Domain: Server Adress: """Locale support module.
The module provides low-level access to the C lib's locale APIs and adds high
level number formatting APIs as well as a locale aliasing engine to complement
The aliasing engine includes support for many commonly used locale names and
maps them to values suitable for passing to the C lib's setlocale() function. It
also includes default encodings for all supported locale names.
import sys
import encodings
import encodings.aliases
import re
import collections
from builtins import str as _builtin_str
import functools
# Try importing the _locale module.
# If this fails, fall back on a basic 'C' locale emulation.
# Yuck: LC_MESSAGES is non-standard: can't tell whether it exists before
# trying the import. So __all__ is also fiddled at the end of the file.
__all__ = ["getlocale", "getdefaultlocale", "getpreferredencoding", "Error",
"setlocale", "resetlocale", "localeconv", "strcoll", "strxfrm",
"str", "atof", "atoi", "format", "format_string", "currency",
"normalize", "LC_CTYPE", "LC_COLLATE", "LC_TIME", "LC_MONETARY",
def _strcoll(a,b):
""" strcoll(string,string) -> int.
Compares two strings according to the locale.
return (a > b) - (a < b)
def _strxfrm(s):
""" strxfrm(string) -> string.
Returns a string that behaves for cmp locale-aware.
return s
from _locale import *
except ImportError:
# Locale emulation
CHAR_MAX = 127
LC_ALL = 6
Error = ValueError
def localeconv():
""" localeconv() -> dict.
Returns numeric and monetary locale-specific parameters.
# 'C' locale default values
return {'grouping': [127],
'currency_symbol': '',
'n_sign_posn': 127,
'p_cs_precedes': 127,
'n_cs_precedes': 127,
'mon_grouping': [],
'n_sep_by_space': 127,
'decimal_point': '.',
'negative_sign': '',
'positive_sign': '',
'p_sep_by_space': 127,
'int_curr_symbol': '',
'p_sign_posn': 127,
'thousands_sep': '',
'mon_thousands_sep': '',
'frac_digits': 127,
'mon_decimal_point': '',
'int_frac_digits': 127}
def setlocale(category, value=None):
""" setlocale(integer,string=None) -> string.
Activates/queries locale processing.
if value not in (None, '', 'C'):
raise Error('_locale emulation only supports "C" locale')
return 'C'
# These may or may not exist in _locale, so be sure to set them.
if 'strxfrm' not in globals():
strxfrm = _strxfrm
if 'strcoll' not in globals():
strcoll = _strcoll
_localeconv = localeconv
# With this dict, you can override some items of localeconv's return value.
# This is useful for testing purposes.
_override_localeconv = {}
def localeconv():
d = _localeconv()
if _override_localeconv:
return d
### Number formatting APIs
# Author: Martin von Loewis
# improved by Georg Brandl
# Iterate over grouping intervals
def _grouping_intervals(grouping):
last_interval = None
for interval in grouping:
# if grouping is -1, we are done
if interval == CHAR_MAX:
# 0: re-use last group ad infinitum
if interval == 0:
if last_interval is None:
raise ValueError("invalid grouping")
while True:
yield last_interval
yield interval
last_interval = interval
#perform the grouping from right to left
def _group(s, monetary=False):
conv = localeconv()
thousands_sep = conv[monetary and 'mon_thousands_sep' or 'thousands_sep']
grouping = conv[monetary and 'mon_grouping' or 'grouping']
if not grouping:
return (s, 0)
if s[-1] == ' ':
stripped = s.rstrip()
right_spaces = s[len(stripped):]
s = stripped
right_spaces = ''
left_spaces = ''
groups = []
for interval in _grouping_intervals(grouping):
if not s or s[-1] not in "0123456789":
# only non-digit characters remain (sign, spaces)
left_spaces = s
s = ''
s = s[:-interval]
if s:
return (
left_spaces + thousands_sep.join(groups) + right_spaces,
len(thousands_sep) * (len(groups) - 1)
# Strip a given amount of excess padding from the given string
def _strip_padding(s, amount):
lpos = 0
while amount and s[lpos] == ' ':
lpos += 1
amount -= 1
rpos = len(s) - 1
while amount and s[rpos] == ' ':
rpos -= 1
amount -= 1
return s[lpos:rpos+1]
_percent_re = re.compile(r'%(?:\((?P<key>.*?)\))?'
r'(?P<modifiers>[-#0-9 +*.hlL]*?)[eEfFgGdiouxXcrs%]')
def format(percent, value, grouping=False, monetary=False, *additional):
"""Returns the locale-aware substitution of a %? specifier
additional is for format strings which contain one or more
'*' modifiers."""
# this is only for one-percent-specifier strings and this should be checked
match = _percent_re.match(percent)
if not match or len(!= len(percent):
raise ValueError(("format() must be given exactly one %%char "
"format specifier, %s not valid") % repr(percent))
return _format(percent, value, grouping, monetary, *additional)
def _format(percent, value, grouping=False, monetary=False, *additional):
if additional:
formatted = percent % ((value,) + additional)
formatted = percent % value
# floats and decimal ints need special action!
if percent[-1] in 'eEfFgG':
seps = 0
parts = formatted.split('.')
if grouping:
parts[0], seps = _group(parts[0], monetary=monetary)
decimal_point = localeconv()[monetary and 'mon_decimal_point'
or 'decimal_point']
formatted = decimal_point.join(parts)
if seps:
formatted = _strip_padding(formatted, seps)
elif percent[-1] in 'diu':
seps = 0
if grouping:
formatted, seps = _group(formatted, monetary=monetary)
if seps:
formatted = _strip_padding(formatted, seps)
return formatted
def format_string(f, val, grouping=False):
"""Formats a string in the same way that the % formatting would use,
but takes the current locale into account.
Grouping is applied if the third parameter is true."""
percents = list(_percent_re.finditer(f))
new_f = _percent_re.sub('%s', f)
if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
new_val = []
for perc in percents:
new_val.append(format(, val, grouping))
if not isinstance(val, tuple):
val = (val,)
new_val = []
i = 0
for perc in percents:
starcount ='modifiers').count('*')
i += (1 + starcount)
val = tuple(new_val)
return new_f % val
def currency(val, symbol=True, grouping=False, international=False):
"""Formats val according to the currency settings
in the current locale."""
conv = localeconv()
# check for illegal values
digits = conv[international and 'int_frac_digits' or 'frac_digits']
if digits == 127:
raise ValueError("Currency formatting is not possible using "
"the 'C' locale.")
s = format('%%.%if' % digits, abs(val), grouping, monetary=True)
# '<' and '>' are markers if the sign must be inserted between symbol and value
s = '<' + s + '>'
if symbol:
smb = conv[international and 'int_curr_symbol' or 'currency_symbol']
precedes = conv[val<0 and 'n_cs_precedes' or 'p_cs_precedes']
separated = conv[val<0 and 'n_sep_by_space' or 'p_sep_by_space']
if precedes:
s = smb + (separated and ' ' or '') + s
s = s + (separated and ' ' or '') + smb
sign_pos = conv[val<0 and 'n_sign_posn' or 'p_sign_posn']
sign = conv[val<0 and 'negative_sign' or 'positive_sign']
if sign_pos == 0:
s = '(' + s + ')'
elif sign_pos == 1:
s = sign + s
elif sign_pos == 2:
s = s + sign
elif sign_pos == 3:
s = s.replace('<', sign)
elif sign_pos == 4:
s = s.replace('>', sign)
# the default if nothing specified;
# this should be the most fitting sign position
s = sign + s
return s.replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
def str(val):
"""Convert float to string, taking the locale into account."""
return format("%.12g", val)
def delocalize(string):
"Parses a string as a normalized number according to the locale settings."
conv = localeconv()
#First, get rid of the grouping
ts = conv['thousands_sep']
if ts:
string = string.replace(ts, '')
#next, replace the decimal point with a dot
dd = conv['decimal_point']
if dd:
string = string.replace(dd, '.')
return string
def atof(string, func=float):
"Parses a string as a float according to the locale settings."
return func(delocalize(string))
def atoi(string):
"Converts a string to an integer according to the locale settings."
return int(delocalize(string))
def _test():
setlocale(LC_ALL, "")
#do grouping
s1 = format("%d", 123456789,1)
print(s1, "is", atoi(s1))
#standard formatting
s1 = str(3.14)
print(s1, "is", atof(s1))
### Locale name aliasing engine
# Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg,
# Various tweaks by Fredrik Lundh <>
# store away the low-level version of setlocale (it's
# overridden below)
_setlocale = setlocale
def _replace_encoding(code, encoding):
if '.' in code:
langname = code[:code.index('.')]
langname = code
# Convert the encoding to a C lib compatible encoding string
norm_encoding = encodings.normalize_encoding(encoding)
#print('norm encoding: %r' % norm_encoding)
norm_encoding = encodings.aliases.aliases.get(norm_encoding.lower(),
#print('aliased encoding: %r' % norm_encoding)
encoding = norm_encoding
norm_encoding = norm_encoding.lower()
if norm_encoding in locale_encoding_alias:
encoding = locale_encoding_alias[norm_encoding]
norm_encoding = norm_encoding.replace('_', '')
norm_encoding = norm_encoding.replace('-', '')
if norm_encoding in locale_encoding_alias:
encoding = locale_encoding_alias[norm_encoding]
#print('found encoding %r' % encoding)
return langname + '.' + encoding
def _append_modifier(code, modifier):
if modifier == 'euro':
if '.' not in code:
return code + '.ISO8859-15'
_, _, encoding = code.partition('.')
