $dbi_h->prepare(q{
SELECT arcseals.instance, AS domain, AS selector,
arcauthresults.arc_client_addr as client_ip
FROM arcseals
JOIN domains on arcseals.domain =
JOIN selectors on arcseals.selector =
JOIN arcauthresults on arcseals.message = arcauthresults.message
AND arcseals.instance = arcauthresults.instance
WHERE arcseals.message = ?
ORDER BY arcseals.instance DESC
if (!$dbi_s2->execute($msgid))
print STDERR "$progname: can't extract report for message $msgid: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
my $arc_policy_output = "arc=$arcpolicystr";
while ($dbi_hash = $dbi_s2->fetchrow_hashref())
$arc_policy_output .= " as[$dbi_hash->{instance}].d=$dbi_hash->{domain}";
$arc_policy_output .= " as[$dbi_hash->{instance}].s=$dbi_hash->{selector}";
if ($dbi_hash->{instance} == 1 && (defined($dbi_hash->{client_ip}) && $dbi_hash->{client_ip} ne ""))
$arc_policy_output .= " client-ip[$dbi_hash->{instance}]=$dbi_hash->{client_ip}";
print $tmpout " <record>\n";
print $tmpout " <row>\n";
print $tmpout " <source_ip>$ipaddr</source_ip>\n";
print $tmpout " <count>1</count>\n";
print $tmpout " <policy_evaluated>\n";
print $tmpout " <disposition>$dispstr</disposition>\n";
print $tmpout " <dkim>$align_dkimstr</dkim>\n";
print $tmpout " <spf>$align_spfstr</spf>\n";
print $tmpout " <reason>\n";
print $tmpout " <type>local_policy</type>\n";
print $tmpout " <comment>$arc_policy_output</comment>\n";
print $tmpout " </reason>\n";
print $tmpout " </policy_evaluated>\n";
print $tmpout " </row>\n";
print $tmpout " <identifiers>\n";
print $tmpout " <header_from>$fromdomain</header_from>\n";
print $tmpout " </identifiers>\n";
print $tmpout " <auth_results>\n";
print $tmpout " <spf>\n";
print $tmpout " <domain>$envdomain</domain>\n";
print $tmpout " <result>$spfresultstr</result>\n";
print $tmpout " </spf>\n";
$dbi_s2 = $dbi_h->prepare(q{
SELECT,, pass
FROM signatures
JOIN domains ON signatures.domain =
JOIN selectors ON signatures.selector =
WHERE signatures.message = ?
if (!$dbi_s2->execute($msgid))
print STDERR "$progname: can't extract report for message $msgid: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
my %dkim_domain_result_cache = ();
while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s2->fetchrow_arrayref())
undef $dkimdomain;
if (defined($dbi_a->[0]))
$dkimdomain = $dbi_a->[0];
if (defined($dbi_a->[1]))
$dkimselector = $dbi_a->[1];
if (defined($dbi_a->[2]))
$dkimresult = $dbi_a->[2];
if (!defined($dkimdomain))
if (defined($dkim_domain_result_cache{$dkimdomain}{$dkimselector}{$dkimresult}))
next; # no duplicate per-record auth_result dkim sections
switch ($dkimresult)
case 0 { $dkimresultstr = "pass"; }
case 2 { $dkimresultstr = "softfail"; }
case 3 { $dkimresultstr = "neutral"; }
case 4 { $dkimresultstr = "temperror"; }
case 5 { $dkimresultstr = "permerror"; }
case 6 { $dkimresultstr = "none"; }
case 7 { $dkimresultstr = "fail"; }
case 8 { $dkimresultstr = "policy"; }
case 9 { $dkimresultstr = "nxdomain"; }
case 10 { $dkimresultstr = "signed"; }
case 12 { $dkimresultstr = "discard"; }
else { $dkimresultstr = "unknown"; }
print $tmpout " <dkim>\n";
print $tmpout " <domain>$dkimdomain</domain>\n";
print $tmpout " <selector>$dkimselector</selector>\n";
print $tmpout " <result>$dkimresultstr</result>\n";
print $tmpout " </dkim>\n";
print $tmpout " </auth_results>\n";
print $tmpout " </record>\n";
print $tmpout "</feedback>\n";
if ($rowcount == 0)
if ($verbose >= 2)
print STDERR "$progname: no activity selected for $domain; skipping\n";
# zip the report
if (!zip [ $repfile ] => $zipfile)
print STDERR "$progname: can't zip report for domain $domain: $!\n";
if ($keepfiles)
print STDERR "$progname: keeping report file \"$repfile\"\n";
# decode the URI
@repuris = split(',', $repuri);
for $repuri (@repuris)
$uri = URI->new($repuri);
if (!defined($uri) ||
!defined($uri->scheme) ||
$uri->opaque eq "")