if encoding in ('ISO8859-15', 'UTF-8'):
return code
if encoding == 'ISO8859-1':
return _replace_encoding(code, 'ISO8859-15')
return code + '@' + modifier
def normalize(localename):
""" Returns a normalized locale code for the given locale
The returned locale code is formatted for use with
If normalization fails, the original name is returned
If the given encoding is not known, the function defaults to
the default encoding for the locale code just like setlocale()
# Normalize the locale name and extract the encoding and modifier
code = localename.lower()
if ':' in code:
# ':' is sometimes used as encoding delimiter.
code = code.replace(':', '.')
if '@' in code:
code, modifier = code.split('@', 1)
modifier = ''
if '.' in code:
langname, encoding = code.split('.')[:2]
langname = code
encoding = ''
# First lookup: fullname (possibly with encoding and modifier)
lang_enc = langname
if encoding:
norm_encoding = encoding.replace('-', '')
norm_encoding = norm_encoding.replace('_', '')
lang_enc += '.' + norm_encoding
lookup_name = lang_enc
if modifier:
lookup_name += '@' + modifier
code = locale_alias.get(lookup_name, None)
if code is not None:
return code
#print('first lookup failed')
if modifier:
# Second try: fullname without modifier (possibly with encoding)
code = locale_alias.get(lang_enc, None)
if code is not None:
#print('lookup without modifier succeeded')
if '@' not in code:
return _append_modifier(code, modifier)
if code.split('@', 1)[1].lower() == modifier:
return code
#print('second lookup failed')
if encoding:
# Third try: langname (without encoding, possibly with modifier)
lookup_name = langname
if modifier:
lookup_name += '@' + modifier
code = locale_alias.get(lookup_name, None)
if code is not None:
#print('lookup without encoding succeeded')
if '@' not in code:
return _replace_encoding(code, encoding)
code, modifier = code.split('@', 1)
return _replace_encoding(code, encoding) + '@' + modifier
if modifier:
# Fourth try: langname (without encoding and modifier)
code = locale_alias.get(langname, None)
if code is not None:
#print('lookup without modifier and encoding succeeded')
if '@' not in code:
code = _replace_encoding(code, encoding)
return _append_modifier(code, modifier)
code, defmod = code.split('@', 1)
if defmod.lower() == modifier:
return _replace_encoding(code, encoding) + '@' + defmod
return localename
def _parse_localename(localename):
""" Parses the locale code for localename and returns the
result as tuple (language code, encoding).
The localename is normalized and passed through the locale
alias engine. A ValueError is raised in case the locale name
cannot be parsed.
The language code corresponds to RFC 1766. code and encoding
can be None in case the values cannot be determined or are
unknown to this implementation.
code = normalize(localename)
if '@' in code:
# Deal with locale modifiers
code, modifier = code.split('@', 1)
if modifier == 'euro' and '.' not in code:
# Assume Latin-9 for @euro locales. This is bogus,
# since some systems may use other encodings for these
# locales. Also, we ignore other modifiers.
return code, 'iso-8859-15'
if '.' in code:
return tuple(code.split('.')[:2])
elif code == 'C':
return None, None
raise ValueError('unknown locale: %s' % localename)
def _build_localename(localetuple):
""" Builds a locale code from the given tuple (language code,
No aliasing or normalizing takes place.
language, encoding = localetuple
if language is None:
language = 'C'
if encoding is None:
return language
return language + '.' + encoding
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError('Locale must be None, a string, or an iterable of two strings -- language code, encoding.')
def getdefaultlocale(envvars=('LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LANG', 'LANGUAGE')):
""" Tries to determine the default locale settings and returns
them as tuple (language code, encoding).
According to POSIX, a program which has not called
setlocale(LC_ALL, "") runs using the portable 'C' locale.
Calling setlocale(LC_ALL, "") lets it use the default locale as
defined by the LANG variable. Since we don't want to interfere
with the current locale setting we thus emulate the behavior
in the way described above.
To maintain compatibility with other platforms, not only the
LANG variable is tested, but a list of variables given as
envvars parameter. The first found to be defined will be
used. envvars defaults to the search path used in GNU gettext;
it must always contain the variable name 'LANG'.
Except for the code 'C', the language code corresponds to RFC
1766. code and encoding can be None in case the values cannot
be determined.
# check if it's supported by the _locale module
import _locale
code, encoding = _locale._getdefaultlocale()
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
# make sure the code/encoding values are valid
if sys.platform == "win32" and code and code[:2] == "0x":
# map windows language identifier to language name
code = windows_locale.get(int(code, 0))
# ...add other platform-specific processing here, if
# necessary...
return code, encoding
# fall back on POSIX behaviour
import os
lookup = os.environ.get
for variable in envvars:
localename = lookup(variable,None)
if localename:
if variable == 'LANGUAGE':
localename = localename.split(':')[0]
localename = 'C'
return _parse_localename(localename)
def getlocale(category=LC_CTYPE):
""" Returns the current setting for the given locale category as
tuple (language code, encoding).
category may be one of the LC_* value except LC_ALL. It
defaults to LC_CTYPE.
Except for the code 'C', the language code corresponds to RFC
1766. code and encoding can be None in case the values cannot
be determined.
localename = _setlocale(category)
if category == LC_ALL and ';' in localename:
raise TypeError('category LC_ALL is not supported')
return _parse_localename(localename)
def setlocale(category, locale=None):
""" Set the locale for the given category. The locale can be
a string, an iterable of two strings (language code and encoding),
or None.
Iterables are converted to strings using the locale aliasing
engine. Locale strings are passed directly to the C lib.
category may be given as one of the LC_* values.
if locale and not isinstance(locale, _builtin_str):
# convert to string
locale = normalize(_build_localename(locale))
return _setlocale(category, locale)
def resetlocale(category=LC_ALL):
""" Sets the locale for category to the default setting.
The default setting is determined by calling
getdefaultlocale(). category defaults to LC_ALL.
_setlocale(category, _build_localename(getdefaultlocale()))
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# On Win32, this will return the ANSI code page
def getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale = True):
"""Return the charset that the user is likely using."""
import _bootlocale
return _bootlocale.getpreferredencoding(False)
# On Unix, if CODESET is available, use that.
except NameError:
# Fall back to parsing environment variables :-(
def getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale = True):
"""Return the charset that the user is likely using,
by looking at environment variables."""
res = getdefaultlocale()[1]
if res is None:
# LANG not set, default conservatively to ASCII
res = 'ascii'
return res
def getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale = True):
"""Return the charset that the user is likely using,
according to the system configuration."""
import _bootlocale
if do_setlocale:
oldloc = setlocale(LC_CTYPE)
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")
except Error:
result = _bootlocale.getpreferredencoding(False)
if do_setlocale:
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, oldloc)
return result
### Database
# The following data was extracted from the locale.alias file which
# comes with X11 and then hand edited removing the explicit encoding
# definitions and adding some more aliases. The file is usually
# available as /usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias.
# The local_encoding_alias table maps lowercase encoding alias names
# to C locale encoding names (case-sensitive). Note that normalize()
# first looks up the encoding in the encodings.aliases dictionary and
# then applies this mapping to find the correct C lib name for the
# encoding.
locale_encoding_alias = {
# Mappings for non-standard encoding names used in locale names
'437': 'C',
'c': 'C',
'en': 'ISO8859-1',
'jis': 'JIS7',
'jis7': 'JIS7',
'ajec': 'eucJP',
'koi8c': 'KOI8-C',
'microsoftcp1251': 'CP1251',
'microsoftcp1255': 'CP1255',
'microsoftcp1256': 'CP1256',
'88591': 'ISO8859-1',
'88592': 'ISO8859-2',
'88595': 'ISO8859-5',
'885915': 'ISO8859-15',
# Mappings from Python codec names to C lib encoding names
'ascii': 'ISO8859-1',
'latin_1': 'ISO8859-1',
'iso8859_1': 'ISO8859-1',
'iso8859_10': 'ISO8859-10',
'iso8859_11': 'ISO8859-11',
'iso8859_13': 'ISO8859-13',
'iso8859_14': 'ISO8859-14',
'iso8859_15': 'ISO8859-15',
'iso8859_16': 'ISO8859-16',
'iso8859_2': 'ISO8859-2',
'iso8859_3': 'ISO8859-3',
'iso8859_4': 'ISO8859-4',
'iso8859_5': 'ISO8859-5',
'iso8859_6': 'ISO8859-6',
'iso8859_7': 'ISO8859-7',
'iso8859_8': 'ISO8859-8',
'iso8859_9': 'ISO8859-9',
'iso2022_jp': 'JIS7',
'shift_jis': 'SJIS',
'tactis': 'TACTIS',
'euc_jp': 'eucJP',
'euc_kr': 'eucKR',
'utf_8': 'UTF-8',
'koi8_r': 'KOI8-R',
'koi8_t': 'KOI8-T',
'koi8_u': 'KOI8-U',
'kz1048': 'RK1048',
'cp1251': 'CP1251',
'cp1255': 'CP1255',
'cp1256': 'CP1256',
# XXX This list is still incomplete. If you know more
# mappings, please file a bug report. Thanks.
for k, v in sorted(locale_encoding_alias.items()):
k = k.replace('_', '')
locale_encoding_alias.setdefault(k, v)