print STDERR "$progname: can't parse reporting URI for domain $domain\n";
$repdest = $uri->opaque;
my $report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes_global;
# check for max report size
if ($repdest =~ m/^(\S+)!(\d{1,15})([kmgt])?$/i)
$repdest = $1;
$report_maxbytes = $2;
if ($3)
my $letter = lc($3);
if ($letter eq 'k')
$report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * 1024;
if ($letter eq 'm')
$report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * 1048576;
if ($letter eq 'g')
$report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * (2**30);
if ($letter eq 't')
$report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * (2**40);
# Test mode, just report what would have been done
if ($testmode)
print STDERR "$progname: would email $domain report for " .
"$rowcount records to " . $uri->opaque . "\n";
# ensure a scheme is present
elsif (!defined($uri->scheme))
if ($verbose >= 2)
print STDERR "$progname: unknown URI scheme in '$repuri' for domain $domain\n";
# send/post report
elsif ($uri->scheme eq "mailto")
my $datestr;
my $report_id;
if (!open($zipin, $zipfile))
print STDERR "$progname: can't read zipped report for $domain: $!\n";
$boundary = "report_section";
$report_id = $domain . "-" . $now . "@" . $repdom;
$datestr = strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)",
$mailout = "To: $repdest\n";
$mailout .= "From: $repemail\n";
$mailout .= "Subject: Report Domain: " . $domain . " Submitter: " . $repdom . " Report-ID: " . $report_id . "\n";
$mailout .= "X-Mailer: " . $progname . " v" . $version ."\n";
$mailout .= "Date: " . $datestr . "\n";
$mailout .= "Message-ID: <$report_id>\n";
$mailout .= "Auto-Submitted: auto-generated\n";
$mailout .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n";
$mailout .= "\n";
$mailout .= "This is a MIME-encapsulated message.\n";
$mailout .= "\n";
$mailout .= "--$boundary\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Type: text/plain;\n";
$mailout .= "\n";
$mailout .= "This is a DMARC aggregate report for $domain\n";
$mailout .= "generated at " . localtime() . "\n";
$mailout .= "\n";
$mailout .= "--$boundary\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Type: application/zip\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$zipfile\"\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
$mailout .= "\n";
while (read($zipin, $buf, 60*57))
$mailout .= encode_base64($buf);
$mailout .= "\n";
$mailout .= "--$boundary--\n";
my $reportsize = length($mailout);
if ($reportsize > $report_maxbytes)
# XXX -- generate an error report here
print STDERR "$progname: report was too large ($reportsize bytes) per limitation of URI " . $uri->opaque . " for domain $domain\n";
$smtpstatus = "sent";
$smtpfail = 0;
if (!$smtp->mail($repemail) ||
!$smtp->to($repdest) ||
!$smtp->data() ||
!$smtp->datasend($mailout) ||
$smtpfail = 1;
$smtpstatus = "failed to send";
if ($verbose || $smtpfail)
# now perl voodoo:
$answer = ${${*$smtp}{'net_cmd_resp'}}[1] || $smtp->message() || 'unknown error';
print STDERR "$progname: $smtpstatus report for $domain to $repdest ($answer)\n";
print STDERR "$progname: unsupported reporting URI scheme " . $uri->scheme . " for domain $domain\n";
# update "last sent" timestamp
if ($doupdate)
$dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("UPDATE requests SET lastsent = FROM_UNIXTIME(?) WHERE domain = ?");
if (!$dbi_s->execute($repend, $domainid))
print STDERR "$progname: can't update last sent time for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n";
if (!$keepfiles)
# all done!
if ($verbose)
print STDERR "$progname: terminating at " . localtime() . "\n";
Pin Up Database - The Pinup Database
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Short Bio Em is a novice freelance model based in Vancouver, BC. She adores pin-up aestethic and loves anything 40s and 50s inspired.