# The locale_alias table maps lowercase alias names to C locale names
# (case-sensitive). Encodings are always separated from the locale
# name using a dot ('.'); they should only be given in case the
# language name is needed to interpret the given encoding alias
# correctly (CJK codes often have this need).
# Note that the normalize() function which uses this tables
# removes '_' and '-' characters from the encoding part of the
# locale name before doing the lookup. This saves a lot of
# space in the table.
# MAL 2004-12-10:
# Updated alias mapping to most recent locale.alias file
# from distribution using
# These are the differences compared to the old mapping (Python 2.4
# and older):
# updated 'bg' -> 'bg_BG.ISO8859-5' to 'bg_BG.CP1251'
# updated 'bg_bg' -> 'bg_BG.ISO8859-5' to 'bg_BG.CP1251'
# updated 'bulgarian' -> 'bg_BG.ISO8859-5' to 'bg_BG.CP1251'
# updated 'cz' -> 'cz_CZ.ISO8859-2' to 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'cz_cz' -> 'cz_CZ.ISO8859-2' to 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'czech' -> 'cs_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'dutch' -> 'nl_BE.ISO8859-1' to 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1'
# updated 'et' -> 'et_EE.ISO8859-4' to 'et_EE.ISO8859-15'
# updated 'et_ee' -> 'et_EE.ISO8859-4' to 'et_EE.ISO8859-15'
# updated 'fi' -> 'fi_FI.ISO8859-1' to 'fi_FI.ISO8859-15'
# updated 'fi_fi' -> 'fi_FI.ISO8859-1' to 'fi_FI.ISO8859-15'
# updated 'iw' -> 'iw_IL.ISO8859-8' to 'he_IL.ISO8859-8'
# updated 'iw_il' -> 'iw_IL.ISO8859-8' to 'he_IL.ISO8859-8'
# updated 'japanese' -> 'ja_JP.SJIS' to 'ja_JP.eucJP'
# updated 'lt' -> 'lt_LT.ISO8859-4' to 'lt_LT.ISO8859-13'
# updated 'lv' -> 'lv_LV.ISO8859-4' to 'lv_LV.ISO8859-13'
# updated 'sl' -> 'sl_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'slovene' -> 'sl_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'th_th' -> 'th_TH.TACTIS' to 'th_TH.ISO8859-11'
# updated 'zh_cn' -> 'zh_CN.eucCN' to 'zh_CN.gb2312'
# updated 'zh_cn.big5' -> 'zh_TW.eucTW' to 'zh_TW.big5'
# updated 'zh_tw' -> 'zh_TW.eucTW' to 'zh_TW.big5'
# MAL 2008-05-30:
# Updated alias mapping to most recent locale.alias file
# from distribution using
# These are the differences compared to the old mapping (Python 2.5
# and older):
# updated 'cs_cs.iso88592' -> 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2' to 'cs_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'serbocroatian' -> 'sh_YU.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sh' -> 'sh_YU.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sh_hr.iso88592' -> 'sh_HR.ISO8859-2' to 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sh_sp' -> 'sh_YU.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sh_yu' -> 'sh_YU.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sp' -> 'sp_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sp_yu' -> 'sp_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sr' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sr@cyrillic' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sr_sp' -> 'sr_SP.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sr_yu' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sr_yu.cp1251@cyrillic' -> 'sr_YU.CP1251' to 'sr_CS.CP1251'
# updated 'sr_yu.iso88592' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'sr_yu.iso88595' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sr_yu.iso88595@cyrillic' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# updated 'sr_yu.microsoftcp1251@cyrillic' -> 'sr_YU.CP1251' to 'sr_CS.CP1251'
# updated 'sr_yu.utf8@cyrillic' -> 'sr_YU.UTF-8' to 'sr_CS.UTF-8'
# updated 'sr_yu@cyrillic' -> 'sr_YU.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5'
# AP 2010-04-12:
# Updated alias mapping to most recent locale.alias file
# from distribution using
# These are the differences compared to the old mapping (Python 2.6.5
# and older):
# updated 'ru' -> 'ru_RU.ISO8859-5' to 'ru_RU.UTF-8'
# updated 'ru_ru' -> 'ru_RU.ISO8859-5' to 'ru_RU.UTF-8'
# updated 'serbocroatian' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sh' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sh_yu' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8'
# updated 'sr@cyrillic' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8'
# updated 'sr@latn' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr_cs.utf8@latn' -> 'sr_CS.UTF-8' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr_cs@latn' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr_yu' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr_yu.utf8@cyrillic' -> 'sr_CS.UTF-8' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8'
# updated 'sr_yu@cyrillic' -> 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5' to 'sr_RS.UTF-8'
# SS 2013-12-20:
# Updated alias mapping to most recent locale.alias file
# from distribution using
# These are the differences compared to the old mapping (Python 3.3.3
# and older):
# updated 'a3' -> 'a3_AZ.KOI8-C' to 'az_AZ.KOI8-C'
# updated 'a3_az' -> 'a3_AZ.KOI8-C' to 'az_AZ.KOI8-C'
# updated 'a3_az.koi8c' -> 'a3_AZ.KOI8-C' to 'az_AZ.KOI8-C'
# updated 'cs_cs.iso88592' -> 'cs_CS.ISO8859-2' to 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2'
# updated 'hebrew' -> 'iw_IL.ISO8859-8' to 'he_IL.ISO8859-8'
# updated 'hebrew.iso88598' -> 'iw_IL.ISO8859-8' to 'he_IL.ISO8859-8'
# updated 'sd' -> 'sd_IN@devanagari.UTF-8' to 'sd_IN.UTF-8'
# updated 'sr@latn' -> 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin' to 'sr_CS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr_cs' -> 'sr_RS.UTF-8' to 'sr_CS.UTF-8'
# updated 'sr_cs.utf8@latn' -> 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin' to 'sr_CS.UTF-8@latin'
# updated 'sr_cs@latn' -> 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin' to 'sr_CS.UTF-8@latin'
# SS 2014-10-01:
# Updated alias mapping with glibc 2.19 supported locales.
# SS 2018-05-05:
# Updated alias mapping with glibc 2.27 supported locales.
# These are the differences compared to the old mapping (Python 3.6.5
# and older):
# updated 'ca_es@valencia' -> 'ca_ES.ISO8859-15@valencia' to 'ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia'
# updated 'kk_kz' -> 'kk_KZ.RK1048' to 'kk_KZ.ptcp154'
# updated 'russian' -> 'ru_RU.ISO8859-5' to 'ru_RU.KOI8-R'
locale_alias = {
'a3': 'az_AZ.KOI8-C',
'a3_az': 'az_AZ.KOI8-C',
'a3_az.koic': 'az_AZ.KOI8-C',
'aa_dj': 'aa_DJ.ISO8859-1',
'aa_er': 'aa_ER.UTF-8',
'aa_et': 'aa_ET.UTF-8',
'af': 'af_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'af_za': 'af_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'agr_pe': 'agr_PE.UTF-8',
'ak_gh': 'ak_GH.UTF-8',
'am': 'am_ET.UTF-8',
'am_et': 'am_ET.UTF-8',
'american': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'an_es': 'an_ES.ISO8859-15',
'anp_in': 'anp_IN.UTF-8',
'ar': 'ar_AA.ISO8859-6',
'ar_aa': 'ar_AA.ISO8859-6',
'ar_ae': 'ar_AE.ISO8859-6',
'ar_bh': 'ar_BH.ISO8859-6',
'ar_dz': 'ar_DZ.ISO8859-6',
'ar_eg': 'ar_EG.ISO8859-6',
'ar_in': 'ar_IN.UTF-8',
'ar_iq': 'ar_IQ.ISO8859-6',
'ar_jo': 'ar_JO.ISO8859-6',
'ar_kw': 'ar_KW.ISO8859-6',
'ar_lb': 'ar_LB.ISO8859-6',
'ar_ly': 'ar_LY.ISO8859-6',
'ar_ma': 'ar_MA.ISO8859-6',
'ar_om': 'ar_OM.ISO8859-6',
'ar_qa': 'ar_QA.ISO8859-6',
'ar_sa': 'ar_SA.ISO8859-6',
'ar_sd': 'ar_SD.ISO8859-6',
'ar_ss': 'ar_SS.UTF-8',
'ar_sy': 'ar_SY.ISO8859-6',
'ar_tn': 'ar_TN.ISO8859-6',
'ar_ye': 'ar_YE.ISO8859-6',
'arabic': 'ar_AA.ISO8859-6',
'as': 'as_IN.UTF-8',
'as_in': 'as_IN.UTF-8',
'ast_es': 'ast_ES.ISO8859-15',
'ayc_pe': 'ayc_PE.UTF-8',
'az': 'az_AZ.ISO8859-9E',
'az_az': 'az_AZ.ISO8859-9E',
'az_az.iso88599e': 'az_AZ.ISO8859-9E',
'az_ir': 'az_IR.UTF-8',
'be': 'be_BY.CP1251',
'be@latin': 'be_BY.UTF-8@latin',
'be_bg.utf8': 'bg_BG.UTF-8',
'be_by': 'be_BY.CP1251',
'be_by@latin': 'be_BY.UTF-8@latin',
'bem_zm': 'bem_ZM.UTF-8',
'ber_dz': 'ber_DZ.UTF-8',
'ber_ma': 'ber_MA.UTF-8',
'bg': 'bg_BG.CP1251',
'bg_bg': 'bg_BG.CP1251',
'bhb_in.utf8': 'bhb_IN.UTF-8',
'bho_in': 'bho_IN.UTF-8',
'bho_np': 'bho_NP.UTF-8',
'bi_vu': 'bi_VU.UTF-8',
'bn_bd': 'bn_BD.UTF-8',
'bn_in': 'bn_IN.UTF-8',
'bo_cn': 'bo_CN.UTF-8',
'bo_in': 'bo_IN.UTF-8',
'bokmal': 'nb_NO.ISO8859-1',
'bokm\xe5l': 'nb_NO.ISO8859-1',
'br': 'br_FR.ISO8859-1',
'br_fr': 'br_FR.ISO8859-1',
'brx_in': 'brx_IN.UTF-8',
'bs': 'bs_BA.ISO8859-2',
'bs_ba': 'bs_BA.ISO8859-2',
'bulgarian': 'bg_BG.CP1251',
'byn_er': 'byn_ER.UTF-8',
'c': 'C',
'c-french': 'fr_CA.ISO8859-1',
'c.ascii': 'C',
'c.en': 'C',
'c.iso88591': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'c.utf8': 'en_US.UTF-8',
'c_c': 'C',
'c_c.c': 'C',
'ca': 'ca_ES.ISO8859-1',
'ca_ad': 'ca_AD.ISO8859-1',
'ca_es': 'ca_ES.ISO8859-1',
'ca_es@valencia': 'ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia',
'ca_fr': 'ca_FR.ISO8859-1',
'ca_it': 'ca_IT.ISO8859-1',
'catalan': 'ca_ES.ISO8859-1',
'ce_ru': 'ce_RU.UTF-8',
'cextend': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'chinese-s': 'zh_CN.eucCN',
'chinese-t': 'zh_TW.eucTW',
'chr_us': 'chr_US.UTF-8',
'ckb_iq': 'ckb_IQ.UTF-8',
'cmn_tw': 'cmn_TW.UTF-8',
'crh_ua': 'crh_UA.UTF-8',
'croatian': 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2',
'cs': 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2',
'cs_cs': 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2',
'cs_cz': 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2',
'csb_pl': 'csb_PL.UTF-8',
'cv_ru': 'cv_RU.UTF-8',
'cy': 'cy_GB.ISO8859-1',
'cy_gb': 'cy_GB.ISO8859-1',
'cz': 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2',
'cz_cz': 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2',
'czech': 'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2',
'da': 'da_DK.ISO8859-1',
'da_dk': 'da_DK.ISO8859-1',
'danish': 'da_DK.ISO8859-1',
'dansk': 'da_DK.ISO8859-1',
'de': 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'de_at': 'de_AT.ISO8859-1',
'de_be': 'de_BE.ISO8859-1',
'de_ch': 'de_CH.ISO8859-1',
'de_de': 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'de_it': 'de_IT.ISO8859-1',
'de_li.utf8': 'de_LI.UTF-8',
'de_lu': 'de_LU.ISO8859-1',
'deutsch': 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'doi_in': 'doi_IN.UTF-8',
'dutch': 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1',
'dutch.iso88591': 'nl_BE.ISO8859-1',
'dv_mv': 'dv_MV.UTF-8',
'dz_bt': 'dz_BT.UTF-8',
'ee': 'ee_EE.ISO8859-4',
'ee_ee': 'ee_EE.ISO8859-4',
'eesti': 'et_EE.ISO8859-1',
'el': 'el_GR.ISO8859-7',
'el_cy': 'el_CY.ISO8859-7',
'el_gr': 'el_GR.ISO8859-7',
'el_gr@euro': 'el_GR.ISO8859-15',
'en': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'en_ag': 'en_AG.UTF-8',
'en_au': 'en_AU.ISO8859-1',
'en_be': 'en_BE.ISO8859-1',
'en_bw': 'en_BW.ISO8859-1',
'en_ca': 'en_CA.ISO8859-1',
'en_dk': 'en_DK.ISO8859-1',
'en_dl.utf8': 'en_DL.UTF-8',
'en_gb': 'en_GB.ISO8859-1',
'en_hk': 'en_HK.ISO8859-1',
'en_ie': 'en_IE.ISO8859-1',
'en_il': 'en_IL.UTF-8',
'en_in': 'en_IN.ISO8859-1',
'en_ng': 'en_NG.UTF-8',
'en_nz': 'en_NZ.ISO8859-1',
'en_ph': 'en_PH.ISO8859-1',
'en_sc.utf8': 'en_SC.UTF-8',
'en_sg': 'en_SG.ISO8859-1',
'en_uk': 'en_GB.ISO8859-1',
'en_us': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'en_us@euro@euro': 'en_US.ISO8859-15',
'en_za': 'en_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'en_zm': 'en_ZM.UTF-8',
'en_zw': 'en_ZW.ISO8859-1',
'en_zw.utf8': 'en_ZS.UTF-8',
'eng_gb': 'en_GB.ISO8859-1',
'english': 'en_EN.ISO8859-1',
'english.iso88591': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'english_uk': 'en_GB.ISO8859-1',
'english_united-states': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'english_united-states.437': 'C',
'english_us': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'eo': 'eo_XX.ISO8859-3',
'eo.utf8': 'eo.UTF-8',
'eo_eo': 'eo_EO.ISO8859-3',
'eo_us.utf8': 'eo_US.UTF-8',
'eo_xx': 'eo_XX.ISO8859-3',
'es': 'es_ES.ISO8859-1',
'es_ar': 'es_AR.ISO8859-1',
'es_bo': 'es_BO.ISO8859-1',
'es_cl': 'es_CL.ISO8859-1',
'es_co': 'es_CO.ISO8859-1',
'es_cr': 'es_CR.ISO8859-1',
'es_cu': 'es_CU.UTF-8',
'es_do': 'es_DO.ISO8859-1',
'es_ec': 'es_EC.ISO8859-1',
'es_es': 'es_ES.ISO8859-1',
'es_gt': 'es_GT.ISO8859-1',
'es_hn': 'es_HN.ISO8859-1',
'es_mx': 'es_MX.ISO8859-1',
'es_ni': 'es_NI.ISO8859-1',
'es_pa': 'es_PA.ISO8859-1',
'es_pe': 'es_PE.ISO8859-1',
'es_pr': 'es_PR.ISO8859-1',
'es_py': 'es_PY.ISO8859-1',
'es_sv': 'es_SV.ISO8859-1',
'es_us': 'es_US.ISO8859-1',
'es_uy': 'es_UY.ISO8859-1',
'es_ve': 'es_VE.ISO8859-1',
'estonian': 'et_EE.ISO8859-1',