Full Bio Hello my lovely darlings! I'm Em, a novice freelance model based out of Vancouver in the beautiful province of British Columbia, Canada. I absolutely love Pin-Up style: the over-the-top expressions, the dresses, the vintage lingerie, the make-up, the curls. I adore it all! I am especially over the moon about anything 40s and 50s inspired - think tea length swing dresses, circle skirts, and polkadots! I also enjoy me a good wiggle dress, of course!
I would love to get to shoot more pin-up looks! If you're interested in working together, please let me know a little bit about yourself 🙂
Province British Columbia
Published in the Following Publications Retro Lovely No. 214
Short Bio A girl that loves punk rock and pinup.
Full Bio A girl that loves punk rock and pinup. A little spooky. A little glamor.
Pin Up Group Name Capital City Dolls
Short Bio Published Pin Up in the Pacific Northwest
Full Bio Published PNW Redheaded Pin Up. An officially sweatered member of the Capital City Dolls. Active in promoting Equality, Equity, Body Positivity, Inclusivity, Mental Health, Community Outreach, and Vintage Style Not Vintage Values.
Pin Up Group Membership Capital City Dolls
Published in the Following Publications PNWM- Pacific Northwest Muses
Short Bio Living my back 9 to the fullest!
Full Bio Over 40 and fabulous! Lover of all things vintage, retro, and mid century. Music is definitely a life force. Dreams don’t have an expiration date, so chase them!
Published in the Following Publications Pinup Kulture Magazine, Sex Kitten Pinup Magazine, Delicious Dolls Magazine, Lipstick & Lashes Magazine
Pin Up Group Name Pin Ups and Pumps
Short Bio I enjoy all things retro and vintage from cars to clothes to pin up!.
Full Bio My love for all things classic and vintage has been instill in me from a early age. The pin up life is my way of being the retro into day.
Full Bio Miss Honey Muse is a pinup from the beautiful gulf coast. Flying high on on the ground she loves anything fast.
Photography Studio Name Jimmy K Photography
Short Bio Photographer, PinUp, Retro, vintage
Full Bio I began my photographic love in 1975. I was first published in high school and didn't save the negatives or the prints as I thought it was something that happened to everyone. i
Published in the Following Publications Dames, Planes and Automobiles, Pho-Mo, Tattooed Time Bomb, Praze, Pinup Kulture,
Full Bio A lover of all things glam. About a year and a half ago I was introduced to this incredible world through my hair and makeup craft. With over 12 years in the beauty industry, I’ve worked with multiple designers, celebrities, and my work has been published both internationally and domestic, In addition I have a bridal team in multiple cities. My story with Pinup started when I partnered with Glitter Glam Studios for a session and we quickly became her official hair and makeup team. It’s been an incredible journey, with multiple magazine spreads and cover, fulfilling a dream to become a model. Fully immersed, I now have a Retro hair and makeup team with goals to keep expanding and become the go to glam at all pinup events, we have had the honor to work with published pinups and our work can be seen in Retro Lovely, Modern Day PinUp, Bombshell, Holidays, NYLON, and so much more.
Full Bio After 10 years of doing hair and make up on the pinup scene, Lucky dove in victory rolls first into competing. Ms. Lucky is the vivacious recruiter for the Oklahoma Battlin’ Betties Platoon. Lucky is a true bombshell both on and off the stage. When she's not shaping and molding young minds, she's indulging in her love for tacos and savoring her precious days off. She loathes working and doing dishes! Lucky is a two time national pageant title holder and has a flair for the dramatic and a heart full of passion
Full Bio Hey doll! My name is Lucious Lady Libra. I’m originally from New York but am now living in sunny Orlando! I have a passion for all things old Hollywood and classic glamour. I love tattoos and astrology and am very excited to be starting this pinup adventure!