'et': 'et_EE.ISO8859-15',
'et_ee': 'et_EE.ISO8859-15',
'eu': 'eu_ES.ISO8859-1',
'eu_es': 'eu_ES.ISO8859-1',
'eu_fr': 'eu_FR.ISO8859-1',
'fa': 'fa_IR.UTF-8',
'fa_ir': 'fa_IR.UTF-8',
'fa_ir.isiri3342': 'fa_IR.ISIRI-3342',
'ff_sn': 'ff_SN.UTF-8',
'fi': 'fi_FI.ISO8859-15',
'fi_fi': 'fi_FI.ISO8859-15',
'fil_ph': 'fil_PH.UTF-8',
'finnish': 'fi_FI.ISO8859-1',
'fo': 'fo_FO.ISO8859-1',
'fo_fo': 'fo_FO.ISO8859-1',
'fr': 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1',
'fr_be': 'fr_BE.ISO8859-1',
'fr_ca': 'fr_CA.ISO8859-1',
'fr_ch': 'fr_CH.ISO8859-1',
'fr_fr': 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1',
'fr_lu': 'fr_LU.ISO8859-1',
'fran\xe7ais': 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1',
'fre_fr': 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1',
'french': 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1',
'french.iso88591': 'fr_CH.ISO8859-1',
'french_france': 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1',
'fur_it': 'fur_IT.UTF-8',
'fy_de': 'fy_DE.UTF-8',
'fy_nl': 'fy_NL.UTF-8',
'ga': 'ga_IE.ISO8859-1',
'ga_ie': 'ga_IE.ISO8859-1',
'galego': 'gl_ES.ISO8859-1',
'galician': 'gl_ES.ISO8859-1',
'gd': 'gd_GB.ISO8859-1',
'gd_gb': 'gd_GB.ISO8859-1',
'ger_de': 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'german': 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'german.iso88591': 'de_CH.ISO8859-1',
'german_germany': 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'gez_er': 'gez_ER.UTF-8',
'gez_et': 'gez_ET.UTF-8',
'gl': 'gl_ES.ISO8859-1',
'gl_es': 'gl_ES.ISO8859-1',
'greek': 'el_GR.ISO8859-7',
'gu_in': 'gu_IN.UTF-8',
'gv': 'gv_GB.ISO8859-1',
'gv_gb': 'gv_GB.ISO8859-1',
'ha_ng': 'ha_NG.UTF-8',
'hak_tw': 'hak_TW.UTF-8',
'he': 'he_IL.ISO8859-8',
'he_il': 'he_IL.ISO8859-8',
'hebrew': 'he_IL.ISO8859-8',
'hi': 'hi_IN.ISCII-DEV',
'hi_in': 'hi_IN.ISCII-DEV',
'hi_in.isciidev': 'hi_IN.ISCII-DEV',
'hif_fj': 'hif_FJ.UTF-8',
'hne': 'hne_IN.UTF-8',
'hne_in': 'hne_IN.UTF-8',
'hr': 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2',
'hr_hr': 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2',
'hrvatski': 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2',
'hsb_de': 'hsb_DE.ISO8859-2',
'ht_ht': 'ht_HT.UTF-8',
'hu': 'hu_HU.ISO8859-2',
'hu_hu': 'hu_HU.ISO8859-2',
'hungarian': 'hu_HU.ISO8859-2',
'hy_am': 'hy_AM.UTF-8',
'hy_am.armscii8': 'hy_AM.ARMSCII_8',
'ia': 'ia.UTF-8',
'ia_fr': 'ia_FR.UTF-8',
'icelandic': 'is_IS.ISO8859-1',
'id': 'id_ID.ISO8859-1',
'id_id': 'id_ID.ISO8859-1',
'ig_ng': 'ig_NG.UTF-8',
'ik_ca': 'ik_CA.UTF-8',
'in': 'id_ID.ISO8859-1',
'in_id': 'id_ID.ISO8859-1',
'is': 'is_IS.ISO8859-1',
'is_is': 'is_IS.ISO8859-1',
'iso-8859-1': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'iso-8859-15': 'en_US.ISO8859-15',
'iso8859-1': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'iso8859-15': 'en_US.ISO8859-15',
'iso_8859_1': 'en_US.ISO8859-1',
'iso_8859_15': 'en_US.ISO8859-15',
'it': 'it_IT.ISO8859-1',
'it_ch': 'it_CH.ISO8859-1',
'it_it': 'it_IT.ISO8859-1',
'italian': 'it_IT.ISO8859-1',
'iu': 'iu_CA.NUNACOM-8',
'iu_ca': 'iu_CA.NUNACOM-8',
'iu_ca.nunacom8': 'iu_CA.NUNACOM-8',
'iw': 'he_IL.ISO8859-8',
'iw_il': 'he_IL.ISO8859-8',
'iw_il.utf8': 'iw_IL.UTF-8',
'ja': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'ja_jp': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'ja_jp.euc': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'ja_jp.mscode': 'ja_JP.SJIS',
'ja_jp.pck': 'ja_JP.SJIS',
'japan': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'japanese': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'japanese-euc': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'japanese.euc': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'jp_jp': 'ja_JP.eucJP',
'ka_ge': 'ka_GE.GEORGIAN-ACADEMY',
'ka_ge.georgianacademy': 'ka_GE.GEORGIAN-ACADEMY',
'ka_ge.georgianps': 'ka_GE.GEORGIAN-PS',
'ka_ge.georgianrs': 'ka_GE.GEORGIAN-ACADEMY',
'kab_dz': 'kab_DZ.UTF-8',
'kk_kz': 'kk_KZ.ptcp154',
'kl': 'kl_GL.ISO8859-1',
'kl_gl': 'kl_GL.ISO8859-1',
'km_kh': 'km_KH.UTF-8',
'kn': 'kn_IN.UTF-8',
'kn_in': 'kn_IN.UTF-8',
'ko': 'ko_KR.eucKR',
'ko_kr': 'ko_KR.eucKR',
'ko_kr.euc': 'ko_KR.eucKR',
'kok_in': 'kok_IN.UTF-8',
'korean': 'ko_KR.eucKR',
'korean.euc': 'ko_KR.eucKR',
'ks': 'ks_IN.UTF-8',
'ks_in': 'ks_IN.UTF-8',
'ks_in@devanagari.utf8': 'ks_IN.UTF-8@devanagari',
'ku_tr': 'ku_TR.ISO8859-9',
'kw': 'kw_GB.ISO8859-1',
'kw_gb': 'kw_GB.ISO8859-1',
'ky': 'ky_KG.UTF-8',
'ky_kg': 'ky_KG.UTF-8',
'lb_lu': 'lb_LU.UTF-8',
'lg_ug': 'lg_UG.ISO8859-10',
'li_be': 'li_BE.UTF-8',
'li_nl': 'li_NL.UTF-8',
'lij_it': 'lij_IT.UTF-8',
'lithuanian': 'lt_LT.ISO8859-13',
'ln_cd': 'ln_CD.UTF-8',
'lo': 'lo_LA.MULELAO-1',
'lo_la': 'lo_LA.MULELAO-1',
'lo_la.cp1133': 'lo_LA.IBM-CP1133',
'lo_la.ibmcp1133': 'lo_LA.IBM-CP1133',
'lo_la.mulelao1': 'lo_LA.MULELAO-1',
'lt': 'lt_LT.ISO8859-13',
'lt_lt': 'lt_LT.ISO8859-13',
'lv': 'lv_LV.ISO8859-13',
'lv_lv': 'lv_LV.ISO8859-13',
'lzh_tw': 'lzh_TW.UTF-8',
'mag_in': 'mag_IN.UTF-8',
'mai': 'mai_IN.UTF-8',
'mai_in': 'mai_IN.UTF-8',
'mai_np': 'mai_NP.UTF-8',
'mfe_mu': 'mfe_MU.UTF-8',
'mg_mg': 'mg_MG.ISO8859-15',
'mhr_ru': 'mhr_RU.UTF-8',
'mi': 'mi_NZ.ISO8859-1',
'mi_nz': 'mi_NZ.ISO8859-1',
'miq_ni': 'miq_NI.UTF-8',
'mjw_in': 'mjw_IN.UTF-8',
'mk': 'mk_MK.ISO8859-5',
'mk_mk': 'mk_MK.ISO8859-5',
'ml': 'ml_IN.UTF-8',
'ml_in': 'ml_IN.UTF-8',
'mn_mn': 'mn_MN.UTF-8',
'mni_in': 'mni_IN.UTF-8',
'mr': 'mr_IN.UTF-8',
'mr_in': 'mr_IN.UTF-8',
'ms': 'ms_MY.ISO8859-1',
'ms_my': 'ms_MY.ISO8859-1',
'mt': 'mt_MT.ISO8859-3',
'mt_mt': 'mt_MT.ISO8859-3',
'my_mm': 'my_MM.UTF-8',
'nan_tw': 'nan_TW.UTF-8',
'nb': 'nb_NO.ISO8859-1',
'nb_no': 'nb_NO.ISO8859-1',
'nds_de': 'nds_DE.UTF-8',
'nds_nl': 'nds_NL.UTF-8',
'ne_np': 'ne_NP.UTF-8',
'nhn_mx': 'nhn_MX.UTF-8',
'niu_nu': 'niu_NU.UTF-8',
'niu_nz': 'niu_NZ.UTF-8',
'nl': 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1',
'nl_aw': 'nl_AW.UTF-8',
'nl_be': 'nl_BE.ISO8859-1',
'nl_nl': 'nl_NL.ISO8859-1',
'nn': 'nn_NO.ISO8859-1',
'nn_no': 'nn_NO.ISO8859-1',
'no': 'no_NO.ISO8859-1',
'no@nynorsk': 'ny_NO.ISO8859-1',
'no_no': 'no_NO.ISO8859-1',
'no_no.iso88591@bokmal': 'no_NO.ISO8859-1',
'no_no.iso88591@nynorsk': 'no_NO.ISO8859-1',
'norwegian': 'no_NO.ISO8859-1',
'nr': 'nr_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'nr_za': 'nr_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'nso': 'nso_ZA.ISO8859-15',
'nso_za': 'nso_ZA.ISO8859-15',
'ny': 'ny_NO.ISO8859-1',
'ny_no': 'ny_NO.ISO8859-1',
'nynorsk': 'nn_NO.ISO8859-1',
'oc': 'oc_FR.ISO8859-1',
'oc_fr': 'oc_FR.ISO8859-1',
'om_et': 'om_ET.UTF-8',
'om_ke': 'om_KE.ISO8859-1',
'or': 'or_IN.UTF-8',
'or_in': 'or_IN.UTF-8',
'os_ru': 'os_RU.UTF-8',
'pa': 'pa_IN.UTF-8',
'pa_in': 'pa_IN.UTF-8',
'pa_pk': 'pa_PK.UTF-8',
'pap_an': 'pap_AN.UTF-8',
'pap_aw': 'pap_AW.UTF-8',
'pap_cw': 'pap_CW.UTF-8',
'pd': 'pd_US.ISO8859-1',
'pd_de': 'pd_DE.ISO8859-1',
'pd_us': 'pd_US.ISO8859-1',
'ph': 'ph_PH.ISO8859-1',
'ph_ph': 'ph_PH.ISO8859-1',
'pl': 'pl_PL.ISO8859-2',
'pl_pl': 'pl_PL.ISO8859-2',
'polish': 'pl_PL.ISO8859-2',
'portuguese': 'pt_PT.ISO8859-1',
'portuguese_brazil': 'pt_BR.ISO8859-1',
'posix': 'C',
'posix-utf2': 'C',
'pp': 'pp_AN.ISO8859-1',
'pp_an': 'pp_AN.ISO8859-1',
'ps_af': 'ps_AF.UTF-8',
'pt': 'pt_PT.ISO8859-1',
'pt_br': 'pt_BR.ISO8859-1',
'pt_pt': 'pt_PT.ISO8859-1',
'quz_pe': 'quz_PE.UTF-8',
'raj_in': 'raj_IN.UTF-8',
'ro': 'ro_RO.ISO8859-2',
'ro_ro': 'ro_RO.ISO8859-2',
'romanian': 'ro_RO.ISO8859-2',
'ru': 'ru_RU.UTF-8',
'ru_ru': 'ru_RU.UTF-8',
'ru_ua': 'ru_UA.KOI8-U',
'rumanian': 'ro_RO.ISO8859-2',
'russian': 'ru_RU.KOI8-R',
'rw': 'rw_RW.ISO8859-1',
'rw_rw': 'rw_RW.ISO8859-1',
'sa_in': 'sa_IN.UTF-8',
'sat_in': 'sat_IN.UTF-8',
'sc_it': 'sc_IT.UTF-8',
'sd': 'sd_IN.UTF-8',
'sd_in': 'sd_IN.UTF-8',
'sd_in@devanagari.utf8': 'sd_IN.UTF-8@devanagari',
'sd_pk': 'sd_PK.UTF-8',
'se_no': 'se_NO.UTF-8',
'serbocroatian': 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin',
'sgs_lt': 'sgs_LT.UTF-8',
'sh': 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin',
'sh_ba.iso88592@bosnia': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2',
'sh_hr': 'sh_HR.ISO8859-2',
'sh_hr.iso88592': 'hr_HR.ISO8859-2',
'sh_sp': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2',
'sh_yu': 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin',
'shn_mm': 'shn_MM.UTF-8',
'shs_ca': 'shs_CA.UTF-8',
'si': 'si_LK.UTF-8',
'si_lk': 'si_LK.UTF-8',
'sid_et': 'sid_ET.UTF-8',
'sinhala': 'si_LK.UTF-8',
'sk': 'sk_SK.ISO8859-2',
'sk_sk': 'sk_SK.ISO8859-2',
'sl': 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2',
'sl_cs': 'sl_CS.ISO8859-2',
'sl_si': 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2',
'slovak': 'sk_SK.ISO8859-2',
'slovene': 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2',
'slovenian': 'sl_SI.ISO8859-2',
'sm_ws': 'sm_WS.UTF-8',
'so_dj': 'so_DJ.ISO8859-1',
'so_et': 'so_ET.UTF-8',
'so_ke': 'so_KE.ISO8859-1',
'so_so': 'so_SO.ISO8859-1',
'sp': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5',
'sp_yu': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5',
'spanish': 'es_ES.ISO8859-1',
'spanish_spain': 'es_ES.ISO8859-1',
'sq': 'sq_AL.ISO8859-2',
'sq_al': 'sq_AL.ISO8859-2',
'sq_mk': 'sq_MK.UTF-8',
'sr': 'sr_RS.UTF-8',
'sr@cyrillic': 'sr_RS.UTF-8',
'sr@latn': 'sr_CS.UTF-8@latin',
'sr_cs': 'sr_CS.UTF-8',
'sr_cs.iso88592@latn': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2',
'sr_cs@latn': 'sr_CS.UTF-8@latin',
'sr_me': 'sr_ME.UTF-8',
'sr_rs': 'sr_RS.UTF-8',
'sr_rs@latn': 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin',
'sr_sp': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2',
'sr_yu': 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin',
'sr_yu.cp1251@cyrillic': 'sr_CS.CP1251',
'sr_yu.iso88592': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-2',
'sr_yu.iso88595': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5',
'sr_yu.iso88595@cyrillic': 'sr_CS.ISO8859-5',
'sr_yu.microsoftcp1251@cyrillic': 'sr_CS.CP1251',
'sr_yu.utf8': 'sr_RS.UTF-8',
'sr_yu.utf8@cyrillic': 'sr_RS.UTF-8',
'sr_yu@cyrillic': 'sr_RS.UTF-8',
'ss': 'ss_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'ss_za': 'ss_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'st': 'st_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'st_za': 'st_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'sv': 'sv_SE.ISO8859-1',
'sv_fi': 'sv_FI.ISO8859-1',
'sv_se': 'sv_SE.ISO8859-1',
'sw_ke': 'sw_KE.UTF-8',
'sw_tz': 'sw_TZ.UTF-8',
'swedish': 'sv_SE.ISO8859-1',
'szl_pl': 'szl_PL.UTF-8',
'ta': 'ta_IN.TSCII-0',
'ta_in': 'ta_IN.TSCII-0',
'ta_in.tscii': 'ta_IN.TSCII-0',
'ta_in.tscii0': 'ta_IN.TSCII-0',
'ta_lk': 'ta_LK.UTF-8',
'tcy_in.utf8': 'tcy_IN.UTF-8',
'te': 'te_IN.UTF-8',
'te_in': 'te_IN.UTF-8',
'tg': 'tg_TJ.KOI8-C',
'tg_tj': 'tg_TJ.KOI8-C',
'th': 'th_TH.ISO8859-11',
'th_th': 'th_TH.ISO8859-11',
'th_th.tactis': 'th_TH.TIS620',
'th_th.tis620': 'th_TH.TIS620',
'thai': 'th_TH.ISO8859-11',
'the_np': 'the_NP.UTF-8',
'ti_er': 'ti_ER.UTF-8',
'ti_et': 'ti_ET.UTF-8',
'tig_er': 'tig_ER.UTF-8',
'tk_tm': 'tk_TM.UTF-8',
'tl': 'tl_PH.ISO8859-1',
'tl_ph': 'tl_PH.ISO8859-1',
'tn': 'tn_ZA.ISO8859-15',
'tn_za': 'tn_ZA.ISO8859-15',
'to_to': 'to_TO.UTF-8',
'tpi_pg': 'tpi_PG.UTF-8',
'tr': 'tr_TR.ISO8859-9',
'tr_cy': 'tr_CY.ISO8859-9',
'tr_tr': 'tr_TR.ISO8859-9',
'ts': 'ts_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'ts_za': 'ts_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'tt': 'tt_RU.TATAR-CYR',
'tt_ru': 'tt_RU.TATAR-CYR',
'tt_ru.tatarcyr': 'tt_RU.TATAR-CYR',
'tt_ru@iqtelif': 'tt_RU.UTF-8@iqtelif',
'turkish': 'tr_TR.ISO8859-9',
'ug_cn': 'ug_CN.UTF-8',
'uk': 'uk_UA.KOI8-U',
'uk_ua': 'uk_UA.KOI8-U',
'univ': 'en_US.utf',
'universal': 'en_US.utf',
'universal.utf8@ucs4': 'en_US.UTF-8',
'unm_us': 'unm_US.UTF-8',
'ur': 'ur_PK.CP1256',
'ur_in': 'ur_IN.UTF-8',
'ur_pk': 'ur_PK.CP1256',
'uz': 'uz_UZ.UTF-8',
'uz_uz': 'uz_UZ.UTF-8',
'uz_uz@cyrillic': 'uz_UZ.UTF-8',
've': 've_ZA.UTF-8',
've_za': 've_ZA.UTF-8',
'vi': 'vi_VN.TCVN',
'vi_vn': 'vi_VN.TCVN',
'vi_vn.tcvn': 'vi_VN.TCVN',
'vi_vn.tcvn5712': 'vi_VN.TCVN',
'vi_vn.viscii': 'vi_VN.VISCII',
'vi_vn.viscii111': 'vi_VN.VISCII',
'wa': 'wa_BE.ISO8859-1',
'wa_be': 'wa_BE.ISO8859-1',
'wae_ch': 'wae_CH.UTF-8',
'wal_et': 'wal_ET.UTF-8',
'wo_sn': 'wo_SN.UTF-8',
'xh': 'xh_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'xh_za': 'xh_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'yi': 'yi_US.CP1255',
'yi_us': 'yi_US.CP1255',
'yo_ng': 'yo_NG.UTF-8',
'yue_hk': 'yue_HK.UTF-8',
'yuw_pg': 'yuw_PG.UTF-8',
'zh': 'zh_CN.eucCN',
'zh_cn': 'zh_CN.gb2312',
'zh_cn.big5': 'zh_TW.big5',
'zh_cn.euc': 'zh_CN.eucCN',
'zh_hk': 'zh_HK.big5hkscs',
'zh_hk.big5hk': 'zh_HK.big5hkscs',
'zh_sg': 'zh_SG.GB2312',
'zh_sg.gbk': 'zh_SG.GBK',
'zh_tw': 'zh_TW.big5',
'zh_tw.euc': 'zh_TW.eucTW',
'zh_tw.euctw': 'zh_TW.eucTW',
'zu': 'zu_ZA.ISO8859-1',
'zu_za': 'zu_ZA.ISO8859-1',
# This maps Windows language identifiers to locale strings.
# This list has been updated from
# to include every locale up to Windows Vista.
# NOTE: this mapping is incomplete. If your language is missing, please
# submit a bug report to the Python bug tracker at
# Make sure you include the missing language identifier and the suggested
# locale code.
windows_locale = {
0x0436: "af_ZA", # Afrikaans
0x041c: "sq_AL", # Albanian
0x0484: "gsw_FR",# Alsatian - France
0x045e: "am_ET", # Amharic - Ethiopia
0x0401: "ar_SA", # Arabic - Saudi Arabia
0x0801: "ar_IQ", # Arabic - Iraq
0x0c01: "ar_EG", # Arabic - Egypt
0x1001: "ar_LY", # Arabic - Libya
0x1401: "ar_DZ", # Arabic - Algeria
0x1801: "ar_MA", # Arabic - Morocco
0x1c01: "ar_TN", # Arabic - Tunisia
0x2001: "ar_OM", # Arabic - Oman
0x2401: "ar_YE", # Arabic - Yemen
0x2801: "ar_SY", # Arabic - Syria
0x2c01: "ar_JO", # Arabic - Jordan
0x3001: "ar_LB", # Arabic - Lebanon
0x3401: "ar_KW", # Arabic - Kuwait
0x3801: "ar_AE", # Arabic - United Arab Emirates
0x3c01: "ar_BH", # Arabic - Bahrain
0x4001: "ar_QA", # Arabic - Qatar
0x042b: "hy_AM", # Armenian
0x044d: "as_IN", # Assamese - India
0x042c: "az_AZ", # Azeri - Latin
0x082c: "az_AZ", # Azeri - Cyrillic
0x046d: "ba_RU", # Bashkir
0x042d: "eu_ES", # Basque - Russia
0x0423: "be_BY", # Belarusian
0x0445: "bn_IN", # Begali
0x201a: "bs_BA", # Bosnian - Cyrillic
0x141a: "bs_BA", # Bosnian - Latin
0x047e: "br_FR", # Breton - France
0x0402: "bg_BG", # Bulgarian
# 0x0455: "my_MM", # Burmese - Not supported
0x0403: "ca_ES", # Catalan
0x0004: "zh_CHS",# Chinese - Simplified
0x0404: "zh_TW", # Chinese - Taiwan
0x0804: "zh_CN", # Chinese - PRC
0x0c04: "zh_HK", # Chinese - Hong Kong S.A.R.
0x1004: "zh_SG", # Chinese - Singapore
0x1404: "zh_MO", # Chinese - Macao S.A.R.
0x7c04: "zh_CHT",# Chinese - Traditional
0x0483: "co_FR", # Corsican - France
0x041a: "hr_HR", # Croatian
0x101a: "hr_BA", # Croatian - Bosnia
0x0405: "cs_CZ", # Czech
0x0406: "da_DK", # Danish
0x048c: "gbz_AF",# Dari - Afghanistan
0x0465: "div_MV",# Divehi - Maldives
0x0413: "nl_NL", # Dutch - The Netherlands
0x0813: "nl_BE", # Dutch - Belgium
0x0409: "en_US", # English - United States
0x0809: "en_GB", # English - United Kingdom
0x0c09: "en_AU", # English - Australia
0x1009: "en_CA", # English - Canada
0x1409: "en_NZ", # English - New Zealand
0x1809: "en_IE", # English - Ireland
0x1c09: "en_ZA", # English - South Africa
0x2009: "en_JA", # English - Jamaica
0x2409: "en_CB", # English - Caribbean
0x2809: "en_BZ", # English - Belize
0x2c09: "en_TT", # English - Trinidad
0x3009: "en_ZW", # English - Zimbabwe
0x3409: "en_PH", # English - Philippines
0x4009: "en_IN", # English - India
0x4409: "en_MY", # English - Malaysia
0x4809: "en_IN", # English - Singapore
0x0425: "et_EE", # Estonian
0x0438: "fo_FO", # Faroese
0x0464: "fil_PH",# Filipino
0x040b: "fi_FI", # Finnish
0x040c: "fr_FR", # French - France
0x080c: "fr_BE", # French - Belgium
0x0c0c: "fr_CA", # French - Canada
0x100c: "fr_CH", # French - Switzerland
0x140c: "fr_LU", # French - Luxembourg
0x180c: "fr_MC", # French - Monaco
0x0462: "fy_NL", # Frisian - Netherlands
0x0456: "gl_ES", # Galician
0x0437: "ka_GE", # Georgian
0x0407: "de_DE", # German - Germany
0x0807: "de_CH", # German - Switzerland
0x0c07: "de_AT", # German - Austria
0x1007: "de_LU", # German - Luxembourg
0x1407: "de_LI", # German - Liechtenstein
0x0408: "el_GR", # Greek
0x046f: "kl_GL", # Greenlandic - Greenland
0x0447: "gu_IN", # Gujarati
0x0468: "ha_NG", # Hausa - Latin
0x040d: "he_IL", # Hebrew
0x0439: "hi_IN", # Hindi
0x040e: "hu_HU", # Hungarian
0x040f: "is_IS", # Icelandic
0x0421: "id_ID", # Indonesian
0x045d: "iu_CA", # Inuktitut - Syllabics
0x085d: "iu_CA", # Inuktitut - Latin
0x083c: "ga_IE", # Irish - Ireland
0x0410: "it_IT", # Italian - Italy
0x0810: "it_CH", # Italian - Switzerland
0x0411: "ja_JP", # Japanese
0x044b: "kn_IN", # Kannada - India
0x043f: "kk_KZ", # Kazakh
0x0453: "kh_KH", # Khmer - Cambodia
0x0486: "qut_GT",# K'iche - Guatemala
0x0487: "rw_RW", # Kinyarwanda - Rwanda
0x0457: "kok_IN",# Konkani
0x0412: "ko_KR", # Korean
0x0440: "ky_KG", # Kyrgyz
0x0454: "lo_LA", # Lao - Lao PDR
0x0426: "lv_LV", # Latvian
0x0427: "lt_LT", # Lithuanian
0x082e: "dsb_DE",# Lower Sorbian - Germany
0x046e: "lb_LU", # Luxembourgish
0x042f: "mk_MK", # FYROM Macedonian
0x043e: "ms_MY", # Malay - Malaysia
0x083e: "ms_BN", # Malay - Brunei Darussalam
0x044c: "ml_IN", # Malayalam - India
0x043a: "mt_MT", # Maltese
0x0481: "mi_NZ", # Maori
0x047a: "arn_CL",# Mapudungun
0x044e: "mr_IN", # Marathi
0x047c: "moh_CA",# Mohawk - Canada
0x0450: "mn_MN", # Mongolian - Cyrillic
0x0850: "mn_CN", # Mongolian - PRC
0x0461: "ne_NP", # Nepali
0x0414: "nb_NO", # Norwegian - Bokmal
0x0814: "nn_NO", # Norwegian - Nynorsk
0x0482: "oc_FR", # Occitan - France
0x0448: "or_IN", # Oriya - India
0x0463: "ps_AF", # Pashto - Afghanistan
0x0429: "fa_IR", # Persian
0x0415: "pl_PL", # Polish
0x0416: "pt_BR", # Portuguese - Brazil
0x0816: "pt_PT", # Portuguese - Portugal
0x0446: "pa_IN", # Punjabi
0x046b: "quz_BO",# Quechua (Bolivia)
0x086b: "quz_EC",# Quechua (Ecuador)
0x0c6b: "quz_PE",# Quechua (Peru)
0x0418: "ro_RO", # Romanian - Romania
0x0417: "rm_CH", # Romansh
0x0419: "ru_RU", # Russian
0x243b: "smn_FI",# Sami Finland
0x103b: "smj_NO",# Sami Norway
0x143b: "smj_SE",# Sami Sweden
0x043b: "se_NO", # Sami Northern Norway
0x083b: "se_SE", # Sami Northern Sweden
0x0c3b: "se_FI", # Sami Northern Finland
0x203b: "sms_FI",# Sami Skolt
0x183b: "sma_NO",# Sami Southern Norway
0x1c3b: "sma_SE",# Sami Southern Sweden
0x044f: "sa_IN", # Sanskrit
0x0c1a: "sr_SP", # Serbian - Cyrillic
0x1c1a: "sr_BA", # Serbian - Bosnia Cyrillic
0x081a: "sr_SP", # Serbian - Latin
0x181a: "sr_BA", # Serbian - Bosnia Latin
0x045b: "si_LK", # Sinhala - Sri Lanka
0x046c: "ns_ZA", # Northern Sotho
0x0432: "tn_ZA", # Setswana - Southern Africa
0x041b: "sk_SK", # Slovak
0x0424: "sl_SI", # Slovenian
0x040a: "es_ES", # Spanish - Spain
0x080a: "es_MX", # Spanish - Mexico
0x0c0a: "es_ES", # Spanish - Spain (Modern)
0x100a: "es_GT", # Spanish - Guatemala
0x140a: "es_CR", # Spanish - Costa Rica
0x180a: "es_PA", # Spanish - Panama
0x1c0a: "es_DO", # Spanish - Dominican Republic
0x200a: "es_VE", # Spanish - Venezuela
0x240a: "es_CO", # Spanish - Colombia
0x280a: "es_PE", # Spanish - Peru
0x2c0a: "es_AR", # Spanish - Argentina
0x300a: "es_EC", # Spanish - Ecuador
0x340a: "es_CL", # Spanish - Chile
0x380a: "es_UR", # Spanish - Uruguay
0x3c0a: "es_PY", # Spanish - Paraguay
0x400a: "es_BO", # Spanish - Bolivia
0x440a: "es_SV", # Spanish - El Salvador
0x480a: "es_HN", # Spanish - Honduras
0x4c0a: "es_NI", # Spanish - Nicaragua
0x500a: "es_PR", # Spanish - Puerto Rico
0x540a: "es_US", # Spanish - United States
# 0x0430: "", # Sutu - Not supported
0x0441: "sw_KE", # Swahili
0x041d: "sv_SE", # Swedish - Sweden
0x081d: "sv_FI", # Swedish - Finland
0x045a: "syr_SY",# Syriac
0x0428: "tg_TJ", # Tajik - Cyrillic
0x085f: "tmz_DZ",# Tamazight - Latin
0x0449: "ta_IN", # Tamil
0x0444: "tt_RU", # Tatar
0x044a: "te_IN", # Telugu
0x041e: "th_TH", # Thai
0x0851: "bo_BT", # Tibetan - Bhutan
0x0451: "bo_CN", # Tibetan - PRC
0x041f: "tr_TR", # Turkish
0x0442: "tk_TM", # Turkmen - Cyrillic
0x0480: "ug_CN", # Uighur - Arabic
0x0422: "uk_UA", # Ukrainian
0x042e: "wen_DE",# Upper Sorbian - Germany
0x0420: "ur_PK", # Urdu
0x0820: "ur_IN", # Urdu - India
0x0443: "uz_UZ", # Uzbek - Latin
0x0843: "uz_UZ", # Uzbek - Cyrillic
0x042a: "vi_VN", # Vietnamese
0x0452: "cy_GB", # Welsh
0x0488: "wo_SN", # Wolof - Senegal
0x0434: "xh_ZA", # Xhosa - South Africa
0x0485: "sah_RU",# Yakut - Cyrillic
0x0478: "ii_CN", # Yi - PRC
0x046a: "yo_NG", # Yoruba - Nigeria
0x0435: "zu_ZA", # Zulu
def _print_locale():
""" Test function.
categories = {}
def _init_categories(categories=categories):
for k,v in globals().items():
if k[:3] == 'LC_':
categories[k] = v
del categories['LC_ALL']
print('Locale defaults as determined by getdefaultlocale():')
lang, enc = getdefaultlocale()
print('Language: ', lang or '(undefined)')
print('Encoding: ', enc or '(undefined)')
print('Locale settings on startup:')
for name,category in categories.items():
print(name, '...')
lang, enc = getlocale(category)
print(' Language: ', lang or '(undefined)')
print(' Encoding: ', enc or '(undefined)')
print('Locale settings after calling resetlocale():')
for name,category in categories.items():
print(name, '...')
lang, enc = getlocale(category)
print(' Language: ', lang or '(undefined)')
print(' Encoding: ', enc or '(undefined)')
setlocale(LC_ALL, "")
print('setlocale(LC_ALL, "") does not support the default locale')
print('given in the OS environment variables.')
print('Locale settings after calling setlocale(LC_ALL, ""):')
for name,category in categories.items():
print(name, '...')
lang, enc = getlocale(category)
print(' Language: ', lang or '(undefined)')
print(' Encoding: ', enc or '(undefined)')
except NameError:
if __name__=='__main__':
print('Locale aliasing:')
print('Number formatting:')
Pin Up Database - The Pinup Database
Sort By: Pin Up Name Pin Up Group Name City Zip Province Date posted Date last modified
Full Bio
Modern Day Pin Up Magazine features Pin Ups from around the world, articles, tutorials and small businesses that promote the vintage stye! Submissions are always open for anything Pin Up related. We are always looking for Retro inspired articles and small businesses to feature.
Short Bio Army Veteran turned pinup 😉
Full Bio I've always loved the vintage/pinup style. From the cars to the clothes, its always been so fascinating to me.
Published in the Following Publications Retro Lovely # 30 and Smitten Kitten
Full Bio Hey, Sugar! My name is Billie Jayne DeVille. I was born and raised a Georgia Peach but I now
call South Carolina my home. I'm a full-time artist/pinstriper and a total sucker for whitewall
tires and big tailfins! When I'm not painting, you can find me cruising in my 53 Chevy, my 55
Cadillac, my 63 T-bird or in the shop getting down and dirty with my 58 Plymouth restoration project! I am also co-owner of Deville Magazine, a quarterly kustom kulture publication available in both print and digital!
Published in the Following Publications Car Kulture Deluxe, Retro Lovely, Delicious Dolls, Bombshell Magazine, Garters & Grills, Smitten Kitten, Grease Magazine, Modern Day Pinup, The Social Pin, Pinup Kulture, Dappers & Dames, Rocket Magazine, Chica Boom, Hussy Magazine, Twisted Pulp, DeVille Magazine, Cherry Bomb Magazine
Pin Up Group Name erikasteelexoxo
Photography Studio Name KEARNEYINK78
Short Bio Easy riders centerfold,
Full Bio cabaret dancer at LUCKY LADY CABARET, internet chat model for myfreecams, published Easy riders centerfold and spokesmodel, Gold avenger for,, always looking for cool photographers to shoot with...
Magazines include
Leg Show, Leg Sex, Leg Action, Easyriders motorcycle magazine, Busty Beauties, Gent
Titles include
Miss Easyriders (voted centerfold of the year for Easyriders)
Miss Nude Midwest
Miss Nude Northeast
Voted club favorite awarded by Exotic Dancers Publications
Television appearances
Ricki Lake - Life of a Dancer
Jerry Springer - Lesbian Love Triangle
Cosplay - The Gold Avenger for
Catfight -
model for Babestation tv UK cams
Contact information
Published in the Following Publications LEG SHOW, LEG SEX, BUSY; GENT, lucky lady cabaret club advertisement
Pin Up Group Name Bay City Bombshells
Short Bio Our Mission: To empower women to peruse their dreams with style and class.
Full Bio Bay City Bombshells (BCB) is a group for women that love the pin-up/vintage/retro/rockabilly lifestyle, the fashion and look, or aspire to learn more about living a vintage lifestyle. Here we are able to share what makes us a bombshell, and share tips and tricks with each other.
Full Bio Lyndah Pizarro is reality TV personality with a love for all things Pin Up. Lyndah is globally syndicated thanks to her starring role on the hit TV show Operation Repo. Well know for being aired all across the globe and in numerous countries, Lyndah then took her notoriety to different areas where she found much success such as starting her own clothing link known as Pink Pizza, starting her own skin care line known as Lyndah face and make up known as Lyndah Beauty. Lyndah decided to then take a shot at modeling. After trying different genres if modeling, she finally landed where she was always meant to land, in the Pin up world. Since her first photo shoot as a pin up model with Girlie Show photography, Lyndah has been published twice in RetroLovely Magazine and can also be found in Pin Up Kulture Magazine. Then in 2020, Lyndah found herself in her very first international publication with BombShell Magazine.
Published in the Following Publications RetroLovely Magazine, Pin Up Kulture Magazine, BombShell Magazine
Pin Up Group Name Pin Ups & Pumps TN
Full Bio The Pin Ups & Pumps TN chapter empowers women through the art of pinup, blending vintage style with a passion for community outreach and volunteer work across Southeast Tennessee. We celebrate the charm of classic fashion and car culture while making a meaningful impact in our community!
Published in the Following Publications Retro Lovely, Smitten Kitten Pinup, Deville, Bombshell, Drive-In
Full Bio I was born in Indiana but moved to Tennessee in my late teens. My mother introduced me to Marilyn Monroe at a very young age and I have been enamored with everything pin-up, vintage, and retro ever since. I started pin-up modeling in 2019 with my best friend and photographer Pamela Claytor. I have been very lucky to be a part of her vision and have her expertise along the way. I have been published 7 times so far and have 5 more publications coming up!
Published in the Following Publications The Golden Exposure Inked Aug 2020 - RetroLovely Scrapbook Vol 10 - RetroLovely Heavy Ink No.5 - RetroLovely Taboo No. 34 - RetroLovely Hot Rods Special Edition Vol 1 - Bombshell October 2020 Book 1 - RetroMan Magazine Issue 3 Tiki Special Edition
Photography Studio Name Je m'adore fine art portraits
Short Bio I am a portrait photographer, a mother, a wife, a chocoholic and most importantly a woman. I started my portrait studio with the desire to empower women and celebrate all the many things we can be. There is no age limit, no size limit and no weight limit in my studio. Furthermore, there is ZERO judgement.
Full Bio I am a portrait photographer, a mother, a wife, a chocoholic and most importantly a woman. I started my portrait studio with the desire to empower women and celebrate all the many things we can be. There is no age limit, no size limit and no weight limit in my studio. Furthermore, there is ZERO judgement.
As a woman, our thoughts are often triggered by our emotions. Let’s play with that for a moment. Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you have no limitations… what would that feel like? How would you dream of being photographed? Allow me to make that thought come true for you and capture beautiful images that you will cherish forever.
You deserve it. Come celebrate all your inner moments!
Short Bio Mom, pinup, designer
Full Bio Born and raised in California. Many summer evenings of my childhood could be found in the garage handing my dad a wrench or holding a flashlight. The smells of exhaust and motor oil bring back those happy memories, because of that, I can often be found at car shows. Most of my time is occupied with wrangling my two rambunctious young sons but when I have some free time I like to create. Whether that’s from either side of a lens, leaning over a craft table or dabbling away on a design, my mind is always thinking up a new creation.
Pin Up Group Membership PinUps with Heart, Hot Rod Hotties
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